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The object of the game . . .


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Okay people, from my experiences with my various alts in SL, and from reading this forum, I think I may be able to suggest a working hypothesis about what the object of the game is.

This is just a suggestion, so nobody go crazy . . .


I think the object of SL is to try to make sure other players are enjoying playing SL.


I am beginning to wonder whether that may also be the object of RL as well . . .

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KEVP314 wrote:

Okay people, from my experiences with my various alts in SL, and from reading this forum, I think I may be able to suggest a working hypothesis about what the object of the game is.

This is just a suggestion, so nobody go crazy . . .


I think the object of SL is to try to make sure other players are enjoying playing SL.


I am beginning to wonder whether that may also be the object of RL as well . . .

I am not sure what you are saying. I don't find an object to playing a game here and I am not a player in sl :) I don't view sl as a game, It's a world where I can see people that I enjoy being with, interact with and do many things.

I still am trying to understand what you mean about alts, this forum and understanding playing the game. Can you elaborate a little more on your point?

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Okay, but I get the impression that the people who come to SL and just try to make themselves happy and ignore the feelings of othe people, or the people who the only thing that makes them happy is making other people UNhappy, they seem to get thrown out of sims, don't make friends, etc etc.  Then they don't enjoy SL, and they feel like they are "losing the game".  But when I make it my goal to improve other people's enjoyment, I feel like I am "winning the game".

And I'm beginning to find similar things happening in RL.  That game still baffles me, though.  Incredibly huge learning curve.


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Why do you think its a game?

I don't really see it as a game, because it misses what I expect from a game. Its more a virtual social environment that is created by its residents.

I joined out of curiousity, to see what this place can offer for me, who is also here and what I can explore here. Most of my inworld time I only spend with things that make me happy. I shop for myself. Talk, if I like. Go dancing on my own or do creative stuff just for myself. I enjoy being around others. I enjoy conversations, but I'm not aiming at anybodies happiness.

If someone bores me, I leave them. If I don't like what someones does or says I can be aggressiv. I'm not a griefer, but I'm not an altruistic saint.

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Let me put it this way.  If people come to SL thinking it is a "game", then maybe my suggestion is a good way to help them understand better.

And for some of us, maybe it is a good way to think about RL.  You will notice that my own usage of the word "game" is broad enough to include RL, so obviously I am using a much broader definition of the word "game" than you are.

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KEVP314 wrote:

Okay, but I get the impression that the people who come to SL and just try to make themselves happy and ignore the feelings of othe people, or the people who the only thing that makes them happy is making other people UNhappy, they seem to get thrown out of sims, don't make friends, etc etc.  Then they don't enjoy SL, and they feel like they are "losing the game".  But when I make it my goal to improve other people's enjoyment, I feel like I am "winning the game".

And I'm beginning to find similar things happening in RL.  That game still baffles me, though.  Incredibly huge learning curve.


I understand what you mean now. SL, to me anyway, is a relaxing way for ME to enjoy my RL "downtime" (free time when work or any other priorities don't need my attention) . Along the way I have made some very good friends and a very very special person I enjoy spending my time with here as well as an outlet for creativity. Over time, I no longer look at is a way to enjoy my "downtime" but to be with the people I care about here, like I would in RL. I don't look at the people I am with here as not in my RL because they are, just in a different way especially distance and time zones.

I don't try and make anyone else's experience here bad or unhappy. I am not here to mediate the community and it's up to people to make what they want out their time here. If you choose to spend your time helping others improve their enjoyment, that's up to you and a nice gesture.

I do disagree with you stating you are winning the game by doing this and others are losing the game for whatever reason. I don't see how you can compare winning and losing to signing into this world, but you have your own view.

Yes, SL can have a difficult learning curve for some and there are many people who try and help new Residents with that and it includes this forum.



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SL isn't a game and has no objectives. Be nice, be happy, be an @$$, be unhappy, be honest, be a liar ... just be what you are in RL and you'll have roundabout the same experience. Be nice or useful or wise and you make friends. Be a republican and everybody hates you. All is fine and realistic and not a game at all.

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The debate on whether SL is a game or not has been raging since it began.  This is what I think.

SL is not a game it is a virtual world just like RL is a world.  What you get out of it is determined what you put into it.   

Games have goals.  You can play games within SL but SL itself has no goal. You can decide to treat it as a game and set personal goals for yourself if that leads you to better enjoy SL, but you can't impose your goals on others.

I don't think its fair to mislead new people by telling them its a game unless you explain the above to them and let them decide how they are going to personally use SL.  If they don't understand this and you tell them its a game they are going to wander around trying to figure out what the goal is and get frustrated and leave.



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Orca Flotta wrote:

SL isn't a game and has no objectives. Be nice, be happy, be an @$$, be unhappy, be honest, be a liar ... just be what you are in RL and you'll have roundabout the same experience. Be nice or useful or wise and you make friends. Be a republican and everybody hates you. All is fine and realistic and not a game at all.

One of my favorite quotes I read in someone's profile was, "Of all the things you could choose to be here, why would you choose to be an @sshole?"

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Orca Flotta wrote:

SL isn't a game and has no objectives. Be nice, be happy, be an @$$, be unhappy, be honest, be a liar ... just be what you are in RL and you'll have roundabout the same experience. Be nice or useful or wise and you make friends. Be a republican and everybody hates you. All is fine and realistic and not a game at all.

One of my favorite quotes I read in someone's profile was, "Of all the things you could choose to be here, why would you choose to be an @sshole?"

My answer would be....

Because I can't be one in rl. Which is pretty much the answer for a lot who RP as something they aren't in rl.

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: "Of all the things you could choose to be here, why wouldn't you choose to be an @sshole?"


Awe . . . Doesn't everybody want to experience the whole spectrum of opportunities; being completely nice is soooo boring.

ETA It can also get you crucified by the ignorant.

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I don't look at SL as a game at all.

I do however feel at the end of the day that SL may be a waste if you don't do one of these two things.

1 Try starting a business.

2 Finding love.

Other than that, I look at sl as a waste at the end of the day when its time to call it quits because there goes the friends and the time you could have spent doing stuff in real or being productive.

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KEVP314 wrote: [...]
I think the object of SL is to try to make sure other players are enjoying playing SL 
my own usage of the word "game" is broad enough to include RL [...]

I think I know what you actually mean... and if it is, that would be an unusually wise objective to live by in this... 'game'. Not one a whole lot of people will share, unfortunately... and ironically enough, many of those who won't are usually the most adamant about considering SL esclsuively as a game (especially in the sense that they can do whatever they want with whoever they want and not particularly regret it... though quite a few of them seem to selectively forget their own definition of SL as 'just a game' when they are the ones being played out by others).

But yes, it's quite a noble objetive; not necessarily the only one, even setting aside strictly selfish and otherwise negative ones; there are some for whom SL's objetive may be to explore, learn, create or earn money, to put a few examples.

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If you look at life in general as a game then SL is also a game. We can call it a game because nothing that happens here can phisically harm you. But its also a huge social platform and a field to brush up or develop your skills. 

I remember ages ago I was playing some strategy game where you build up a civilization and discover the world map while fighting the enemy. There was one part of the game where you could build your own world and I was feeling bad because there were only one type of trees, rocks and water. In some other game my character could steal cars and bikes, change clothes, he had his buddies, girlfriends and many houses. But I could enter only in certain houses. 

In SL you build up your own game, bring characters in and set a goal to yourself. Choice is yours and there is only one limit, one enemy you have to conquer, and thats you. 

The object of the game is to push the limits, ones you can't or don't dare to push in RL, to discover and develop new parts of your own personality.

Your "suggestion" makes sense, if you make people around you happy then their happiness is reflecting on you, therefore you are happy. But that is like a fundamental thought I've seen in many religious or philosopy books I've read, so its not like you discovered something new here. 

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There are some things in which I can heavily relate RL to SL. This is one of them. IMHO, saying that SL has a main objective, or how I see it, a "goal", is to say the same about RL. We all have heard the "What's the meaning of life?" question and I think it can even relate to SL. I mean, what's the point of life and living? So, to that I have to say it all depends on the person. Like you said about what you think the object of SL is. It's all well and good for some, but some don't care about taking care for other people and just want to go their own way. Just like RL, we have our own goals or thoughts on what's important to us because that is our own perception which some may agree to and some may not. Life has a differnt meaning to everyone.



Now to say wether or not SL is a game I think it is.....a social game ( I mean that's what they call right?) However, if it weren't for that title, I wouldn't see SL as a game but a seperate world which is why it's called a "virtual world" No set goals, no scores, just you, your imagination, and freedom. 

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KEVP314 wrote:

Okay people, from my experiences with my various alts in SL, and from reading this forum, I think I may be able to suggest a working hypothesis about what the object of the game is.

 It's a social platform to allow people the ability to meet and talk with others that they otherwise couldn't. It's an escape.

It would be nice if people cared about others in the 'game' and in real life, unfortunately not. People generally only care about themselves.

Have you ever considered just how many people with Autism, Cancer, No legs, Deaf, Blind, Old (as in 70s and over), people with mental illness 'play'? Have you ever asked yourself why so many 'disadvantaged'?

Nice thought though. If only people were more considerate of others and not being 7 foot blond haired, blue eyed models or caring about what other people were doing in their 'private' bedroom the world would be a nicer place.

Myself I try to care about others, but it costs me dearly with the intense hate some people are filled with, especially against my community in the game.

Some of the things that have been said
People are just down right nasty.



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