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Hello from Linden Lab’s New CEO

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Ebbe Linden wrote:

And they can't wait to do that...most common question/issue on both sides of the "fence" has been the same thing! I'm getting love from both sides when I'm talking about fixing communication. I don't know when/how it got strange but we'll work hard to make us better at it...motivation is not an issue at all. We just need to figure out process for doing it effectively at scale...

Very hopeful words indeed, thank you. In the opinions of many, a good place to start is to make the JIRAs public again so we will know whether an issue is a bug that has arisen, or something on our end. Very often, residents working with Lindens have identified, reproduced, and even come up with workarounds if not solutions to problems. Closing the JIRA felt like a door being slammed, esp to those of us who are heavily invested in SL. (Just grateful for Maestro, who posts in the Server Forum.)

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Adding my welcome to you as well, Ebbe. Like Dillon I was away from the PC earlier in the day but it was a great surprise and delight to return and see Dres' post. (Thank you, Dres!!)

I'm very encouraged by the comments and responses I've seen in this thread thus far.  Communication (even a little bit) from The Lab goes a long way and you're off to a great start.


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Ebbe Linden wrote:

I have heard this quite a few times. I don't know the history yet as to why that was changed. Let me get up to speed from those that know...

If any of them have trouble remembering there are some folks here who have very good memories.  ;)


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Ebbe Linden wrote:

Funny, both engineering and product heads here also didn't like that jira was closed and want to open it up again. Proposal for how is in the works! I hope we can figure out how to do that in a way that works/scales soon. 

 wOOt  wOOt wOOt wOOt wOOt wOOt wOOt

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

I just realized that everyone (including me) got so involved in the fact of the visit we forgot what brought it on. Well done, Dresden. A thoughtful, clear statement with the big quote so that those of us who hadn't seen it (including me) could get a better idea of who the new CEO was.

Nice going. :-)

What she said, Dres.



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It's brave of you to be here interacting when you probably don't know half of what's being thrown at you, so thank you for taking the time and for reaching out to residents. Because SL is a community, we are in many ways your biggest sales people and marketing assets, so engagement with this constituency is really important for product growth. (And despite whatever grumbling you might hear, we're all on the same page.) :)

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Ebbe Linden wrote:

I have heard this quite a few times. I don't know the history yet as to why that was changed. Let me get up to speed from those that know...

If any of them have trouble remembering there are some folks here who have very good memories. 


I have thought before of writing the history of the Commerce Team, starting with Pink, so it would not be lost to posterity. It would be very dramatic. ( I am not sure we have a commerce team now, other than Dakota.)


Anyway, I would like to nominate Sassy Romano, probably the smartest merchant/programmer in SL, as the Merchant representative, should one be wanted, which one should. :-) 


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I understand, though I don't agree with, the reasons the jira was closed.   However, it really is a major inconvenience when confronted with unexpected behaviour from scripts or the viewer, not to be able look it up in the jira to see if it's a known issue or not, and what work-rounds might be available.

A while back, a friend contacted me to ask why a teleporter he'd made was working in some sims and not others.   We spend about half an hour trying to make it work, and decided it must be sort of bug.   I spent another hour or so playing with it in various sandboxes, and then writing up a jira about it,  explaining what the problem was and which server channels were affected, only to discover it was a known issue, was to be fixed in the next week's roll-outs and that I'd just wasted a couple of hours because I couldn't look it up for myself (which, in the past, would have been the first thing I'd have tried).

Scripters in particular, but all serious content creators, I think, used to use the jira as an important reference tool when investigating problems, and I'm very unhappy we no longer have it.


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Innula Zenovka wrote:


Scripters in particular, but all serious content creators, I think, used to use the jira as an important reference tool when investigating problems, and I'm very unhappy we no longer have it.


The JIRA was an invaluable tool in providing customer support. Customers often have no idea if a problem is related to the viewer, the asset server, the sim, their ISP, their router, or my product -- so they just contact me. It is up to me to do the kind of research you describe -- and without the JIRA all I can do is post in the tech forums and hope that someone there knows something I don't. 

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Ebbe Linden wrote:

Yes, had a good round yesterday. Then I had a lesson and found out my swing sucks!

Gawd I need new specs, I read that as " ... found out my sewing sucks"

Ah well, can't be good at everything.

A warm welcome from me, a not-at-all wierd-o person.

P.S. Last names roooooool :matte-motes-big-grin:


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LaskyaClaren wrote:

Dillon Levenque wrote:

I just realized that everyone (including me) got so involved in the fact of the visit we forgot what brought it on. Well done, Dresden. A thoughtful, clear statement with the big quote so that those of us who hadn't seen it (including me) could get a better idea of who the new CEO was.

Nice going. :-)

What she said, Dres.



+ also me, Dres. Was out of the loop earlier in the day. Thanks for the heads up.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Ebbe Linden wrote:

I have heard this quite a few times. I don't know the history yet as to why that was changed. Let me get up to speed from those that know...

If any of them have trouble remembering there are some folks here who have very good memories. 


Since SL is an international world, albeit virtual, it really does need a history written by these people with memories going back to ancient times. 

The CEO of LL is unlike any other CEO, because he is not only the leader of a business, but an international world.  I bet he would find it very enlightening to read a history of it, if there was one. 

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Ebbe Linden wrote:

We can talk here!

Hello Ebbe, welcome aboard! 

I'll be brief:   Can LL look at the inworld Abuse Report system?  It appears to be broken.

Abuse reports aren't acted upon, even when a link is given to the violation, screenshots, and links to the TOS/Community Guidelines that have been violated.

I'm speaking from experience, as I began filing abuse reports two months ago for a clear violation of the TOS/Community Guidelines. Yet, as of today, nothing has been done.  (Tthe violation is something that can be seen)


Also, thank you for reaching out to us, I'm delighted to see you engaging with the community.





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Pamela Galli wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Ebbe Linden wrote:

I have heard this quite a few times. I don't know the history yet as to why that was changed. Let me get up to speed from those that know...

If any of them have trouble remembering there are some folks here who have very good memories. 


Since SL is an international world, albeit virtual, it really does need a history written by these people with memories going back to ancient times. 

The CEO of LL is unlike any other CEO, because he is not only the leader of a business, but an international world.  I bet he would find it very enlightening to read a history of it, if there was one. 

In Chapter 12 of the book Second Life: The Official Guide (beginning on page 274) there is an historical timeline of SL; it only goes to 2007, the year the book was published, but it is an interesting read.

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Pamela Galli wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Ebbe Linden wrote:

I have heard this quite a few times. I don't know the history yet as to why that was changed. Let me get up to speed from those that know...

If any of them have trouble remembering there are some folks here who have very good memories. 


Since SL is an international world, albeit virtual, it really does need a history written by these people with memories going back to ancient times. 

The CEO of LL is unlike any other CEO, because he is not only the leader of a business, but an international world.  I bet he would find it very enlightening to read a history of it, if there was one. 

I don't know how often people check it but I find a lot of my historical info in this unofficial source.  A lot of great SL TidBits  here:


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I want to welcome you Ebbe to Second Life.  This is the first time I have ever seen this sort of communications in the forums and it is like a breath of fresh air.  I hope that it continues in the future. People have brought up issues such as the Jira, bringing back last names. And enforcing TOS and abuse reports. The list of wanted fixes can be endless. The best thing for all of is is more communications between the Lindens and the residents.

For myself personally, the worst debacle was the loss of first and last names. For those of us who have to manage large groups of people, we ended up with lists of people with two names, most of which change with shocking weekly regularity. Half the names are unreadable and can't be placed in any sort of alphabetical order!  There has to be a better way.

And my final peeve, well there are many, but this one bugs me.  Group chat is basically unusable with any sort of group that contains more than a dozen people. The lag, when it actually works, renders it almost useless for quick communications. After 10 years, it seems like something basic like this, which is so critical to many groups, could somehow been improved by this time.

No matter what, I love Second Life for all its faults and technical missteps. It is a technological miracle that gives us the tools to create a universe. Even if the hammer is a little faulty we are still banging in nails with it.

I welcome you and best of luck in your new position.


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Please *don't* bring back last names. I strongly disliked being forced to select a name I didn't hate from a list of names I didn't like when I signed up.  Just.. if you must change it give us 2 empty fields, firstname, lastname.  Don't make us be the "Cellardoor" family again please.  (no offence, Cellardoors of SL - it was my first avatar's last name in 2003 and I didn't like it then either)  Or alternatively, move on, accept last names are a thing of the past, and focus on something that really does matter to the future SL.  Like an actually working fitted mesh system.

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Ebbe Linden wrote:

And they can't wait to do that...most common question/issue on both sides of the "fence" has been the same thing! I'm getting love from both sides when I'm talking about fixing communication. I don't know when/how it got strange but we'll work hard to make us better at it...motivation is not an issue at all. We just need to figure out process for doing it effectively at scale...

This is a highly encouraging statement.  Your predecessor said something quite similar at the start of his tenure here and did, at first, take honest steps to try to achieve this goal.  Unfortunately, I believe he had no idea what sort of hornet's nest into which he was walking and chose to reverse course shortly afterwards, seemingly overnight.  I have hopes that, judging from your background and apparent willingness, you may very well be the one to succeed where he'd so miserably failed.  For the sake of Linden Lab, Second Life and it's user base, I wish you the best of luck.


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Ebbe Linden wrote:

Funny, both engineering and product heads here also didn't like that jira was closed and want to open it up again. Proposal for how is in the works! I hope we can figure out how to do that in a way that works/scales soon. 

It was certainly a daft decision... the sooner you resolve this issue, the better it will be for all concerned.


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