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Second Life looks...tacky

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Charli Infinity wrote:

The whole reason of this post. It's quite embarassing to admit being apart of Second Life because of this tacky image.


Well, Charli, if you cant live with it... noone cant help you but only you. 

you still can create contents to contribute to make SL better, or you can decide SL is too much tacky for you and you dont want to be part of it.

Again... about your rl surrounding and what they will think about SL; you should let them decide instead of thinking for them. And well, they are not forced to like it, but this doesnt empeach you to like it. I dont think you agree on 100 % of your surrounding's tastes.. We are all different. We can agree on things and we can disagree on others and this wont empeach us to love each others bec what makes we love sm1 is more than just an agreement on our tastes.

You can decide also to not tell eveyone about your sl, and keep this as your secret garden...

But i dont see why you decide for your rl pp about what they will think about sl.... Again, you should trust them better and let them decide for themselves. When i show to my rl friend what im designing, when i show to them my place, others beautifull places and the pics i can get from there, they are amazed...The ones who are not likely for comp things, or virtual worlds, doesnt judge... they love me... so if i enjoy SL they are happy for me... This is what pp who love other pp usually do... I have friends who like intensive sport... i hate sport... but if they enjoy it, im glad for them...i dont judge them for that. 

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if you haven't noticed, I have been ignoring because you are not contributing anything but just telling people to leave because they have views which is different from yours.

After following this whole thread, you still change my words.

I just said in my previous post the is creative and interesting in SL but it's burried by the tackiness yet you still accuse me of saying "EVERYONE in SL is tacky" which I never did. The words I have used is majority and most.

You are making up things to draw hate towards me, you're not discussing anyhting, you are offended and you just want me to leave.

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Charli Infinity wrote:

There's tacky everywhere but SL seems to be dominated by it.

is a disconnect here

what was the point in posting pics of RL people and equate to seems SL is dominated by tacky

might as well post pics of rodents and equate SL seems to be dominated by furries. post pics of RL droids and equate SL seems to be dominated by bots


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Charli Infinity wrote:
Maybe it's not all the quality of the game and that makes new members leave but the
tackiness of the commuity
that people don't want to be associated with it in real life.



Your words kiddo


ignore me all day I am not going anywhere, You have a fixation on jersey shore and you seem to know it well.

You have repeatedly said all of SL is tacky to non SL users well I am calling you on that... PROVE IT.


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in real life tacky people are will not be found in the front page of vogue or be deemed as desirable. In SL however, tacky seems to be thing that most people want, you can see it everywhere. The point is - trash in RL is treasure in SL. Tacky which is not desirable in RL is desirable in SL.

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Charli Infinity wrote:

in real life tacky people are will not be found in the front page of vogue or be deemed as desirable. In SL however, tacky seems to be thing that most people want, you can see it everywhere. The point is - trash in RL is treasure in SL. Tacky which is not desirable in RL is desirable in SL.

totally wrong !!!

they even, as you said, a TV show (jersey shore) and not only one.... and you should give better a look at all the magazine's cover.... 

The tacky style is what our occidental society is trying to impose to us everyday in RL. You seem to only discover this in SL, but im sad to tell you this is everywhere around you in RL (just watch at TV) and then... there is the sheeps and the pp who use their brain for deciding they wont let this imposed to them... Just a question of choice and efforts... again...

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TV shows are for entertaintment. They are not considered desirable just because they are on TV. Not one wants to be told that they looks like someone from jersey shore.

Shows like jersey shore and honey boo boo are made for entertaintment.I remember hearing someone say (I think it was anderson cooper or conan o'brien not sure) that those shows are made for people to feel better. They more considered as clowns than desirable people. People get mad when they are told they look like people for jersey shore because they are embarassing. Reality shows are not made to showcase what's the best, they're made for entertainment.

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Charli Infinity wrote:

in real life tacky people are will not be found in the front page of vogue or be deemed as desirable. In SL however, tacky seems to be thing that most people want, you can see it everywhere. The point is - trash in RL is treasure in SL. Tacky which is not desirable in RL is desirable in SL.

you mean like this Vogue magazine? http://bing.com/images/search?q=vogue%20magazine%20covers&FORM=BILH

I think you will find is a mixture of tacky and sophistication on the covers. is fashion you see. the women are more beautiful physical/feature wise than a SL avatar will ever be. but the fashion look/impression is the same in SL

unless you just pick out the tacky SL covers and extrapolate from that

is same with the Vogue covers. can just pick out the tacky ones if you like and make a montage of just them. can create an impression that way of Vogue. which is not true. same as is not true of SL either



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Charli Infinity wrote:

TV shows are for entertaintment. They are are considered desirable just because they are on TV. Not one wants to be told that they looks like someone from jersey shore.


exactly ! and thats what SL is for aswell !

so now you get it... its only entertainment and can be also seen as an outlet... 

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Charli Infinity wrote:

if you haven't noticed, I have been ignoring because you are not contributing anything but just telling people to leave because they have views which is different from yours.

After following this whole thread, you still change my words.

I just said in my previous post the is creative and interesting in SL but it's burried by the tackiness yet you still accuse me of saying "EVERYONE in SL is tacky" which I never did. The words I have used is majority and most.

You are making up things to draw hate towards me, you're not discussing anything, you are offended and you just want me to leave.

Actually I think the best possible outcome for you would be to delete this whole thread, like I said on page 2 its a misleading one to begin with. And don't worry I have been on the receiving end on these forums before, *shrugs so have most I would imagine.


Thing is where I hang out with the obvious exception of gor, I see AVs that are very well done, men in suits, ladies in full length or knee length dresses and slacks with blouses, you do get the occasional furry or what I call bubblegum girl.. Yes a few scantily clad younger girls and guys, a mix of people, hell we even have a resident penguin. Does it look like a dress rehearsal for Jersey shore? Definitely not.

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Charli Infinity wrote:

I guess.

It is embarassing because of that.

Oh I meant not desirable by the way...mistyped two are

So you don't think that most of your RL friends has or has had their own predelicos?

Why would you find a virtual world embarrassing?

Seriously I think you should seek professional advice if it bothers you that much.

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Charli Infinity wrote:

I guess.

It is embarassing because of that.

Oh I meant not desirable by the way...mistyped two are

its embarassing for you its just because you decided it will be embarrassing and you dont trust your rl surrounding enough about your love for you. Thus noone here can help you. You are the only one able to fix this. As pp said here, you are not forced to tell everyone about your SL btw.

Maybe its just you are not already ready to tell about SL to others, and maybe one day you will be enough ready for this.

If its not desirable enough for you, you are not forced to be part of SL or as i said before, you can work and create things to contribute for a better SL look.

Trust me.... there are really more sad pains in life than to be embarrassed bec SL looks tacky. 

Id just like you understand, that even what/who you dont like have rights to exist. Of course, you have total rights to avoid it (this is what i do), but stop deploring they exist... they dont hurt anyone... There is space for everyone in RL and in SL. And its even easier to avoid the tacky style in SL than in RL, where we have to see it everyday, everywhere...


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It is embarassing to me because I'm aware of the negative image and reputation that SL has in the media and among other people. I don't think I would tell anyone about it unless necessary. I started this thread wondering if there anyone find it embarassing to admit because of how tacky it looks but turned out I got attacked for posting though there was a funny momment thanks to a few members with a sense of humour.

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Charli, how do you know that these eyebleedingly tacky avatars you bemoan so much aren't kitting themselves out in the 'Jersey Shore' look as some sort of a ironic kitsch anti-fashion statement? Or it could even be a novel form of profiling that's being tried out on unsuspecting test subjects. Stranger things have been known to happen in RL.

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Charli Infinity wrote:

Still...I think even I show anyone my av they would laugh because the whole game has this look everywhere and also the super realistic genetalia on the marketplace...just aaarrrgghhh! It's the whole overall look Second Life is tacky and embarassing. If people knew they would be like "hey do you know Charli plays  Second Life?" and "Oh, that game where they have cybersex and slutty avatars?" :matte-motes-dont-cry: It'll go around as something bad.

The whole look of Second Life,

Soo, you would prefer that genetalia look fake? Aren't you complaining about SL looking cheesy, fake and tacky? Wouldn't realistic parts help that?

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Charli Infinity wrote:

Not it's not based on my search. I'm refering on the best selling products link...the things that most people are buying. It seem people really like the stuff with the jersey shore look. 

Just for gits and shiggles i did an open search and hit best selling...  i dont see any jersey shore stuff on page one.. 96 items.. no jersey shore. lots of breedable stuff though.

take a look for your self. HERE

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The negative image SL has in the media was created in the times where SL was popular and got a hype. Today in the eye of the media SL is dead and uninteresting. Also the negative reports SL got where all centered around popular voyeuristic themes, such as: Childabuse, the sex industy, people finding love, people losing their RL due to the internet, furries....and all that kind of stuff.

Really, nobody is going to have any interests about a group of people showing that they got no own identity and taste...if the media wants to talk about that they have a much better source in RL itself.

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