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Follower/Harasser maybe?


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I've been on SL enough to know how serious is LL about stalkers, and I know they get actually banned.

But someone is making new accounts to follow me around the grid, and I dont wear any attachment, or "gift" where a hidden script could be into, or anything any ex/friend/customer gave me.

But this "noob" finds me and follows me everywhere I am.

Not only 1, 2  sims, I mean all over the grid.

How is it possible, if there's a reasonable explanation? 

I'd really like to know, cause as soon as he/she finds me, he leaves, and then a 1-2 days noob apppears in the new region I live, and it's kinda annoying to have a "pixel watcher".


-LIve and let live-


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Much of the time a "follower" doesn't need high tech tools.  Basic RL detective work is enough.  Most of us hang around with the same people, visit the same familiar places, and play the same games over and over again. We leave a trail of bread crumbs that a patient person can follow pretty easily. If the "follower" can rez a scanning device somewhere in the regions you like to visit, he can tell when you are there and then suddenly appear.

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Thanks Rolig and Madelaine, and I don't. I really don't socialize much, so I guess is an ex, or the ex of an ex bf.

Thing is I need to find a sim to live which don't allow people with "no payment info", I guess.

Believe me, it's not nice. I changed the sims I lived 4 times the last month and a half, and not always buying land from the same estates either.

That's why I dont understand how the heck he knows where I exactly am.

I guess there's something else to find out, but I doubt in case it is, someone will write an answer here.

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Move to a new place and tell no-one. See if your stalker finds you. If not, tell one friend a week until s/he shows up. The last person you told is your leaker.

If your stalker arrives before you've told anybody, or if you've moved once already without telling anyone and still been found, then there's reason to wonder about a technological leak. I think I saw a post elsewhere today mentioning malware like keystroke loggers that might rat you out, but that seems highly unlikely and would also potentially eventually reveal your RL identity. I imagine anyone serious and talented enough to do that wouldn't be satisfied with stalking you only in SL. I still vote for a social engineering explanation for this.

Good luck!

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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I wish you luck in sorting out your problem.

A few comments about your "watertightness" to make up a word. Your flickr isn't leaking, your marketplace leaves no hints, your my.secondlife.com feed looks clean too. So, that's all good.

I can't make comment if you've accidentally left someone with map rights, I will assume you haven't as you do seem to have taken a lot of care to protect yourself.

The region Pr...sa is leaked, but that is just one quarter sim, and I guess you don't live there. But it might allow someone to get the land group, and that exposes any people you make officer, who could leak. In case you haven't done it make sure the checkbox to expose officers is turned off.

I'm not going to stalk you more than this, it's a creepy thing to do to someone, but as mentioned above it's quite hard to avoid a determined stalker, especially through groups, and because we are creatures of habit, as also mentioned above.

One test will be to go somewhere unexpected and watch if you are followed. For example, search a sim called Loki, and take it from there. (oops, the cat is out of that bag, ok, maybe don't search out Loki after all, heh)

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2 hours ago, Callum Meriman said:

One test will be to go somewhere unexpected and watch if you are followed. For example, search a sim called Loki, and take it from there. (oops, the cat is out of that bag, ok, maybe don't search out Loki after all, heh)

Just open the grid map, zoom out, close your eyes, move the mouse pointer for a few seconds and click.
Thats where you want to have your unpredictable teleport to be made.

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Madelaine I did! Last time i moved, nobody knew, but he was there!! Imagine my surprise.

Callum, Ill try Loki, lol. Wish I could try the real one. haha xD

Bree: LOL, now Im scared. A noob with a laptop could do anything! Hehe but Im sure its not a "noob", but someone experienced using some crappy script to follow me around.

And Pamela, not all, cause most people receive friends, and have only "land" security, in that case isnt working either cause this person was next to my last home, underwater as my security ejected him.

´Next time I will send a screen to LL or collect them, as he never talks, only follows me around.

Edited by TEMPTATlON
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I dealt with a stalker too, but on a different platform. My main suggestion is : document everything he does, dates and times and send reports to LL. They should take cyberstalking/harassment seriously. Maybe they can hardware ban him, although if hes unstable he will buy another pc and harass you again. Another suggestion: ignore . Dont show him that you are scared, hes probably reading this as we speak. Victims fears only empowers the abuser. I know its something hard to ignore, but you should try. Hopefully he will give up one day.

Edited by Jeny Howlett
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I'm not  scared, its just annoying to have someone who can't move on or who is obsessed, checking on what you do, where you go, 

and who you are with.

And you're right Jeny, will file a complain next time with all the details, unless he's reading this and finally stops before he gets banned.

Thanks for the suggestions everyone.

Edited by TEMPTATlON
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Have you checked that nothing you are wearing could contain a script that alerts your stalker to your destination when you log in/teleport?   And have you checked that nothing you have rezzed in your succession of new homes contains anything that might send out similar information when you arrive home?

ETA:   I see you've checked your attachments (though might be worth double-checking) so furniture and so on would be the next thing to check.   See if there are any mod items rezzed that contain scripts that seem out of place (e.g. wrong creator).

Edited by Innula Zenovka
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I wouldn't spend too much time worrying about how.  Like any problem it only take 2 things to solve; time and money.   An army of bots looking for items with you as the owner will find you eventually.  Maybe that's what he is doing and then again maybe not.

Ignore as much as possible.  Limit chat and camera to your parcel.  Develop a sense of apathy and let him bore himself to madness watching you while getting no response what so ever.  Stop running.  Stop caring.  Stop giving him any reaction at all.

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1 hour ago, Rhonda Huntress said:

I wouldn't spend too much time worrying about how.  Like any problem it only take 2 things to solve; time and money.   An army of bots looking for items with you as the owner will find you eventually.  Maybe that's what he is doing and then again maybe not.

Ignore as much as possible.  Limit chat and camera to your parcel.  Develop a sense of apathy and let him bore himself to madness watching you while getting no response what so ever.  Stop running.  Stop caring.  Stop giving him any reaction at all.

1000 times this

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