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38 minutes ago, FailedScience said:

  boycott auctions until they become better organized. thats the only real option here

Let me know how that works out for you 




18 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

I had a friend trying to bid on some auction land a few months ago (before the tier changes) but found she was going to have to pay tier on the amount of land she was bidding on even if she didn't win -- so she didn't bid.  Personally I think that is "worse" than just having to amass the money to pay.

I checked with LL on this when I was buying via auction.  You are actually only increasing the radio button to authorize the tier, but the actual tier charge will really only happen if you win the auction and thus have the land.   It is NOT explained very well on any of the pages though.


Not being able to buy land via an auction 'for group' definitely complicates things - especially if said group is covering the land tier via donations from multiple people.  Then ditto on the selling side of things.

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26 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

You are actually only increasing the radio button to authorize the tier, but the actual tier charge will really only happen if you win the auction and thus have the land.   It is NOT explained very well on any of the pages though.

That should be made MUCH CLEARER -- hopefully it will be. Thanks.  She just added her 1024 (well I guess it was 512 then) back into a group and bought from a resident. Easier really and there are some good deals out there.     

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  • Lindens
53 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

I had a friend trying to bid on some auction land a few months ago (before the tier changes) but found she was going to have to pay tier on the amount of land she was bidding on even if she didn't win -- so she didn't bid. 

Hey Chic!

That is actually not correct.  You only have to pay monthly tier on any land you actually own or group donations you have made.  When you are just bidding, the land is not assigned to you so there is no way the system would know to charge you for a parcel you bid on.  If your friend wants, have them contact me and I would be more than happy to explain that. 

In regards to Group land, you would need to reclaim the parcel from the group before sending it to auction but it's really important for folks to also drop their group donation before reclaiming.  That's where most of the issues come from with group own land.  If you don't do that first, that's when you get charged the extra tier.  You always want to drop your group donation first before reclaiming any group owned land.  Once you are done moving your group land around, be sure to check the Land/Assets tab of the group and be sure all the group land is covered, otherwise you'll be hearing from a member of my team who can help you get it straightened out.

I'm always willing to chat about this process, so feel free to hit me up or send people my way. =)

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@keira linden - Below is from the Knowledge Base about Land Auctions (https://community.secondlife.com/knowledgebase/english/land-auctions-r1475/)
However, with my Land Use Fees radio button sitting at $0 and my Premium 1024 sqm already being used, I successfully submitted a bit on a 512 sqm plot and it did NOT give me any warning about tier increasing.  The only message I got was the box confirming my bid and tell me it would be deducted from my account now.


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3 hours ago, FailedScience said:

A new player will be deterred from buying any land now, if they have to fight people with endless amounts of L$ at their disposal for a 512sqm. Its an absurd way to go about this change. I thought the point was to attract more people not create more deterrents.

Why even bother with auctions? Just do a search for land.

Since you are bidding on multiple parcels at one time,  I suspect you might be a land flipper.

In that case it's great the new LL rules have messed up your plans.

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3 hours ago, FailedScience said:

A city plot a (512sqm) Baycity, Horizon, any of those places go for upwards of 100kL$ if a new player was really into this game and wanted to get one they would be dettered.

I bought a 512 roadfront in Zindra for about $3000 L. Considering every other 512 on the sim was going for at least twice that much, I considered it a good deal.

No offence, but anyone that would pay  $100,000 L for a 512  ANYWHERE on the grid needs their head examining.

Anyone starting out would be happy with a more moderately priced 512.

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4 hours ago, FailedScience said:

SO lets start with the fact that you are now required to have money before placing an auction bid.


If you place a bid on a parcel, you must be in a position to pay for it if you win.

If you place a bid on multiple parcels, you must be in a position to pay for them all if you win.

Linden Lab might have been ok taking your bids on faith, but you can be sure as hell resident to resident sales are not as forgiving.

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2 hours ago, FailedScience said:

boycott auctions until they become better organized. thats the only real option here. im not gunna bid on two 150k plots in one auction and then loosing both. its absurd. absolutely absurd. idk how they didnt think that one through. or maybe they did and they want to rip their population off. Maybe a linden has a comment to say @Oz Linden I noticed you're following this topic... Any input?

Maybe you could tie your auction boycott with that rent boycott someone wanted to organize.


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1 hour ago, Keira Linden said:

Hey Chic!

That is actually not correct.  You only have to pay monthly tier on any land you actually own or group donations you have made.  When you are just bidding, the land is not assigned to you so there is no way the system would know to charge you for a parcel you bid on.  If your friend wants, have them contact me and I would be more than happy to explain that. 

In regards to Group land, you would need to reclaim the parcel from the group before sending it to auction but it's really important for folks to also drop their group donation before reclaiming.  That's where most of the issues come from with group own land.  If you don't do that first, that's when you get charged the extra tier.  You always want to drop your group donation first before reclaiming any group owned land.  Once you are done moving your group land around, be sure to check the Land/Assets tab of the group and be sure all the group land is covered, otherwise you'll be hearing from a member of my team who can help you get it straightened out.

I'm always willing to chat about this process, so feel free to hit me up or send people my way. =)

Thanks. I think she is good. The "problem" (I was thinking about this while cleaning house :D) is that things CHANGE and those of us who have been around a long while remember those OOPS moments in the past. A couple of friends years ago ended up paying extra tier after selling land and NOT going back and turning their tier radio button "down" to what they owned after they sold. It wasn't a huge amount as the land was small but I can see that it COULD have been.  We were warning folks about that a lot way back then.

That has changed now and a very good thing IMHO. 

BUT the folks that ended up paying tier that they "shouldn't have and never used (back then)" because of that radio button  REMEMBER and it isn't a good memory LOL.  Hence they are VERY leery.  The group land thing while I understand the process is messy so I doubt all that many folks will go through the steps in order to put their land up for auction. Actually most of the folks I know have sold their land fairly quickly as long as it is a reasonable price. Part of that of course is buying better than average land to start out with *wink*.  

BUT VERY GOOD to have that spelled out here. Hope that it gets explained well in the new system as it was NOT obvious at all in the old.  And good to have on this thread. Appreciate you taking the time. 


Edited by Chic Aeon
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I would make a few minor tweaks to the auctions listing page, if it were up to me:

  • Default listings per page might be raised to 50 or 100 so the whole list shows... or maybe the whole list of abandoned land auctions by Governor Linden, assuming that will be a category selection; there might be so many resident-to-resident auctions to make the whole list laggy to load -- although that seems unlikely.
  • Default sort order might be End Time. On the other hand, maybe I just always set it that way before, so this may not be as universally desired as I assume.
  • It would be handy to see L$/m². Granted, it's trivial mental arithmetic, but lazy as I am, just having the columns separated by the start and end times is enough to discourage me from calculating the simple division.
  • May be able to lose the Start Time column -- unless future auctions will have variable durations.

(I'm guessing that the Name field won't always contain the size information particularly for resident-to-resident auctions, so then that Size column will become important. At the moment, though, it's redundant.)

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  • Lindens
13 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

@keira linden - Below is from the Knowledge Base about Land Auctions (https://community.secondlife.com/knowledgebase/english/land-auctions-r1475/)
However, with my Land Use Fees radio button sitting at $0 and my Premium 1024 sqm already being used, I successfully submitted a bit on a 512 sqm plot and it did NOT give me any warning about tier increasing.  The only message I got was the box confirming my bid and tell me it would be deducted from my account now.


Hi LittleMe!

Thanks for bringing that to my attention.  I'll have a look at the system and get a jira started if needed.  I'll keep you updated on that progress.  =)

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  • Lindens
12 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

I would make a few minor tweaks to the auctions listing page, if it were up to me:

  • Default listings per page might be raised to 50 or 100 so the whole list shows... or maybe the whole list of abandoned land auctions by Governor Linden, assuming that will be a category selection; there might be so many resident-to-resident auctions to make the whole list laggy to load -- although that seems unlikely.
  • Default sort order might be End Time. On the other hand, maybe I just always set it that way before, so this may not be as universally desired as I assume.
  • It would be handy to see L$/m². Granted, it's trivial mental arithmetic, but lazy as I am, just having the columns separated by the start and end times is enough to discourage me from calculating the simple division.
  • May be able to lose the Start Time column -- unless future auctions will have variable durations.

(I'm guessing that the Name field won't always contain the size information particularly for resident-to-resident auctions, so then that Size column will become important. At the moment, though, it's redundant.)

Thanks for those suggestions, Qie!  We are still in the process of tweaking the new system and already have some tweaks planned (including a few of yours) coming soon.  We'll toss around your suggestions and see if we can make any of them stick. 

In the meantime, feel free to hit me up with any other tweaks you might feel would make the process better.  I'm sure once we roll out the resident to resident system there will be more tweaks as everyone gets used to that.  The joys of building a new tools! 

Thanks again!

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I would like to also have the choice of selecting by Region Rating. That way if I am only interested in seeing only Moderate regions that are up for auction, I do not have to see all the General and Adult regions also.

Another wish would be to be able to have a button to either collapse or expand the all of the green + buttons at once. I found it bothersome to click to expand the green + buttons, then clicking on one auction to see additional details on the parcel, then going back and all the green + buttons were collapsed again.


Edited by SkyhawkSkyrim
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  • Lindens
16 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

@keira linden - Below is from the Knowledge Base about Land Auctions (https://community.secondlife.com/knowledgebase/english/land-auctions-r1475/)
However, with my Land Use Fees radio button sitting at $0 and my Premium 1024 sqm already being used, I successfully submitted a bit on a 512 sqm plot and it did NOT give me any warning about tier increasing.  The only message I got was the box confirming my bid and tell me it would be deducted from my account now.

Hi LittleMe!

Thanks again for bringing that to my attention.  We have a quick fix going out this evening (along with a few other little fixes), but we're also looking into making the messaging more specific in the near future.

Let me know if you see anything else amiss in there!  =)

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1 hour ago, Keira Linden said:

Hi LittleMe!

Thanks again for bringing that to my attention.  We have a quick fix going out this evening (along with a few other little fixes), but we're also looking into making the messaging more specific in the near future.

Let me know if you see anything else amiss in there!  =)

So you have no input on why this change has happened? No answers? What is the reasoning behind forcing us to buy unneeded L$

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  • Lindens
45 minutes ago, FailedScience said:

So you have no input on why this change has happened? No answers? What is the reasoning behind forcing us to buy unneeded L$

Hi FailedScience,

The changes were made to make a more updated, compliant and expanded auction experience.  Holding funds in escrow helps to prevent bidding for the sake of driving up an auction price as well as ensuring that the winning party has funds available to actually complete the auction.  We have actually had residents bid at auction and then not be able to pay which makes for an unfair experience for those residents who made bids in good faith.   I do understand your argument, but the escrow system will continue to be in place for all auctions going forward. 

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1 minute ago, Keira Linden said:

Holding funds in escrow helps to prevent...

Thank you for doing it this way. It balances the needs of sellers to actually have a sale complete without time-wasters and encourages good auction practices on the part of the consumer. Pay attention to your auction and bid late.

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43 minutes ago, CoffeeDujour said:

Thank you for doing it this way. It balances the needs of sellers to actually have a sale complete without time-wasters and encourages good auction practices on the part of the consumer. Pay attention to your auction and bid late.

Agreed. Now let's make it simple for those who still don't understand:

"It are it betterz fo all now."

Edited by Alyona Su
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1 hour ago, Keira Linden said:

Hi FailedScience,

The changes were made to make a more updated, compliant and expanded auction experience.  Holding funds in escrow helps to prevent bidding for the sake of driving up an auction price as well as ensuring that the winning party has funds available to actually complete the auction.  We have actually had residents bid at auction and then not be able to pay which makes for an unfair experience for those residents who made bids in good faith.   I do understand your argument, but the escrow system will continue to be in place for all auctions going forward. 

There are better ways to go about doing this. Just lost a couple thousand a year from me. :)

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16 minutes ago, FailedScience said:

There are better ways to go about doing this. Just lost a couple thousand a year from me. :)

Actually, they didn't because you have stated several times "why would I spend {that much money} for no reason?" - which says you wouldn't have spent that much. Which means it's not lost to LL because it wasn't going to be there in the first place.

You also should look at the LindeX activity. Tens of thousands (RL U.S. $) a day is common. Not sure they'd notice your withheld couple thousand a year.

Things that make you go "Hmmm".

Edited by Alyona Su
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1 minute ago, Alyona Su said:

Actually, they didn't because you have stated several times "why would I spend {that much money} for no reason?" - which says you wouldn't have spent that much. Which means it's not lost to LL because it wasn't going to be there in the first place.

Things that make you go "Hmmm".

Actually I would have spent that much on multiple plots, but Im not going to spend that much on no plots. Or a possibility of a plot. Sadly I will no longer be playing auctions because I dont have money to waste for no reason. If im not winning the plot I have no need for 1000US in L$. If they want to refund me everytime I purchase L$ and didnt win thats a different thing. But they dont. So screw the auctions, and screw the lindens yet again another unsatisfied customer of 13 years. Good job guys.

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3 minutes ago, FailedScience said:

If they want to refund me everytime I purchase L$ and didnt win thats a different thing. But they dont. So screw the auctions, and screw the lindens yet again another unsatisfied customer of 13 years. Good job guys.

Um .. you get your L$ back if you don't win.

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How hard would it be to set an option for relist, or give to the second highest bidder.... I don't think it would be that hard, but instead they want to fork over money for no reason. Get out of here LL being shady and generally junk again... Can't say I'm in the least bit supprised after 13 years I've seen them do some really crummy things! :):)

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