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question about using firestorm

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i just started using firestorm and i like it a lot.  When i go to a dance club i like to click on names of nearby people and zoom around the room and see who's there.  but i just found out that even after i'm no longer looking at someone my name is still on the last person i looked at.  is there a way to get off them withone getting on someone else?

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okay thanks for the help.  i didn;t know what i was doing until someone said something and they weren't very nice about it.  i jut want to see everyone around me.  many avis are very creative.  but i don't want to make anyone feel creeped on.

so, just to be clear, when i want to go back to my home view i should hit the esc key instead of clicking something in my camara view.  is ther right?

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MissBegotten wrote:

i didn;t know what i was doing until someone said something and they weren't very nice about it.  i jut want to see everyone around me.  many avis are very creative.  but i don't want to make anyone feel creeped on.

Firestorm also has an option to hide those LookAt targets, so you can look around with impunity. Or you can use the Alt key, which doesn't report LookAt positions. Some people freak out when they see the targets, I assume because they think they're in a single player game.

It's perfectly acceptable to use these tools to look around at people in public spaces, that's what they were made for.

And yeah, Esc/Escape on your keyboard will almost universally reset your view position.

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ik know right?  that's what i was thinking.  work on your avi, make it look really cool, take it out to a crowded place and freak out when someone looks at it?

but i can understand it could be annoying if you're the last one i looked at and then i danced for the next 30 mins with my crosshairs still you your head.

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i'm not creeping. i'm just having a look. the same way you have a quick look at someone with an interesting outfit in real life.  creeping would be if i followed them around or peeked into dressing rooms.

Ok, good and fair. It sounded a bit different in your OP. I look around a lot, I zoom in on other avies, I open their profiles, I do all that but I won't call it creeping neither. I don't care if my head is turning towards the person I'm looking at and have no idea what crosshairs are ... after 7 years in SL, go figure. Well, I hardly ever go to clubs or concerts, so I didn't meet anyone yet complaining about it. Oh, and I don' even know if someone is looking at me or not. So it's always a surprise when someone IMs me to congratulate me on my profile.

BTW, what you describe further down is known as stalking.

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Sometimes people could have been glad, that I'm looking around so much. I warned one guy, that he forgot to detach his member before tping to a club and one suggested a woman to turn her view around, as she forgot that her dress was open at the front...she also forgot wearing panties that day.

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If someone freaks out when I look around I absolutely don't care and ignore them. Can't remember last time though, most probably because I decided not to show my lookat target.

The other way around I don't know if someone looks because I absolutely don't care and don't see the crosshairs.

Not to forget: you can switch off to display your lookat target in EVERY viewer - more or less comfortable.

So. all in all, nothing to waste much thought on.

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Sassy Romano wrote:

Next thing they'll be complaining that after spending SO MUCH to make themselves look good that nobody is looking at them.

Dramatainment at its best! :matte-motes-evil:

Yeah! I don't get it why some get overly pi$$ed off if we look at their pixels on our screen.  shrug-1.gif

Stare - try not to.jpg


Once I looked at very awesome avatar hovering high up in the sky. In no time at all an IM popped up. "Please don't stare at me. There are viewers that can harm a person just by staring at somebody!"


Erm.. what? Seriously?  roflmao.gif


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Freya Mokusei wrote:

MissBegotten wrote:

i didn;t know what i was doing until someone said something and they weren't very nice about it.  i jut want to see everyone around me.  many avis are very creative.  but i don't want to make anyone feel creeped on.

Firestorm also has an option to hide those LookAt targets, so you can look around with impunity.

As far as I know all Viewers have the ability to hide look at.  Firestorm just makes it easier to do.  Other Viewers you need to go into the Debug settings.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

As far as I know
Viewers have the ability to hide look at.  Firestorm just makes it easier to do.  Other Viewers you need to go into the Debug settings.

Obv, I just didn't want to talk about Debug Settings when I could solve the OP's issue in one sentence and keep things clear.


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Freya Mokusei wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

As far as I know
Viewers have the ability to hide look at.  Firestorm just makes it easier to do.  Other Viewers you need to go into the Debug settings.

Obv, I just didn't want to talk about Debug Settings when I could solve the OP's issue in one sentence and keep things clear.


I just wanted to make it clear before some one came and started screaming, "teh ebil firecrap."  ;)

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MissBegotten wrote:

okay thanks for the help.  i didn;t know what i was doing until someone said something and they weren't very nice about it.  i jut want to see everyone around me.  many avis are very creative.  but i don't want to make anyone feel creeped on.

People who don't want to be looked at should go hide in little boxes away from every one else, and if in SL: stay on a private sim all by themselves.

If you're in public, the public's gonna look. "Don't look at me" freaks can just deal, or go hide.

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MissBegotten wrote:

so if i uncheck show look at no one can tell when i look at them?

In Preferences Privacy/LookAt  check "don't send my look at targets to others."

Personally, I have "show look at targets" unchecked and all three of "My look at targets" checked.  If you hover your mouse over each choice you will get a dialogue box explaining what each does.

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Another way to cam about without clicking on individual avatars is to open your radar and double click on a name (just work your way down the list if you feel like it). Your cam will go to the avatar and you can gaze all you like.  Since you don't click on the avatar, your crosshairs won't show on them and they won't freak out (if they are so inclined). 

I never leave that feature on because it clutters up my screen.  It's funny when someone gets bent out of shape because they see crosshairs on them.  As if they are all that!  :) 

Just enjoy your SL

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that's exactly what i was doing Venus.  double clicking on names in the nearby people view and going down the list.  but peope were still noticing and it seems my crosshairs never leave the last avi i looked at.

the whole story was that someone sent me an im and i found him on the nearby list and double clicked.  after our chat i clicked on my back camara view to look at myself and later he said my crosshairs were still on him and asked that i click on someone else because my name was floating over his head.

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