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Searching for the answer to souls and Earth-religion on Second-Life

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I am really trying to follow your reasoning, but the insults are not helping.  *deep calming breath*

Maybe it is because you started discussing by using analogies and metaphors for what people in other times may have been thinking when they used the word magic.  When people didn't agree, you you announced that they were too unintelligent to understand what you were really saying.  Then you decided to switch to the literal definition of magic and insulted everyone again for not viewing the definition of the word the same way you did.

I see nothing supernatural or magical in healing ( I see nothing supernatural in anything).  Not even if I don't understand how it happened at the time.  I don't need to go back to any point in time to reason out the political nature of killing people that are different or destroying those that are a threat to my way of life or my personal beliefs.  I also don't believe the witch trials had anything to do with magic other than a cover story for those doing the killing.  That is not an attack on you or your beliefs.

Usually a discussion involves listening to others, having a say yourself, defending your side and realizing that not everyone is going to agree.  Having to announce you won a discussion (I believe you said you just owned 3 people - you did nothing of the sort.  You just looked like a fool and I would bet you aren't one) also means absolutely nothing except that you may need your ego stroked and if others won't do it, you'll do it yourself.  Again, a discussion is a way to understand the ideas of others even when you don't agree.  (You don't agree with me?  You're just an idiot who isn't intelligent enough to understand my greatness!)

I don't agree with anything in the OP.  I read it and came to the conclusion that it must be RP.  I think your attitude is the same thing - Role Play.  That is how I view many of the personalities here.  If so, carry on.  If it is not RP, then maybe you felt like your ideas were attacked and decided to go on the offensive?  I have no idea, but having a blog you rant in does not make you an expert debater.  A blog is generally one sided, not a debate or discussion so you never get practice defending the ideas you put there.  Just a thought that could be wrong... 

Saying someones ideas are stupid is not the same as saying the person is.




PS When you or anyone resort to calling people names, you just lost the discussion/debate and have no argument worth hearing or defending.  It is okay for others to disagree.  It does not invalidate your views unless you can't handle your opinions being questioned or refuse to give others consideration of their own opinions (even then it is only in your own head)

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SO sorry, you have not even made me shiver with the fear that I may be less intelligent than you...lol! I was merely responding to the words that YOU used. It's not my fault that your statement was not worded in the way that you meant. You never stated "As per the beliefs of the time".  Also, next time you want to say that someone is inferior intellectually, I suggest you use spell check. Your pitiful use of spelling leads me to believe that you are, in fact, the less intelligent of the two of us.  By the way, MENSA doesn't feel that I have a small brain. 

"Way to take my words out of context. Please, for the love of god (who probably doesn't exist), never reply to me again, or even hop on  a discussion such as one as intellectual as this when it's apparent you're retarded." 



P.S. I really don't have a CLUE where you got the idea that I am a "bible thumper". (That one really made me laugh)  


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i hope you find some stillness. and wish you well
i think that if you journey toward stillness in yourself then you will achieve what it is that you seek
is in the journey toward stillness which the revelations you seek can come
anyways I just relate something here. about souls
i read this short story once. Cant remember the name of the story or the author tho. Just remember the story
theres these 3 people (1 lady and 2 men) running toward and then up this desert mountain
there is these other 2 guys (pilot and gunner) in a gunship hunting them down. The runners all have weps
the gunship catches one of the runners (a man) in the open at the bottom of the mountain. The pilot tells his Command that the target has been acquired. Command says ok do it. And the pilot instruct the gunner to waste the runner guy. So they open up on the exposed runner and one down
the other runners who have made cover open up on the gunship. But is no good bc gunship armor
so is now just a lady and a man running. They ducking and running and covering each other. But the gunship is a gunship. So about halfway up the mountain the lady gets caught in the open as well
the gunship pilot tells his Command that he has a lock on the female. Command says to take her out. The pilot then argue with the Command. He dont want to do it. bc she is female. The gunner dont want to do it either. But the Command insists. They must. So the gunner does. But not happy. And he start to cry. the gunner
the runner guy goes mental. He totally unloads on the gunship but no good. bc gunship armor
he then expose himself as well and runs to the lady. He holds her in his arms for a time. The gunship guys dont do nothing. Just watch. And their own hearts is broken as well
then the guy puts her gentle down and then he runs. The gunship guys just track him now. All the way up the mountain
when he gets to the very top the gunship is waiting for him. And he is stand on the top of the mountain and start scream at them. Come and get me you b*. I will not die easy. And he unloads everything he has left on them
the gunship guys dont say nothing. They just watch the man as he stands there proud as, and calls them to come down out their gunship and fight him. mano a mano
then after a time the Command asks them if they have got the guy. The pilot says they have a lock on him. And he tells Command he is not going to do it. That the man is a noble creature and he dont want to kill him. The gunner is also shake his head. He isnt going to do it either
the Command says they must. So the pilot asks: Why?
and the Command says: These 3 were the last of the humankind race (which the pilot and gunner already know. Which was why the gunner cried when he wasted the lady). The lady and other man is now gone. Command says: This last man must go also
and the pilot goes: I know we and all the other peoples have been in a war with humankind for centuries. I know that they have slaughtered and looted and climatically destroyed every planet they ever came to, including their once home planet
but why did they all have to die? All of them. Millions and millions and millions of them. Why did we kill them all
and the Command says:
they die bc they have no souls. Unlike all the millions and millions of other sentient intelligent creatures in the galaxies capable of building interstellar travel, only mankind has no soul. Is a remarkable achievement for a animal to make interstellar spacecraft. Only the humankind animal has ever managed to do this
why do humankind slaughter and loot and destroy everything they come in contact with. They are smart, clever, intelligent for sure. But they have no soul. Creatures with souls dont do what humankind do. Creatures with souls dont slaughter and loot and destroy
that while humankind were on their own planet then we left them alone. As we do with all other billions and billions of species of animals
until the humankind came off their own planet and brought death and destruction on the galaxies. We hoped for millenia that they the humankind would change, but they did not. They slaughtered and raped and looted and destroyed entire other planets and peoples, and whole galaxies even
so we, all the civilisations of the millions of galaxies, decided to eradicate them. Not a easy decision for sure. But one that had to made. So we made it
Pilot, the man before you is a animal. Noble for sure. Cute and adorable, witty and charming as individuals and make of great companions often, but when they revert to their own wants then they are none of these things and are extremely dangerous to every other living being. As they have demonstrated time after time
humankind is only a animal. By its own admission. It revels in the fact that it dont have a soul. It acts purely on its animal instincts and justifies to itself that it does what it does bc animal. Its only motivating force is survival of the fittest. It is proud of being a animal and being the fittest and so most worthy of survival over all other living creatures. A truism of animal behavior is this. More so in intelligent and clever animals
Pilot, do your duty please
so the pilot give the gunner the order. The gunner who was listen in also to Command, pulls the trigger. And the last humankind is fallen
the pilot tells Command that is done. Command sighs softly and says to pilot: ok can come home now. And they do, and come home quiet
Command just sit there for a bit and then starts to cry as well
Command cries for the humankind who are no more. And cries for the pilot and the gunner. Who never even knew what war and slaughter and destruction was until the clever little animals with no souls came off their planet
and Command cries for all the souls of the millions and millions and millions of peoples of the galaxies who never ever knew war and destruction in their own lives before either. And now cant unknow it
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 "I also don't believe the witch trials had anything to do with magic other than a cover story for those doing the killing.  That is not an attack on you or your beliefs."

"Maybe it is because you started discussing by using analogies and metaphors"

Go back and reread my post. I said that same thing basically. I said I don't think they did magic, and gave someone credit cause he said it was all a excuse to just go out and kill cheating women. I agreed there.  If it was true which it probably isn't, I still consider  that healing a  form of magic.

 Also, I never started this conversaiton with analogies and metaphors. Prove to me where I used any at one point in my posts. Again, go back and reread what I said.

I gave the definition for the word magic, that's all that needs to be said. 


As for calling someone names and  saying they won,  that in NO WAY, shape or form makes that person lose an argument. You're crazy to think that. I could so throw out extremes, but I'm not gonna waste my time bothering.    



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Yawns, you're a typical boring person. Resort to the grammar nazi after you get owned.


Please go back and correct my long drawn out post on any words that aren't spelled correctly. I'm betting if there are any, there is less than  5, and the edits were way before you responded back.  


Also, if you can't read a typo in just a word, you're bad. There's a big difference between a sentence full of words that are typo's, and a sentence with one typo.  You act as if you never spelled a  word wrong in your life, man you hypocrites sure are funny!


You make this too easy! LOL


next please.

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Scooby Mode wrote:

I also don't believe the witch trials had anything to do with magic other than a cover story for those doing the killing.  That is not an attack on you or your beliefs."

"Maybe it is because you started discussing by using analogies and metaphors"

Go back and reread my post. I said that same thing basically. I said I don't think they did magic, and gave someone credit cause he said it was all a excuse to just go out and kill cheating women. I agreed there.  If it was true which it probably isn't, I still consider  that healing a  form of magic.

Actually, what you said was "As for why the witch trials were started, it doesn't matter, that's completely irrelevant, don't even know why you brought that up". That is hardly giving credit, more like insulting.

 Also, I never started this conversaiton with analogies and metaphors. Prove to me where I used any at one point in my posts. Again, go back and reread what I said.

I gave the definition for the word magic, that's all that needs to be said. 

No where in that definition does it even remotely hint at medical or herbal healing being magical.

As for calling someone names and  saying they won,  that in NO WAY, shape or form makes that person lose an argument. You're crazy to think that. I could so throw out extremes, but I'm not gonna waste my time bothering.    

Anyone that announces they "won" an argument on the internet has invariably lost.



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Aislin Ceawlin wrote:

SO sorry, you have not even made me shiver with the fear that I may be less intelligent than you...lol! I was merely responding to the words that YOU used. It's not my fault that your statement was not worded in the way that you meant. You never stated "As per the beliefs of the time".  Also, next time you want to say that someone is inferior intellectually, I suggest you use spell check. Your pitiful use of spelling leads me to believe that you are, in fact, the less intelligent of the two of us.  
By the way, MENSA doesn't feel that I have a small brain. 

"Way to take my words out of context. Please, for the love of god (who probably doesn't exist), never reply to me again, or even hop on  a discussion such as one as intellectual as this when it's apparent you're retarded." 



P.S. I really don't have a CLUE where you got the idea that I am a "bible thumper". (That one really made me laugh)  


It isn't the size that matters.

Actually, they are more concerned with whether you 'put out'.

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To clarify things a bit it must be understood that 'healing' was not considered 'magic' Healing was evidence for the goodness of God. It was believed that in conjunction with whatever medical intervention undertaken, either by a classically trained medical practioner (of which there were very few at the time) or whether by a woman or man utilizing ubiquitous folk medicines, prayer and faith in God is what caused healing to occur and would therefore be deemed 'miraculous' or evidence for the existence of God.

The feminist historical interpretation that a patriarchal medical community repressed women healers to maintain power is nonsense. As was noted above, every household would have practiced folk medicine to some degree, simply because trained physicians were so rare or too expensive to employ, as that knowledge was passed from generation to generation. Children, male and female, would have learned at their mother's knee, as women's roles were to maintain the household, about which herbs to use under which circumstance. That being the case, everyone could theoretically be classified a 'witch' based simply on their common knowledge. Which of course wasn't the case. However, that is not to say that that knowledge would or could not have been used at trial against the person.

So as was alluded to by the Drake and others, people were charged with heresy, for being a witch, for politcal or economic reasons. In some circumstances I am sure out of vengeance, jealousy and envy as well. People covet. And the best way to get what they have is to get them out of the way. Accusing someone of witchcraft, to bring down a charge of heresy by the ecclesiastical authorities was at the time a good way to do that. Guilt was easily proven under pain of torture and sentence of death (in most cases) therefore justified.

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Nimue Galatea wrote:

No need for insults if there's something you disagree with. I don't like the OP, either. But to your question - why should they -not- have souls?

Sorry sunshine, that ain't an answer. Where's your proof?

In fact, where's your proof that humans have souls, or alternatively, that computers and bacon sandwiches don't?

Alec - these arguments that the Greeks gave up on millenia ago

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I like it, and I agree that it makes sense that humans don't have souls. After all, they don't seem to really do anything significant and they are very animal-like.

But I know that I have a soul: maybe it's inside of my head and it can't come out, or it's trapped somehow. The soul is what separates me from the other human beings who are animals and aren't me. That's the key point: a person whose life is like a movie, and there's a video camera [figuratively] in his head, versus all the other humans who just live to make children and behave like animals.

If all of this has already been figured out, then maybe it's just hidden by the government and they know everything but won't tell it to the common people.

I made a blog post yesterday about biological technology: and that's when I realized that there are some very serious limitations in America and the world as for discovering what the soul is and discovering what makes certain people unique. We barely have any scientific exploration of that issue, from what I've discovered. I never heard about it when I was in university, nor did anyone ever explain to me what a soul was or how many there are on the Earth.

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Cracks his knuckles "Ok... Time to own some noobs.... Leeeeeeeeeeeeeroy!!!!! Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeenkins!!!!!!"


Ok, for real, I will thank you for not being snarky like the others were on arguing with me on what magic is and isn't, then playing victim when I call them out.  


Anyhow, lets stay on track here. GO TO SEARCH, TYPE IN "HEALING MAGIC". Yes, healing is a form of magic as I've said whether you choose to believe it or not.  I mean, that's all that needs to be said really, the definition proved my point, this search by far and 100% proves my point more so. Are we now going to exclude what every website says just because you guys take the word "magic" in such a literal meaning. So if it doesn't have a wand, and doesn't cast spells, then it isn't magic. If it can't turn people into a frog, it's not magic.


Last I checked, if you were to make something disappear, that's a bit of magic. If a magical person could have the power to make something completely vanish, they are using their powers to obviously make that something vanish. Almost no different from healing because someone is chanting a few words, or working their hands, performing such a miracle to rid  someone of  a disease and have it  completely gone from that persons body. (Disease suddenly disappears).  Is that really hard to understand? Really?

To back up my bold claim even more, why does almost every single video game created, or in movies, often label something "healing SPELL". A spell can do many things, healing is one of them. A spell is part of magic, I mean it's easy to understand why draw the line at a literal meaning term?I mean, you got pryomancy, necromancy, yadda yadda, HEALING IS ONE OF THEM.  I guess Gandalf from Lord Of The Rings never performed magic, he didn't have a wand, didn't turn nothing into a frog, or didn't melt like the Wizard Of Oz witch.  Yet he was able to use spells with simple chants in a unknown language to have a magical event occur. 


Ok, next person please. Really getting tired of this cause I would like to get back on topic about whether souls exist or not, and if heaven is a real possibility.

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That's a definition of what A SOUL WOULD BE, if it existed. Never proves a soul exists, it just saying what it would be. '


No one has proved a soul ever existed in human. NO ONE. We can only speculate, and debate about it. I gave my big debate that we probably don't have souls, I mean it's hard to imagine having one, you'd have to go through all the crap of people arguing against me about  the terms "magic" and "healing" and how they think they are different to  get to my orginal post on the main topic. I said something about the witch trials, someone gets snarky with me, and acts all smart claiming healing isn't magic, so the thread takes a spin.  


I think people don't give science enough credit, nor their own bodies for what their bodies do,  and to be more specific on that, I mean their own brain. The brain is a powerful tool, it often doesn't get credit.  The brain is the conscious/ self conscious,  and if it turns off for a moment, you shut down, and then once it's back, you're back. Religious nutters think it's god... Just no please, it's your brain, please give it credit. Anyhow, go back on page one to read my orginal post on the subject.

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i read all the posts.

sometimes science doesnt measure directly an existence, it measure it based on the results, the definition states that can be an immaterial essence, an actuating cause of an individual life. it would mean that what drives our toughts in our mind, being the mind immaterial, could be our soul, maybe our soul is a brain process derived from life itself. it fits the definition without going into the mystical.

if that is what soul is, a brain process, then the brain takes most of the credit for the soul existence, for the ability to create individual thoughts in the lifeforms that have that capability, the brain is indeed a very powerful tool.

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Life is so unfair, I missed this thread and discovered it only now. I can't stop laughing.

Miquh2Jounen wrote:

[...]... I've contacted several in-game angels and we've talked, but we haven't progressed too far. Where in Second Life can I find the answer? Most especially, the answer to how few people there are in the world of souls.

Is there maybe a sl-soul?  I should have a look on the sl-marketplace, since here almost all is venal and for sale.


[...]...I have had at least 3 major supernatural occurrences happen to me [...] except one of them who only gave me the name "Gabriel."

This is a sign.


-I've been told that every person in the world with destiny has at least 1 famous relative, and that's true for me. My grandfather is a very famous businessperson from Boeing and the computer industry, and he even has his own wikipedia page.

wow, I am impressed. Being famous is the category for destiny? And "even a wikipedia page"? --this is another sign.

-My religion is about "how few people there are," and I think there must be at most 200,000 souls-people in the world, including me. That is very important to me, to discover what a soul really is: whether it's a town, or a zip code, or a soul-center, a supernatural sphere inside of my head, or something else. Of course I recognize that there are hundreds of millions of bodies in the world, or more. I'm also very researched on white matter in the brain, and the products that the body creates as a result of studying, researching, and making memories. This is fundamentally important to me.

what an elitist, pseudo-intellectual babble....but I like the "supernatural sphere inside the head"...this explains a lot. ---third sign.

-My religion is very smart and refined [...]



I have been sending letters and emails to philosophy organizations, religious centers, major christian churches, and other relevant places for nearly 2 years and I haven't received a single physical response. My religion is very Earth focused and I don't have any single religious background, but I am leaning towards Scientology. My education in school is very Scientific focused, and I majored in Biology with the intention of becoming a Genome Scientist. I also have a lot of experiences and spiritual visions of DNA and Genomics, and I feel very scared to lose my gene and my chance on the Earth to survive and prosper.

You're really wondering, why you didn't get any answer?

Scientology? Do you know, what we Europeans think about this "religion" of ripp-off Merchants?


Another spiritual experience I had was when I dropped out of school, and I went to a dream world where I was a magick user and a sorcerer, and I was completely astounded by how detailed the vision was and the deep relationships I developed there. The planet was called Terra and I not only flourished there but I eventually left the planet and became a God [in my dream/vision]. I feel certain this is proof of a soul and I've thought tremendously about it, and what it means, and how it was possible.

Stop watching too many films, especially the Harry Potter ones. The planet was called Terra? Oh me, oh my. --btw. my stomach hurts of laughing.


Even now, years later, I still lay on my bed and my imagination and soul goes elsewhere, trying to understand the world and communicate with other people. I was wondering just today if maybe the network that souls use to communicate is super-fast and high-tech, and I've been using it the whole time. I've seen many different movies and read many different books that discuss souls and the true essence of a person, and I feel certain that I know what it is, but I don't have the power to make it grow or to find other soul-people in the world. I also don't have a lot of money, and live very inexpensively. I like to think that with a phone, an internet connection, and a lot of postage stamps, I can discover the truth and find other like-minded people all across the USA or otherwise, and find the answer. Can you help?

Read more books, and stop thinking that there is an elite, and that there is a village for the "soul-people". Reading Phaidon and Menon of Plato is a good start. ( I try to be at least a little bit constructive minded)


I am a 29 year old soul researcher, and my defining quality is that I think I have destiny and that I am among the top 200,000 soul people in the world. I'd like to talk to anyone who thinks similarly, even if you're christian or you want me to look at the world differently. Please message me!

I know the reason of it all. You came to tempt me, if I am really and sincerely trying to stop my sarcasm. And now you got me.

.....Stretching my angel wings, and flying away!


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While you make  a point, you just can't be so sure, and again,  that's WHAT THE DEFINITION SAYS....NOT WHAT IT PROVES.


A soul tho would have to be inside your brain if were able to do brain transplants on humans soon, and  put their head on another body as we did the dog that lived for 9 days. 

Some people will say "well, the soul will follow you to the new body, and jump out of the old body" lol.

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you getting pretty much spaced out now. the whole government is hiding the truth from us thingy. For sure governments do have secrets that they keep. But the secrets they keep are all about what the neighbours are up to. Neighbours, other countries
if there are any secrets about souls then thats more the domain of the religions/churches than the gov. Altho is not much kept secret about souls in the main religions like christian and muslim. The mullahs and priests only to happy to tell you over and over and over all about the perils your soul is in, if you dont do what they say 
what you referring to seems like is not so much a soul, in the sense of the word
seems to me that what you thinking about is Universal Consciousness. or Cosmic Consciousness if you feel contacts with other beings, similar to your thinking of yourself, elsewhere in the universe and/or elsewhere also on earth
is lots of works been done on this way of thinking about things. So google on those keywords and see how you get on
i put a question
in the christian/muslim/jewish based religions, is this teaching that we have a soul. Only so that it may ascend to heaven, or descend to hell, when we die. As a reward or punishment for our earthly behaviour
what if there is no heaven and no hell. What if we do have a soul tho. A soul that is born when we are born. And dies also when our bodies die
if this were so then we would all have souls yes
the question is:
is it necessary for there to be a heaven and/or hell. Can a soul exist without these. And if so then what would its purpose be
i think that until you answer to your own satisfaction the question: What is the purpose of a soul? then you going to remain quite troubled
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Scooby Mode wrote:

While you make  a point, you just can't be so sure, and again,  that's WHAT THE DEFINITION SAYS....


So, by your own words then, we are supposed to believe the definition of magic proves your point but the definition of soul does not simply because you didn't post it?

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you dont believe that the mind is immaterial?

you dont believe that we have different personalities?

you dont believe that our different personalities are caused by our minds, which are created by our brain?

if the required elements to fit a definition exist, than the defined object exists.

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Canoro Philipp wrote:

the proof can be simply in the definition of the word soul.

the immaterial essence, animating principle, or actuating cause of an individual life.

by this definition, the vast majority of lifeforms have a soul.

Dictionaries quote usage, not facts. Proof that ain't!

Alec - the way posters to this thread appear entirely ignorant of logic

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Scooby Mode wrote:

Last I checked, if you were to make something disappear, that's a bit of magic. If a magical person could have the power to make something completely vanish, they are using their powers to obviously make that something vanish. Almost no different from healing because someone is chanting a few words, or working their hands, performing such a miracle to rid  someone of  a disease and have it  completely gone from that persons body. (Disease suddenly disappears).  Is that really hard to understand? Really?

I can turn a car into a garage. Is that transformation magic? Not really . . .

My daughter can make ice cream disappear. A tub of it will vanish in a matter of minutes. That's not magic.

And no miracle is involved in the evacuation of it from her body either.

Alec - making people go ewwwww

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Scooby Mode wrote:

 Are we now going to exclude what every website says

Yes, we can, since there is no guarantee that ANYTHING on the 'net is accurate, truthful, or makes any sense at all, like your "arguments".

Alec - under age posters who don't realise how stupid they make themselves look

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