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Race bending in Second Life

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Klytyna, I don't doubt that there are a few black people/mixed-race people who are prejudiced against whites, or who claim various ethnic heritages as some kind of ego boost. But the damage to brown races caused by whites far, far exceeds any harm caused by the people you find offensive.
Why align yourself as you do?

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To answer the OP (although I doubt very much that they will return to this thread now) -

Be what you want to be in SL. If you're female and you create a male avatar you are not a misogynist. If you're male and create a female avatar you are not a misandrist. If you are white and create a black avatar (or vice versa) you are not a racist. If you are disabled and create a leggy model avatar who struts catwalks you are not ableist.

What those things make you is an open-minded person who is willing to experiment with who they are, and experience how others react to who they are. Or maybe they make you someone who is yearning to find out who they are. Or maybe someone who wants to live a life they cannot live in the real world.

Your behaviour makes you what you actually are; not your looks.

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18 minutes ago, Kristen Beornssen said:


 Your failed deflection tactics don't work here. You should have attempted to paint me as a "racist" like 3 or 4, possibly 5 responses ago, you may have been a bit more believable then. Don't wait until I point out your glaring racial intolerance to play that childish tit for tat game. Everyone already sees through you.

That wasn't a 'deflection attack' it was a statement, based on a remark in which you made a racist claim, specifically, that 'white people' didn't exist before 8-12,000 years ago, which I can only assume you obtained from one of the many racist propaganda websites like the one I provided a link to and quotes from.

That site supported your racist claim, that 'white people' didn't exist before 8-12k years ago, a belief which goes hand in hand with claims that Cretans, Greeks, Romans and Europeans in general were 'black' before the 'albino' invaders magically appeared out of thin air 8-12,000 years ago . 

You repeat LIES originating with racists, admit you believe and accept these LIES, but don't want to be labeled as the Racist, you show your self to be by repeating and supporting the racist propaganda.

We're done here


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26 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Klytyna, I don't doubt that there are a few black people/mixed-race people who are prejudiced against whites, or who claim various ethnic heritages as some kind of ego boost. But the damage to brown races caused by whites far, far exceeds any harm caused by the people you find offensive.
Why align yourself as you do?

Oh so it's ok to be a lying ignorant racist if you hate WHITE people, because 'we deserve it', ah, nice to know, thanks for sharing.

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Just now, Klytyna said:

That wasn't a 'deflection attack' it was a statement, based on a remark in which you made a racist claim, specifically, that 'white people' didn't exist before 8-12,000 years ago, which I can only assume you obtained from one of the many racist propaganda websites like the one I provided a link to and quotes from.

That site supported your racist claim, that 'white people' didn't exist before 8-12k years ago, a belief which goes hand in hand with claims that Cretans, Greeks, Romans and Europeans in general were 'black' before the 'albino' invaders magically appeared out of thin air 8-12,000 years ago . 

You repeat LIES originating with racists, admit you believe and accept these LIES, but don't want to be labeled as the Racist, you show your self to be by repeating and supporting the racist propaganda.

We're done here


Ms. Bigoted Google scholar extraordinaire - chill out. Go smoke a spliff, beat an unruly sub, burn a cross in some unsuspecting person of color's yard, or whatever it is that you do to unwind and take a load off. The world will keep revolving as usual, Americans will keep their hyphens, and POC the world over will keep claiming their heritage despite your screeching protests to the contrary.

So to summarize and put things into a perspective in which you can comprehend -  What have you accomplished in this long and very detailed interaction of keyboard clacking and textual gymnastics? Not a dog gone thing. Well, we did bump this thread up to over 100 replies so I guess that counts for something. :D

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22 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

Oh so it's ok to be a lying ignorant racist if you hate WHITE people, because 'we deserve it', ah, nice to know, thanks for sharing.

So according to your brazen stupidity, I hate white people so much that I married one. Not to mention that I have White people and other colors of people all throughout my family, and we all get along fabulously might I add.:D


Yeah, it doesn't make any logical sense to me either. You know why? Because in this catastrophic disaster known as your "response", you have neglected to make any valid point whatsoever. Keep clutching for those non-existence straws, you may finally grasp hold of something.

Edited by Kristen Beornssen
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47 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

We're done here

You may be,but I'm not.

If I read somewhere that white skinned people devoloped only 8-12 thousand years ago, and if I have no reason to think that it's untrue, so I believe it, and post it, it does NOT make me a racist. You seriously OWE kristen an apology for posting that she's racist. So be grown up and apologise. Sadly, I suspect that you are not mature enough to do that.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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@Phil Deakins

Quote "If I read somewhere on a blatantly racist website that white skinned people devoloped only 8-12 thousand years ago, and if I have no reason to think that it's untrue because I ONLY trust blatantly racist websites, so I believe it, and post it, it does NOT make me a racist unless people check up on the lies and catch me. You seriously DON'T OWE kristen an apology for posting that she's racist. So be grown up and DON'T apologise to the racist. " Unquote.

I corrected your post, Amendments in RED.

She is repeating racist propaganda, from anti-white racist websites, that claim that Europe was inhabited by BLACK people who invented all civilisation, until 'albinos' spontaneously appeared, and mysteriously conquered the world and 'stole the heritage of people of colour', despite being inferior and outnumbered. She is apparently according to you, doing this without knowledge, innocence by reason of ignorance.

You know, her comment about having 'white family and friends' would have sounded more sincere, if one of her earlier posts hadn't mentioned that in SL, she had chosen to have her white boyfriend resprayed in a 'less white' colour.


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39 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

You may be,but I'm not.

If I read somewhere that white skinned people devoloped only 8-12 thousand years ago, and if I have no reason to think that it's untrue, so I believe it, and post it, it does NOT make me a racist. You seriously OWE kristen an apology for posting that she's racist. So be grown up and apologise. Sadly, I suspect that you are not mature enough to do that.

Hi Phil,

The article that I posted to her was directly from Science mag. Which she ignorantly quoted as 'racist propaganda'. :D I didn't think that I needed to spell out to her that due to a colder climate, dietary changes, and evolution, the people who lived in the Northern Latitudes began producing less melanin which enabled them to better absorb vitamin D.  Perhaps I was affording her too much credit? Yet, pointing out natural evolutionary changes is considered "racist' to her.  When all is said and done, we're all human in  the end. Well, maybe except her. She may actually be some alien species, previously unknown to man.

More links below for her viewing pleasure:






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Klytyna, you are the one that referenced the crazy website as far as I can see. I guess that's an example of the type of places you spend a lot of time at?

In other words, where does this idea that some people hate and blame you as a white person come from? Did you experience this in the UK somewhere? Do you frequent crazy forums where this is happening or spend your time searching out websites by ignorant people? I just haven't experienced it, either with myself or in people I know. I'm sure such people exist - people of color who relish blaming whites for their pain -  but they are not some major movement in society as you depict.

You said something in reference to blacks forming groups and labeling themselves that, for me, is revealing...you said:

"I'm not convinced you need to label your selves at all, frankly, can't you just be 'Americans'? I mean, that was supposed to be the whole damn idea behind America, wasn't it? Hence the fact that the requirement for American Citizenship used to be "Resided in the United States for 5 years".

This demonstrates to me that you have no basic knowledge of Psychology & Sociology 101, no notion of how oppressed groups cope with injustice by banding together. Through such affirmation they find strength in an attempt to experience the self-empowerment that was stripped from them.
Are such groups threatening to you? Does the fact that they exclude you cause you to feel they are against you, hate you, or blame you as a white person?

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14 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

@Phil Deakins

Quote "If I read somewhere on a blatantly racist website that white skinned people devoloped only 8-12 thousand years ago, and if I have no reason to think that it's untrue because I ONLY trust blatantly racist websites, so I believe it, and post it, it does NOT make me a racist unless people check up on the lies and catch me. You seriously DON'T OWE kristen an apology for posting that she's racist. So be grown up and DON'T apologise to the racist. " Unquote.

I corrected your post, Amendments in RED.

She is repeating racist propaganda, from anti-white racist websites, that claim that Europe was inhabited by BLACK people who invented all civilisation, until 'albinos' spontaneously appeared, and mysteriously conquered the world, despite being inferior and outnumbered. She is apparently according to you, doing this without knowledge, innocence by reason of ignorance.

You know, her comment about having 'white family and friends' would have sounded more sincere, if one of her earlier posts hadn't mentioned that in SL, she had chosen to have her white boyfriend resprayed in a 'less white' colour.


You know, her comment about having 'white family and friends' would have sounded more sincere, if one of her earlier posts hadn't mentioned that in SL, she had chosen to have her white boyfriend resprayed in a 'less white' colour.


You are truly pathetic and a delusional, pathological liar to boot. No where have I ever posted that insipid hogwash, nor can you even post a direct link to anywhere in this forum where I've stated that. Seriously, are you crazy or on drugs? LOL

You can't even get your lie straight. I don't  have a white boyfriend in SL, however, I am married to a Norwegian in RL. Are you suggesting that I have him resprayed to look less white? LMAO! 

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Most of us ignore Klytina.

I only posted to correct her easily disproven assertion about the longstanding relationship between Britain and America. And the equally silly assertion that Americans insist Black Brits be called African Americans.

Edited by Pamela Galli
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23 minutes ago, Pamela Galli said:

Most of us ignore Klytina.

I only posted to correct her easily disproven assertion about the longstanding relationship between Britain and America. And the equally silly assertion that Americans insist Black Brits be called African Americans.

Easily PROVEN... I told yopu the name of the two American laws in question, the one that ended angrlo-american cooperation in the field of nuclear weapons reseaech, and the one that reinstated it (which is renewed every 10 years). Follow yolur own advice, google the names of the acts, read up on them, learn that the 'special relationship' hasnt always been that special, and take a breather while you figure your factual errors.

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8 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

Easily PROVEN... I told yopu the name of the two American laws in question, the one that ended angrlo-american cooperation in the field of nuclear weapons reseaech, and the one that reinstated it (which is renewed every 10 years). Follow yolur own advice, google the names of the acts, read up on them, learn that the 'special relationship' hasnt always been that special, and take a breather while you figure your factual errors.

@Klytyna I'm not getting drawn into this debate about who is right and who is wrong, but I strongly suggest you take a step away from your keyboard for a while. Go outside and get some fresh air. Make a cup of tea. Breathe for a moment. The number of typos in this post suggests that you are incredibly, irrationally stressed and angry. That is not a healthy place to be. You need to take care of yourself for a bit.

I say this as someone who does exactly the same thing sometimes. Normally I'm punctilious about typos, but whenever I really lose it, that goes out the window. As soon as I realise I'm making a lot of typos during a disagreement, I know I need to step back. So please, step back.

In fact, it might be a good idea for everyone to take a small breather from this post. Just for an hour or so.

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34 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Klytyna, you are the one that referenced the crazy website as far as I can see. I guess that's an example of the type of places you spend a lot of time at?

In point of fact, no, I looked at the two links  posted on 'origins of white people', one wouldn't display on my browser, so i made no comment about it what so ever, the other seemed to have very little to say of a conclusive nature, since it simply mentions several ideas, and that each has its proponents and detractors, so i did a quick search on 'origin of white people, and found a whole cesspit of Afro-Pretentious racist propaganda websites, of the 2 I looked at, I chose the least offensive to quote to display the sterile and unscientific nature of this brand of racist claptrap.

I gave some examples of the kind of un-scientific garbage that flows from the Afro-Pretentious movement, including their dismissal of the 'vitamin D skin whitening idea' by fraudulently citing Rickets (a vitamin C related illness) as Proof of 'white lies'.

So far, YOU have suggested that I should 'align my self' with anti-white racists, because 'white people deserve it', and attempted some very lame and ineffectual amateur psychoanalysis, and mistakenly assumed I am a 'republican' which in fact is 100 % wrong.  Thanks for sharing.

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53 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

In point of fact, no, I looked at the two links  posted on 'origins of white people', one wouldn't display on my browser, so i made no comment about it what so ever, the other seemed to have very little to say of a conclusive nature, since it simply mentions several ideas, and that each has its proponents and detractors, so i did a quick search on 'origin of white people, and found a whole cesspit of Afro-Pretentious racist propaganda websites, of the 2 I looked at, I chose the least offensive to quote to display the sterile and unscientific nature of this brand of racist claptrap.


Maybe that could be because people in the sciences don't generally use the term "white people," so those who do use that term probably will be a bit weak in their science?


Oh, wait...

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Odd really. In all my travels I have never met a 'white' person. A few albinos, a few bleached skin (beautiful too) but nope. Lots of skin colours but never that. In balance, the 'blackest' people I have known were from the Sudan and they were beautiful too. The 'olive tone' from certain parts - well fan my face ....

As a kitten I was subjected to some very Victorian tracts on race and worked out (to me - hey I was young) that it was more to do with the colour of ink available. Probably wrong on that too.

Euro Mongrel and probably out of the Rift (interesting research on that too) and as can breed with others extant then - hey. If I had ever wanted to of course.

Do understand the turmoil that comes out from over the pond. Lived there for a while. Oz too. Part and parcel of an empire that never was (ducks), As a Brit (ha) looking on as divide and mis-rule have always worked.


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