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Someone I met in SL thinks he knows my RL age

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I was in a popular hair store and was IMed by an avi there. His chat was fairly friendly and routine, "Hi. How are you?" and I responded in kind. After just a bit he stopped reponding and I went on about my business. Usual SL stuff so far, right?

I logged back in later and had saved IMs from him saying that he knew my age and based on that no longer wanted to chat. Well, the age he stated was way off, but it made me wonder what he was basing his guess on. I did IM him to ask exactly that, but he did not respond, and I probably won't get a response.

This just makes me wonder about how someone would think they knew my age after meeting me in SL. Obviously, this could just be some sort of bad prank, and I don't want to get to know him anyway after such bad behavior, but still I wonder. It also makes me a bit concerned about information security. Just a bit though, after all his information is wrong.

Oh, obviously, my avi name is not my real name, and I have done some googling on my avi's name but come up empty. So, does anyone have thoughts they would care to share?

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Making a wild guess and badly failing... anyone can do that. Most people don’t, much less take any decisions based on them. So about the only thing indicative in this is that the person was a weirdo. No privacy / security flaws to be concluded from it.

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My initial reaction was a (very sarcastic) "Well, bully for him."

There is NOTHING he can do with that information. Nothing. He may have been told your supposed age by someone else, or have simply presumed it for no apparant reason. Perhaps he knows someone by that name and assumed you were the same person. Perhaps he's just a moron. There is no security issue, just an idiot alert. 

Personally I'd toss him on my perma-mute list and wander off. 

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OK, I looked up your avatar pictures problem on a hacker site and have determined that you have a rare, super secret SL tracking bug planted in your clothes somewhere.  You need to come to my parcel where its safe.  Take off all your detachments (except mesh body ,, and leave your hair on) but especially any system clothing layers.  I have some pose balls scanning equpiment we can use to check you out.  Just to be safe.

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Jessica Lowell wrote:

I was in a popular hair store and was IMed by an avi there. His chat was fairly friendly and routine, "Hi. How are you?" and I responded in kind. After just a bit he stopped reponding and I went on about my business. Usual SL stuff so far, right?

I logged back in later and had saved IMs from him saying that he knew my age and based on that no longer wanted to chat. Well, the age he stated was way off, but it made me wonder what he was basing his guess on. I did IM him to ask exactly that, but he did not respond, and I probably won't get a response.

This just makes me wonder about how someone would think they knew my age after meeting me in SL. Obviously, this could just be some sort of bad prank, and I don't want to get to know him anyway after such bad behavior, but still I wonder. It also makes me a bit concerned about information security. Just a bit though, after all his information is wrong.

Oh, obviously, my avi name is not my real name, and I have done some googling on my avi's name but come up empty. So, does anyone have thoughts they would care to share?

My initial thought on reading your post was "poor girl met a right ass-hat".

Sadly these are not in short supply in SL (or in RL come to that).

Pitiful excuse he made for not wanting to share your company, but of course that is no great loss at all. Creep that he is is probably hanging around that popular hair store and other popular hair stores, just waiting to see if he can pick up someone. /me shudders at the thought.

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May have based it on your termonology, word choice, etc. and thought he could guess...so basically he's a moron. i tend to use termonology that is younger than my chronological age. Depends on what you read and what you watch on TV. Ignore him.

It's like I was in an RP sim on an alt. Had a guy come up and start to RP then IM'd me and wanted to know how old I was. I told him what the approximated age I was RPing. He wanted to know my RL age because he didn't want to RP with anyone over 30. It's roleplay, not real life. He was obviously looking for someone to hook up with as a girlfriend rather than roleplay. Just ignore the idiots and enjoy your SL where you are only as old or as young as you want to be....Your world, your imagination.

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BilliJo Aldrin wrote:

One guy i was talking to said i couldn't possible be the age i claimed to be because everyone my age is "too busy drinking and partying to have an opinion on anything"


What an idiot! Doesn't he realise it's only the ones that aren't ugly that are doing that?

Alec - bringing enlightenment to the semi-visioned

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Forgive me that I kind of laughed at this experience you had, not in a harmful way at all but only because he seems very very veerryy childish. That attitutde he had was ridiculous.. I think you might be right about a bad prank. 

And others have said on here to not waste your time with that person and I strongly agree.. if he wants to be friendly then turn around and be a complete asshle.. that just comes to show that he is in fact.. just an asshle.. so ignore him and his nonsense he is bring. Dont stress over it.. some people just want to watch the world burn.. 

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