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Have I found the one item that didn't exist before Mesh???

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Have I found the one item that didn't exist before Mesh???

I haven't got a mesh compatible viewer because my computer is too old and I can't find a viewer that works without crashing every half a second, so for now, I am stuck with an old viewer.

Shopping for items is beginning to be a chore, because everything is going Mesh - even some sims are unvisitble now because of it - but thats how it is now.  I don't begrudge the train of progression in technology, just sad to be left standing on the platform waving it goodbye - lol.

Anyway - so that little rant over with, I was looking for an oversized shirt/night shirt/ boyfriend shirt - an when entering all those into the Marketplace I only find Mesh items.  Surely these were in existance before Mesh, in a decent quality?

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You aren't going to like this. If you can't update to a current viewer, it's probably time to stop buying system clothes. In a few weeks, once the bugs are flushed out of the server side appearance setup, you won't be able to see those, or avatars in general, either.

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I think finding clothes isn't impossible and I often buy and wear clothes that aren't mesh. But isn't any public experiance a pain for you? When I look around I see always at least one person wearing mesh items. How does that look for you?

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can you point me to where something official states that system clothes will no longer be visible?  we are all going to be subjected to wearing only mesh???  i haven't seen that written anywhere as yet and would love to know more.  thanks!

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Jinnywitha Cleanslate wrote:

Yea - I heard that...... I'm dreading it!   I wish LL would buy me a new computer!  Lol

I'm in the same situation.  I've never been able to run SL in anything but low settings at approximately 64m draw distance if I wanted to move, but back in 2007, prior to Windlight, and everything that came after, it wasn't so bad.

When mesh clothing first came out I had a great time taking photos of the people who thought they were so cool but who looked to me like walking bowling balls, or worse. :smileyvery-happy: It is definitely time for me to get a new PC (mine is past being upgradeable) but my financial situation is such that I could not afford even the cheapest of PCs.  A kind relative gifted some money to me to purchase a PC but, since that money is solid gold to me, I have been taking a loooooong time to make sure that the PC I purchase is exactly what I want and will last awhile.

Even when I have a PC that will run a viewer that can "see" mesh - I don't plan to buy/wear any of it.  There are just too many buggy things involved, especially in furniture type items and I'm not that impressed with the photos I've seen of mesh clothes and, imo, mesh hair is hideous.  Those designers from whom I used to purchase items that go to only selling mesh will have lost my business.  The wise designer, imo, will continue offering at least some system/sculpty clothes.  I really think this mesh thing will even out over time.  Right now some people are hopping on mesh to sell "mesh kits" and make a lot of money.  If all SL merchants end up selling nothing but mesh - then I have enough pre-mesh everything in inventory, so it won't impact my enjoyment of SL.

Just mainly wanted to say that you are not the only one in this situation.  I've pretty much been against most of what Rodvik Linden (aka Rod Humble) has introduced since he's been CEO *and* I think he introduced a bunch of new stuff too close together.

At this point, I've only been logging in world to feed my dogs and clear messages.  I'm sort of getting used to not being in world so if I don't have a new PC before SSB rolls out...no biggie.  Hoping you will find a way to get a new PC or upgrade.


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Tini Jewell wrote:

can you point me to where something official states that system clothes will no longer be visible?  we are all going to be subjected to wearing only mesh???  i haven't seen that written anywhere as yet and would love to know more.  thanks!

On old viewers that don't support server side appearance, avatar textures won't load, because those old viewers won't know how to fetch them. That includes skins, alpha wearables, and system clothes. I think shapes may be stuck as Ruth too, but it hardly matters at that point. Attachments will appear OK, though.

Clothes will work about the same as always for people on up to date viewers.

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You may not have enough funds to buy a brand new computer, but have you considered a used one?  You can sometimes find ones that are only a year or two old that go for bargain prices. 

Check Goodwill if you have one near you.  They have a recycle program and sometimes people and businesses that are upgrading donate nice ones with a few years of life left in them that can easily run a mesh viewer.  Check back if you don't see something the first time as they are all the time getting them in.

If you know what you are doing (or know someone who does), they also sell parts from computers that they got to recycle but that are broken.  They remove any parts that work and sell them pretty cheap.  So you may find a better motherboard or processor as well as graphic cards and RAM that you can use in the case you have.

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Horrible isn't it  -  I just don't have the funds to get a new computer, so can't even begin to search for one.  So sad that the changes are affecting some more than others.   I've been inworld since 2006, and really will feel the loss of the impact on my gaming.

LL - plllleeaasseee can you get me and Czari new computers!?!    - just figured it was worth an ask.  Lol

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This is what Mesh looks like to me - The top pic was taken tonight - the others at a live event last Sunday.  The one at the live event was bad because for some reason the whatever it was the person was wearing practically swallowed the dancefloor and as you can see from the AVs standing near by - it towered above them.   Sometimes - if your mesh outfit doesn't have whatever underwear most have - I see naked bits of people, and their private areas too.  lol


Jack In A Non Mesh Viewer.jpg


Leather And Lace - 2nd June 2013 1.jpg

Leather And Lace - 2nd June 2013 2.jpg

Leather And Lace - 2nd June 2013 3.jpg

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Try Ebay.  You could probably find a LOT of nice desktop models for sale.  Laptops are a MONEY trap if you are on a budget.  They are expensive to buy and impossible to upgrade.  You could find a PC desktop for under $400 at Wal-Mart (or ASDA across the pond) that will run SL screaming fast.  If you have a flat screen TV and it has a HDMI or VGA port, you don't even need a monitor.  Mine runs on a VIZIO 55" TV.

SL does need to evolve in order to survive.  I am only offering some suggestions in the hopes of not leaving anyone behind.

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im not sure, i havent tried it..

but Imprudence team is back to work on an experimental V1 imprudence viewer... and they are currently working to make it able to handle the SSB and SSA.. i dont know if its mesh enabled (i dont think it is) already but if they achieve their challenge, the viewer will be still V1 but with SSB enabled...What would be a an awesome thing for all those who have old PC


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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:


but Imprudence team is back to work on an experimental V1 imprudence viewer... and they are currently working to make it able to handle the SSB and SSA.. i dont know if its mesh enabled (i dont think it is) ...

That reminds me of this video:

Here is link for bigger video:

Hitler learns Imprudence Viewer is crap


There is also CoolVL viewer with V1 UI.  It may run ok in older and slower computers.  It's worth a try for anybody who cannot run the latest V3 based viewers.

The Cool VL Viewer

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Jinnywitha Cleanslate wrote:

Horrible isn't it  -  I just don't have the funds to get a new computer, so can't even begin to search for one.  So sad that the changes are affecting some more than others.   I've been inworld since 2006, and really will feel the loss of the impact on my gaming.

LL - plllleeaasseee can you get me and Czari new computers!?!    - just figured it was worth an ask.  Lol

Have you been using the same computer since 2006?

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Jinnywitha Cleanslate wrote:

Yea - I heard that...... I'm dreading it!   I wish LL would buy me a new computer!  Lol

I'm in the same situation.  I've never been able to run SL in anything but low settings at approximately 64m draw distance if I wanted to move, but back in 2007, prior to Windlight, and everything that came after, it wasn't so bad.

When mesh clothing first came out I had a great time taking photos of the people who thought they were so cool but who looked to me like walking bowling balls, or worse. :smileyvery-happy: It is definitely time for me to get a new PC (mine is past being upgradeable) but my financial situation is such that I could not afford even the cheapest of PCs.  A kind relative gifted some money to me to purchase a PC but, since that money is solid gold to me, I have been taking a loooooong time to make sure that the PC I purchase is exactly what I want and will last awhile.

Even when I have a PC that will run a viewer that can "see" mesh - I don't plan to buy/wear any of it.  There are just too many buggy things involved, especially in furniture type items and I'm not that impressed with the photos I've seen of mesh clothes and, imo, mesh hair is hideous.  Those designers from whom I used to purchase items that go to only selling mesh will have lost my business.  The wise designer, imo, will continue offering at least some system/sculpty clothes.  I really think this mesh thing will even out over time.  Right now some people are hopping on mesh to sell "mesh kits" and make a lot of money.  If all SL merchants end up selling nothing but mesh - then I have enough pre-mesh everything in inventory, so it won't impact my enjoyment of SL.

Just mainly wanted to say that you are not the only one in this situation.  I've pretty much been against most of what Rodvik Linden (aka Rod Humble) has introduced since he's been CEO *and* I think he introduced a bunch of new stuff too close together.

At this point, I've only been logging in world to feed my dogs and clear messages.  I'm sort of getting used to not being in world so if I don't have a new PC before SSB rolls out...no biggie.  Hoping you will find a way to get a new PC or upgrade.


Undoubtedly there'll be a pretty big bunch of us who will be priced out of the market, but hey ho, plenty of other hobbies in the sea and all that (or fish, or something).

It just seems to me that its rather crazy to 'have' to spend more on a computer just to be able to get a decent Second Life. I won't pretend to be completely au fait with all things 21st Century technical, but I sure as hell have got more important things to be spending money on than a computer just to keep up with the virtual Jones's.

Your post made me chuckle, Czari, the bit about when mesh clothing first came out - I did that too, took loads of photos. Janelle thought she looked the bees knees, but to me she was just a 3D picasso picture (oh yes, beautiful in her own way of course - and I'm still chuckling now).

To the OP - I'm not totally sure, but you might be able to pick up a boyfriend shirt that isn't mesh from Wetherby's store at 5th avenue. They have 'progressed' to mesh, but their system stuff is jolly nice. And my buddy plowwie, over in the pyjama store at plowwies, has some vendors that sell system items at reduced prices - I cannot remember if she did a non-mesh boyfriend shirt, but she has got splendid jammies.

I'll take what I can, if I log into Second Life. If people are grey, then they're grey, its not going to be the end of the world for me, nor make me any more inclined to buy a higher grade computer instead of a sofa that I need much much more.

Oh I am such a Luddite ... hahaha


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Jinnywitha Cleanslate wrote:

Horrible isn't it  -  I just don't have the funds to get a new computer, so can't even begin to search for one.  So sad that the changes are affecting some more than others.   I've been inworld since 2006, and really will feel the loss of the impact on my gaming.

LL - plllleeaasseee can you get me and Czari new computers!?!    - just figured it was worth an ask.  Lol

I have the funds now, I'm just debating if I want to purchase a pre-built PC online, have one built for me by a local PC store, or build one.  I've been watching a TON of "How to build it" PC videos.  This guy has, by far, the best step-by-step instructions, as well as listing the parts he used at the end of each video.  This is his "Building a PC - 2013" video -

He also has one for building a Gaming PC and a ton of great vids.  Another guy releases videos on how to build a Gaming PC for $500: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7um7UmWzOKE

That guy just lists the parts; not how to build one.  If you're like I was before a kind relative stepped in, that is still a lot of money, but thought I would pass these videos on in case you can use the info in the future and/or for anyone considering building their own.  After spending literally hours upon hours now of watching primarily the first guy's videos, I'm actually getting excited about perhaps building mine.  At the very least, watching the videos gave me a good idea of what parts I can go cheaper on and what parts are better (for SL) to spend a bit more towards.

In the meantime, my current PC still runs EQ and WoW beautifully so until I buy or build a new PC, I'll hang out with old friends there. ;)

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braylasana wrote:

Try Ebay.  You could probably find a LOT of nice
models for sale.  
Laptops are a MONEY trap if you are on a budget.
  They are expensive to buy and impossible to upgrade.  You could find a PC desktop for under $400 at Wal-Mart (or ASDA across the pond) that will run SL screaming fast.  If you have a flat screen TV and it has a HDMI or VGA port, you don't even need a monitor.  Mine runs on a VIZIO 55" TV.

SL does need to evolve in order to survive.  I am only offering some suggestions in the hopes of not leaving anyone behind.

The thing I've run into with Walmart, BestBuy, and some of the other "Big Box" stores is that, even online, PCs with Win7 are getting more difficult to find and every tech I've spoken with says to avoid Win8 so Win7 installed PCs are a *tad* harder to find.

The best places I've found online thus far are TigerDirect, Fry's, and NewEgg - those websites allow one to narrow down PCs based on various criteria.  iBUYPOWER has been suggested on these forums.  Considering it is primarily a company that sells gaming PCs, it is hard to configure one to my budget, but worth a look into.  I'm not sure if someone from the UK can access the first three.

I'm a bit leery about eBay since one is purchasing from an individual.  I've purchased items on eBay over the years and never had a bad experience, but a little hesitant to spend a lot of money there.

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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

im not sure, i havent tried it..

but Imprudence team is back to work on an experimental V1 imprudence viewer... and they are currently working to make it able to handle the SSB and SSA.. i dont know if its mesh enabled (i dont think it is) already but if they achieve their challenge, the viewer will be still V1 but with SSB enabled...What would be a an awesome thing for all those who have old PC

Ooooo, GREAT news!!!  Thanks for sharing that, Trinity!

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Marigold Devin wrote:


Undoubtedly there'll be a pretty big bunch of us who will be priced out of the market, but hey ho, plenty of other hobbies in the sea and all that (or fish, or something).

It just seems to me that its rather crazy to 'have' to spend more on a computer just to be able to get a decent Second Life. I won't pretend to be completely au fait with all things 21st Century technical, but I sure as hell have got more important things to be spending money on than a computer just to keep up with the virtual Jones's.

Your post made me chuckle, Czari, the bit about when mesh clothing first came out - I did that too, took loads of photos. Janelle thought she looked the bees knees, but to me she was just a 3D picasso picture (oh yes, beautiful in her own way of course - and I'm still chuckling now).

I'll take what I can, if I log into Second Life. If people are grey, then they're grey, its not going to be the end of the world for me, nor make me any more inclined to buy a higher grade computer instead of a sofa that I need much much more.

Oh I am such a Luddite ... hahaha


(Bolding by me)

EXACTLY!!!  Forumites have been hearing me complain about this for a solid year.  I knew there was more than one or two people who ran older PCs but that's what I kept being told - the % was small.  I have no issues with technology moving on and all that but my opinion is the same as yours - there are other MUCH more important items to spend my money on, especially when I had NO, NADA, ZILCH spare money. (I shared the specifics of my RL situation on the merchants forum last year so I will spare everyone that saga again...lol.)

When I first heard about all these changes that require a PC that uses the new viewers, meaning PCs that have SEE2 onboard (apparently something that has been standard on all CPUs since right after the last upgrade on my current PC), I was freaking out because I am a merchant and, not being able to use Direct Delivery, my MP store would vanish until I obtained a new PC.  I am very grateful to someone who stepped forward and migrated my MP items for me.  I can't upload any new items at present, but at least my store is still visible.

Now that I do have money earmarked from a relative for a new PC I am really, really doing my research.  Even if, for example, I got a "cheap" $300.00 PC, it could be proprietary in that only the specific manufacturer's parts will fit in it.  I ran into that years ago with a big name brand when I took it into a PC shop for repair and their off-the-shelf parts would not fit into the case.  That is how I came to have a PC built for me.  I chose a really sturdy, roomy case which was very easy to swap parts in and out.  I'm convinced the reason I can run SL at all is because I put very high end parts, particularly the graphics card, into it the last time I was able to upgrade - TEN years ago.

And now I present a short version of "How I See Mesh:"

This one almost scared me.  I was standing in a shoe store cammed closely into the shoes and when I cammed back out I encountered "The Giant Walking Marble"

Giant Eyeball with Feet - 012913.jpg


Fashion Alert:  The newest look hot off the runways of SL - Half Naked & Box Head (I'm thinking the Box Head is a retro element):

Mesh at M&U Reception - 113012.jpg

The Box Head MUST be a fashion statement - even the DJ for the event wore one:

The Unknown Comic - Mesh - M&U Reception - 113012.jpg

This is one of my favorites:

More Mesh!.JPG

Really bad hair day.

Marigold, maybe you, Jinny, and I should begin a "Luddites Unite" group. ;)

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Czari Zenovka wrote:


This one almost scared me.  I was standing in a shoe store cammed closely into the shoes and when I cammed back out I encountered "The Giant Walking Marble"

Giant Eyeball with Feet - 012913.jpg



I am chortling away.  She looks divine - very much like a floral marble. 

What about this mesh dragonfly - isn't it ace?

mesh dragonfly.jpg


Czari Zenovka wrote:

(Bolding by me)

EXACTLY!!!  Forumites have been hearing me complain about this for a solid year.  I knew there was more than one or two people who ran older PCs but that's what I kept being told - the % was small.  I have no issues with technology moving on and all that but my opinion is the same as yours - there are other MUCH more important items to spend my money on, especially when I had NO, NADA, ZILCH spare money. (I shared the specifics of my RL situation on the merchants forum last year so I will spare everyone that saga again...lol.)

When I first heard about all these changes that require a PC that uses the new viewers, meaning PCs that have SEE2 onboard (apparently something that has been standard on all CPUs since right after the last upgrade on my current PC), I was freaking out because I am a merchant and, not being able to use Direct Delivery, my MP store would vanish until I obtained a new PC.  I am very grateful to someone who stepped forward and migrated my MP items for me.  I can't upload any new items at present, but at least my store is still visible.

Now that I do have money earmarked from a relative for a new PC I am really, really doing my research.  Even if, for example, I got a "cheap" $300.00 PC, it could be proprietary in that only the specific manufacturer's parts will fit in it.  I ran into that years ago with a big name brand when I took it into a PC shop for repair and their off-the-shelf parts would not fit into the case.  That is how I came to have a PC built for me.  I chose a really sturdy, roomy case which was very easy to swap parts in and out.  I'm convinced the reason I can run SL at all is because I put very high end parts, particularly the graphics card, into it the last time I was able to upgrade - TEN years ago.


Its just a bloody good thing we don't have to build our own washing machine or television or anything else before we can get the whitest whites and the highest definition :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: 

The desktop I have here belongs to my brother.  Quite expensive considering he only wanted one so he could get his shopping online.  I b4ggered it up on more than one occasion because of Second Life.  I am 
blaming Second Life, I take all responsibility for the fact that I was determined to access it, and wellied the graphics to the max.  Ended up having to have a new motherboard first, then upgraded the video card, and power supply. More recently I shoved in another couple of Gb of ram. Another three years have passed and the graphics card protests with Firestorm and V3, and blah blah blah - no need for a wall of text.

But I gotta draw the line somewhere, and I think I may be getting to the end of the road to nowhere as regards SL.  



Marigold, maybe you, Jinny, and I should begin a "Luddites Unite" group.

I think the group called 'Waving a Flag to say ByeBye to the Luddites' already has a bigger membership :smileysad:

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Very lovely dragon*, indeed. ;)

Your PC upgrading story reminds me of one from long ago; I've mentioned it on the forums before, but you may not have seen it...

I began playing Everquest (EQ) when it was only about 6 months old, if that. MMORPGs release "expansions" - more challenges for the hardcore players, basically.  I'm not the type that joins guilds, but I had been invited into a "family type guild" which generally means composed of players who enjoy social aspects of the game and aren't into hardcore raiding/power playing, etc.  This guild was even a "family" guild in that many of the members were married and had children who were also in the guild. 

After about a year, EQ released a major expansion that included a huge update for the avatars as well as better graphics quality overall.  The grumbling within the guild about having to now upgrade their PCs to be able to play this expansion was resounding.  The best comment of all was from our guild leader:

"I just spent $100.00 to upgrade my PC to be able to play a $30.00 game." ($30.00 being the price of the expansion.)

I've never forgotten that.

Edit: *Opppsss...that would be dragonfly, not dragon.  You know how mesh is, though, everything looks alike. :smileyvery-happy:


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