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Why is my money "in progress" from lindex to paypal SO MANY days???

Marina Ramer

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I sent my own money using LINDEX to my paypal account before Christmas and I am still waiting for it. I would like to know, if before when we had xstreet it was authomatic, you used to press "send to paypal " button and money instanteneously was in paypal why now it takes so many days of waiting what is the problem, why they delay so much our money????

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Per the Dashboard page on Processing Credits:

How long does it take to process credits?

LindeX processing can take 0-5 business days* if they're through Paypal.

We strive for quick turnaround; however, holidays and the volume of transactions can affect processing times.

The Lindex process doesn't use Masspay to process credits to Paypal, as XStreet did. Masspay makes credit processing automatic.

LL have not committed to converting to Masspay since shutting down the XStreet Exchange. They  have said they will try to improve the turnaround time, however.

The long reason for "why" is that LL feels it necessary to manually review EVERY cashout transaction that goes through Lindex. Apparently XStreet's cashout process was not considered secure enough for them, which is possibly one of the reasons they closed it down.

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I remember what I think was a recent blog about limiting the countries where LL will pay out to PayPal, but I can't find it. Can somebody point me to it please? I went through the "Process Credit" pages but found no link to it and no information about it. If my memory and understanding are correct, LL now only pays via PayPal to U.S. people but I'd like to read what they said about it.

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Rachel Darling wrote:

The long reason for "why" is that LL feels it necessary to manually review EVERY cashout transaction that goes through Lindex. Apparently XStreet's cashout process was not considered secure enough for them, which is possibly one of the reasons they closed it down.

in addition LL cancels cash out requests if in a period shortly thereafter some payment is to be deducted from your USD account (premium fee, tier), which would likely put your ballance into the negative. so the "safety" is more an insurance than anything else I guess.

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Count yourself lucky that you've only been waiting since before christmas, I started the process of cashing out a measely $19.27US (after the $1US fee) to my paypal account on the 8th of December, a week went by and no money showed up in my paypal account so I opened a ticket, another week went by before they told me it was supposedly denied by paypal due to 'technical' problems, they put the $19.27US back in my account and told me to try yet again, now a week later after trying again still no money in my paypal account.  My paypal account is verified and my SL account trading limits are $2,500US per month so there shouldn't be any problems in theory, but it's still not working.


ETA: Well about 3 hours after I made the above post in this thread (and about an hour after adding another complaint about how long this has been going on to my re-opened support ticket) the money FINALLY showed up in my paypal account, now I get to wait for it to transfer to my bank account from my paypal account, yippee more waiting.


Next time I'll know to allow myself about a month safety margin before the day I would actually like to receive the money.


Additionally the Linden that commented back on my ticket today told me that each payout is processed manually as they come in, god forbid they'd maybe set up some sort of filtering to flag 'questionable' transactions and allow the others to be processed automatically!  That would probably make too much sense and as we all know they aren't any good at doing things that actually make sense.

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okay first of all.. don't panic. lol.

there is always a chance something can go wrong, but that is all there is. a chance. and as with all thigns in life, people talk more about what goes wrong than what goes right. I have cashed out many times successfully to paypal, just for perspective though I wish it were as high a sum as those 250 k lol.

secondly: keep  in mind it is 5 work days. there was christmas inbetween. and I think payment processing is still in the UK, where monday and tuesday actually was holidays still. not much of an excuse, but even without that if you cashed out last tuesday, coming monday would be your 5th work day. so maybe even wednesday.

if you don't have a paypal booking by monday I'd send a ticket, but be aware: they are as understaffed as the people processing the money. so be prepared to wait for a couple of weeks till the ticket gets answered. likely you have your money by then any way.

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I think a lot of people don't realize that masspay and paypal on Xstreet was a convenience due to the fact that Xstreet was not created by Linden Labs only crippled by them. So when Linden Labs bought Xstreet and closed them down in favor of their shiny new completely buggy, featureless inadequate Marketplace they did not realize that Xstreets masspay and the LindenX are in no way shape or form connected.

Customer Convenience has never been a mantra at Linden Labs and until it is they will continue this downward spiral.

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I am sorry.. I truely find this wait obnoxious.. I have been a member of SL for over 5 years now going on 6.. and the pay out has gotten slower and slower.. selling on Xstreet was instant.. when they take money out of my credit card.. theres not a 5 day wait.. so why is putting it into my paypal so much slower? I could understand if they were putting it directly onto my card.. but for gods sake were talking about paypal.. when someone buys something from you using paypal.. its what? oh ya.. instant..


cmon SL.. 5 days is flippin rediculous maybe you should include interest when you finally do descide to get your heads out of the sand and process OUR money.. hmmm im sure you would charge us a fee if we were late on something.. oh ya.. nm.. you would just deny us service or take back land.

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32 minutes ago, Ielriss said:

This is happen with me this days, more than 15 days waiting, omg, where's my  money dear Linden Lab, i worked for my money and now im waiting waiting waiting and nothing, this is not nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

usefull to open a 7 year old thread...


CONTACT support... links are on every main  page here.

Nobody here is able to see what your problem can be.

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On 12/28/2017 at 7:57 AM, Ielriss said:

This is happen with me this days, more than 15 days waiting, omg, where's my  money dear Linden Lab, i worked for my money and now im waiting waiting waiting and nothing, this is not nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Edited by Lindal Kidd
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