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2 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

So this is the pic I was actually taking when I bumped into Cathlea ( @Aiyumei) at Cravone last night.


I should confess that if someone is going to be late when we meet up somewhere, it will 90% of the time be me, rather than my partner. I am notoriously late for everything.

But that 10% when I am on time and he is late are special, because I get to be a little outraged by how damned inconsiderate he is.

The outrage is, of course, feigned. The smile is not.


So very expressive, Scylla, you are totally unique. You appear to be behind a window - great effect. 

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3 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

So this is the pic I was actually taking when I bumped into Cathlea ( @Aiyumei) at Cravone last night.


I should confess that if someone is going to be late when we meet up somewhere, it will 90% of the time be me, rather than my partner. I am notoriously late for everything.

But that 10% when I am on time and he is late are special, because I get to be a little outraged by how damned inconsiderate he is.

The outrage is, of course, feigned. The smile is not.


Marigold is right. Your pic is very expressive. It's a wonderful image!!!

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13 hours ago, Marigold Devin said:

As amazing as you look on this photo, with the background matching too, I bet you are spectacularly sparkly in real time. I wish this were a video.

oh i wish i took a gif or a video of it! maybe i will go back and do that soon! also thank you so much.

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7 hours ago, JeromFranzic said:

Straight from the latest Black Dragon release (running in Ubuntu Studio via wine-staging). Well OK... had to convert to JPEG in GiMP but other than that no editing... built in Intense filter.

Madpeas FTW.


*sniffles* and another neko *sobs* I'm not alone in the world *sniffles his happy tears* You are all amazing!

But seriously - the COLORS in this!!!! Everything is so deliriously saturated. The reds are INSANELY red the blues are...you get the idea. Are these new options in Dragon? Or revamped old ones?

What a playful photo that really leans into those vibrant colors and contrasts!


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7 hours ago, Aiyumei said:

Did someone mention they like to hang out at cafes? 

final hours.jpg


7 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

So this is the pic I was actually taking when I bumped into Cathlea ( @Aiyumei) at Cravone last night.


I should confess that if someone is going to be late when we meet up somewhere, it will 90% of the time be me, rather than my partner. I am notoriously late for everything.

But that 10% when I am on time and he is late are special, because I get to be a little outraged by how damned inconsiderate he is.

The outrage is, of course, feigned. The smile is not.


I'm trying not to clog up this thread with responses (I'm sorry to blab so much, but you all make so many incredible things)

And speaking of incredible things:

@Aiyumei this is so fantastic! The slightly askew angle to get a better idea of the counter, the gaze straight towards the far corner giving the whole thing space - this is a wonderful job of conjuring the atmosphere of cozy warmth in a winter cafe. So nice!

@Scylla Rhiadraothers have already talked about that glass reflection, and seriously that is a paragraph and a half of praise that should happen (it is incredible. You are doing these amazing things to reflect actual photography) but i also love the gaze here too - the rueful/whimsical distance implied by direction as well as through the pane is marvelous.

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5 hours ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

I love this thread. Everyone's photos are fantastic. ❤️

I decided to stop slacking and finally get to work updating all of my older looks with new skins, heads, shapes, hair, clothes, etc. 

My orc's done, so one down and...many more to go.


Thanks for stopping by

Holy *****, this is so damn cool ; - ;!

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45 minutes ago, Ayeleeon said:


who knows maybe the Mother of my babies is up there


   Cool Pic Ayeleeon, but uhhh... there is a female of some type looking at the "women seeking men" part of the wall over there you could talk to ya know. She may have wings (which are always cool), and not quite come up to your knee's from that view, but still I am sure she is a interesting person to speak to. So take a chance, go over to that wall, and say hi to her for pete's sake! lol You only live once after all... :D
   Just thought I would mention that good sir...


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1 hour ago, BranScanlon said:

*sniffles* and another neko *sobs* I'm not alone in the world *sniffles his happy tears* You are all amazing!

But seriously - the COLORS in this!!!! Everything is so deliriously saturated. The reds are INSANELY red the blues are...you get the idea. Are these new options in Dragon? Or revamped old ones?

What a playful photo that really leans into those vibrant colors and contrasts!


Thanks! Most of the credit for the saturated look goes to the viewer for sure! Normally I'd have to bump the saturation in Gimp, usually after I log off. :)

Black Dragon is excellent for neck breaking angles and detailed poser control. It's hard to create angles like this in world with other viewers. This is the first time I've used BD's filters.

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1 hour ago, BjorJlen said:

I am sure she is a interesting person to speak to.

probably, bu tthe place was so laggy i just grabbed a picture and left, i will try again later. At the place i went i did see a nice looking young lady and tried to get her to talk, she didnt respond, then I noticed the line in her profile that said she only dates girls. 

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6 hours ago, MattNight84 said:

I've only seen a few of your photos Matt but you have exquisite taste that most men (and by most I mean me) would DIE to have just a sliver of. A really nice slightly moody shot that's got the air of a high class cologne ad perhaps (Mischief, the new fragrance from Matt Night which...if course is the joke) Thanks for this one!

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7 hours ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

I love this thread. Everyone's photos are fantastic. ❤️

I decided to stop slacking and finally get to work updating all of my older looks with new skins, heads, shapes, hair, clothes, etc. 

My orc's done, so one down and...many more to go.


Thanks for stopping by

Other very amazing people have already expressed how cool this is, so I'll only point out I love the mink stole and gown. It is such a deliberate choice - incredibly unique and startling given the swamp background. Really really great

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