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A bit confused about the new rules

Ceja Laval

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I'm new to Premium, and just set up a Linden home. With the new rules of 1,024 sqm with Premium membership, does that mean I can also get a 512 lot on the mainland? Or is it a choice between the 512 sqm Linden home and a 1,024 sqm parcel on the mainland? Has anyone heard of larger Linden homes being developed (or the lots themselves being somewhat enlarged to allow for gardens)?

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1 hour ago, Ceja Laval said:

I'm new to Premium, and just set up a Linden home. With the new rules of 1,024 sqm with Premium membership, does that mean I can also get a 512 lot on the mainland? Or is it a choice between the 512 sqm Linden home and a 1,024 sqm parcel on the mainland? Has anyone heard of larger Linden homes being developed (or the lots themselves being somewhat enlarged to allow for gardens)?

you can have the Linden home ánd 512 sqm at the mainland....

or.. 1024 mainland

there is nothing known about larger parcels for linden homes.. but thats also not the purpose of those, it's meant as trial for stepping onto mainland, and see if holding land and home is something you like.

Edited by Alwin Alcott
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I am new to premium account even though I have had it a few months. Very interested now in getting my 512 plot on mainland however, I can't find any. 

As with other's asking if the mainland plot was now 1024 I am guessing that is not so and just the Linden home is larger.

How do I find a 512 plot on mainland for my premium account? I have asked before and just told to go to land rental and that did not help.

Kind Regards

Avie Benoir

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3 minutes ago, Avie Benoir said:

I am new to premium account even though I have had it a few months. Very interested now in getting my 512 plot on mainland however, I can't find any. 

As with other's asking if the mainland plot was now 1024 I am guessing that is not so and just the Linden home is larger.

How do I find a 512 plot on mainland for my premium account? I have asked before and just told to go to land rental and that did not help.

Kind Regards

Avie Benoir

You can BUY any MAINLAND plot (up to 1024) and have no monthly TIER to pay. The lot isn't free. You can have a Linden home and ONE 512 lot without paying monthly tier fees OR you can have at 1024 lot THAT YOU HAVE PURCHASED and not pay any monthly tier fees. Think of tier like "taxes" that you normally pay each month. Any land OVER 1024 you will have to pay an extra monthly fee.

The change is only that you can now have a 1024 lot instead of a 512, so double.   You can find 1024 lots and 512 lots by looking in the search area of your viewer under MAINLAND.   

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28 minutes ago, Avie Benoir said:

Did I mention every plot I find on Linden Land is available yet says  'Not for Sale' and says maintenance.

Frustrating, annoying, I really don't need a 512 plot but it comes with the deal so let's get it. How?

as said: use the landsale search, not just randomly jump on land,  that won't work. (btw all land for sale will show as "yellow"on the map)

Also there isn't a parcel that comes with your premium: you have 1024 sqm free level of TIER ... you have to find and BUY the land yourself.


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3 hours ago, Alwin Alcott said:

as said: use the landsale search, not just randomly jump on land,  that won't work. (btw all land for sale will show as "yellow"on the map)

Also there isn't a parcel that comes with your premium: you have 1024 sqm free level of TIER ... you have to find and BUY the land yourself.


This mostly.

A couple tips:

1. Land Search (using the search box) is problematic because it does not show all land for sale, but rather only the newest in the last 24 or 36 hours (if I remember correctly). 

2. I'm in SL 11 years, and the way I've learned to shop for land is via the world map.

  • Be sure "Land for Sale" is turned on. All land for sale will turn yellow.
  • This also gives you a basic impression of the parcel size.
  • Inside that yellow portion is a little Price Tag icon - click it - it will show the parcel size and selling price.
  • If the size and price are reasonable to you, the TP there to have a look-see.

This can take some time, but also makes it easier to find what you may be looking for: a specific continent (say, with access to Blake Sea or whatever) - or next to a Linden Road or other protected land. And be sure to visit the spot so you can see how long it takes the surrounding areas to rez and the general state of the landscape. Shopping for land can be almost (though not quite) be as much fun as shopping for shoes if you do it right. :)

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3 hours ago, Alyona Su said:

 Land Search (using the search box) is problematic because it does not show all land for sale, but rather only the newest in the last 24 or 36 hours (if I remember correctly).

as well in the legacy search and the web search it shows also land thats available for years, never seen a limit in age.

you'll have to use the dedicated search... not the general.

You can set search on size, prize, maturity and type ( the last is quite importan too or you'll be tricked into buying a cheap plot that's a estate parcel...

Edited by Alwin Alcott
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Ah Linden Land, the longest topic of confusion ever.
(If they actually wanted more people to buy mainland, they'd do well to spend some time explaining this a lot better!)

An attempt to explain :) (Being a condensed version of all the land questions I keep having to explain to people).

Ok so now you get 1024 "free per month* if you go premium. So you can have a 512m Linden Home and 512m on the Mainland as well without paying anything extra per month, but you do have to buy the land on the mainland.

To check your options on land, go to your SL Dashboard, and click "Land Manager" on the left, then "Land use Fees", and you get a nicely confusing couple of tables to stare at.

The bottom table shows you how much extra it will cost you *per month* to own more than 1024m with a premium account, and it goes in steps. Here's where it confuses most people. Say you decide you can afford 1024m per month ($7 per month), now you're looking for 2048m because you have 1024 already, and now you can have 1024 more.

It makes sense for most people to have all that land on the same sim (region) on the mainland, because then you get the combined prim use of all the land. The land doesn't have to be adjacent. So if you are paying $7 for 1024+1024, you could have 4 x 512m parcels in one sim, and you could use all your prim allowance just on one of the 512m parcels. BUT. If you have a 512m in 4 different sims, then each 512 is stuck with it's own 512m prim allowance.

The Linden Land searches suck. Some good answers here on why and how to begin to get around it, but here's another factor.

Say you are looking for 2048m in one sim. The land searches can help you find parcels that are exactly that size, but in some places you might find 4x512m parcels all nicely next to each other that you could buy and join up, or a 1024 and a 726 and a 128! You get the idea. Alonya Su's method (above) for finding land (actually looking for it where you want it on the map) is therefore about the best way of finding a bargain that everyone else missed. One lazy method is to hop on a yavascript pod, then bring up the map with land for sale highlighted, then just cruise around looking for yellow blobs. (Bonus points for annoying Prokofy Neva).

Another note in that vein is .. if you wanted that 2048, but found a 4096 you loved, you could buy the 4096, divide off the bit you want, then either abandon or sell the bit you don't want. But for that month, you'd have to pay the land tier for the 4096 even if you only had it for 5 minutes.

It's also worth noting that paying a monthly fee for land on a premium account isn't a straight good deal. The cost you pay per m2 varies depending on which tier of land owner you are. People paying for 2048 or 4096 tier, pay the worst ratio for $/m2 (closely followed by 8192 & 16384). People paying for 32768+ tier or 1024- are paying less per m2.

Why does that matter? Because people with the large amounts of land tier are usually the ones that rent it out, and that's why sometimes you can rent mainland for cheaper than you could get it as a premium account. But beware the mad maths of SL. If you're a premium account paying 0 tier, you get 300L$ a week, and you have 1024m for nothing. If you want to find rented land cheaper (and not be a premium account), you have to calculate the cost in L$ of being premium per year minus the 300L$ per week, and plus the cost of the amount of land you want to rent. Only then can you actually tell if it's cheaper to be non premium and rent, or go premium and pay tier.

Right now, after the increase to 1024 free per month, it's almost certainly cheaper to go premium and pay tier, but when the land owners have reduced rentals to compete again, it's going to be a close call. The only other factor to consider then is "How nice is the land owner? And will they vanish one day?"

Hope that helped!

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Here's a web search for Mainland 512 parcels for sale. The same search is accessible in the viewer. (Personally, I'd instead fly around areas of interest, looking on the map for yellow-coded parcels that look about the right size.)

If that 512 were donated to group, it would get a 10% bonus, so that group could own 560 sq.m.

If the Linden Home were abandoned and the full 1024 sq.m. of Premium bonus tier were donated to a group, it could own 1120sq.m.

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I would like to have a confirmation regarding the premium account.
It is stated that I can have 1024 square meters of land but only 512 of usable.
That means that I can not put a house of more than 512 square meters?
If I want to add trees on 512 square meters is this possible or is it considered a development?
Finally and this is my last question can we increase to 1024 the possibility of developing his plot?

Thank you for your answers.




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3 minutes ago, Eurythmia said:


I would like to have a confirmation regarding the premium account.
It is stated that I can have 1024 square meters of land but only 512 of usable.
That means that I can not put a house of more than 512 square meters?
If I want to add trees on 512 square meters is this possible or is it considered a development?
Finally and this is my last question can we increase to 1024 the possibility of developing his plot?

Thank you for your answers.

I don't understand "1024... but only 512 of usable" -- where did this appear?

It seems in general you're referring to rules about Linden Homes, which are indeed only 512 sq.m. in size, no way to expand, and come with a bunch of other restrictions. Now, with the increase in free Premium tier to 1024, a Linden Home is less likely to be part of a landowner's best use of tier, compared to buying a normal 1024 Mainland parcel. (It's certainly possible to own both a 512 Linden Home and another 512 normal Mainland parcel, though, if that would be more fun for you.)

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Simply - You can have up 1024 sq/m of land without paying any more tier to LL. All of your land allotment is usable - you just need to have that amount of land.

Option 1: Buy more land :  If you have a 512 plot of land now you can buy ( one time cost) another 512 for a total of 1024 sq/m. It would give you 2 x 512 homes in SL.

Option 2: Buy more land  in same sim:  Buy another 512 and if they are beside each other join them together. Or you can use the prim allotment from one and "add" to the other parcel.

Option 3 : Sell your 512 and buy a 1024:  You can buy anywhere in the SL world and have big place.

Anything you place on your land - trees, a house, a box is development and counts towards you prim count for that parcel.


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Has it occurred to anybody else that this is just a big scam. The Lindens boast that they are now offering Premium members twice as much free tier as before. Oh really? Just try buying a mainland parcel. They are not to be found. I'm seriously considering canceling my premium membership. I'll take the money I save and pay rent on a private estate. Besides have you noticed how laggy mainland parcels are? I say forget it!

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2 hours ago, Jon Chronometrist said:

Has it occurred to anybody else that this is just a big scam. The Lindens boast that they are now offering Premium members twice as much free tier as before. Oh really? Just try buying a mainland parcel. They are not to be found. I'm seriously considering canceling my premium membership. I'll take the money I save and pay rent on a private estate. Besides have you noticed how laggy mainland parcels are? I say forget it!

I just looked on the inworld map with the "Land Sale" box checked, and there are parcels for sale all over the mainland continents, in just about all size variations from 16 sqm to full sim.  Whether or not you can find one that you personally like, in the size you want, for the price you want, right now, is another question, but that doesn't mean the offer is a scam and that there are no parcels to buy.  Another option is to put in a support ticket requesting to by abandoned land (or at least have the abandoned land put up for auction, so that you can then bid on it).

The changes also made it cheaper to own larger parcels.  

Land availability changes all the time, but sometimes it takes consistent looking over a period of time to find the right parcel for you, that fits all your requirements. 

There are laggy private estate parcels, as well as laggy mainland parcels, and there are non-laggy mainland parcels, just like there are non-laggy private estate parcels.  It varies by location in  both mainland and private estates. 

I would not consider the changes a scam, at all. 

Edited by moirakathleen
fixed typo
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2 hours ago, Jon Chronometrist said:

Has it occurred to anybody else that this is just a big scam. The Lindens boast that they are now offering Premium members twice as much free tier as before. Oh really? Just try buying a mainland parcel. They are not to be found. I'm seriously considering canceling my premium membership. I'll take the money I save and pay rent on a private estate. Besides have you noticed how laggy mainland parcels are? I say forget it!

I had no problems buying a new parcel earlier this week.

And my old land is for sale right now.  If you really want land, contact me.  Additionally, I still see tons of yellow for-sale parcels all over the map.

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11 hours ago, Jon Chronometrist said:

Has it occurred to anybody else that this is just a big scam.

As scams go, it's hard to see how this could possibly qualify as a "big" one. But I'll play along, hoping it will push you over the edge and leave more Mainland for the rest of us.

The Lab does need to decide when and how much to ramp-up the auctions of abandoned land. Obviously that's going to happen -- it's the whole point of this, after all -- and when it does, it will have some moderating influence on purchase price. Now, the Lab makes a bit of money* off the auctions, so in theory they have an interest in those prices being high during the current burst of exuberant Premium consumerism. Ultimately, though, they need as many people to own as much of the Land product as possible, not for these one-time auction purchases but for ongoing tier payments. So longer term, there's every incentive to keep Mainland prices low.

*Lest some pedant make a distinction between L$ "game tokens" and RL currency; the Lab sells L$ several ways, including Premium subscriptions to weekly stipends. So don't overthink it: L$ sinks are income for LL. 

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10 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I had no problems buying a new parcel earlier this week.

And my old land is for sale right now.  If you really want land, contact me.  Additionally, I still see tons of yellow for-sale parcels all over the map.

How much detail do we need before this “scam” can go on the “debunked” list? Perhaps one of the conspiracy theorists (Pr*k, Kl*t*n*) need to contribute so the “scam” is elaborated upon.

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It all depends on what you're looking for. My SL home IS on a private estate, and has been for more than 10 years. However, the small Linden home is perfect for my spouse who rarely comes in but does want something that is his (I've been renting him a skybox), and I'm considering using a 512 lot on mainland for a small studio. But even without those, with Premium at $72/year and a 300L stipend (which assuming a conversion of $1 = 250L or $62.40/year), the cost of Premium comes down to less than $10/year. I won't count the 1000L bonus since that's for the first year only, but that $10 is worth it to me to have the extra group space and priority access to full events (as a blogger, those are both extremely positive advantages). Everyone has their own wants, needs, and preferences. If these don't meet yours, it's not a scam, it's just not the right fit.

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On 3/16/2018 at 4:19 PM, Alwin Alcott said:

you can have the Linden home ánd 512 sqm at the mainland....

or.. 1024 mainland

there is nothing known about larger parcels for linden homes.. but thats also not the purpose of those, it's meant as trial for stepping onto mainland, and see if holding land and home is something you like.

Actually I just saw in SL's Featured News about the 15th birthday, the following: Linden Homes improvements - We're bringing newer and better Linden Home designs this year. Should be interesting to see what they come up with...

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52 minutes ago, Ceja Laval said:

Actually I just saw in SL's Featured News about the 15th birthday, the following: Linden Homes improvements - We're bringing newer and better Linden Home designs this year. Should be interesting to see what they come up with...

We can be pretty sure that they will upgrade the homes to better builds (mesh) and possibly new themes, but as of yet, we still aren't sure if they'll actually increase the size of them.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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