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Just reporting that I DID may new folders called MY OBJECTS (in caps) and MY CLOTHING (also in caps) :D and moved things in the system folders over there. It really wasn't difficult and while I don't think that has been MY problem in the past, it could help things in the future. 

When I read Inara's report on this, I noted that the Linden's noticed that much reporting here was about PAST issues. That is true. The problem is that those past issues were never addressed even though reported.  The same answer Prokofy received was the ones given to premium folks. Non-premium folks had no recourse at all (that may have changed now). 


Somewhere in this or another recent thread on this subject a poster commented that this shouldn't really be a problem if there were BACKUPS. Even weekly backups of inventory would get most things back for most people. The database folks (real life big company) that I talked to were very surprised the losses weren't being returned -- not so much that The Lab couldn't figure out "why" :D.   

I think by now we can probably agree that it is not ALL of us deleting things by accident. I am sure that happens too, but once it HAS happened people are much more aware and the chances of it happening again decrease. The chances of it happening ten times when people have gone to GREAT lengths to make multiple backups of objects is way far out there  IMHO. 

While "I" seldom buy stuff and I do have all my active files (with many redundant backups) I certainly MISS the items that have disappeared -- especially the ones I can't get back. 

This really DOES need to be fixed. If I WAS a big purchaser, it certainly would influence my buying habits. 

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18 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

Just reporting that I DID may new folders called MY OBJECTS (in caps) and MY CLOTHING (also in caps) :D and moved things in the system folders over there. It really wasn't difficult and while I don't think that has been MY problem in the past, it could help things in the future. 

When I read Inara's report on this, I noted that the Linden's noticed that much reporting here was about PAST issues. That is true. The problem is that those past issues were never addressed even though reported.  The same answer Prokofy received was the ones given to premium folks. Non-premium folks had no recourse at all (that may have changed now). 


Somewhere in this or another recent thread on this subject a poster commented that this shouldn't really be a problem if there were BACKUPS. Even weekly backups of inventory would get most things back for most people. The database folks (real life big company) that I talked to were very surprised the losses weren't being returned -- not so much that The Lab couldn't figure out "why" :D.   

I think by now we can probably agree that it is not ALL of us deleting things by accident. I am sure that happens too, but once it HAS happened people are much more aware and the chances of it happening again decrease. The chances of it happening ten times when people have gone to GREAT lengths to make multiple backups of objects is way far out there  IMHO. 

While "I" seldom buy stuff and I do have all my active files (with many redundant backups) I certainly MISS the items that have disappeared -- especially the ones I can't get back. 

This really DOES need to be fixed. If I WAS a big purchaser, it certainly would influence my buying habits. 

(This post will have disclaimers after it - please read before commenting.)

One thing I've been noticing is that this seems to be happening to some people multiple times, and yet not at all to others. Several of the people who've had it happen have had inventory issues before - I know Mr. Neva has a long history of extreme inventory issues that have been "repaired" with various levels of success.

Here's the thing: most of the time, when something breaks and is repaired, it won't be nearly as reliable as the equivalent unbroken original item. It's looking like the wise course would be that if you've had major inventory issues in the past, it would be safer to start fresh with a new account for new/mission critical things and use the old account cautiously while avoiding large inventory operations.


No, I'm not saying this is your fault.

Yes, you're right, your inventory shouldn't have broken in the first place.

Yes, you're right, the fix should have worked perfectly.

Yes, starting over is an annoyance that should have been avoidable.

However, living your life by how things should be instead of how they are can quickly become disappointing or even dangerous.

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35 minutes ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

(This post will have disclaimers after it - please read before commenting.)

One thing I've been noticing is that this seems to be happening to some people multiple times, and yet not at all to others. Several of the people who've had it happen have had inventory issues before - I know Mr. Neva has a long history of extreme inventory issues that have been "repaired" with various levels of success.

Here's the thing: most of the time, when something breaks and is repaired, it won't be nearly as reliable as the equivalent unbroken original item. It's looking like the wise course would be that if you've had major inventory issues in the past, it would be safer to start fresh with a new account for new/mission critical things and use the old account cautiously while avoiding large inventory operations.


No, I'm not saying this is your fault.

Yes, you're right, your inventory shouldn't have broken in the first place.

Yes, you're right, the fix should have worked perfectly.

Yes, starting over is an annoyance that should have been avoidable.

However, living your life by how things should be instead of how they are can quickly become disappointing or even dangerous.

Hey there. I read your disclaimers LOL.

"I" move forward after each loss.  I am not so sure others do this.

I contend that plenty of people have losses that they don't notice because they are not all that aware of their inventories. I blog (hence tons of stuff coming in and being deleted as I usually delete after blogging). I build - hence tons of trial items that get deleted. I go through my inventory OFTEN (sometimes daily) deleting and emptying trash and sorting things into appropriate folders. I KNOW where things should be; I know what should be there.  My current inventory is 30,000 and I am almost ten years old, so I am not one of those 200,00 people. 

After ten years of blogging and building and selling and doing machinima etc etc etc, the chances of me "starting over" are zero. I would rather loose more "stuff". Happily I am a minimalist in real life so "stuff" isn't important at all to me. I have even had folks come to my house that didn't know me and ask when I moved in and wondering when my other goods would arrive :D. 

I understand how tricky databases can be. I KNOW it is an issue. But a bigger issue (to me) is why there isn't some backup system in place that could get things back when they DO disappear. 

Appreciate your thoughts. Not arguing in any way. Just my position. 


PS. I DO agree (assuming that you may believe this from your note) that some accounts do have more issues than others. I have suspected that for a long while. Each of "us" is on a server somewhere and there are problematic servers. So yes, your "get another account" idea could be useful for someone that hasn't lived in SL and been online working daily for ten year LOL.    

Edited by Chic Aeon
adding info
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Since this thread is still active, Linden Lab released version yesterday. I think the main purpose was to let Whirly flip.but since they were doing a viewer upgrade anyway, they also added a few new safety measures to reduce the risk of accidental deletion:

  • Added a new floater to let you sort through your Trash before clearing it. When you empty trash from there, there's a confirmation dialog with item count too.
  • Backspace won’t act as delete on Windows (but will on Mac, because there’s no other delete)
  • Purge trash will tell you how many items you're permanently deleting. (Known issue: if you delete just a folder, the item count is incorrect).
  • You can no longer purge trash from Recent Items tab, because you might think you're deleting just the recent items, but in fact it's everything.


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15 hours ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

Here's the thing: most of the time, when something breaks and is repaired, it won't be nearly as reliable as the equivalent unbroken original item. It's looking like the wise course would be that if you've had major inventory issues in the past, it would be safer to start fresh with a new account for new/mission critical things and use the old account cautiously while avoiding large inventory operations.


I've had perhaps 3 incidents over 12 years where my inventory wouldn't load the same way twice and the Lindens said there was a "corrupt objects" and removed it. They would never tell me what this thing was and I didn't see anything missing per se.

Once I had some griefer rapidly send junk into my account. There didn't seem to be a way to stop it. Even logging off. So literally thousands of grief boxes were sent into the account. The Lindens actually took over my account and made a special script to strip this junk out of my account. I remember I mailed them a box of cookies for this.

I don't really accept this premise that "once something is broken it doesn't work right again". I could accept this with, say, a real-life car that has actual wear and tear on its parts, and which is weakened structurally somehow. But pixelated things? Electronic things on line? That can't be. They are lines of numbers -- code -- and are regenerated. I don't see how this could function in the way you claim.

Removing a corrupt object or a bunch of spam should restore the avatar to pristine condition. It's not like it has "dents" on it.

There might be a function of either age of an account (although again, I don't see how something can really "age" in SL unless of course certain objects or scripts become incompatible with the latest software -- that's always possible but I haven't really ever seen that. Sometimes you rez stuff from inventory and it goes poof and disappears forever, perhaps for that reason.

The other issue -- and most likely of all it seems -- is the sheer number of objects. I had close to 100,000 objects, 97,000 something to be more precise. I then dropped down to like 82,000. So many the job of loading those objects puts strain on something somewhere. 

The larger issue for me is that I can't see any reason why I should create a new account, without any name recognition or friends or anything, which then becomes a nuisance. Even if I give it permissions, it's just annoying struggling daily with things like teleporters or objects that don't copy for another avatar. I already have this to some small degree with alts and helpers. Why induce it on a grand scale with my main account? Identity must count for something.

The Lindens should just decide -- 75,000 is the limit. Or 50,000 is the limit. Or whatever their limit is. After that, you're on your own.

And of course as I've been saying, they need to develop a back-up system.

Edited by Prokofy Neva
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13 hours ago, ChinRey said:

Since this thread is still active, Linden Lab released version yesterday. I think the main purpose was to let Whirly flip.but since they were doing a viewer upgrade anyway, they also added a few new safety measures to reduce the risk of accidental deletion:

  • Added a new floater to let you sort through your Trash before clearing it. When you empty trash from there, there's a confirmation dialog with item count too.
  • Backspace won’t act as delete on Windows (but will on Mac, because there’s no other delete)
  • Purge trash will tell you how many items you're permanently deleting. (Known issue: if you delete just a folder, the item count is incorrect).
  • You can no longer purge trash from Recent Items tab, because you might think you're deleting just the recent items, but in fact it's everything.


Well, these are all welcome things, and put in with lightning speed, as these things go. I look forward to seeing it.

Since backspace wasn't what I used, it may not matter.

The item count I suppose is helpful, and I'm assuming it tells you that it will do that before it does that.

Not being able to purge trash from Recent sounds like the most important and relevant thing.

However, IF there is a bug somewhere that is randomly putting folders into trash against your will -- and I believe there is, and I think there are sufficient numbers of field reports of this now -- then this isn't addressed. This is because engineers "couldn't find it" or "couldn't replicate it".

So these other things are the remedies for when this thing happens which you didn't think you did does happen.

There already was a "do you really want to do this" message with Trash, which I would argue is not relevant because you don't realize there's a problem and bat away such a message.

I would have been happier with an addition of a message that pops up if you are deleting a folder *with objects in it*. That was the issue for me, and others. So if a folder gets pushed into trash, it says "Warning: Folder named [X] with [Y] items has been put in trash. Do you want to retrieve it?"


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1 hour ago, Prokofy Neva said:

However, IF there is a bug somewhere that is randomly putting folders into trash against your will -- and I believe there is, and I think there are sufficient numbers of field reports of this now -- then this isn't addressed. This is because engineers "couldn't find it" or "couldn't replicate it".

I agree. It hasn't been addressed in this update, but I don't yet put it down to them not being able to find it or couldn't replicate it. The new measures are being put in place, as you said, "at lightening speed". At the moment, I put the fact that they haven't yet found the root cause of what happened, and haven't yet been able to replicate it, as the reason why it's not yet been dealt with. The way you phrased it sounds like they tried but had to give up. You may be right, but I hope they are still trying.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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  • 2 weeks later...

Bumping this thread as I remembered its title :D and had an interesting experience here in the middle of my night. 

When I went to bed last night (both the typist and Chic as she doesn't stay online) I was wearing long blond hair.  The same hair I was wearing in this photograph from a post from yesterday.


When I logged on at 2 AM (about four hours after logging off) I had no hair on. Not a major thing, my hairbase was intact *wink* so I still looked pretty good. I figured I could just refresh my outfit from the outfits tab and all would be good. Surprisingly, my hair wasn't in my outfit. Not only wasn't listing in my outfit tab (not the worn tab, but the Appearance Outfits Tab) it wasn't in my inventory. I new what to search for as I had done a blogpost on this hair. I searched by maker and by the hair name. Nope, not there.

Did I empty my inventory last night? Yep I did, after carefully as always looking though. It was maybe a thousand items. I was still wearing my hair when I emptied the trash. Was I still wearing it when I logged off not long after? I can't really be sure of that one. 

There is a happy ending to the story. This was blogger hair as you might expect and it was still in the archives. So I am once again wearing the hair. 

The mysteries of the database never seem to amaze me. I appear to have about the same number of tiems that I had after I emptied my inventory. How did the hair get into the trash when I was WEARING IT?    Now this is a new one.


A morning edit on things I forgot to mention:

  • When I went to check  in my Outfits Pane, the rest of the outfit was there. I was wearing everything still in that outfit. I wasn't missing any other items.
  • When I did my search for the creator, Opale, there were two other folders of hair still in my inventory (this is a venue creator for me, not someone I blog for regularly so there isn't much from that creator). 
  • When I searched for the hair name, Boni, none of the huds, texture or anything associated with Boni there. All was gone, not just the hair I was wearing . 
  • The hair was in  a folder Hair > **Long Hair > Opale. Boni Hair (Blogpack) Tres Chic May 2017
  • I have returned things to that status and made a new Outfit. 
  • I am using the latest version of Firestorm. 

This is just for documentation. 


Edited by Chic Aeon
spelling and adding info
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This happened to me yesterday, and only because of the threads recently (thanks Prok for bringing this to everyone's attention) I stopped at the "Trash is overflowing" and didn't delete the lot.

Say you search for "Izzys" in the search box when you really meant to search for "Izzies". If you even touch the scrollbar the searchbox looses focus, so when you type the  <backspace><backspace>ies thinking you are correcting the text you are searching on you actually delete two folders.

And of course, this also explains why the * folders a lot of people use are going missing. They are at the top of the list, so get the <backspace> key by preference.

So, crucial NOT to touch the scrollbar and press <backspace>, must click in the searchbox again after scrolling.

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7 hours ago, Phil Deakins said:

I thought that LL had fixed the backspace thing by it no longer deleting items from the trash. Perhaps it hasn't yet reached 3rd party viewers.

I think that is just in the latest viewer release, sometime in the last week or two.  So people have to download the new version before that stuff will apply.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just bumping this so we don't forget as I had another (smallish) occurrence just now.

I lost my complete folder that had all the SL14B textures I used in the Live Stage sims. This was not a huge deal as I had the texture I needed today on my hard drive and uploaded again. JUST TO MAKE SURE it was really gone, I went back over to the build and clicked on the buildings to get the texture. Nope, it didn't recognize any texture in my inventory.  Even the official SL14B posters (many in many colors) were gone (same folder in my inventory).  This was a top level folder and ONLY contained the textures I used in that build plus the official posters.  There were no special characters just "SL14B".

And yes I have been SUPER careful when emptying my trash :(

So let's not forget this is still an issue. 

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18 hours ago, Chic Aeon said:

Just bumping this so we don't forget as I had another (smallish) occurrence just now.

I lost my complete folder that had all the SL14B textures I used in the Live Stage sims. This was not a huge deal as I had the texture I needed today on my hard drive and uploaded again. JUST TO MAKE SURE it was really gone, I went back over to the build and clicked on the buildings to get the texture. Nope, it didn't recognize any texture in my inventory.  Even the official SL14B posters (many in many colors) were gone (same folder in my inventory).  This was a top level folder and ONLY contained the textures I used in that build plus the official posters.  There were no special characters just "SL14B".

And yes I have been SUPER careful when emptying my trash :(

So let's not forget this is still an issue. 

Did the SL14B folder go missing after you emptied trash? Or are you not sure exactly when or how it went missing?

If you are a Firestorm user, please make sure to update to the new Firestorm 5.0.7 release.  This update includes all the Trash behaviour changes that are in the latest LL viewer to help prevent accidental deletion of inventory.

If anyone notices items or folders moving into Trash when you did not delete them or folders going missing after deleting Trash when the folder was not listed in Trash prior to Trash purging, please grab the following information as soon as possible & add it to BUG-100541 - &nbsp;Folders add themselves to trash without user intervention  or file a new JIRA issue if you prefer.

  • Agent name
  • Region Name you were on when the folder/s moved into Trash.
  • Time and Date when the folder/s moved into Trash.
  • Folder or item name that went under Trash by mistake
  • Asset ids
  • A couple of operations the resident has performed around the time when the folder/item went under Trash
  • Viewer logs from the session where a folder/s or object/s moved into Trash without user interaction.
    It is very important to keep the viewer logs from a session where items mysteriously moved into Trash.
    • If you are using the LL viewer, instructions on how to find your logs folder can be found HERE
    • If you are using Firestorm viewer, instructions on how to find your logs folder can be found HERE
    • Once logged out from the session where items were moved into Trash, before you relog, zip up the whole logs folder & attach it to this issue using More Actions -> Attach files.
    • If you cannot attach your logs folder (JIRA permissions for attachments are a bit flaky unless you filed the issue), please IM Whirly Fizzle inworld & I'll make sure you can get your zipped logs attached.
    • Once you have zipped up your logs folder, the logs LL need are safely saved on your system and you can relog.

LL really need this information to be able to find the cause of the issue.

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3 minutes ago, Whirly Fizzle said:

Did the SL14B folder go missing after you emptied trash? Or are you not sure exactly when or how it went missing?

Lots of great info in that post, thanks.  And I will update very soon to the new FS viewer. 

Meanwhile. I did empty trash a day or so ago. But I CAREFULLY (very carefully as "burned 20 times = VERY shy" sort of thing) read through my trash folder before emptying. So it wasn't in the trash WHEN I emptied the trash. And I know that this weird behavior makes it very difficult to find out what is happening. 

It was gone after emptying trash but whether in an instant or a day I have no clue. One thing I wondered about was if all the textures in that folder disappeared from the grid as a whole as happened Spring 2016 with my logo (all copies of the logo that I knew of -- alts, venue owners etc. lost the logo). THAT time the texture was completely gone from the gird and I had to export from Inworldz as it was a very old logo and not on my hard drive).  The answer to at least some of that question was 'no' as I had a texture from one of Torley's free packs and I still have that in my general texture folder.  Other times (likely completely different issues) items have disappeared from SEVERAL folders at once. I keep multiple copies of items in different folder and different subfolders and have had items disappear from ALL of them at once. So really no great reason to keep so many backups but I keep hoping it will help LOL. 


Most of the time, it seems that most of us just find things missing when they were there not long ago.  I am not completely sure that "my" issue is "this current" issue since I have always had a lot of inventory loss over the years. My account may reside on an unhappy server :D. Who knows.

If I actually have something useful to report I definitely will, but aside from knowing for sure that the folder was there at the opening of SL14B -- I have nothing much. 


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  • 1 month later...

I came here via google search using the keywords "you're trash is overflowing".  

Honestly, I'm here to rant, and no one may read this, but the feelings I'm having towards Linden Lab at the moment are not pleasant.  The folder that was moved into the trash (how did it get there?) was labeled "BUILD".  If you've been around SL for a while, you can probably guess what's in there.  Tools, buildings, RARE builds, no copy items, previous builds from past sims.  Basically, 7,100 items that were accumulated over the past 8 years to create my own little world(s).  There is no way this data is lost forever, I simply refused to believe that.  There is a way to retrieve, and I believe that LL or whomever doesn't want to put any effort into it, regardless if it's an error on their part or not.  I didn't realize until today that the folder was missing.  I've seen that some people are saying to 'move on', but after collecting and spending enough money to buy an 'ok' used car in real life, I can't move on. I'm F%&ING ANGRY.



[2017/07/20 12:59]  Lux (lux.chiantelle): I just got a notice
[2017/07/20 12:59]  Lux (lux.chiantelle): "you're trash is overflowing"
[2017/07/20 12:59]  Lux (lux.chiantelle): haha
[2017/07/20 12:59]  Lux (lux.chiantelle): crazy
[2017/07/20 12:59]  Lux (lux.chiantelle): I've had way more s&^t in there before
[2017/07/20 13:00]  *********Resident: i didn't even know that could happen
[2017/07/20 13:00]  Lux (lux.chiantelle): me either...there was 7,100 objects, and when I tried to open it, it deleted everything

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On 1.6.2017 at 11:56 AM, Chic Aeon said:

The mysteries of the database never seem to amaze me. I appear to have about the same number of tiems that I had after I emptied my inventory. How did the hair get into the trash when I was WEARING IT?    Now this is a new one.

I can't match that for weirdness but I can get fairly close.

One of the last things I did in SL yesterday was to take copies of some builds I was working on. When I logged on today those copies were in the trash folder.

I checked very carefully and I'm fairly certain there is no "Take copy to Trash folder" option in the menu you get when you right-click one an item in-world.

Edited by ChinRey
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1 hour ago, Lux Chiantelle said:

I came here via google search using the keywords "you're trash is overflowing".  

Honestly, I'm here to rant, and no one may read this, but the feelings I'm having towards Linden Lab at the moment are not pleasant.  The folder that was moved into the trash (how did it get there?) was labeled "BUILD".  If you've been around SL for a while, you can probably guess what's in there.  Tools, buildings, RARE builds, no copy items, previous builds from past sims.  Basically, 7,100 items that were accumulated over the past 8 years to create my own little world(s).  There is no way this data is lost forever, I simply refused to believe that.  There is a way to retrieve, and I believe that LL or whomever doesn't want to put any effort into it, regardless if it's an error on their part or not.  I didn't realize until today that the folder was missing.  I've seen that some people are saying to 'move on', but after collecting and spending enough money to buy an 'ok' used car in real life, I can't move on. I'm F%&ING ANGRY.



[2017/07/20 12:59]  Lux (lux.chiantelle): I just got a notice
[2017/07/20 12:59]  Lux (lux.chiantelle): "you're trash is overflowing"
[2017/07/20 12:59]  Lux (lux.chiantelle): haha
[2017/07/20 12:59]  Lux (lux.chiantelle): crazy
[2017/07/20 12:59]  Lux (lux.chiantelle): I've had way more s&^t in there before
[2017/07/20 13:00]  *********Resident: i didn't even know that could happen
[2017/07/20 13:00]  Lux (lux.chiantelle): me either...there was 7,100 objects, and when I tried to open it, it deleted everything

Been there of course many times. The first time (Home and Garden folder) was devastating. That was before mesh and I was still building with prims. So this isn't a NEW issue as you may have garnered from the various notes about this in Spring and Summer of 2017 (not just this thread). 

These days I keep multiple backups of items (hasn't really helped in actuality as some items disappear from NUMEROUS folders all at the same time). I also of course have backups on my hard drive of MY stuff and on a backup (which I need to update today as I have been building a LOT). I also try and rez as much as I can inworld (makes it safer). 

The box it thing which I had hoped would be a solution doesn't seem to be. And the latest incident of folders moving around and corrupted files (this was July 2017 in a post with "Deceptive Dance" in the title :D seems to have been a lot of textures which went wonky and blurry. I checked with my alt and one texture that we both had as bad for both of us, so in this instance and the one where my logo texture COMPLETELY disappeared from the grid including venue owners that had just received it the week before -- seems to be an ITEM issue and not an ACCOUNT issue.

Unfortunately just going from my personal experiences, it seems like there are MANY DIFFERENT database and asset server issues that all end up with missing items in one way or another. 

You CAN be mad. I certainly was back in 2010 or whenever, but while it would be good if Linden Lab worked a bit harder on the ongoing issue (and I assume that they are TRYING but database issue are tough, I know) but at least we KNOW that we aren't just imagining things and that it wasn't OUR fault (which used to be the general party line). 


You can put in a support ticket under "INVENTORY" and maybe get back some stuff.  The longer it has been though, the less likely this will work. 

PS. That overflowing trash issue and backspace deleting was SUPPOSED to have been fixed in the Linden Viewer some time ago. It is also fixed in the NEW version of Firestorm (again only a report that it is fixed). So if you are using a third party viewer I suggest getting the NEWEST version and checking to see if this inventory "fix" is included in their code (if it isn't FS). 


Good luck. 



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12 minutes ago, ChinRey said:

I can't match that or weirdness but I can get fairly close.

One of the last things I did in SL yesterday was to take copies of some builds I was working on. When I logged on today those copies were in the trash folder.

I checked very carefully and I'm fairly certain there is no "Take copy to Trash folder" option in the menu you get when you right-click one an item in-world.

This is happening a LOT on the beta grid (you didn't specify the grid so I am thinking main grid for you). AND yesterday when Lani went to look in her trash, the trash was completely empty and she hasn't emptied it in FOREVER. So she didn't do that. Most anything that she picks up she now puts in a personally made folder called "Aditi Builds" as things seem to remain there. They do NOT remain in the OBJECTS folder  -- overnight even. And she hasn't logged into SL often so that shouldn't be a part of the ongoing puzzle there. 

ACTUALLY (thinking on it) I don't think she has ever found what was missing in the Trash (so different from your experience) --- they have just disappeared and even an exact search didn't find them (even in trash) . Of course if they went into the trash and then the trash was deleted automatically -- well that would answer that. 

Edited by Chic Aeon
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On 6/21/2017 at 9:23 AM, Pamela Galli said:

In the JIRA Lindens mentioned that one commenter had a corrupted inventory, fixing which returned some of her missing stufff.

Just to make the issue more complicated.

When that happened to me recently I did put in a ticket and I did seem to get back a pack of mesh head appliers from 2013.  That happened BEFORE the official email saying that they had "run a script" and things might be better. I didn't find anything else but since I didn't know exactly what had disappeared in that instance it is hard to tell. It may have helped. I still found a lot of "new" missing items though (mostly textures in this instance but who knows what I "haven't" found missing :D).

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1 minute ago, Pamela Galli said:

Well this is all very upsetting. I hope they are still working on these problems. The worst kind fork ups I have heard of. I don't even want to open inventory. 

LOL. Well thanks to this post resurrection I have just copied over 1613 Blender files (have some other stuff to copy over also) to "E" my external hard drive. Doesn't mean things are completely safe of course but having a RL backup is a VERY GOOD THING --- when you can of course.   

You know, honestly I came to terms with this stuff years ago. If I hadn't I would have left. So fore ME, the "best" part of all this is that I am in some ways vindicated as I have been preaching REAL inventory loss for many many years and most folks just assumed (and said) it was my fault. So for ME, this is a great thing and I feel better in some sense anyway. 

My personal feeling with the "oh you never actually lose anything from your inventory it is a cache issue or you made a mistake" crowd is that most folks have very little idea what is in their inventory. I am in mine daily and "straighten" almost as often. If I didn't do that with all the blogging items and uploads that I do  -- I would NEVER be able to find anything. 


Back I go to copy over some more files :D. 

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