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Are Avatars getting Shorter?

Mags Indigo

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I made my own shape and the height is around 50-60 and a thinner (closed to my rl built) compare to the majority of sl's body builders .

I want my avatar to be more asian but sl has limited options for asian specifically male skin that are nicely done like the skins of redgrave, belleza and other top skin makers. 

Thank God i found this hair. I shave my hair like this in rl seriously and I'm not a body builder in rl lols

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Hi marianne thanks! hehe. Its  the craig something something skin line (sorry i forgot the second name hehhee) from redgrave. I've tried several skins from redgrave and belleza but this particular skin has the best facial detail and tone IMHO. ;)  

Before i purchased this skin i was wearing a demo from belleza for a week and the demo of this craig skin for another week and the craig skin won hehe. I'm still looking for an asian skin with the same quality as this redgrave skin. 

I hope redgrave and belleza will someday introduce a nice asian skin for men.

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In RL I'm 5'3" on a tall day, so in SL I wanted to be a bit on the taller side. My height slider was set at 75, which I didn't think was unreasonably extreme. But when watching the video that Suzy shot a couple of weeks ago of a few of us dancing, I realized that I'm taller than I thought I was in comparison to everyone else. So I've recently made a few adjustments and shaved off a couple of inches, according the Phoenix. I may continue to tweak as trends in avatar height change so that I stay generally where I want to be relative to everyone else.

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Quinn Morani wrote:

In RL I'm 5'3" on a tall day, so in SL I wanted to be a bit on the taller side.

I'm looking at it from the other direction, so to speak. At a bit over 6', the RL me could do a credible skyscraper impersonation but in SL the same height puts me around the  average or perhaps even just below. No complaints here! :)

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I may be able to toss some shapes at you this weekend if you're interested. It is definitely possible to maintain adult proportions with shorter shapes. The shortest adult shape I've made so far was 4'11". I'm trying to make an even smaller shape for building attachments around (to avoid the problem of scaling down a too-large attachment we've all run into at some point or another).


I'm planning to start selling a line of properly scaled and proportioned shapes in the near future, since I've only seen one or two people selling shapes like that.

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Penny Patton wrote:<snip> 

I'm planning to start selling a line of properly scaled and proportioned shapes in the near future, since I've only seen one or two people selling shapes like that.

That's terrific Penny - let us all know when you do please. :smileyhappy:

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In RL, I'm 5'2" in shoes, so when I got into SL 4 years ago, I went with the flow and had a tall avatar.  She was well proportioned, though, in relationship to her height, so I didn't look like I'd been stretched.  I wore that shape for oh, a couple of years.  I took a break for a while, and when I finally came back on a steady basis last year, I noticed that my friends were suddenly shorter than me.  I adjusted my height and shape so that I was more in step with them, so now my avatar is about 5'4".  I've noticed that most people haven't followed the trend of more realistic human heights, which puts me right at eye level with most men's crotch.  That being said, I love my short avatar!  And when I see another short avatar, I get silly happy, especially if its a guy! 

I still haven't found a lot of furniture sized for my new short size, but I'm taking care of that by building my own.  Couple's animations are still a challenge, such as dancing, but I have fun with it by wearing my wings to make it look like I'm flying, since I'm several feet off the ground anyway. :smileyhappy:  I've also noticed that a lot more designers are creating for more realistically sized avatars, which makes fitting prims so much easier (love those resizer scripts for fitting!).  I do still have a tallish shape (about 5'10"-6') in my inventory in case I need it, although the only time I've actually used it was when a friend of mine was adjusting some poses in a piece of furniture he was making and needed a "rag doll". LOL 

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I have always tried to keep my avatar at a realistic height, sometimes even shorter lol. I have noticed though that realistic or short height is becoming alot more popular now especially with female avatars, but unfortunatly I still run into alot of amazons and herculeses -.-  Also alot of girls with HUGE hips are everywhere now! 

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I too have been noticing this trend as I have recently been making some new friends and found myself dwarfing them.

I think part of the problem is that people are taking the height measurements as literal.  One thing I find very interesting is that while the basic building unit in SL is metric (we speak in terms of meters), we see Avatar heights listed in Feet and Inches!  I wonder if all the confusion and issues about Avatar height would not have happenned if the basic unit of measure and building in SL had been called a "Linden Unit" rather than a "meter."

There was a lengthy discusion of this in the old Jive forums but I can not find the thread now.  Something about "Why All The Fuss About Amazons."  There was a lot of great info on this subject in that thread.

What came up was that from a perspective point of view houses, furniture, plants, etc. were scaled accurately.  But then avatar height caused the avatars to look small in relation to those builds if you sized your Avatar to what you considered the real life measures.

When I first started SL back in 2007, avatar height did not seem to be a big issue.  Overall, everything appeared in proportion.  While the average male Avatar was slightly taller than the average female Avatar (that at least is my memory and perspective), I did not find myself dwarfing female avatars who now insist on making themselves 5'2" according to the numbers that appear in the apearance box.

What the best solution is I don't know.  Somehow Linden Lab needs to come up with a standard for how these measurements are applied. A lot of it is still IMHO a matter of visual perspective.


laurel hardy brats 1

laurel hardy brats 2

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Mags Indigo wrote:

This is an Anti Spam Thread.

I'm seeing a lot of shorter avatars in SL these days. Not so many that the giants are going to be outnumbered anytime soon - but there does seem to be more people choosing a more 'realistic' height. Is this a growing trend - or is it just that people feel more comfortable these days choosing their own style and size?


I think the trend is to more realistic height (human) avatars. I notice fewer giants. The few I do see around, seem to be giant on purpose. Other features are often exaggerated too. Small head, gigantic hips, huge muscled legs.

I'm banking on this trend in fact. So to speak. I make free shapes but I'm hoping they will be popular. The tallest woman in the shapes is 6 feet 4 inches. And I was suprised she was that tall. Most of them are from 5'4 to 5'11. My own av is 5'11.

The males are within real life range too. I think the tallest male is 6'6' but most are from 5'11 to just past 6'. I don't think most SL men want to be shorter than that. The kid shapes were the height real kids might be too.

Strangely I did not do that on purpose. I just went from eyeshot. But everybody pretty much turned out the height the person might RL be. I wish the tall female were a little shorter but I left her that way. I am trying to appeal to most tastes out there. Some people do want giants. She will probably be too short for them!

When I tested the avs around SL (stood next to other people, walked, sat) they fit in. So other people are scaling down to real life measurements too.

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I think part of the problem is that people are taking the height measurements as literal. One thing I find very interesting is that while the basic building unit in SL is metric (we speak in terms of meters), we see Avatar heights listed in Feet and Inches! I wonder if all the confusion and issues about Avatar height would not have happenned if the basic unit of measure and building in SL had been called a "Linden Unit" rather than a "meter."


  I don't believe this is the issue at all. The confusion stems from inconsistencies spawned by a lack of proper tools. It's as simple as that. Everything in SL is measured under the same consistent measurement system tied to the real world metric system we are all familiar with. This is only sensible as it makes it easy to recreate real world architecture in SL and provides a universally recognized system for us to all work with. Consistent scale is a hallmark of good design.

 However, LL failed to provide any built in measurement displaying avatar height. Few people ever realized they could just use a pose stand and prim so they instead turned to convenient, easy to use scripted height detectors. Unfortunately, people expected AgentHeight tto be avatar height (it's not) so most height detectors spit that out, giving people the incorrect height.

 So right off the bat you have people with no idea how larger they are, people who think they're smaller than they actually are, and people who know exactly how large they are. Inconsistencies everywhere as they each start making content based around their own perception, or misperception, of scale.


 Even if LL had used an arbitrary measurement system, you'd have the exact same inconsistencies because it is the tools relaying the information that are missing/broken. ?One person would think they were 1.5 Lindenunits tall, another person would think they're .75 Lindenunits tall and they'd argue about that AND had stupid arguments about conversion.


 In the meantime, the very same truths that make it simply practical to build to scale would remain true. Sims in SL are only so large. You cannot scale your land larger or smaller to match your avatar. If your avatar is huge you need more land than someone smaller. To get more land you have only one recourse, pay for it. In the current situation where both avatar size and poor camera placement dictate how most people build, most SL users scale environments up to fully double size. This means you scale your houses, shops, cars, etcetera up so much that they take up fully four times as much land area.

In addition, I can only assume LL  would have still placed limits on prim sizes, even if the units of measurement were fictional. If instead of 1 metre we called it 1 Lindenunit then we'd still be limited to 10 lindenunits to a size, meaning a 20x20lindenunit floor would still require four prims, where a 10x10lindenunit floor would only require one.


 This is simple gradeschool geometry. People with properly scaled avatars who fix their camera and build closer to scale can build bigger, more detailed environments while spending 1/4th the amount of money compared to the same build being done for giant avatars with poor camera placement.

 Whether they're called metres or lindenunits the affect on my pocketbook and how much detail I can pack into a sim is exactly the same and leads to the same conclusion.

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@ Penny Patton

You make some excellent points here.  Thank you.

One of the other issues that I think may come into play here was the available computing power at the time SL was designed including the screen resolutions people had available to them.  In other words, SL was designed originally for viewing on lower screen resolutions which affected the way people saw things on their monitors.

I wasn't here when SL was launched.  I can only guess that people saw the initial builds that LL provided and followed suit.  Now that we have more computing power available perhaps builders will be able to begin 'rescaling' their builds to make better use of space.

Camera placement is an issue here.  It really needs to be made easier for the individual user to reset their default camera angle, etc. so that they can have optimal view of the world based on their computing power.

The 'AgentHeight' issue is something I suspect the majority of residents know nothing about.  This is why I said there is a need for a standard.  One that works in terms of the world as we view it.  Many do not understand concepts like 'bounding box.'  It all get's interesting.

One thing I always get a kick out of is the video of the prototype for SL and the Primitar, which can be viewed here:  http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Avatar

Thank you for your insight here.

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