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Where are all my friends? Come on in and lets get comfy by the fire!

Hippie Bowman

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Good morning everyone! Happy Thursday!  My phantom 3 advanced drone returned from repair yesterday. It has been at the DJI repair facility sense March the 31st.  It had a hardware failure that affected the HD video downlink. Up to 8 seconds of video lag.  This is bad.  This is 3 of 3 test flights after my drone returned from repair. I had a 6-8 second video lag going on, making the drone non-flyable.

A lot can happen in 8 seconds. All good now! 




Here is 2 more videos. Same day.



Edited by Hippie Bowman
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3 hours ago, Hippie Bowman said:

This is 3 of 3 test flights

Someone's having fun! I'm glad you're back in the air, Hippie. That was an odd problem to have, and a long time to get it fixed. I love your soundtrack music.

I've been pretty busy with my drone as well, though always doing projects for friends. I've yet to actually spend time doing the things I bought the drone for.

What I really want is one big enough to carry me. They're coming.

Happy Thursday, Kids!!!

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7 minutes ago, Clover Jinx said:

Oh that's awesome, Hippie! I would have crashed into a tree right after take-off.

It's my Friday and I'm going out of town to visit my Mom and sister after work.


Lordy Clover, she's adorable! What fun her parents are going to have watching her grow. I love music, but I don't think I ever felt the groove quite like little Maddie, though I have been known to dance on the tables at Irishfest. Ain't music great?

Thank you for finding that clip!

Tease Mom and Sis for me!!!

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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10 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

Someone's having fun! I'm glad you're back in the air, Hippie. That was an odd problem to have, and a long time to get it fixed. I love your soundtrack music.

I've been pretty busy with my drone as well, though always doing projects for friends. I've yet to actually spend time doing the things I bought the drone for.

What I really want is one big enough to carry me. They're coming.

Happy Thursday, Kids!!!

Yeah Maddy! It took forever to get the drone back! They did a good job however and I am glad to be back in the air! Oh a personal flying drone would be so fun!



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1 hour ago, Hippie Bowman said:

 OMG Maddy! I love that! Do you plan on implementating that! You would be the hit of the party at bar b q! 

I had planned on dropping things, but that's been outlawed. In the first video, it's mention that the teen who attached a flamethrower to his drone had previously attached a firearm. While it's legal to carry the firearm, I think firing it would be illegal now, as that would constitute dropping something (the bullet).

What I'd really planned was just to do some interesting aerial photography and video of targets of my choice. Instead, I find myself doing semi-commercial work for friends. I'm documenting their outdoor construction projects, doing their marketing photography, etc. It's all fun and I'm happy to do it, but I've got to get my own self in the queue eventually.

Happy Friday, Kids!!!

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2 hours ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

I had planned on dropping things, but that's been outlawed. In the first video, it's mention that the teen who attached a flamethrower to his drone had previously attached a firearm. While it's legal to carry the firearm, I think firing it would be illegal now, as that would constitute dropping something (the bullet).

What I'd really planned was just to do some interesting aerial photography and video of targets of my choice. Instead, I find myself doing semi-commercial work for friends. I'm documenting their outdoor construction projects, doing their marketing photography, etc. It's all fun and I'm happy to do it, but I've got to get my own self in the queue eventually.

Happy Friday, Kids!!!

I have been asked a number of times already to video different things for people. Take a look at their roofs, or inspect something or another. I just say no, I can't do it. I don't have a commercial license anyway. And what about the liability?  What if I crash into their house and damage something. Or worse, crash into their cat or child and kill it! Well I could turn the cat into a drone. But the child? No way. Happy flights Maddy!




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12 minutes ago, Hippie Bowman said:

And what about the liability?

I asked my insurance agent about this. She said I was covered. I asked her to send me a letter indicating so. She did. Whether I'm actually covered or not, I don't know. But I have a letter!

It would be different if I were flying for hire, but it's all freebie work for friends.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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1 hour ago, Hippie Bowman said:

I have been asked a number of times already to video different things for people. Take a look at their roofs, or inspect something or another. I just say no, I can't do it. I don't have a commercial license anyway. And what about the liability?  What if I crash into their house and damage something. Or worse, crash into their cat or child and kill it! Well I could turn the cat into a drone. But the child? No way. Happy flights Maddy!





1 hour ago, Hippie Bowman said:

Or worse, crash into their cat or child and kill it!

I have a set of quick release prop guards on my Phantom, I use them only when flying around/over people. They don't seem to affect flight time much and they're inexpensive...


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3 hours ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

Hippie, have you seen this news?...


Happy Sunday, Kids!!!

Oh interesting.  Well I am registered anyway.  If FAA appeals that then I am good to go.  Thanks for the information!  Happy Flights!  Post some here!



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Sorry I just barely missed your Breakfast Club today.   I see a couple of familiar names here.  

I tried logging back in and getting involved again this weekend, but  -- phew!   It's a bit of wasteland.  What happened to the dream?  Anything still going on?

(And I'm scarcely a "newbie."    Jeez!)

Edited by Weston Graves
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