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Does Wasted have nothing better to do?

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I noticed a glut/rash/outbreak of spammed messages from Wasted on the other forums. Does Wasted not have any better way to spend a Sunday other than doing that? Seriously, wouldn't a trip to a therapist be a better use of time?

I suppose there is some humor in that there's a certain creativity in using letters and numbers signing up as "VVa5t3d," and starting the posts as being "for the children" (the classic opening for any "argument" for censorship!) but other than that, it is a sad reflection of Wasted's mental state. If only we could help - for the sake of the children who read this stuff!

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I think it takes Wasted very little time, while giving him the personal satisfaction of knowing, yet again, he's been able to easily create a brand new alt, and outwit the system.  On Thursday, around 9am Spanish/European time, it took him less than 30 minutes to post to eight threads, which were left unattended for about 3 hours because there was no one moderating. 

Also, I think he does it from his workplace, so he is multi-tasking in other windows, like I was doing when "monitoring" his activities this week.

He also gets the personal satisfaction of knowing that he has become "famous". Sad but true.


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Marigold Devin wrote:

Also, I think he does it from his workplace 

You think he's old enough to have a job?  With a mentality like that I assumed he was early-teens at most.  Oh joy - I can't wait until he gets fired for misuse of company equipment as well as having to stay in hospital for knee-replacement surgery,

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I'm just glad to see that mods are hear on weekends.. Wasted would come on weekend because he thinks mods are not here till monday..which used to be the case in the old forums..it's nice to see those floodings of forum sections are delt with much faster as well on the weekend..

it takes wasted no time to copy and paste the same things he has been pasting for  close to a year now..

i'm just so glade it's much faster and easier to have him delt with now..he will now start to lose that fame he pushed on us..*winks* hehehe

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Sigmund Leominster wrote:

[...] If only we could help  [...]


you could try not giving it the attention he so obviously craves?


or barring that, suggest he take up photography using historical methods and hope he leaves cyanide on utensils he eats with or has an unfortunate accident making flash powder....

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I keep reading other people talking about Wasted spamming the forum. I haven't seen a single post from him yet in the new forum, so either I'm spending far less time here than I used to, or the mods are very speedy about getting rid of his stuff. I believe the latter is true, but sadly, so is the former.

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I haven't bothered to read any of his posts in the new forums. Now that the moderators dispose of them quickly, they aren't even much of a nuisance any more.  It's sort of pitiful, really, that he hasn't figured out that nobody cares about his delusional ramblings.

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Darkie Minotaur wrote:

I just love his posts - and I die laughing when he goes on about The Help People. So: Long live Waisted.


Ya everyone gets a kick out of it at first..

Then it turns into  that episode  from SpongeBobSquarePants where he ripped his pants..


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