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Second Life Loading Times


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How come is it with each new update, the loading times of every sim, texture, model and other objects takes so much more time to load? The quality and speed has gotten far worse over the months and I do have a fast internet connection and powerful PC that is capable of handling all this.

Yes, the cache gets cleared, I lower the settings, decrease the draw distance, I change the bandwidth, nothing effects how well it performs and I believe this is a result of a bad server in my opinion as other people have complained about the same thing, it used to load everything within 10-20 seconds so whats up with it taking absolutely ages now?

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4 minutes ago, RoseateBlossom said:

I do have a fast internet connection and powerful PC that is capable of handling all this........

Yes, the cache gets cleared,.....

I change the bandwidth, nothing effects how well it performs and I believe this is a result of a bad server in my opinion as other people have complained about the same thing, it used to load everything within 10-20 seconds so whats up with it taking absolutely ages now?

fas,t internet isn't always a good connection, have a look at your packet loss ( not just one second, but monitor it a while)


cache gets cleared ... i don't know how often this has to be told STOP doing that! it makes loading and lag only worse.


bandwitdth... keep yourself to the directions, keep in mind SL doesn't really need the max setting on this, and above 1500 is never reccomended...500 - 1250 is more than enough for most players


just a note: don't say "other people also".. it's mostly not relevant what their problems are compared to yours. Hear say has never been a real good proof or help to solve issues.

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Maybe you could also specify which kind of updates you are refering to... viewer updates? Rolling restarts? 

The "the cache gets cleared" remark also has me worried. How often do you do that? And why? It is quite a given that your loading times are slow if you have to cache your whole inventory and texture data over and over again.

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I have noticed that things have been super slow of late too. Particularly when it comes to things like colour change and body/head HUD's. I know it's supposed to take a lady forever to get ready but my goodness! Usually that's from trying on several dresses and asking partner "does my bum look big in this?" not waiting ages for a pair of knickers to apply! I must add that it isn't all the time, sometimes it's quick like it used to be, location doesn't seem to be the issue. 

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While I agree that the OP has perhaps made some bad choices trying to get things working "better", I have to chime in with a "yes, slowness" comment and I have both a hefty machine and a 20mbps connection (a good one) that normally does very well.  

These past few days I try and rez things (or attach to open) and it takes MANY seconds, not the typical one or two of the late norm. When trying to get appliers to apply the same is evident.  I don't particularly have a big issue with textures loading but since I am usually in the same places the textures are presumably in my cache. 

I have had no viewer updates since I use FS so it must be some server changes. Why it would only affect some people I don't know.  I am on Win10 with a Nvidia graphic card. 


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39 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

These past few days I try and rez things (or attach to open) and it takes MANY seconds, not the typical one or two of the late norm.

I was trying to do some inventory cleaning this weekend and boxes were rezzing so slow that I often ended up rezzing multiples because I thought maybe I didn't "really" drag it to the ground and so I'd drag another.  Both days of the weekend were just horrid in that aspect - and the few new places that I went to did seem to take a bit longer than usual to fully rez.  I must say that I have not experienced that kind of slowness in quite a while.

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I can verify the observation about slow rezzing.

I got vendor machines on separate sims and here ppl complained over long rezz time for the demos and I went and checked. And sure enough - sometimes nearly two minutes for a rezz from a vendor machine and the same direct from inventory. Asked other shop owners and they confirmed the observation of the long time rezz time. Some items though rezz normal fast, others 20-30+ seconds or as noted above minutes.

This has not been an issue before.

I observed it on geographical independent connections - one fiber 100 Mbps - both with low latency/ping time.


Edited by Rachel1206
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17 hours ago, RoseateBlossom said:

How come is it with each new update, the loading times of every sim, texture, model and other objects takes so much more time to load? The quality and speed has gotten far worse over the months and I do have a fast internet connection and powerful PC that is capable of handling all this.

Yes, the cache gets cleared, I lower the settings, decrease the draw distance, I change the bandwidth, nothing effects how well it performs and I believe this is a result of a bad server in my opinion as other people have complained about the same thing, it used to load everything within 10-20 seconds so whats up with it taking absolutely ages now?

For the last couple of years, textures, meshes, etc. don't arrive at your viewer directly from the main servers in Arizona. They're cached on a "content delivery network" with "nodes" in various places all over the world and you're normally sent the version cached on the nearest node. This is faster if that item is already on that particular node but can be slower if the item isn't cached yet because the node needs to fetch it before it can send it to you.

You're more likely to see slow loading if you go to comparatively low-trafficked regions and/or live in an area of the world with comparatively few SL users.

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Last few years? Its only the last few months this has occurred and the "Help" always makes out its a problem on the User's end, my cache is only cleared once every 6 months and I have no packet loss at all. It doesn't matter the size of the sim or how many people are in it, they all load just as slow no matter how empty or small it is and the fact others here have just mentioned they are experiencing the same sort of problems, you are going to tell them it's their end problem too?

It's just a full on slowdown on Second Life's end, I keep up to date with the SL Viewer and it gradually seems to worsen with each update that is released for it, I literally went to sleep after SL was working fine and woke up the next day with this terrible speed and it hasn't changed since then and what Rachel said up above also happens to me, simple huds on screen that take up hardly any data or textures take a long time to load, let alone the sim objects and avatars.

End of the day, I keep my cache for everything long enough, so when I return on SL it should have better loading times to the places I already have been to but thats not the case at all. I'm not usually one for throwing hate but the fact the "Help" here has an excuse for every answer available even though people have explained what has already been done and checked to prove the issue is kind of non professional, that and they always come to an end solution its the users end having problems.

Plus my speed should be fine without pocket loss:


Edited by RoseateBlossom
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9 hours ago, RoseateBlossom said:

Last few years? Its only the last few months this has occurred and the "Help" always makes out its a problem on the User's end, my cache is only cleared once every 6 months and I have no packet loss at all. It doesn't matter the size of the sim or how many people are in it, they all load just as slow no matter how empty or small it is and the fact others here have just mentioned they are experiencing the same sort of problems, you are going to tell them it's their end problem too?

It's just a full on slowdown on Second Life's end, I keep up to date with the SL Viewer and it gradually seems to worsen with each update that is released for it, I literally went to sleep after SL was working fine and woke up the next day with this terrible speed and it hasn't changed since then and what Rachel said up above also happens to me, simple huds on screen that take up hardly any data or textures take a long time to load, let alone the sim objects and avatars.

End of the day, I keep my cache for everything long enough, so when I return on SL it should have better loading times to the places I already have been to but thats not the case at all. I'm not usually one for throwing hate but the fact the "Help" here has an excuse for every answer available even though people have explained what has already been done and checked to prove the issue is kind of non professional, that and they always come to an end solution its the users end having problems.

Plus my speed should be fine without pocket loss:


According to your profile you joined Second Life at the end of November 2016. According to your post history you started noticing issues in mid-January, 2017. What are you basing "normality" on?

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I when I got SL downloaded on to my new computer last year, SL was STILL laggy as ever. Now it's getting out right ridiculous with the lags. Several people are talking about crashings. Many have said that they could walk away to do laundry and the section of the world that they're in still hasn't fully loaded. Is this bad servers or someone lacking on the job at the office?

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The load times and load reliability is absolutely worse, but so is server side lag in general. With the increased prim counts available, there are more scripts, more textures, more mesh than ever before too. Avatar mesh has also exploded with bodies, heads, jewelry, etc. etc. This matters. It means that over the entire grid, there is more the SL servers has to do to deliver a scene to you. A few months back though, something DID change that is causing some things to be significantly worse. When an avatar TP's in and out of a sim, there was always an impact as the servers have a lot of information to transfer server to server. What changed is the level of that impact, causing the sims to completely freeze for 10 seconds or so which is devastating for busy regions. I don't know the cause, only the Lindens know and they are NOT talking about this issue at all. When I asked at one of the office hours meetings, I just got the "There is no update on this issue" response. Maybe LL is trying to save money reducing the physical server count, sticking more regions on a server, etc. We are just guessing here. But it IS a real problem.

Regarding speed test results, that data is pretty much completely meaningless. Speed isn't as important as QUALITY of the connection. There are so many factors that go into quality that nobody can tell you why your connection is bad, that's going to take a lot of technical leg work to determine what it is.

  • When you do your testing, pick a test server in Phoenix AZ, where most of the LL servers are located. While they do use content cache servers scattered around the world, your basic connection still goes to LL's primary data centers. 
  • Do a VOIP test - this can test the quality of your Internet connection in general
  • Use a hardwired connection - wireless is crap. It's IMPOSSIBLE to get a good solid reliable connection via wireless - I don't care how much you spent on your wireless gear. It's the nature of radio communication and WiFi technology.
  • Use a top quality router - lower end and older hardware doesn't have the horsepower to handle SL well. They were designed for modest needs such as web browsing, that have dozens of simultaneous connections. That's not SL. SL creates MASSIVE numbers of connections to load all the assests, textures, sounds, animations, mesh, object data, physics, etc. etc. It's thousands of connections rather than dozens. There is no speed test that will tell you if your router is capable of properly handling SL or not.
  • Your connection may be throttled by your ISP's equipment too - this may not be detectable by your side at all unless you have access to high end local datacenter servers and bandwidth and can run torture testing accurately. Very very few people have the ability to do this kind of testing.

In short, there is no simple answer, but things are subjectively worse in some ways and measurably worse in others from a performance standpoint but the cause is not clear, and LL isn't talking.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm so glad to finally find this topic!!! I thought I was the only one.

SL was working just fine for me. Graphics settings were at high+ (just under ultra) and the world and people around me loaded in a matter of seconds. Somewhere around June/July I closed down SL and went to bed. When I started up SL the next day, it was lagging very badly. Textures staying grey for a long time, buildings loading slow, avatars even slower. By now it can literally take me up to 10 minutes to load a scene with only a few avatars present at the very LOWEST graphics settings. I noticed it got worse every time there had been a maintenance. I've been trying every possible solution for the past 2 months but absolutely nothing improves my SL experience. It's just getting worse with every 'maintenance' they do. Contacting LL didn't get me anywhere either. They replied but were unable to solve the problem.

I'm afraid those of us who got affected are just going to have to learn to live with it. Or quit SL all together which is what I'm seriously thinking about after 10 years (I have 1 older avatar).

It's a big coincidence that the problems on SL (and the unwillingness of LL to do something about it) started around the time that Sansar was launched. Isn't it?


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For those who still have this problem and for those who just came here because they have it : Update your BIOS! After almost 3 months I can finally play second life again as I used to, just by updating my BIOS! Look for an update for your motherboard and read instructions carefully. After the update restart computer twice to make sure it settled in alright and enjoy second life again! :-D

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