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Breaking News! 2 Avatars in custody after using Display Names


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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:


IMHO LL will see this whole thread as mocking their authority and Keli K will never be let out of the gulag.

Sorry Keli.

With the teen merge going on , LL will not tolerate any sort of undermining of their authority. All this does is show the new people that we don't care what LL thinks and we will do as we please. Personally I would let this one die.

We is a tryin' but they jus keep right on postin'.....

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:


IMHO LL will see this whole thread as mocking their authority and Keli K will never be let out of the gulag.

Sorry Keli.

With the teen merge going on , LL will not tolerate any sort of undermining of their authority. All this does is show the new people that we don't care what LL thinks and we will do as we please. Personally I would let this one die.

I'd decided not to get back into the discussion, but I felt this needed a comment. I've enjoyed your commentary in other places.

I do not in any way seek to undermine LL's authority. I'm not stupid. It's their product. Neither I nor any other resident has any say in what they do (I have seen a reference in the GD Forum to someone who thinks that's not the case but I doubt that person's sanity). I freely admit that I protested against LL taking Keli out of SL. I also freely admit that naming an alt the way she did was foolish. I am therefore co-foolish since I laughingly played right along. It's a wonder MY account isn't on hold. If that happens, so be it. I do believe that everyone who has posted positive things about Keli in this thread has also accepted the fact that she broke the rules. We just don't believe there was malicious intent, and we are hoping that LL will recognize that and act accordingly.

You might possibly be right about letting this thread die. There was a response from someone earlier, gave me the idea that would be okay. Jaen saw it, too. On the other hand (and you have to be a total forum nerd to know why I used that expression) if someone from LL is reading the thread they may be reading the entire thread. And anyone who has done that should have a pretty good idea of how things are.

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Kwant Capalini wrote:


When you yawn like that I can see the hand that operates you

Kwant, is that some kiind of 'sockpuppet' suggestion? If so please elaborate. If not, forgive me misreading you. You wanna get into a beef with Jaen go ahead, She seems like she can handle that. But what the H*** did that 'hand that operates you' mean?

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I haven't read much of anything here as "trying to undermine LL's authority."   Nor really much, "She didn't do anything wrong!"   either.

More like .........

"There was this cool, creative person.   Such a bright light.   And, sheesh, she really screwed up.   For creative reasons, not for sinister reasons, but still ......    I know she screwed up, but dang .......I still miss her."

I remember when I was just little, my dad wrote a letter to the court for a friend of his who had stolen some money from the company he worked for.   The guy was guilty as could be.   But in other matters, that same guy had conducted himself honorably and had made some contributions to the community.   I guess that letter really made an impression on me, 'cause many years later I still remember it.  I think it made a difference at his sentencing, too.

Even though I've never met her, I feel the same about Keli.   Yeah, she screwed up, went overboard ....or as I used to say about my oldest when he was a teen, "stuck that hairy toe over the line one too many times."  (Sorry, Keli!   Don't actually know about the sartorial state of your toes!)  But on balance, she was - and I still hope "will be" - a contribution to our community.   She is JUST the sort of person who adds life and fun to our little imaginary world.

I hope "the court" can take those mitigating circumstances into consideration.


mitigating circumstances n. in criminal law, conditions or happenings which do not excuse or justify criminal conduct, but are considered out of mercy or fairness in deciding the degree of the offense the prosecutor charges or influence reduction of the penalty upon conviction.

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Casey Pelous wrote:


I haven't read much of anything here as "trying to undermine LL's authority."   Nor really much, "She didn't do anything wrong!"   either.

More like .........

"There was this cool, creative person.   Such a bright light.   And, sheesh, she really screwed up.   For creative reasons, not for sinister reasons, but still ......    I know she screwed up, but dang .......I still miss her."

I remember when I was just little, my dad wrote a letter to the court for a friend of his who had stolen some money from the company he worked for.   The guy was guilty as could be.   But in other matters, that same guy had conducted himself honorably and had made some contributions to the community.   I guess that letter really made an impression on me, 'cause many years later I still remember it.  I think it made a difference at his sentencing, too.

Even though I've never met her, I feel the same about Keli.   Yeah, she screwed up, went overboard ....or as I used to say about my oldest when he was a teen, "stuck that hairy toe over the line one too many times."  (Sorry, Keli!   Don't actually know about the sartorial state of your toes!)  But on balance, she was - and I still hope "will be" - a contribution to our community.   She is JUST the sort of person who adds life and fun to our little imaginary world.

I hope "the court" can take those mitigating circumstances into consideration.


mitigating circumstances n. in criminal law, conditions or happenings which do not excuse or justify criminal conduct, but are considered out of mercy or fairness in deciding the degree of the offense the prosecutor charges or influence reduction of the penalty upon conviction.

Nice post, nice to see someone with an open mind.

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Well, took a couple of weeks of worring what happened before I found this blog thread to find out what happened to Keli.  If any Lindens do read this, this SUCKS - it's twice in 2 months it's happened!  DIdin't know I hung out with such rabble-rousers!  Is there some reason these 'administrative actions' can't be tagged?  After having a good friend dissappear, finding out later she was deceased, I've learned to worry when someone just up and poofs!


Anyway, I'm sooo glad to have heard from Keli in any form, just to know she's ok

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And maybe if the Lindens could hurry these admin actions along, too, that would be really great. Keli seems to be caught in limbo.

We love her and miss her. Please reinstate her as soon as possible. She's served an appropriate sentence for an action that was not malicious nor intentionally deceptive. I completely, wholeheartedly support all efforts to reinstate Keli Kyrie.


Rondo Catteneo wrote:


Well, took a couple of weeks of worring what happened before I found this blog thread to find out what happened to Keli.  If any Lindens do read this, this SUCKS - it's twice in 2 months it's happened!  DIdin't know I hung out with such rabble-rousers!  Is there some reason these 'administrative actions' can't be tagged?  After having a good friend dissappear, finding out later she was deceased, I've learned to worry when someone just up and poofs!


Anyway, I'm sooo glad to have heard from Keli in any form, just to know she's ok

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GDN interrupts your normally scheduled derailment with this Special Report


LiveReport: Hello Dwellers I am out here live at the Lagville Detention Facility where a small group of Keli K's friends are gathering, she has this message...


Keli K: OMG Myra why didn't you tell Rondo?!? She sounds so worried and you have known for many days now?!? As for me RL is okay, but SL is well as you see. I hope every thing is okay with you, I bet Rondo is DJing tonight. I hope you both having fun!!!

Well since I am having Live update this tread for me anyways there are some things I would like to add, that is if you don't mind Live?

LiveReport: After getting us those tickets anything you want Keli!

Keli K: First to the people trying to deride me and my supporters. LL has gave me no emails at all. If they had I would be following their instructions to the letter.

Second: The telephone operator suggested that if I was having problems with logging into the website to use an alt.

Third: The Second Life website suggest that if you are having a problems to use the forums. I am doing that although it is in a Dramatic fashion, sorry if you don't get all the jokes, maybe you should read more.

Forth: My own research is making me think that the phone operator my had been ill advised to suggest an alt so I am refraining from posting as much as possible.

Fifth: Think about it! I mean really really think about it. Right now someone from LL is reading everything, I mean everything I ever type into the interface. IMs, local chat, Email to Viewer communications, EVERTHING!!! If you were under this type of investigation would you stand up and say HERE I AM! THIS IS WHAT I DID! READ WHAT YOU WANT, BUT PLEASE HAVE MERCY! Would you? Really honestly would you? They have the right to do that you know? Just something to think about next time you are typing something into chat or IM.

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I wish there were words of solace or wisdom I could offer. The silence from LL must be deafening. I don't think they are reading anything you write, much less everything you write. They're probably busy dealing with brush fires related to the teen grid merge.

Let's hope Suella is right and these "administrative hold" things just take a little time to resolve. It's not the same here without your lively presence.

A lot of people are rooting for you, including me... and Snugs. I've put you in the Hippiestock photo. I'm hoping I'll get to replace that image with something brand new soon.

Hang in there.

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Thank you Maddy! I am sure that what you did will make both Kelis very happy. I know that each time they saw that photo they started to, um...., well, as they would say they got something in their eye. I don't think the image they posted was High-Rez so I am shocked that you got it to look so good. You did such a great job! I am sure the Kelis send you their love.



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Well, I've been seeing this discussion bumped around a lot, and I have to say one thing.  You can flame me for it, but I think it's a pretty well-put-together argument, and I hope this will be seen as reasonable.  If not, well, love me or hate me I guess .


Before you read this, if you don't like walls of text, here's the full summary in just a few sentences: 

Let keli take her slap on  the wrist for this.  She messed up and broke a rule.  It happens. Hopefully her good  reputation and unlikeliness to have broken any rules prior to this incident will prove to be helpful in LL's final decision.  In the meantime, chill, be patient.  I'm sure you'll all see your friend in-world soon enough.

Full post

Why post this on a forum which is always talked about as never being monitored?  The only thing being accomplished from this is getting attention.  However, this doesn't seem to help either, as I doubt LL cares for in-game reputation, or any of the sort.

Yes, right now, LL is most likely investigating Keli.  Sure, you can call LL evil, but they're following through on their own rules.  And why should she be given the royal treatment?  LL has a lot of things to worry about, I could imagine.  From ARs, other investigations, and maintaining SL itself, well, I'm not surprised it's taking a while.

Why should LL take priority in this?  So far I've seen, "we love you keli!  Free her!  Free her!"  Well, that's fine and all, but what about other users?  I'm sure there are a great deal of users being investigated or who have been investigated and they would be/are going through a similar process.  Why not just make a giant list of names to try and speed things up a little for them too?  Doesn't work.

Keli broke a rule, and changed her display name to that of a linden.  It doesn't matter if you write in a group tag or show any indication that you are not a linden, it gets people confused and some people actually will think you are a Linden.  Surprise, surprise?  Not really.

It's just common sense.  Starting a web-petition to try and get LL to take priority for one user who broke the rules is arrogant and pointless.  Make movements, in-game marches, news articles, the whole deal, but LL will be dealing with things their way.  And rightfully so, considering they made SL.

Again, I haven't read much on this subject, so it's possible I'm entirely wrong in my statement and don't even understand what's going on, but that's what I remember reading from a week or two back, and I truly don't mean to offend.  I just find it annoying that people take this so seriously.  It's a game.  You broke a rule.  It happens.  I'm sure we've all been there, whether it be on here or another game.  Or forums.  Not that big of a deal.  Please stop making it such a touchy, dramatic show.  It's not warrented.

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Kyyrii Askari wrote:


Well, I've been seeing this discussion bumped around a lot, and I have to say one thing.  You can flame me for it, but I think it's a pretty well-put-together argument, and I hope this will be seen as reasonable.  If not, well, love me or hate me I guess .


Before you read this, if you don't like walls of text, here's the full summary in just a few sentences: 

Let keli take her slap on  the wrist for this.  She messed up and broke a rule.  It happens. Hopefully her good  reputation and unlikeliness to have broken any rules prior to this incident will prove to be helpful in LL's final decision.  In the meantime, chill, be patient.  I'm sure you'll all see your friend in-world soon enough.

Full post

Why post this on a forum which is always talked about as never being monitored?  The only thing being accomplished from this is getting attention.  However, this doesn't seem to help either, as I doubt LL cares for in-game reputation, or any of the sort.

Yes, right now, LL is most likely investigating Keli.  Sure, you can call LL evil, but they're following through on their own rules.  And why should she be given the royal treatment?  LL has a lot of things to worry about, I could imagine.  From ARs, other investigations, and maintaining SL itself, well, I'm not surprised it's taking a while.

Why should LL take priority in this?  So far I've seen, "we love you keli!  Free her!  Free her!"  Well, that's fine and all, but what about other users?  I'm sure there are a great deal of users being investigated or who have been investigated and they would be/are going through a similar process.  Why not just make a giant list of names to try and speed things up a little for them too?  Doesn't work.

Keli broke a rule, and changed her display name to that of a linden.  It doesn't matter if you write in a group tag or show any indication that you are not a linden, it gets people confused and some people actually will think you are a Linden.  Surprise, surprise?  Not really.

It's just common sense.  Starting a web-petition to try and get LL to take priority for one user who broke the rules is arrogant and pointless.  Make movements, in-game marches, news articles, the whole deal, but LL will be dealing with things their way.  And rightfully so, considering they made SL.

Again, I haven't read much on this subject, so it's possible I'm entirely wrong in my statement and don't even understand what's going on, but that's what I remember reading from a week or two back, and I truly don't mean to offend.  I just find it annoying that people take this so seriously.  It's a game.  You broke a rule.  It happens.  I'm sure we've all been there, whether it be on here or another game.  Or forums.  Not that big of a deal.  Please stop making it such a touchy, dramatic show.  It's not warrented.

Yep, you're wrong. There was no petition, just a plea for leniency based on the fact there was no maliciousness intended.

The thread that was pulled did start off with the title 'Free Keli Kyrie from false charges' but i changed it to 'Free Keli Kyrie please' and tried to simply make it into a show of support for Keli to show her that her friends miss her. Contrary to what some people have said, there was nothing in it that said we thought she hadn't done anything wrong.

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Jaen Albatros wrote:


Contrary to what some people have said, there was nothing in it that said we thought she hadn't done anything wrong.

This is, like a triple negative sentance... what the heck do you mean?   Are you saying you knew she was being stupid and flippant and you didn't/don't care?  Are you saying she was wrong and you knew it and didn't warn her?  Are you saying she was being stupid, flippant and wrong and you just want her back anyway?

I miss Keli too, her posts were/are funny and entertaining, I am just trying to sort out what you mean by the above double speak (maybe triple speak)?

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Keli, the fact that phone support TOLD you to use an alt to log into the website means you're probably not doing anything wrong in posting here. However, given the advice of others that it might be better to lay low while you wait out this administrative hold, I wonder if you would consider posting on one of the third party forums (if you're not already doing so) where you could give news a little more freely without breaking any rules. I'd recommend Raul's forum, but that's because I visit there too and I wouldn't want to miss any updates. I miss your humor around here!

Raul's SL Offworld forum

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Jessika.Rang wrote:


Jaen Albatros wrote:


Contrary to what some people have said, there was nothing in it that said we thought she hadn't done anything wrong.

This is, like a triple negative sentance... what the heck do you mean?   Are you saying you knew she was being stupid and flippant and you didn't/don't care?  Are you saying she was wrong and you knew it and didn't warn her?  Are you saying she was being stupid, flippant and wrong and you just want her back anyway?

I miss Keli too, her posts were/are funny and entertaining, I am just trying to sort out what you mean by the above double speak (maybe triple speak)

Nope, i'm not saying any of those things. It's simply a denial of what people have said was in the pulled thread, ie; one poster said the thread was full of posts saying she (Keli) hadn't done anything wrong. I am refuting that statement...it was not full of posts saying she hadn't done anything wrong.

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Jaen Albatros wrote:


Jessika.Rang wrote:


Jaen Albatros wrote:


Contrary to what some people have said, there was nothing in it that said we thought she hadn't done anything wrong.

This is, like a triple negative sentance... what the heck do you mean?   Are you saying you knew she was being stupid and flippant and you didn't/don't care?  Are you saying she was wrong and you knew it and didn't warn her?  Are you saying she was being stupid, flippant and wrong and you just want her back anyway?

I miss Keli too, her posts were/are funny and entertaining, I am just trying to sort out what you mean by the above double speak (maybe triple speak)

Nope, i'm not saying any of those things. It's simply a denial of what people have said was in the pulled thread, ie; one poster said the thread was full of posts saying she (Keli) hadn't done anything wrong. I am refuting that statement...it was not full of posts saying she hadn't done anything wrong.

You know, it's great that you're defending your point and all, but can we let this thread either draw new supporters or die down?  We got it.  The user's on administrative hold, and from what I'm reading, it's happened twice in two months.  She should know by now, stop breaking rules, wash behind your ears, all that.  There are reasons for these rules, I would imagine.


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Kwant Capalini wrote:


When you yawn like that I can see the hand that operates you


now that is cool

When i replied to this, i wasn't actually sure what you meant, but after reading Dillon's post, here..


I asked her what a sockpuppet was and now I too ask....yeah what the heck do you mean, if you are indeed suggesting that i am a sockpuppet?? coz i haven't a damn clue!

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