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Best Clubs in Second Life and why

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I don't attend clubs in SL any longer. Thank Redzone and the other data miners, thank the lindens for allowing the activity even to this day, thank clubs like Gol Element 8 for using Redzone. Greenzone no longer has a detection there, but someone needs to go by there with the new patch and see if they get any suspicious media requests. Most are merely hiding Rz or using another like alts pro that can not be detected. This will be the death of SL and its economy (especially the music economy) if LL doesn't ban these devices and remove them from the grid. The RZ HUD is still out there being worn and scanning anyone anywhere. No, until LL does something more than talk, you can keep your music. I would think club owners, instead of shutting their eyes and criticising those who care about privacy, would be the ones on the forefront of the fight against these detectors because YOU have the most to lose, as does anyone who lives off tips, because you won't be getting mine..not possible if I'm not there.

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Redzone/Greenzone, Copybot, Phoenix's "show who's looking at me", welcome boards that show your picture, people who don't follow TOS and publish IMs without permission, etc etc etc...  yes, threats to one's secrecy and privacy... but (and you can call me foolish or naive; and yes, there needs to be some tools to help) unless you want to keep yourself confined in a box and not explore SL, you have to take the risk and get out there


Back to the topic, I personally like Sweethearts Jazz because the staff is friendly, and pretty much welcoming to anyone (as long as they are behaved).  Most other "jazz" clubs are more restrictive (for example:  'formal-only' dress codes, 'humans only' rules, newbie-unfriendly atmosphere, etc).  Sweethearts also is rarely empty (as some clubs can be a ghost town at times... not good for the single avatar).



And although it's not a "club", I like Sterling Vineyards live music venue (but they do have a dance floor).  Sterling offers a variety of performers.


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There are many clubs (and other locations) that have pledged not to use Rz or any like tools.  Here's a list of 'safe' places, as a start:

Pledging against Redzone

We don't have to stop enjoying things we formerly enjoyed in SL and these spyware tools are not a reason to stop going to clubs, but they are a reason to talk to the owner/management and ask the question, use the tools available to make a decision as to whether it's safe to turn on your music streaming.  And once you've found a place that you like, that is also  safe, then you're set :)

Savvy places are now advertising their privacy policies, and believe me there are plenty around. 

I'm sad to see that some people and places I had respect for, have chosen to go down the path of privacy-busting for a deluded feeling they're achieving something, but it's their loss - there are plenty of safe and ethical places to visit in SL :smileyhappy:

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A favourite Club of mine is the Vortex Club which has been around for 5 years now. Clubs are a one stop social get together, every community has one :) i like this club simply because all my friends go there and its been around so long that its the familiarity of the place that makes me feel welcomed. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Denver Ghost wrote:

I don't attend clubs in SL any longer. Thank Redzone and the other data miners, thank the lindens for allowing the activity even to this day, thank clubs like Gol Element 8 for using Redzone. Greenzone no longer has a detection there, but someone needs to go by there with the new patch and see if they get any suspicious media requests. Most are merely hiding Rz or using another like alts pro that can not be detected. This will be the death of SL and its economy (especially the music economy) if LL doesn't ban these devices and remove them from the grid. The RZ HUD is still out there being worn and scanning anyone anywhere. No, until LL does something more than talk, you can keep your music. I would think club owners, instead of shutting their eyes and criticising those who care about privacy, would be the ones on the forefront of the fight against these detectors because YOU have the most to lose, as does anyone who lives off tips, because you won't be getting mine..not possible if I'm not there.

I'm really sorry to hear about that. GOL was the 2nd club I attended in SL back in '07 after Festival Island (it was GOL3 then I think) and I remain fond of those memories even if the club itself is nothing, and I do mean nothing, like it was then.

So many great places come and gone. I'm at a real loss as to where to go in SL now that I'm coming back in-world more often. At least I still have my Ethereal Teal.

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My Favorite clubs are Club Industry and Furry X both clubs play great music and you could for hours listening to it yeah they are alot of gestures played at Club Industry but i dont allow that to spoil my good times another good club is the International Yiff Center yeah its an adult club but the adult stuff is hidden away from the dance floor but be warned its a furry club and you'll be surrounded by Fuzzy Butts like myself Hehe one more club that i find a bit cool is Sassy Ass  its a small club but its worth a shot hehe :D

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I found a really great blues club the other day that i keep going back to..I don't have the Slurl right now since i am not in world..but the name of the club is The riverside Blues society..

They seem to be going at all hours and play some really good blues everytime i have been there so far..

They have lots of really nice DJ as well...

As far as this Redzone and Quickware thing..Well one thing i did find out while all that was going on was that it wasn't using the music streams..IP collecting would have been way to hard since land music streams can only run one url at a time and would have to also be set up by the owner of the land..

Where media was much more different  and versatile especially with media on a prim..If you had media off and music running you would have been fine..Only inworld data would have been picked up..data that pretty much can be gotten with many things ..

The thing that made me notice this was that as much as i had my music on which is 100% of my SL and as much as i never had media on which is 99% of my SL time..only on my land did i have it on withno perms of any kind for anyone else..

I had been in well known redzone sims long before i knew they were RZ sims over and over many times on shopping sprees..always had music on and media off..

If they would have been using music URL's for rz and quickware..there is no doubt i would have been added to the database..you only needed to be scanned one time and that was it..

When we first found out about all the RZ scanning..music was put in there because when you don't know where the threats are coming from..you have to look at all options and see what is possible to leak through..

it was better safe than sorry approach.. now that we have the media filters and music stream filters and soon a possible media on a prim filter..We will have a much stronger defense against such intrusions..

The RZ and Quickware are disabled now and history..but there are still ones not known about i am sure..and there are older ones around that are still being looked into..

with the filters that are out in  certain viewers and ones coming..i hope that we can get back to a bit more normal SL like we had before..as far as other things that need caution..like cookies and inworld browser and such..i still use caution with those..

Oh and i would like to add one thing..Someone had mentioned a Club named GOL the 8th..

A lot of people were upset because places were hiding their RZ's and other securities like it..

In GOL's defense i would like to say that they were one of the places that did tell you in their note cards of their rules that they were using that type of security..i had gone there and looked myself after hearing  about it being there..

i just thought i would mention that so they were not placed in the same catagory as those that chose to hide it..

I think there has been enough misinformation on this whole matter with RZ and a lot of people don't even know that it has been disabled..that it's time now that we know so much more..to put out solid information for those that may still be going from old information before we knew too much..

I hope that we can get back to a better sl and enjoy the music again..=)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been going to No Label a lot. It takes its name from its music genre—there isn't one. The variety is limitless. It's kind of small but really interesting architecture with multiple alcoves, and the decor is terrific; all kinds of old and unusual posters. The only dancers are the people who visit; no dance poles (I have seen some bare skin but that was just high spirits). I'm admittedly partial because my best friend DJ's there Wednesday and Saturday evenings; on those two nights it tends to be a little t-girly, but there is no 'orientation' to either the club or the patrons.



Edited for punctuation. Twice. If you find any more mistakes please pretend you didn't see them. 

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Some places are rather intolerant about various types of avatars. They should not be in the desination guide IMHO.

The biggest challenge I am encountering is most places in the destination guide are always empty or have one bot there 24*7. And some don't even exist anymore. LL needs to task someone to go evaluate all locations weekly and make sure only busy venues that are tolerant are in the destination guide. This is because the basic mode viewer will result in a higher attrittion rate for newcomers because it gives the impression SL is empty and the places they find don't want "noobs" around etc.

So far this week's test travels has confirmed Club Industry as a bastion of things happening. Club Industry should be at the top of the list for newcomers. Period.

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I have enjoyed reading where others go to enjoy good music in SL.   While I have heard of many of these clubs, there are a good handful I have not.

I appreciate your comment, Ann, about intolerance from some clubs toward groups of patrons. I have seen some  instances of this happen when a newbie comes in.  The vast majority of new residents are inquisitive, friendly people.  Just recently, a newbie came flying into a club and bumped into several residents before landing.  A couple of those pushed were annoyed and said things in local.  In these cases, it is up to staff to smooth things over. 

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  • 4 months later...
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  • 4 weeks later...

One of my favorite club is Insanity Train the peopl there are fun and friendly. DJ's play a variety of music and its not one of those clubs after being in it for an hour or so you feel like you are going to have a seizure. Is it a fairly new club so their current staff is small but they are growing and adding more staff daily. I would suggest this is a place to hang out and visit.


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  • 1 month later...

Venus Petrov wrote:

Many residents enjoy listening to music...be it by a live artist or spun by a DJ.  What are a couple of your favorite venues to hear music and why?

It is no secret to those who have read the forum that I am a DJ.  I have worked in several clubs, many which, sadly, are no longer.  The club I have worked at the longest (3 years) is Ambrosia Dance Club.  It is open 24/7 with DJs from around the world.  The music is diverse as are the patrons.  While it is on an M-rated sim, the dancers do not strip.  The club opened over four years ago and is still going strong.

Where do you like to go and why?



my sisters are DJs who mostly play private gigs & fundraisers .. i follow them to their gigs & dont usually go to clubs unless they are DJing there .. the one exception was the Riverside Blues Club .. i continued to go there even after my sister quit DJing there .. it was fun & the ppl were very friendly .. sadly Riverside closed last sunday .. i will really miss it

so the past few days iv been TPing to clubs .. i want to find somewhere to hang out to replace Riverside .. so far iv yet to find a place i can even tolerate .. leta lone like .. the clubs iv been in have been cliquish, the gesturbation incessant & annoying, &/or the music insipid & repetitive .. i have my own 24/7 icecast stream as do both my sisters .. plus i have the urls in VLC for several DJs i liked from Riverside .. i know of no club that plays as consistently good music as we stream ourselves .. i would be perfectly content to just dance @ my own place w/ my own music streaming ..... cept .. its lonely

id love to find a nice club w/ friendly ppl & good music i could hang out @ .. so if you know of any please let me know & ill check it out !! Thanks ...



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JeanneAnne wrote:

Venus Petrov wrote:

Many residents enjoy listening to music...be it by a live artist or spun by a DJ.  What are a couple of your favorite venues to hear music and why?

It is no secret to those who have read the forum that I am a DJ.  I have worked in several clubs, many which, sadly, are no longer.  The club I have worked at the longest (3 years) is Ambrosia Dance Club.  It is open 24/7 with DJs from around the world.  The music is diverse as are the patrons.  While it is on an M-rated sim, the dancers do not strip.  The club opened over four years ago and is still going strong.

Where do you like to go and why?



so the past few days iv been TPing to clubs .. i want to find somewhere to hang out to replace Riverside .. so far iv yet to find a place i can even tolerate .. leta lone like .. the clubs iv been in have been cliquish, the gesturbation incessant & annoying, &/or the music insipid & repetitive .. Jeanne


Gesture spaming drives me insane, yesterday I was with a few girlfriends at a live jazz club, the singer had to stop the show to ask a few gesturbators to quit or leave and it seems to be getting worse. That's what I like about Ambrosia, the gestures are regulated and muted, the people and staff are very friendly and the music and DJs are in my opinion the best in SL.

My favorite live shows to go to with my partner are Gina G's. She gets my vote, wherever she performs.

I love Frankys as well, dancing to the classics with the one you love has a dream like quality all its own. quite thrilling.

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Leia36 wrote:

Gesture spaming drives me insane, yesterday I was with a few girlfriends at a live jazz club, the singer had to stop the show to ask a few gesturbators to quit or leave and it seems to be getting worse. That's what I like about Ambrosia, the gestures are regulated and muted, the people and staff are very friendly and the music and DJs are in my opinion the best in SL.

My favorite live shows to go to with my partner are Gina G's. She gets my vote, wherever she performs.

I love Frankys as well, dancing to the classics with the one you love has a dream like quality all its own. quite thrilling.

thank you Leia! .. ill check out Ambrosia & Frankys !! :womanwink:



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