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Marketplace Search Issues

Dakota Linden

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Greetings all!

We are aware of the reports of issues related to the release of the new Search on the Second Life Marketplace. 

if you are experiencing any of the issues related to the new Search, please add a comment to the existing Second Life Bug Report, located here:

Marketplace Search Bug Report

To assist the Marketplace Team, we ask that when you add a comment, please include the following information:

Affected Field:  (Demo linking, Related Items, Quick Fill, etc.)

Name of Product you are editing:  (What is the name of, or link to, the item listing that you are trying to add a demo or related item)

Search Term:  (What is the exact search term you have entered to try to locate the Demo, Related, or Quick Fill Templete)

Screenshot:  (If possible, please provide a screenshot showing the empty search return showing the search text and the lack of results).

If you are listing Adult rated items that contain profanity, we ask that you not provide the above information, however. :)

Thank  you!




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Another one related to the deleted listings showing up, is inactive listings being turned active again.  They show up in the store, but when clicked lead to the MP homepage.  They DO show as inactive in Manage Listings.  The work around that I did was to reactivate them, check to make sure it no longer leads to the MP homepage, and then go back and deactivate them.

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My personal observations so far:


* Search doesn't know about word synonyms as it used to know (or may be it didn't and previous results looked like it knew due to a list of keywords)

* Search seems to prefer keywords included in the product name rather than keywords list, which leads to a problem that names will become longer and will include such words, and product names will look cluttered

* Products that were far less popular are now top list by default search, it's a break of the market for sure.

* Boolean operators are recognized in capitals only (OR, AND). Word "and" in lower-case is recognized as a keyword - if included in the product name it will influence overall result

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What Ray said is very true and very important. If you look at the Best Selling page after searching "house," you will notice that's it's littered with avatar attachments. This will most certainly kill the market, therefore an effort to quiickly implement a resolution to this burdensome issue should be paramount. Quite frankly, the old marketplace was functioning better than this one. I hope all these issues will be rectified by the end of this week, otherwise detrimental consequences may arrise.

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You are correct, Wizzy. However, the typical buyer would be unaware of the need to put the word between quotation marks, so albeit effective, your suggestion doesn't consitute a practical resolution to the issue at hand. Why would they make it function this way? I cannot see how this change benefits anyone, to be honest.

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Ray Silent wrote:


* Search seems to prefer keywords included in the product name rather than keywords list, which leads to a problem that names will become longer and will include such words, and
product names will look cluttered


This is a HUGE plus! Who cares how product names look, this will greatly focus search.

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Pamela, have your sales not dwindled since the upgrade? I would typically see your houses on the front page prior to the upgrade, but now when I search "house" I cannot spot even one. This keyword bug has flooded the front page with products that were previously unheard of due to poor performance. The marketplace before the upgrade was by no means perfect, but it certainly wasn't this bad either.

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The severity of this issue is slowly coming to light. I am sure most merchants have been experiencing sharp declines in their sales since this release. You can either fix this system at a very rapid pase, or revert to the old sysetm until all the issues plaguiing this one have been rectified. 

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Sally Audebarn wrote:

Pamela, have your sales not dwindled since the upgrade? I would typically see your houses on the front page prior to the upgrade, but now when I search "house" I cannot spot even one. This keyword bug has flooded the front page with products that were previously unheard of due to poor performance. The marketplace before the upgrade was by no means perfect, but it certainly wasn't this bad either.

Well I don't really keep track but seems about the same as before, except I would have to say that more of the older stuff is showing up in sales.

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As a consumer, I agree the marketplace search is worse than before.  Use of 'NOT demo' to search seems to bring up more demos than products.  Merchants are sinking themselves by making the mp even less useable by so many adding all sorts variations to bypass the old 'not demo' function.  I also think linden labs needs to enforce how items get key worded to stop this practice. It is absolutely rediculous to do a search for "free NOT demo" and end up with not only demos but items that are priced well over free.

Or maybe, we can get some voluntary self-policing by merchants to stop the practice.  I for one would prefer to give my money to a group of merchants that adhere to a stated public policy of not manipulating descriptions and key words to mislead buyers into looking at their products.

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Oh dear - I'd advise folks with blood pressure issues not try sorting their store page by 'Best Selling' - the new search engine algorithm seems especially adept at presenting us with results representing our 'least' selling items. How on earth did the devs manage to pull that one out of their magic hat?

On the other hand we now can't moan about there being no difference between Best Selling and Relevance (which does seem pretty relevant).

Cynic that I am, I don't expect there will be any real improvements. Most devs would rather give up their first born for slaughter than admit they have got it wrong. If they can't fix it it then they could save face by just changing the drop down selection to say 'worst selling'


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Lasher Oh wrote:

Oh dear - I'd advise folks with blood pressure issues not try sorting their store page by 'Best Selling' - the new search engine algorithm seems especially adept at presenting us with results representing our 'least' selling items. How on earth did the devs manage to pull that one out of their magic hat?

On the other hand we now can't moan about there being no difference between Best Selling and Relevance (which does seem pretty relevant).

Cynic that I am, I don't expect there will be any real improvements. Most devs would rather give up their first born for slaughter than admit they have got it wrong. If they can't fix it it then they could save face by just changing the drop down selection to say 'worst selling'


I think the weighting of how recent a sale is, is still too heavy. One thing on my first page now is something I have sold so few of, when I saw the sale, I could not recall what it even was. Yes, it is one of my all time worst sellers (why, I do not know, I still like it, tho everyone else hates it). 

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Autumn Ehrenkranz wrote:

Pamela, I put probable misspellings in my keyword list.  The number of words I would have to put into my product name would be ridiculous. Some have more than one probable misspellings.  It would be unfair to take possible customers away that don't know the correct spelling of a word.

So, you think "kichen" should have as much weight as "kitchen". Okay.

To me, this is a way to finally partially mitigate the effect of keyword spam, and something I have been requesting for years.

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Hi Dakota - Overnight my marketplace page has decided that I'm not an Adult. I always have my maturity setting selected to "General, Moderate, Adult" Now it tells me I'm only eligible for General. Whenever I try to reset the setting it partially works for the page I am on IE I see the item (my own by the way) but it won't show me the other adult related items bottom of page. To compound the problem, after changing the setting to the full monty, when I navigate to the Marketplace Main Home page my adult settings revert back to General.

It's a pain in the you know where and makes editing my own adult listings double troublesome.

As I said, this is an overnight problem and I'm pretty sure sure it is connected to the ongoing new search disaster. Can I kindly request that that you ask the dev team to roll back search to the original until they can figure out 'what the heck is going on"



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Lasher Oh wrote:

Oh dear - I'd advise folks with blood pressure issues not try sorting their store page by 'Best Selling' - the new search engine algorithm seems especially adept at presenting us with results representing our 'least' selling items. How on earth did the devs manage to pull that one out of their magic hat?

On the other hand we now can't moan about there being no difference between Best Selling and Relevance (which does seem pretty relevant).

Cynic that I am, I don't expect there will be any real improvements. Most devs would rather give up their first born for slaughter than admit they have got it wrong. If they can't fix it it then they could save face by just changing the drop down selection to say 'worst selling'


Good thing I read the thread. This is precisely what I find, with every single store I have checked(friends' stores, I asked them which products were best selling so I could make certain it wasn't just me, lol).

Every one of my least selling items, some of which have sold absolutely 0 in the years they've been there,  is listed first under best selling, and they aren't even always the same results. I have checked, repeatedly, throughout the day yesterday, evening, overnight, and now today(6:30am my time right now), and I don't even get the same dang results every time....Trust me when i tell you, my best sellers have *never once changed in the last two years, so there is no reason for this to fluctuate, at all, much less it seems every hour to every few hours. Especially when there haven't been any dang sales in that time frame, lol. I can easily keep meticulous track with a small store, I know what sells. Apparently, whatever was done...is not nearly as smart as it once was (I'm not sure this, eh hem, "feature", ever worked properly, but it did work a *little bit better before, for me, when sorting my own store, lol) I'm just a wee guppy in this pond, so if it messes up my lil bitty corner, I can imagine it goes waaay haywire for bigger fish. 

Relevance, I'm still uncertain what effect it has, as it's not even always the same results and never has been(not that I'd expect it to, but for it to change, as frequently as it does, makes absolutely no sense at all, lol). I'm not even sure any adjustments were made to that, probably not, but..who knows.

Alphabetic listing actually works, when in the past it failed on and off(I don't know why, but I doubt most people even use that option, so I was never concerned with it, especially since I still have a tiny store). As do the rating, price and prim count(for the cases where a merchant actually gives a prim count, otherwise the results are all over the place(but that part makes sense, you can't sort by LI/prim count if it's not listed, lol)


I have decided to hold off on adding the remainder of the products I've been working on for months now, despite my desire to get them added back in before my schedule gets all wonky again, and these issues are not making me confident that I CAN add them anytime soon-or any more for that matter. I know, it's my own issue, but that bums me out, because it takes me forever to get something right these days and my days of being able to physically create are limited and precious to me....so, I'm bummed (first world problems, eh?) 



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