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Mesh Body Question


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Hi All,


I have come back to SL after an extremely long break (everyone was still using prim clothing and mesh didn't exist when I was here last), So obviously this a new avatar for me.


I've looked around for a while and have come to a conclusion ... there are no ""normal"" shaped male avatars (please for the love of everything that's holy prove me wrong) By normal, I mean an avatar that doesn't look a homage to the incredible hulk.


While I'm assassinating new looks and progress .... does anyone know of any skins that won't make me look like i'm in my early 20's ... or late 80's. Something in between (maybe 40's to 60's ?)



Thanks in advance


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For a leaner look, Belleza Jake or Slink, as Janet said. Signature can get a pretty lean look too, but it is a little bulkier. Aesthic is hulky, and I don't think you can achieve a human appearance on it.

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Also in the defense of a lot of guys. Those bigger bodies were pretty much all that was available up until very recently. They also had a lot of support as far as mesh clothing, as opposed to *cough* tmp *cough*.

You have more options now, so you came back at a good time.

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After a long time with Signature, and having slowly rebuilt by wardrobe (somewhat) after all my system clothing went, I'm more concerned about having to re-do my wardrobe yet again for a new body. By the time I was looking, the choice was between TMP and Signature - luckily I picked the right one.

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3 hours ago, HelllYeah said:

I've looked around for a while and have come to a conclusion ... there are no ""normal"" shaped male avatars (please for the love of everything that's holy prove me wrong) By normal, I mean an avatar that doesn't look a homage to the incredible hulk.


He's a bit bulky due to winter clothes at the moment but this is my guy alt.



This is Vin.



And Matt above.



Donovan here



and of course, Mr That'sSexyRightThereIDon'tCareWhoYouAre himself, Skell Dagger.



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3 hours ago, HelllYeah said:

does anyone know of any skins that won't make me look like i'm in my early 20's ... or late 80's. Something in between (maybe 40's to 60's ?)

It's made for Catwa Bento mesh heads, but the Robert skin by Session is a great one for that age range:


Also, there are wrinkle/frown line appliers - again for mesh heads - by places like Izzies that you can add over the top of younger skins to give an older appearance (and they look a lot better than the old system skin wrinkle tattoos that used to be available).

Edited by Skell Dagger
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3 hours ago, Skell Dagger said:

It's made for Catwa Bento mesh heads, but the Robert skin by Session is a great one for that age range:


Also, there are wrinkle/frown line appliers - again for mesh heads - by places like Izzies that you can add over the top of younger skins to give an older appearance (and they look a lot better than the old system skin wrinkle tattoos that used to be available).

The Session skins look nice and fit very well with the Clef de Pleau skintones. But I assume that the Robert skin also doesn´t come with a "no brow option", like the Leon skin (which I own). Which is sort of a bummer. I prefer to have the choice.  

If you´re searching for a more "aged" look you could give the skins of Concord or Aeros Avatars a chance. I personally don´t like them too much, but your mileage may vary. The later tend to be more fantasy like.

But as Skell already mentioned there are ways to apply a more mature look on younger skins through appliers to mesh-heads. For example I got those from Izzies, and they work very well, especially through the blending options of the head I can vary the intensity of the wrinkles to my liking. But be aware they can be a pain in the a** to make work properly if you are about to use other additions like beard, brows, moles and hairbases to the head (also I can only speak for a catwa mesh head myself).

I have to mention, that I am not sure if those above mentioned creators still offer non-mesh appliers. Especially a mesh head is a major investment, so that may be something to consider first. Definitely demo everything before making a purchase decision, because going mesh, especially head wise, can be an expensive endeavor.  

If you want to stay away from a mesh-head first I can recommend 7 Deadly s(k)ins. At least in their in world shop they  should have older skins which still come with a system head (which you still can wear with your mesh-body). 

Good luck in meshing up


M. Bond

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4 hours ago, janetosilio said:

Those bigger bodies were pretty much all that was available up until very recently.

i kinda disagree on this, tmp, adam, fourclover, and really a few more are around for long time, main problem was the guys weren't ready for it as the women were.

Also the lack of interest by creators to make clothes didn't help the launch for male mesh a lot.

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2 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

i kinda disagree on this, tmp, adam, fourclover, and really a few more are around for long time, main problem was the guys weren't ready for it as the women were.

Also the lack of interest by creators to make clothes didn't help the launch for male mesh a lot.

I believe you.

Any guy I ever talked to about being a Gianni clone always told me they didn’t have much of a choice.

I just assumed it was true.

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1 minute ago, janetosilio said:

Any guy I ever talked to about being a Gianni clone always told me they didn’t have much of a choice.

never heared about the Gianni clone, together with Jake it's one of the most versatile bodies on the grid.

Lot of (straight) guys simply think it's getting a body, hang a d*ck and clothes on it.... done ...



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On 1/16/2018 at 6:59 AM, janetosilio said:

I helped a friend out about two months ago. Your best bet is going to be Belleza Jake or Slink....I don’t remember the name. 

They even have fairs for men’s clothing now, so you have some nice options.

Ditto this. Aethstetic can look good as long as you actually try to make yourself look realistic, otherwise, it's just plain CREEPY. (And will need an entirely new head, else you'll look too much like every other".

The Giani that I see so many whoop-whoop about isn't really all that. So, what they said (points up to quoted test): Belleza Jake also comes with some awesome-looking skin, too. Though you'll have to buy the applier for whichever head you get (if you choose to go that route, etc.) Slink is "okay" to me, definitely better than Aesthetic and perhaps on-par with the Giani.

Obviously, we are all just throwing our own opinions around, so with that said: my vote definitely goes with the Belleza Jake. Oh, and easy to find good clothes, just search Marketplace for "Jake+mesh" and you're all set.

Edited by Alyona Su
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Having a "normal" guy shape was my goal too.  After doing some reading and checking out demos of bodies, I went with Slink, and I have no complaints.  

Paired with a good body skin applier (I'm using L'etre, and then Stray Dog for the head) you can get a physically fit appearance without going overboard.

Here's a current photo, but with my tattoo layer turned off (since it obscures some of the detail).

Honestly if options like this didn't exist I'm not sure I'd be using a mesh body at this point.  My av has always been an average/normal type of guy.



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1 hour ago, Donovan Michalski said:

Having a "normal" guy shape was my goal too. 



You did really good, too. The upside-down pyramid has always made me do a double-take, often with a little snicker to go with it. Attention to detail isn't only about the shape of your face, it's also how wide your shoulders are as compared to your waist as compared to your hips and all the rest.

Yah, you did real good.



OH, and I think the big thing most are ranting over with Giani and Slinks and also Adam, I think are the nipple placement looks to be too wide. I know there are RL men like that, but I think that's not the norm. But having decent shoulder-to-hip ratio trumps all that. Bahahahaha!

~Sneeks another peek at that picture~

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Also Alyona I did a crazy thing and have a Bento Dante mesh body and kept my classic avatar Zeus head.  What i have found is that I am not super huge macho while still retaining the more realistic hands and feet of mesh.  It took awhile to get the right look (for me) but I like the new mesh clothes and shape of the bento body.



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