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Disabling script ejection on mainland above the banline zone.

Extrude Ragu

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I'll warn you now that this is my opinion, it is very strong and opinionated, you might even take it offensively, if you are easily offended, I suggest you click back.

   The SecondLife world is supposed to be an exciting place to explore, and feel free to do whatever you want right? Within reason, ofcourse.

   I personally beleive that automatic ejection systems ruin that. Do you know how it feels to fly over the mainland, and even though you're 200m up, not near anybodies home, in a zone where banlines shouldn't effect you, someone's orb decides to kick you out, and teleport you miles away to your home? When somebody who owns a parcel with a small insignificant house on the mainland thinks that nobody should pass over it? not even at 4000m, nowhere near it? With a 0 second warning, often there is nobody even in the house!

  I'll tell you how it feels to be ejected and sent miles back home for no good reason, it feels Infuriating. Like, seriously infuriating!

  I beleive that automatic ejection shouldn't be allowed on the mainland, above the banline zone, it just shouldn't. The mainland is SUPPOSED to be joined together, when you buy the mainland, you sign up to become a part of the surroundings, not to take your part and use it as a solid avatar wall designed to simply infuriate people wanting to pass by as they explore.

 I beleive that automatic ejection encourages people to be Selfish, and removes the feeling of community in second life. What you end up is with this wild west feeling, where you think that everybody around you is introverted, and has this massive metal pipe jammed within their rear hind, because they seem to be so stuck in an upright position that  the thought that somebody flying over their home at any given time is worth stopping them, kicking them out, and deporting them thousands of miles away back to their own home, I mean heaven forbid we behave like human beings and have a conversation, right?

I beleive that if people truly wanted privacy, and to not be included in the mainland community, they should not be allowed to be on the mainland where they ruin it for everyone else, they should be buying houses on private sims designed for privacy, not the mainland!

This is just my view, take and discuss as you will.

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I'll warn you now that this is my opinion, it is very strong and opinionated, you might even take it offensively, if you are easily offended, I suggest you click back.

   The SecondLife world is supposed to be an exciting place to explore, and feel free to do whatever you want right? Within reason, ofcourse.

   I personally beleive that automatic ejection systems ruin that. Do you know how it feels to fly over the mainland, and even though you're 200m up, not near anybodies home, in a zone where banlines shouldn't effect you, someone's orb decides to kick you out, and teleport you miles away to your home? When somebody who owns a parcel with a small insignificant house on the mainland thinks that nobody should pass over it? not even at 4000m, nowhere near it? With a 0 second warning, often there is nobody even in the house!

  I'll tell you how it feels to be ejected and sent miles back home for no good reason, it feels Infuriating. Like, seriously infuriating!

  I beleive that automatic ejection shouldn't be allowed on the mainland, above the banline zone, it just shouldn't. The mainland is SUPPOSED to be joined together, when you buy the mainland, you sign up to become a part of the surroundings, not to take your part and use it as a solid avatar wall designed to simply infuriate people wanting to pass by as they explore.

 I beleive that automatic ejection encourages people to be Selfish, and removes the feeling of community in second life. What you end up is with this wild west feeling, where you think that everybody around you is introverted, and has this massive metal pipe jammed within their rear hind, because they seem to be so stuck in an upright position that  the thought that somebody flying over their home at any given time is worth stopping them, kicking them out, and deporting them thousands of miles away back to their own home, I mean heaven forbid we behave like human beings and have a conversation, right?

I beleive that if people truly wanted privacy, and to not be included in the mainland community, they should not be allowed to be on the mainland where they ruin it for everyone else, they should be buying houses on private sims designed for privacy, not the mainland!

This is just my view, take and discuss as you will.

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not sure how many still do it on mainland..

but the one owning the land can build up to 4079m i beieve?so there are houses up there as well as stores and other things..not just on the ground..


i'm not a fan of being sent all the way home..

i can see it being something for private islands..because there is the sim and then there is nothingness on thier land lines edges..

so they would have to send them home..

but mainland parcels? they should only be allowed to be able to kick to the parcel line..

there are settings for that in most orbs..

but there are some that still just turn the power on full..


and it would be nice if mainland was setup to where it was about the surrounds..but it's not..

it's just parcels that people can make what they want there..

you can have a skyscraper right nextto a log cabin in the mainland..or a brothel next to a church..


i wouldn't say you are joining a unity thing more than a possible chaos thing in decorating arrangment of mainland hehehe


as far as it being the wild west..

that is pretty much what it is as far as creation is concerned..it has it's drawbacks..but it has it's awesomeness also..

people will always be selfish with places they spend their money..that's just a right that everyone has here..

as much as we would like all of them to live by our own rules of how we see our SL..

there are a whole bunch of others out there thinking the same thing .but with a different vision of it..

that's just how it works..


i live on a private island right now and usually stick to those unless i feel like getting really adventurous..

i used to live on mainland years ago..used too!! 

i'm still trying to figure out if they were the goodold days or the bad old days..







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Theres no need for banlines there's enough security without them or security orbs which, are let's face it, legalised griefing tools as Ive said many times.... people leave junk on your land ban 'em - return their junk...youre at home and you  want privacy ask unwanted guests to leave if they dont ban 'em....no need for stupid ban lines which ruin the supposedly emmersive experience all the ceos at lindens blah on about...

Boundary crashes are bad enough without ban lines adding an unsightly nusiance.... I also wonder what sort of drain they are on sl resources.

 Ban lines should be deactivated and security orbs and their kin banned.

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Pamela Galli wrote:

I was under the impression that ejection without a warning of say, 10 secs or so, was against TOS and AR-able.

I thought that too, but, a while back I tried to find where I read it but I couldn't.


To the OP:

There is nothing wrong with ejecting systems above your suggested 200m. They have to be allowed for skybox homes. Instant ejection is seriously bad though. Some years ago, I found a parcel that ejected the moment it spotted me (which could be anything from instant to several seconds, depending on how often the system scanned). I would normally fly over at near ground level and, although it wasn't a big parcel, I could never make it across before it ejected me to Home. I tested it a number of times to see if I could get across. I IMed the parcel owner, and, as a result, the scan frequency was changed so that I could get across. perhaps, instead of getting too infuriated, you could IM the owner and suggest at least one warning before ejection. It's quite possible that security owners don't realise. It just never occurs to them until it's pointed out.

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Maelstrom Janus wrote:

Ban lines should be deactivated and security orbs and their kin banned.

I don't agree. Ban lines are sometimes used to keep people out of areas where only group members are allowed, to charge admission, and for all sorts of other reasons. When nobody is there, outsiders are still not allowed but there's nobody around to ban an intruder. They only go up to a relatively low height, so, apart from vehicle crashes, they aren't so bad. They are bad, imo, when a parcel owner puts them up just for the sake of it, and for no particularly good reason.

Security devices are perfectly fine as long as they give warnings before booting. They don't affect vehicles and warnings just cause the user to move on quickly. They are fine.

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Pamela Galli wrote:

I was under the impression that ejection without a warning of say, 10 secs or so, was against TOS and AR-able.



And folks might not like it, but private land is private land.

To the OP: If you see something up there and it looks private, leave well enough alone. The whole point of a security orb is to protect a private space.

If someone has one in open air with no visible cues, go ahead and AR it - but good luck with getting a response.


If you want access to that private space, offer to take over that person's tier bills.


Personally I use security orbs in multiple places. All of them walled off though. And I give NO warning. Because if you TP past that locked door or into that sealed cube - you don't have a right to warning.


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Maelstrom Janus wrote:

By the way the land is not YOUR land you merely rent it from Lindens who can take it from you at any time - read the TOS ..in my book ban lines contradict lindens on rules on what affects the 'community'

you have owners rights to the land..which is the same thing as with RL land..

which they can take from you any time they like as well..as well as make rules of things you can and cannot do on your land..


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Maelstrom Janus wrote:

I bet we'd soon hear the moans pouring in from you if someone started setting up banning orbs and lines around your property..

I believe some of my neighbors in fact do use orbs in private places. Then again I've never been bothered by them because I don't try to sneak into homes and use their "props".

I -have- lived next to people with banlines and I sympathize... conditionally. If they're up over open water or an open field - rude. Especially on a sim border. Otherwise, mildly rude because of the visual aspect, but otherwise tolerable. When I've had a banlines neighbor I've either tried to get to know them on a friend-like basis and then convince them to switch to orbs... or just flipped off the show banlines setting.


Been living on mainland since 2009 - I've only received two complaints in all that time over my own security orbs. Both because I was on a sim border and had configured it wrong (if you're on a sim border and set it to parcel wide - it will spam out to up to 96m of the nearby sim, but cannot eject, I found this out from the first time somebody complained, and have since helped a few other people fix their own orbs who had made the same mistake).


Since you're being irrational and extreme, and raging at anyone with a counter opinion in a 'you deserve to be abused' way... First not sure why we're bothering to engage you... but... maybe you should get off your neighbor's sexbed and go buy one of your own. :P

If not that, then what is your issue? Who messed with your shiny happy spot so much to make this something to rage about?


There are conditions where these things are only going to be obtrusive to pervs and people sneaking into other people's private spaces, and conditions where they can be annoying.

Ranting in here in terms of absolutes gets you nowhere...


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I have a home on the shore of the Blake Sea and allow access to my airspace and water on my property as a courtesy to my fellow sailors and flyers.  However it is strictly my call. If I decide to deny access to these areas it is my right to do so and I would not hesitate to do so if people start to abuse the privilege and invade my privacy or I constantly had to deal with vehicles crashing and being abandoned on my property.  I also would not hesitate to do so if I elected to have a skybox or platform above the land and wanted privacy.

The fact is that there is nothing in the TOS , The Community Standards, or the Official Mainland Policy prohibiting security orbs or requiring any notice before ejection nor is there any prohibition against sending you home when you are ejected. These are the only three official documents that govern mainland except for the few areas that may have a covenant.

The land and everything above it belongs to the person who is paying the tiers. In fact the TOS clearly states that a landowner has the right to control access to their property. 

4.8 “Virtual Land" is In-World space that we license.

You may permit or deny other users to access your Virtual Land on terms determined by you. Any agreement you make with other users relating to use or access to your Virtual Land must be consistent with these Terms of Service, and no such agreement can abrogate, nullify, void or modify these Terms of Service.

Your assumptions are wrong about "when you buy the mainland, you sign up to become a part of the surroundings, not to take your part and use it as a solid avatar wall designed to simply infuriate people wanting to pass by as they explore".  This has NEVER been the case and is just your opinion.  It is also a fact that you do NOT have the right to go anywhere in SL other than on or over  public land owned by LL, land that you own, or land that the owner PERMITS you to go on. Just because you own and fly an airplane does not change this.

Personally, even though I allow access over my land,  I believe that all of the above is true and the way it should be.  Whether someone sets up their land to allow access above the 200M or over any part of the ocean that extends onto their land is up to them because THEY ARE THE ONES PAYING, NOT YOU. There is plenty of free airspace where you can fly without going where you are not welcome.   If you don't want to deal with security orbs, don't fly over private land.  Stick to flying over LL owned open water.  That is what I do when I sail or fly and have no problems.


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I think it's too late. Mainland would be a better, busier, more welcoming place today if there hadn't been so many concessions to the "fortress of solitude" mentality. But trying to fix it at this late date would probably chase away a too-large share of remaining Mainlanders, and gain fewer replacements. Which is sad.

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The thing is, Pamela, is that what I fly into, often does not look private. It is an open space, there are no visual ques.


Pamela, You are right, private land is private land.I would never intrude on someones property like that. A locked door is a locked door and it's inexcusable to break through it. But the mainland is a different nature, it was designed to be explored. There are often no visual cues, and as you said, the Lindens don't respond to AR's. 

But, you are also wrong, Private land is not private land, until it is clearly marked as so, and also, private land is Land, not Private Air.For example, when I brought my house in the real world, I didn't buy the right to stop harry in his piper club from flying over, or John in his Jet.

When I brought my home in the real world I also didn't buy the right to vaporize my neighbour when he stepped onto my drive with no warning, or to detain some guy who tripped and stepped foot in my drive, and because he so much as touched my land, drive him all the way back to his home in Alaska. You know? It's rediculous that there is no warning, and that you are teleported so far away. It is nasty and really sets a bad tone in second life.

When you buy a house in the middle of a street you should expect people to walk past, this is what mainland owners seem to forget, they brought a parcel to develop on, where they have the right to ask people to leave, but they don't have the right to disturb everyone around them unnessacarily just for passing by, they should get off their high horse.

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Pamela Galli wrote:

I was under the impression that ejection without a warning of say, 10 secs or so, was against TOS and AR-able.

I've been hearing comments like this for ages but have never read anything in the TOS, CS, etc, about it nor has anyone ever shown me anything.

Not saying it isn't there, but if it is I'd sure love someone to show me.

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If there were I suspect there'd be masses of complaints gumming up the administrative works......and lets face it all lindens are really concerned about at the end of the day is the kerching of dollars who at lindens cares if a few users get a spot of harrasment as long as they or others are paying out the dosh each month.....

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But, you are also wrong, Private land is not private land, until it is clearly marked as so, and also, private land is Land, not Private Air.For example, when I brought my house in the real world, I didn't buy the right to stop harry in his piper club from flying over, or John in his Jet.

In RL, can you build a skybox up in the air and fly up to it? No. In SL you can. So....is the same house I can place on the ground not longer my private sanctuary, but public space, as soon as I put it 1000m above the ground? And don't say its not necessary to do so. In many cases, its preferable to view into endless sky rather than at the backside of the next building. Also it gives more room to maybe decorate the ground into a lovly  big garden.

(the air above the land belongs to your country, by the way)

When I brought my home in the real world I also didn't buy the right to vaporize my neighbour when he stepped onto my drive with no warning, or to detain some guy who tripped and stepped foot in my drive, and because he so much as touched my land, drive him all the way back to his home in Alaska.

Wow, yes...so much sense...wake up, even if you wanted: In RL such "features" doesn't exist.


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Second life gives users the ability to build at any height and I am fine with that, you are missing the point;


People should not be allowed to automatically and instantly eject people for flying around in the mainland! It spoils the experience, in my opinion, why make the mainland a connected land when traversing it is like a minefield? I am of the opinion that work should be put in to prevent people abusing the mainland for what it's not, and move these skybox owners who demand privacy to private sims, the mainland was not built with the idea that skybox owners would prevent people from traversing and that the ground would be left barron and bare. The mainland was built with community in mind and I personally think that work should be put in to restore that original idea.

I am, and this is my strongest opinion, that will definately hit a few people hard, of the opinion that skybox owners who want security devices and for nobody to ever come near their land, be forced to be moved to private sims, where nobody will ever come near their land (sky)

I think the mainland should not be treated like a wild west, it should be a pleasant place to explore, a community. Griefers are the minority, not the majority.  I think if you want the right to insta-eject people with no warning, you should be moved to somewhere where that does not interfere with my right to explore and be involved in the community.

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