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Roy Mildor

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So, the SIM owner decided to close the sim and you want LL to keep it open out of the goodness of their hearts? SL doesnt work that way.. Hell LIFE doesnt work that way.. My favorite brick and mortar hobby shop closed when the owner got sick, no amount of asking kept it open. He had a huge sale and closed up shop. DO i miss it, every single day. Is it coming back, no. 

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Welcome to all the people making their first forum post.  Has the sim actually disappeared completely or could it be the owner has closed access to rebuild it? I still see it on the map, just access denied.

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24 minutes ago, Roy Mildor said:

Cindy i am the owner/renter of Devin. I built and paid much money for Devin.  Sim is not offline. It was the landlord who simply closed the access for all and also for us whats our home.


Oh I am sorry, I misunderstood.  In that case I doubt LL will get involved and will class this as a resident - resident dispute.  The same thing happened to me years ago with a sim we rented at.  Not a nice situation, we had to move and rebuild.

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6600 L every week, that is 100 USD a month.... I would not give another resident that much money and pray he is a decent person and just close the sim.

You still have all the objects in your inventory and can build a new place. You have not lost it all. I don't know if you paid for many weeks in advance.... that sucks, you will not get them back.

Getting 1/2 region mainland would be safer? Then you pay directly to LL, and keep the land as long as there is a Second Life.


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42 minutes ago, Roy Mildor said:

Cindy i am the owner/renter of Devin. I built and paid much money for Devin.  Sim is not offline. It was the landlord who simply closed the access for all and also for us whats our home.

I think your best bet is to contact the land baron and find out why they closed it. Maybe they had good reasons (griever attacks, simulator malfunction or similar) Worst case scenario: find a more trustworthy land baron.

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9 minutes ago, Marianne Little said:

Getting 1/2 region mainland would be safer? Then you pay directly to LL, and keep the land as long as there is a Second Life.


I agree, that is a nice idea. Rent directly rom LL. I have seem so many cases of landlords disappearing from second life (happened with me, and i rented a small dome, very low rent, but a lot for me). I hope you will be able to solve this, that its a temporary situation. If not, do as Maianne and others said, reconstruct it somewhere else. You are an artist and I am sure you will be able to build another beautiful sim. 

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1 minute ago, Cesartje said:

I agree, that is a nice idea. Rent directly rom LL. I have seem so many cases of landlords disappearing from second life (happened with me, and i rented a small dome, very low rent, but a lot for me). I hope you will be able to solve this, that its a temporary situation. If not, do as Maianne and others said, reconstruct it somewhere else. You are an artist and I am sure you will be able to build another beautiful sim. 

That could also be the case, in case the land baron vanished you might be able to convince the Lindens to transfer the region to yourself instead of letting it perish. Would not count on it but asking - they say - costs nothing. 

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My saying: "Do not go, do not give" So, Linden Lab ... now show what you can .... or do you want to let such a nice SIM disappear? SL lives intervening between such SIM`s that are there for the public, where the avatar can take a break ... where you can take nice pictures and much more ... Devin saves please ... you have it in your hand

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I understand the OP here a bit. Renting from a Landlord is much more convenient than renting from the Lindens, you can quit very fast, most often from one week to the next... this convenience however comes with a price many ignore: The landlord can do so too.

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2 minutes ago, Fionalein said:

I understand the OP here a bit. Renting from a Landlord is much more convenient than renting from the Lindens, you can quit very fast, most often from one week to the next... this convenience however comes with a price many ignore: The landlord can do so too.

One thing I learned is: NEVER pay in advance.

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Ich finde es unzulässig und unkorrekt, das der Besitzer einer Sim diese schließt wie er es für richtig hält, ohne die Mieter zu warnen!  Devin 1 und 2 wurden mit viel Liebe, Phantasie und viel Arbeit geschaffen. Solchen Vermietern müßte sofort das Konto gesperrt und die darauf befindlichen Einnahmen eingefroren werden für Regressforderungen. So bleibt Betrügern weiterhin Tür und Tor geöffnet!

Ich wünsche mir das "Linden Labs" die Statuten ändert: nämlich die Vereinbarung mit den SIM-Besitzern. LL darf nicht zulassen das ein solches Verhalten stattfindet, nur weil es nicht eines Ihrer Länder ist! Linden Labs muss sich vorbehalten eingreifen zu dürfen, indem sie die Sim öffnen für die Mieter damit diese ihr Eigentum nehmen können oder die Sim sogar an den Mieter zum Verkauf anbieten falls der Landbesitzer mit der Miete bei LL im Rückstand ist.

Ich drücke euch fest die Daumen und hoffe das Linden Labs euch hilft, eingreift. Schließlich profitieren sie ja von uns Usern.

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You have two options: Somehow buy the Sim from the current owner (not rent it/any part of it, outright buy it and pay the tier on it yourself, directly to linden Lab) or write it off, move on and find somewhere else to go.

That's it, that's all and no amount of pleading here in the Forum will alter it.

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Devin is a place of peace. 
Whoever stayed in Devin enjoyed this wonderful feeling of silence and security. 
Devin is our home and we always liked to share it with all visitors. 
My heart is bleeding when Devin is gone, just because a landlord says he just has to close the sim :-(  
Linden, please, hold your protective hand over the people who keep SL alive !!! The inhabitants of Devin and the visitors of Devin are among them. 
Hope for Devin
Edited by Alienmaus Allen
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The forum is not the place for this guys, normally I'd say open a support ticket but in this case I don't see how this is LL's responsibility. The sim owner has full right of what they can do with their sim as long as they don't violate the TOS, and as a poster has already posted above this is most likely considered as resident-resident dispute by SL. 

If the sim has been closed down, maybe try contacting LL through a support ticket and see if they have a backup of the sim and would re-open the sim temporarily to allow you guys to come and take your stuff to put down somewhere. Otherwise your best bet is to keep trying to contact the sim owner and see if they would allow you to take your stuff. (or as Solar Legion said, somehow buy the sim from the current owner and pay the tier directly to LL)

Seeing how you guys manage to get a lot of people to post in the forum, I'd also suggest for you guys to get a full-region mainland land (there are some for sale) and pay the tier together through donated group land allotment :) it can be cheaper than a private homestead or full region if each of the donator go for annual.

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I find this forum helpful to also let LL know how things sometimes go down. Maybe that way LL will change things or help out in this matter. We payed rent afterall and this guy closed it down without refund or any notice about it being shut down. I still hope there is a chance for Devin 2.0 if the old sim cant be brought back to life.

HOPE for Devin

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3 hours ago, Fionalein said:

I think your best bet is to contact the land baron and find out why they closed it. Maybe they had good reasons (griever attacks, simulator malfunction or similar) Worst case scenario: find a more trustworthy land baron.

i sent   10  messages to  him, he dont  respond, griever were  not  there  cuz   i  live on this sim. he  just  came by nite and  closed  the  sim. 

Edited by Roy Mildor
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Just now, Roy Mildor said:

i sent   10  messages to  him, he dont  respond, griever were  not  there  cuz   i  live on this sim. he  just  came by nite and  closed  the  sim. 

Did he return your stuff?  If he didn't then you could report that to LL using the correct channels. A support ticket or maybe abuse report but as many others have said, this sort of thing happens all the time when renting from a private landlord and the only way to stop it happening again is to get a sim directly from LL

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2 hours ago, Cesartje said:

One thing I learned is: NEVER pay in advance.

we would  like   buy  our  own  homestead sim but  u have  to  buy a  full  sim  before , and  that  is  a  thing   we  cant go with .

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Just now, Roy Mildor said:

we would  like   buy  our  own  homestead sim but  u have  to  buy a  full  sim  before , and  that  is  a  thing   we  cant go with .

seeing all the people here that want to keep the sim alive that should be no problem at all.

But i assume most just post and never donated something substantial.

You have a homestead rental under 7000 L$ weekly.. with so many supporters that's peanuts.

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