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Why do you put hook up info in profile?


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So you hooked up and added the partner in your partner slot in profile and a mushy shot of you two together, but why the information on how much you love each other, and your devotion to one another and how you are now the happiest person in the world and yourv partner is your eternal love and warning others to keep away from trying to part you and what not.

At times I feel the guys are compelled to reciprocate things their partners have posted just to make them happy, rather than doing an "ok so we are partnered I have added you to my profile and thats it, no one needs to know anything else" kind of thing.

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bebejee wrote:

So you hooked up and added the partner in your partner slot in profile and a mushy shot of you two together, but why the information on how much you love each other, and your devotion to one another and how you are now the happiest person in the world and yourv partner is your eternal love and warning others to keep away from trying to part you and what not.

At times I feel the guys are compelled to reciprocate things their partners have posted just to make them happy, rather than doing an "ok so we are partnered I have added you to my profile and thats it, no one needs to know anything else" kind of thing.

Awww, somebody's feeling wonewey.... And with Valentine's Day coming up too.

Theresa Tennyson pats Bebejee's wittle head.

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Why put anything at all in one's profile?

Oh...because people want to.

I will never understand why people get butthurt over what others put in their own profiles(assuming it doesn't break TOS, I suppose). If you're not butthurt, then why do you care?

Maybe some folks truly love one another, and like having it there, just because, kinda like having pictures of yourselves up on the walls in your own house. Others who may come to your house will see them, sure, but it's still for your own benefit/enjoyment/memories, for the most part.

I don't have anything in my profilewarning folks to stay away, or whatever have you, but I do have picks that were made along the way during our journey....and we(he and I) happen to like them. In fact, many of our frends have similar profiles, and sometimes looking through friends' profiles is a good way to keep in touch with the goings on in their lives, when verbal or even textual communication is lax. Example-I have a friend who recently got engaged(rl, and sl), but she and I are on sl at way different times now. We chat now and then when we're online together, but otherwise, we don't get much opportunity in sl. So, it's nice reading her profile to catch up, and it gives us something to chat about when we do catch each other online.


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Live and let live is my motto but there are things that I find a bit off putting.

Don't IM me unless you have something interesting to say. I don't accept random friend requests and such like.

Profiles that I like to read are ones where the person has made some effort to say something about themselves.

Pretty dull is someone that just sticks in a naff quote.

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No I'm not lonely as matter of fact I have turned down a few offers for partnering, so no insecurity and such issues here, just dont like comittment, and I tell them that. If I come across a guy I would really be drawn to enough to hook up, might add each other as partners and do the photo, if he insists, but nothing more.

Like some one said I guess people just need to fill that space up with something.

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Watanbe, I use SL as a passtime, like if I were playing a game I wont be aiming for a score just play it to ward off boredom, for a very long time my profile was blank as I was and still am not selling myself here nor seeking anything. As for the "naff quote" I copied it from someone elses profile and put it in mine as a reminder that everything is possible if you truly believe and stay focussed, I have been there and expereinced it but kind of forgot, therefore the reminder for myself, and for others who might happen to come upon it and it may help change their lives for the better, so quotes are worth their weight in gold at times.

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My question for you is why does it matter? Why does it matter so much to you? It is up to the individual what they put in their profile. I see the profile as a way to express myself and to show others a little of who I am. I don't consider what I put in my profile about my husband "hook up" information nor have I ever warned anyone to ever stay away from him or I. As far as I know he hasn't either.

The husband I have in rl is the very same husband I have here in sl. Showing a picture of him and I together or expressing my love for him in words has nothing to do with insecurity, but the fact he is my bestfriend and I enjoy expressing that. To me there is nothing wrong with that. He is the one who introduced sl to me many eons ago when I got really sick in rl and couldn't leave my house. All of a sudden I found myself not able to share or do all of the activities my husband and I both love in rl so he found a place where we could still do that. To keep my mind off being ill he also asked me to marry him in sl and I got to plan a huge wedding. I'm healthy now, but sl is a very special place for both him and I still because it was a saving grace through a very dark time in my life. So of course just as in rl I have pictures of us in our home, I also have them in my profile and our home in sl. I even put photos of my virtual kittycats in my profile and home just as I have them up of rl cat. It is just something I think people do as an expression of their love.

I will update the photos every now and again as well as what I write. In fact right now I have been in the middle of updating my profile.

I find it endearing when I see others sharing their love for their special someone, friends, family, etc. It is an act of love. At least that is how I view it. 

I find it more off putting when others state in their profile they are a "no drama" zone or when they feel the need to cuss incessantly or threaten others, etc. I usually avoid those people who have profiles like that. It all comes down to personal taste and what an individual wants to display in their profile. It is their space to share and they have every right to do with it as they please as long as it doesn't break the TOS.

You have stated that you keep things on a casual level in sl which is completely acceptable and up to you, but not everyone is going to feel the same as you on that. That is alright too. Individuality and diversity is what makes the rl world and sl world go round. It is what also makes it interesting. ;)

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Keltora Edenbaum wrote:

My question for you is why does it matter? Why does it matter so much to you? It is up to the individual what they put in their profile. I see the profile as a way to express myself and to show others a little of who I am. I don't consider what I put in my profile about my husband "hook up" information nor have I ever warned anyone to ever stay away from him or I. As far as I know he hasn't either.

The husband I have in rl is the very same husband I have here in sl. Showing a picture of him and I together or expressing my love for him in words has nothing to do with insecurity, but the fact he is my bestfriend and I enjoy expressing that. To me there is nothing wrong with that. He is the one who introduced sl to me many eons ago when I got really sick in rl and couldn't leave my house. All of a sudden I found myself not able to share or do all of the activities my husband and I both love in rl so he found a place where we could still do that. To keep my mind off being ill he also asked me to marry him in sl and I got to plan a huge wedding. I'm healthy now, but sl is a very special place for both him and I still because it was a saving grace through a very dark time in my life. So of course just as in rl I have pictures of us in our home, I also have them in my profile and our home in sl. I even put photos of my virtual kittycats in my profile and home just as I have them up of rl cat. It is just something I think people do as an expression of their love.

I will update the photos every now and again as well as what I write. In fact right now I have been in the middle of updating my profile.

I find it endearing when I see others sharing their love for their special someone, friends, family, etc. It is an act of love. At least that is how I view it. 

I find it more off putting when others state in their profile they are a "no drama" zone or when they feel the need to cuss incessantly or threaten others, etc. I usually avoid those people who have profiles like that. It all comes down to personal taste and what an individual wants to display in their profile. It is their space to share and they have every right to do with it as they please as long as it doesn't break the TOS.

You have stated that you keep things on a casual level in sl which is completely acceptable and up to you, but not everyone is going to feel the same as you on that. That is alright too. Individuality and diversity is what makes the rl world and sl world go round. It is what also makes it interesting.


I enjoyed reading your story. I do have to tell you that your husband has in fact warned me to stay away from him many, many times.

Just kidding; it was the kind of line I find impossible to resist. I wasn't kidding about liking your story, though. Good for him and good for you too. Continued health to both of you. :-)

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I basically state who i am, who im married/ partnered to, and a small sentence of affection, nothing showy. I also list things i do in SL, and what we do for fun and entertainment. 

 I too find it weird when i see the check boxes stating they are loved, taken or whatever..i think that pretty much insults everyone's intelligence, or its bragging, take your pick. I know i am, i certainly don't need to make a believer out of anyone else.

As far as threatening others to stay away from "my man" good lord, if you have trust issues you may as well rent a billboard and let all of SL know, your partner can't be trusted to be faithful. I would think it would be insulting to anyone if that was in their partners profile.



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bebejee wrote:

why the information on how much you love each other, and your devotion to one another and how you are now the happiest person in the world and yourv partner is your eternal love and warning others to keep away from trying to part you and what not.

For a signifigant number of people SL is Middle School all over again, but with more porn.


There are plenty of real couples in SL, but they tend to look more like Fred and Ethel (I Love Lucy) than the cast of Twilight, if it starred Ron Jeremy and Asia Carrera

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there must be a difference in what could be considered public information and private information, public information is probable to be of public interest, lets say, an invitation to an ecological institution, and private information would be something that most people have no interest in knowing, and that information is aimed to a specific people in your life, like your doctor, your spuose, your parents.

when people write in their profile private information, information that is aimed at their partners and nobody in the world besides them would care of knowing, for example what you do in your intimacy, how much you love each other, probably it should not be in a public place, people can't do anytthing about it, is not an invitation to participate in the statement, and is not every body else business, no sane people would be interested in how you and your partner intimacy is doing, it can make people uncomfortable that you say those things to them.

if some information is private, aimed only at certain people in your life, it shouldnt be in your profile, maybe what you do with your partner and how you feel about it may be great for you, but people mostly are not interested in that information.

i think i'ts bad education to provide to the public information that is of interest of only you and your spouse.

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