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Continents!!!! Does any1 have a MAP?

Medhue Simoni

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Somewhat embarrassed to say this, but...... I have no idea what continents are what. Matter of fact, I have no idea what continent my region is on, and I've owned it for over a year and a half. Oh, I've seen the map so many times, I could easily point out where my land is. Everything else, I don't have a clue. I know we have a continent called Zindra, and that is for adult stuff, but, again, no clue which continent it is on the map. Bay City, until today, I thought it was just a bunch of land owned by 1 group of people. Sansara, I only know because of the previous thread.

Ok, I'm not a newbie. On the contrary, I'd probably be considered an oldbie. For the first 2 years of my 4 years being a merchant in SL, I didn't really know when I was on the mainland, other than I could not buy there unless I was premium. I pay attention. I read the wikis. I search for things. Actually this is my second attempt at getting to know the continents, cause I know they have names. Finding the info tho, that is impossible.

Why don't we have a proper map? I remember way back in the day when Philip announced new changes to the map, and I thought back then, maybe i will know where the hell I am now. Nope, it looked prettier, but that was it.

Without continent names, how can you even map things out in your head as to where you are. I guess now that I know SL, this does not really matter, but still. People make references to something, even Zindra, and how the hell is any1 supposed to know where that is. Or some1 says, come to bay city, and gives no Slurl. I don't even understand why people reference things in this way if you can't find those things easily on a map without zooming into every square. I'm just sayin, if continents were always displayed, if not on the inworld map, then somewhere in the wiki, then I and many others would better understand and use the map.

Basically, in my first 2 years being in SL, I didn't even use the map, as it meant nothing to me.


Here it is every1:


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You can start with this page: http://secondlife.wikia.com/wiki/Southern_Continent

It covers the first continent, Sansara.  Other continents are also mentioned (go all the way to the bottom as well for other links).  It would help if you posted the name of the sim you are on.  Then I could tell you exactly which mainland continent on which you reside.

You can go to the Explorers Info Centre on Zindra here http://slurl.com/secondlife/Soobit/214/50/30  to help you identify your continent.  Assuming that you have looked at the map, zoomed out to get a view of the continent, naming it is easy.

I have lived on the mainland for less than one year but I find the geography of the various continents fascinating.  I recall when LL opened up Corsica and Nautilus for habitation.  At the time I owned a sim and had no interest in property on mainland.  I now wish that I had taken more interest at that time.

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I own Egglebury, and I know it is not on Sansara, lol.

Over a year ago, I wanted to see if I could fly across the other 2 conitnents that are linked to the continent I'm on. I actually was able to fly all the way, but crashed near southern part of a last continent and I gave up on flying back.

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I had the same problem when i was new. I didnt see them on the world map.

I removed some extraneous things like telehubs from showing, then the $'s formed clusters. Moving in closer, these resembled entire continents.


Inworld, go to NCI aka New Citizens Incorporated. (My favorite location is at Fishermans Cove)

They have large map prims. if you click them you can get copies for yourself.

For the adventurer in you there's the LDPW maps which plot out protected routes (until you get hit by some ugly garbage truck, but that's for another thread)


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A very outdated, but still cool map that shows the first three continents: http://www.flickr.com/photos/wizzy_gynoid/4071164570/

A somewhat outdated map by Carl Metropolitan. http://www.flickr.com/photos/wizzy_gynoid/4101685043

Jacks Map O' The Gridde: http://www.flickr.com/photos/wizzy_gynoid/4101685041

#4 is Satori.

Above *and* alongside Corsica is Gaeta.

To the far east of all of these is Zindra

In three (or is it four now) locations to the east of these are the Nascera continents.

Directly to the southeast of Satori is the teen grid continent, which does not to my knowledge have a formal name.

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Just to offer some background to RL, Gaeta is a town located in the Latium region (Lazio, in Italian) about 120 km from Rome and 80 km from Naples. It's the location of a NATO base and a port for the US's Sixth Fleet. I wonder why LL picked the name for the continent. Maybe someone at the lab served in the Sixth Fleet.


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In addition to Carl Metropolitan's maps, which are easy to see, there was another guy who made huge what he called "satellite" maps. I can't recall his name, maybe someone will remember. He used to run a big map store in Moraine on the riverbank there (it's gone now).

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Yes! Every1, big thanks! Really, I thought I knew alot about SL, but today, I got a big lesson on SL history.

In the past, it was just not important enough for me to actually seek out, but lately, it bugged me that i did not know, lol. Better to come to the forum than waste another couple hours.

Thanks again!


Sorry! No Kudos! Guess I should have marked it as a question.

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Isn't that a bit like asking for a map of the internet? A map as a navigational tool appears a bit archaic in a world where you can teleport anywhere in an instant.

PS: How much of SL's land mass is concentrated on the mainland anyway? With a few exceptions, all the interesting places that I've seen were hosted on private islands.

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Ishtara Rothschild wrote:

Isn't that a bit like asking for a map of the internet? A map as a navigational tool appears a bit archaic in a world where you can teleport anywhere in an instant.

Hop in your car in Sammamish and drive it to Hikuelo. Or run an SLRR train from Bhagi to Pavonia, trade it for a horse, and ride to Athetis. Or fly from Hau Koda up into the northern Continent, or boat across the Blake Sea.

Many more ways to enjoy a world than teleporting, especially if you've got the time and interest. 


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Ishtara Rothschild wrote:

Isn't that a bit like asking for a map of the internet? A map as a navigational tool appears a bit archaic in a world where you can teleport anywhere in an instant.

PS: How much of SL's land mass is concentrated on the mainland anyway? With a few exceptions, all the interesting places that I've seen were hosted on private islands.

Yeah, on a private sim it really does not matter at all, but mainland is different. There are real landmarks on mainland. There are roads where you can drive all the way around the continent. Some mainland continents actually connect to other continents and this allows you to fly or sail across 3 or 4 continents. Maps are about knowing where you are, compared to another landmark. Occaisionally, I will fly around Gaeta, you'd be surprised how many other merchants are around me.

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