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How can I reduce my inventory?????

Sonja Smedley

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I have a problem since a few weeks.

I love to buy clothes and hair and sometimes also other stuff like houses.....!

Well, again and again my inventory seems to explode, every few weeks I have more than 10 000 objects in my inventory.

Then I always make a clean, but after I have removed so many items I´m still near 8 000 items.And a few days later the same starts again.

Is it bad to have so much items, and why it does not really reduce although I clean out sooo much stuff every time?

Where are all these objects hidden?

At the moment I have 7400 items and not much stuff in my folders, but where are all these 7 400 items?

Does anyone has the same problem or can someone tell me how to make it right.

Thanks a lot.:smileytongue:


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This might be a patronising and obvious question (and I apologise in advance for it), but have you emptied your trash folder? Because that's where all the stuff you delete goes and if you haven't emptied it, it's still in your inventory.

Anyway, I know your pain. A couple weeks ago I cleaned out about 13,000 items from my inventory into about eight shiny round prim boxes...


I assume you've done the box-stuffing thing? It's an absolute must. Just shove stuff from your inventory into some prims you make for the purpose and delete it (twice) from your inventory. The numbers (and the client-side lag) reduce in seconds.

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Folder, subfolders, duplicates, and even outfit links.  They all add up.  (^_^)

Finding duplicates is somewhat easy.  You can search your inventory for a matching name.  Navigating subfolders, no so easy. (>_<)

In the end, don't worry way too much about it.  I have nearly 50k in my inventory.  I know people with more. (^_^)y



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Hi! There is nothing wrong with having a lot of inventory, in fact, compared to what others have posted, your inventory is not that large. Not too long ago I came to the realization that I had amassed a rather large inventory due to shopping, hunts and other miscellaneous hoarding. As far as I know, there are no hidden items in your inventory, but you could have several items in boxes and folders, so the numbers might be larger than what you think you are looking at. What you probably want to do is organize. Torley has a rather nice tutorial on spring cleaning that someone will be posting a link to shortly. Have fun!

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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Hi! There is nothing wrong with having a lot of inventory, in fact, compared to what others have posted, your inventory is not that large. Not too long ago I came to the realization that I had amassed a rather large inventory due to shopping, hunts and other miscellaneous hoarding. As far as I know, there are no hidden items in your inventory, but you could have several items in boxes and folders, so the numbers might be larger than what you think you are looking at. What you probably want to do is organize. Torley has a rather nice tutorial on spring cleaning that someone will be posting a link to shortly. Have fun!


What, this one?



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Bear in mind also that a brand new avatar with virtually no user-added inventory items will show an inventory count of around 2300 items, because of the default content and the content in the "Library" part of their inventory. They really shouldn't count the Library, since that is shared content and isn't really a part of your actual inventory at all.

There's a debug setting that can prevent the Library from loading. If you want an accurate count of what you really have, use that feature temporarily and it will only count what is in your real inventory.

It does also count folders in the inventory, though, and all the 'links' that 2.x generates for current outfit and the like also count against total inventory.

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You have over 1000 items in your Library.  You can choose to not load your library by going to Advanced > Default Settings and entering noinventorylibrary and set to 'True'.  If you ever wish to see your library, you can change the setting back to 'false'. 

I have over 25K in my inventory (without the library).  Do not delete things that you bought just to keep your inventory low.  Take other suggestions here for controlling your inventory to the size that is managable for you.

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A few things I do/have done to tidy up:

* Delete hair sizes I do not use

*Delete "give contents" scripts and hovering text scripts

*Delete out of date notecards

*Delete old ads sent from vendors I buy from

*Delete duplicate items

*Delete out of date landmarks

*Box up things I might need later on but have no use for now

*Delete gestures I do not use

*Delete animations/AOs I do not use

*Delete old freebies that I thought were super cool when I first joined but are embarrassing in retrospect

*Delete any textures that are not full perms

*Empty Lost & Found folder

*Empty trash folder


Hope that helps.


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Keeping your inventory around 10, 000 is actually very good. There is some good advice above about keeping your inventory down, but it all takes work, which is not as much fun as buying stuff & opening packages. I've been boxing up some of my inventory, but then one has to lable the box to remeber what's inside. Boxing up seasonal decorations is a good way to start with boxing, since you know you'll only use those things at certain times of the year. If you're worried about accidentally deleting favorite items, you can save back-up boxes of stuff in-world too.

My Attic_001.jpg


Just don't end up like this woman.


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It's good to keep the clutter down. I find keeping it below 15,000 (although I just had it sneak over 16,000 so can't brag) has helped me get about smoothly. I swear that sim crossings are easier with less baggage to swap from server to server.

Some ideas are-

Box up stuff, and put it into an old chest, and leave it at home. Who needs 5,000 freebie sculpts going with them everywhere they go?

If you build, get a SALT hud from the Marketplace, and box your megaprim collection.

With things like hairs, box the colours and sizes you don't wear.

Make themed notecards, and store your landmarks on them.

Do the same for your notecards.

Sort your inventory by file name rather than date, and delete duplicate things. Landmarks and unpacker scripts have an uncanny way of multiplying while you aren't watching.

Put your building textures into a texture organiser (I keep intending to get around to this one day myself)

Alts are a good for extra storage space. If you run a business, use an alt to store full-perm backups/archives of your creations/textures.


Stupid question now I'm thinking...Is it possible to box or notecard calling cards? I have thousands, and don't want them neccessarily deleted.


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My inventory is a disgrace, I am not going to say my number but multiplying by 6 might do it.

I delete everything called object and new note, if I don't know what it is, I don't need to keep it.  I used to store stuff in boxes until one went missing due to inventory loss, losing the inventory inside it.  I give outfit layers that are trans ok to alts if I never wear them.  I pass on trans outfits I don't want to noobs, but very few stuff is trans ok these days.

Someone once suggested I use Second aka Stored Inventory to clean mine out.  I do have it from way back so may do this, the interface is just that bit nicer for that sort of job.

Popping LMs into notecards is ok, but you can also store them in the Mysti Tool if you have one.

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One thing that I found was very useful was hiding the Library:


How do I hide the Library?

While you can't delete the Library, if you're concerned it causes visual clutter, you can hide it:

   1. Enable the Advanced menu.
   2. Choose Advanced > Debug Settings.
   3. Type noinventoryLibrary. It autocompletes.
   4. Select TRUE.
   5. Close the Debug Settings window and restart the Viewer.

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I sometimes use the Library for textures. I hope that doesn't transfer those textures into my regular Inventory like wearing Library clohting or hair does.


I just found a new trick for storing Inventory. Instead of putting stuff inside a box, you can put it on a notrcard.  Lable the notecard so you know what's in it, same as you would for a box. The advantage to this is that you can open a notecard anywhere to see what's inside & take out pieces, without having to rez or wear it. The disadvange of using notecards is that you have to box clothing (& maybe body parts) before putting them on it.  Otherwise, you lose the icon that tells you what clothing layer the clothing is on.

Another limitation of notecards is that you can't put temporary textures on them. I suppose this is to keep people from sharing temporary textures. You can use temporary textures on objects or clothing, however, then treat those objects & clothing normally. This trick saves alot of lindens because you don't have to pay $L 10 to upload temporary textures, yet you can still use them to create stuff.


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"My inventory is a disgrace" - that made an Erin laugh :D


But yeah sometimes worthless junk just appears in INV for no apparent reason.


Just take things one folder at a time...


But yeah when you buy stuff, of course for whatever reason the vendor feels the need to include some useless scripts, the landmark, a texture, and a damned thank you card.


You might get lucky and they will have the instructions on how to resize the thing, like with shoes and the card will start off with a lecture like, "Now you may be wondering why we did it like this".


HELL NO I don't CARE why they did it like that.


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  • 2 years later...

Each outfit you have has a separate entry point in the inventory. One outfit might have up to 50 items. So, if you have 20 outfits, your inventory will look like having 1000 extra items. My cigarettes are present in all my 30 outfits and so one simple cig appears in 30 places.


Also, try to store in a box/notecard what you never used in an year or 6 months.

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Yes I know this is a problem with the outfits...I have I think around 30 saved outfits or even more...and then always the huds for the breedables or such stuff...and I should really make boxes with all the old stuff...but this takes so much time.

Right now I have around 33 000 items in my inventory..:smileyfrustrated:

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Open up your inventory and in filters select landmarks, delete all duplicated ones. Do same with scripts and notecards. Also, you can delete all scripts/landmarks and notecards you get when upacking boxes. 

Another thing you can do is delete all landmarks from shops that you have at least one item bought there, if the shop is stil opened then you can find a landmark by right-clickng on any item and chosing properties, this will show the creator and you can open this persons profile, all creators have pics with their shops. 

Every new item you buy, and specially mesh, delete all sizes you don't really use, leave only one size. Always save boxes in your inventory, but put them all in one box.

You can also box your old landmarks (if you don't want to delete them) and notecards. 

Many of us have tons of textures and snapshots in our inventories, you can put them all in one texture preview object.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I cleaned up my inventory. From 10 372 items, down to 5 330. Boxed all objects I never used in 6 months and I don't need. I found a few double items. The problems were:

around 1000 gestures (don't have any idea where they came from)

landmarks (over 500), I keep only 20, they are anyway in teleport history

Notecards (moved 90% of them on a notecard). You can put on a notecard only objects with full perm, so it doesn't work for 80% of the objects)

Unfinished or modified objects & scripts that I don't use any longer (about 500)

Freebies (mostly from when I was new here) - 1500 items.

More then 1000 items were inside outfits I no longer use.

Time needed: 4 or 5 hours.

All is packed in a single green sphere. Now, I am smoking a cigarette both in rl and sl and thinking: Shouldn't be a wise idea to delete all these 5000 items?


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