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Glory Takashi

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Everything posted by Glory Takashi

  1. No the high price of some makers keeps me from buying their products. I mean 5-600 linden for a sports bra? panties? uh no.
  2. All the exchanges have to do to comply is set it up like it used to be with SLxchange/Xstreet. You could send the money directly to the avatar bot that handled all the exchanges and completely bypass any atm. Several of LLs shortsited restrictions ago I limited my time spent in SL so it's really not going to hurt me if I have to wait a few days though I do not like it.
  3. Actually unless the person has a very long list of AR's against them not likely the Lindens will even look into it. There was a day when you could actually call a linden through the viewer if there was a problem and one would actually come investigate within a few moments. That though was when the population had yet to reach 7k concurrent. They closed that avenue down and pretty much pay little or no attention to resident issues unless there are a huge amount of complaints.
  4. Mesh is just another option for creation it will sit along side sculpties and layers it will not replace them.
  5. I already pay LL a monthyly and a land fee this ad banner increases your profits in such a miniscule amount but the annoyance factor for me has me thinking maybe I should just take the dive to open sim which would cost you more than those ads would if I stayed with SL for 50 years. Smart move.
  6. Your lucky if all they took was the amount he gave you, it used to be they took 150% as a penalty.
  7. Linden Labs is very good at screwing things up when they make changes. I was window shopping on the MP and everytime I clicked a link it sent me to a generic page not even remotely related to the product. That on top of I go to a specific product like womens shoes and maybe 2% of the products listed are shoes. LL has royally screwed something up again... No surprise there though. Kinda explains the last few weeks of 0 sales for me as well.
  8. It's simple, you use a mirroring script, I have one in an object that if I need matching but mirrored objects I just use that and it turns a lefty into a righty.
  9. Getting the mesh beta on Le Tigra was the first time I did not despise being on an RC and look what the Lab does.... sigh, I just hope it's not long before it is returned.
  10. I was pretty annoyed to log on and start working on a rather large build I was converting to the larger prims, I lost a few pieces before I realized what happened. There were RC's that did not have mesh on them for testing and those should have been used. Yanking the mesh/64 suddenly without a word is offensive. I would appreciate if at least 64m prims were turned back on as those are far more important at the moment. I am still learning how to create mesh in Sketchup so can do without it for now. This change has pretty much brought any work I can do to a halt until at least 64m prims are returned to Le Tigra.
  11. They creep me out, that has got to be the most unnatural smile I have ever seen on an avatar anywhere and when I see someone with that creepy smile I just want them to go away.
  12. Phoenix Viewer has the update your looking for, despite the fact that their customer base has fought them all the way and they haven't a clue that V2 is junk 3rd party V1 viewers have continued to try to keep current with the ability's of V2. Phoenix even has avatar physics. You know those bouncing bewbs and hineys without prims.
  13. Since your friend is using Phoenix they are already using the best viewer out there, it must be some configuration issue. Make sure the video card drivers are up to date and go into the graphic tab in options go to advanced and un-check VBO that can cause quite a few issues. Also is it a dedicated card or onboard like most laptops as those cards are sub standard for most mmorpgs and SL in general.
  14. Look under the recent items tab in your inventory they should be there since you clicked on keep. Most likely if they did not go into the top of your objects folder they are in their own folders named after the item and in their alphabetical place in your inventory folders. Some merchants put their name or their stores name before the item name which doesn't help the customer much but I guess their name is more important than the item so look for the creators/shops name. In that case they will be all grouped in one spot.
  15. Since Second Life uses Lindens and not Bitcoins not sure what you are expecting Linden Lab to do about a currency that has nothing to do with Second Life and is traded on other websites not even remotely affiliated with Linden Lab.
  16. V2's interface is a complete piece of garbage, it says a lot about the dev team that even phillip calls it a failure but they just keep plugging along with the same old failed design.
  17. If it annoys me or spams me I am gone, sale lost. Security devices are nothing but scams. Most people are honest customers and the ones out to rip you off are not going to be slowed down by a security device. Don't annoy people thinking your protecting yourself because your likely to protect yourself right out of business.
  18. This forum looks a lot better than that flogarama garbage but this is the 3rd time they have just wiped out years of work without a thought and started fresh, sometimes I think they don't engage their brain before doing something. Now if they had put in this forum in the first place rather than that garbage we have been dealing with since forcing it on us... That needing uploaded avatars aproved by a moderator is Bulldroppings we are not grade schoolers that need to be policed. We are adult enough to not upload rediculous avatars and if someone does a mod can take care of it like the old Xstreet did. The spell check is dumb as an ox popping up repeatedly on correctly spelled words. And give us the ability to stretch the screen for pete's sake, I didn't buy a 17inch wide screen laptop because I wanted to look at 13inch square web pages and have 2 inches on each side wasted open space. Nice to have a preview back and far more control over the post though.
  19. Besides the teen merger being a lawsuit waiting to happen, its MATURE not moderate, enough with the freaking word games and trying to hide the true nature of SL under PC garbage attempts to hide it. I mean who was the bonehead that though moderate replacing mature would seriously fool anyone? You need to put a stop to user flagging until there is a penalty for the abusive way it is being used as a tool to hurt competing merchants on the new feature lacking market(junk)place. Flagging is useful for truly misplaced items but it is being abused with impunity by unscrupulous merchants and self appointed marketplace cops.
  20. I think a lot of people don't realize that masspay and paypal on Xstreet was a convenience due to the fact that Xstreet was not created by Linden Labs only crippled by them. So when Linden Labs bought Xstreet and closed them down in favor of their shiny new completely buggy, featureless inadequate Marketplace they did not realize that Xstreets masspay and the LindenX are in no way shape or form connected. Customer Convenience has never been a mantra at Linden Labs and until it is they will continue this downward spiral.
  21. When I spoke to the VirWox Representative....they told me there were no limits to the amount of USD that could be transferred to Paypal. I'm not sure where you (and I noticed Prokofy mentioned it too) came up with this 156 USD limits. I think that must apply to another part of their system....certainly not USD cash-outs though. Yeah CarpeDiem cleared that up.
  22. The only thing Virwox Limits is Buying Lindens ( to help prevent charge backs ) they have no limits on withdrawls to paypal. Ok if that's true then great, the way I read it was that it was the cash out's that were limited. If so then closing Xstreet is not going to help LL make more dough. I find the method of selling lindens to be most disconcerting, buying US for an odd amount of lindens rather than selling lindens for the going rate in dollars. I can deal with it of course but considering it's backwards from both the way Xstreet did it and LindenX does just seems wonky.
  23. Problem with VirWox is they have a 156 US dollar limit to transfer to paypal a month making them pretty much pointless to use since they charge a flat 1$US fee either you withdraw the limit or close to it at once or it's extremely costly. Also buying US dollars instead of selling lindens is just screwy and the complete opposite of both Lindenx and Xstreet.
  24. Places like VirWox are about to see an upsurge in business, hopefully they drop that 1$ fee for a graduated one like xstreet had. And do something about that screwball way of turning lindens into dollars.
  25. Linden Labs has never cared how what they do affects the very people who created and keep this world working and create the environment they need to attract new customers. Why should this be any different? Besides on small transactions they take a much bigger cut with the standard $1 fee so it's more profit on the little transactions and the top 10% the only ones they care about still only pay $1 on LindenX rather than the FAIR graduated scale on Xstreet.
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