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Why does Second Life seem so boring to me now?


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I joined years about in 2006 and the graphics were poor, there was no voice chat, the environments were almost bland with their idea of a sunset being a jet black sky and clouded glowing crimson orb.


Things seemed so simple back then both visually and experience wise but now I just feel like it annoys me and it saddens me a lot.  I can feel the excitement and enthusiasm inside me but only when I think about what it used to be and I so long to go there and it to BE that but it just isn't.


I guess it's because I've been there for so long and I pretty much know everything that there is to know about building.  These days I get so bored that I sometimes get banned from a sim because I started trouble all to have something to do and it's so ridiculous!  I can no longer go to a certain sim that I have been going to for years all because I blurted out a rant at somebody because I was so frustrated and bored.  I'm not here because of being banned from that sim, that's not really bothering me but yeh.


Do any of you older users get the same problem of just not feeling that buzz anymore?  I think back on my times on Second Life and part of me longs, even yearns, to go back to them times.  I guess it's because it's grown old on me and I wear clothing that costs anything up to 12k L$ where-as I used to DJ to earn every penny just to buy moderately okay looking clothing...  Now it just makes me feel superior to everybody else and i don't want to be feeling like that at all but it seems to be the only thing keeping that excitement alive.  Hell i used to go around dressed like a hobo and i loved it! lol.


Maybe I should try going there on a fresh account with no money and getting freebie clothes, etc. but i also don't want people looking at me like some new guy that is clueless and can't even afford decent clothes, when i have an avi that's the opposite lol.  If that were to happen i'd be drawn back to my main account just to prove them wrong, vicious cycle i know lol.  I also wish there was a way to view Second Life how it used to look before Windlight came along though *sigh*


Sorry if I'm ranting it just frustrates me because SL used to be such an amazing thing to me but now I just find myself frustrated at it but I also don't want to give up on it you know?

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True true lol.  I know people older than me on there xD


Theresa, i deal with people like you every day on there, try to be a smart ass whilst cowaring behind text chat because they're too dumb to figure out voice chat to confront me like anybody who has any courage would do.


I merely mute people like that because they're unworthy of my time..


Oh i guess that means i just muted you both on there and here.


Anyhoo thanks for the replies to i'm heading back there now so wont bother reading replies to this.



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It is really only a sex site now and unless your into things that you can't express in real life then this place has no meaning or purpose anymore, I am bored with it but what has mainly driven me out is the blatant double standards, some because they make the lindens money are allowed to abuse all they meet, so not just boredom but organized greifing is driving most out

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CaptainCrazy wrote:

Do any of you older users get the same problem of just not feeling that buzz anymore?  

I've been here since 2004 and I feel like my era ended about 2008. Since then the only thing that has inspired me to keep logging in is business. If there was not still money to be earned here I would have been gone years ago along with 95% of my friends list. 

For those people heavily invested personally in SL, it can have the same effect as a drug. That first hit is always the best and every hit after is just a failed attempt to recreate that first time. In SL that first year, or first group of friends is generally the best, and once it is gone we find ourselves longing to recreate the experience and feelings we had "back in the day". 

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CaptainCrazy wrote:



How it looked way back in time:  Mostly I kept my draw distance at 60 meters, sometimes even less as my computer could not handle more.  The water looked something like lifeless solid bluish surface, no reflections at all.  Beyond 60 meters all were behind thick fog. (I was always wondering what will there be hidden in that fog).  Well, the fog made even one sim appear to be very big.  Often my fps was from ten to fifteen. In crowded places my computer really suffered, often SL was like a slide show.  Oh, and the avatar looked like it had suffered some serious accident. Total crap it was. I was really ashamed how I looked then.

Those are my memories from the "good old times". :smileywink:

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leon Bowler wrote:

It is really only a sex site now and unless your into things that you can't express in real life then this place has no meaning or purpose anymore, I am bored with it but what has mainly driven me out is the blatant double standards, some because they make the lindens money are allowed to abuse all they meet, so not just boredom but organized greifing is driving most out

If you think  SL is only about sex, its probably because you only go to sex places or that is all you are doing.  There is plenty to do in SL that has nothing to do with sex.

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Well shows how wrong you are, don't go near them but some perves do come to my shop, so I have to be vigilant, I have been an estate owner and a business owner in here for over 5 years, I find your post an insult, any one turning up on my land loaded with xcite being under 5foot 6inches or naked is booted, any person that swears, or even says the word sex is booted.

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leon Bowler wrote:

Well shows how wrong you are, don't go near them but some perves do come to my shop, so I have to be vigilant, I have been an estate owner and a business owner in here for over 5 years, I find your post an insult, any one turning up on my land loaded with xcite being under 5foot 6inches or naked is booted, any person that swears, or even says the word sex is booted.

I love you , leon ! :heart: :robothappy:




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If 29 is young...

To someone 49, 29 is young. To someone 69 (yes, there are 69 year olds here) it is very young. I know that you are too old to be expected to go out to the playground and play :) But my elderly mother spend more time outside than in passive indoor activities; that probably keeps her healthy.

But I have been through many hobbies and activities that were fun at one time, and then became boring. Try staying away from SL for a while and doing something else. You may come back to SL and really enjoy it, or you might not. Some things may be a lifetime interest, but other things may only be interesting for a few years and then become boring. But there are many things to do, some of which will be less boring and maybe very interesting, for a few years or for life.

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Standing around listening to people bicker over voice loses its lulz after a while.

Wandering around pretty sims with nothing to actually do loses its appeal after a while.

I could make stuff but you know, that would require time and devotion and most of us have fulltime jobs.

So yeah I agree, I have these periods where I'll log in, maybe buy a new avatar then stand around in a sim listening to people talk about mundane crap or shout at eachother while having an argument that goes around in circles. I haven't logged in for months again.

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@ CaptainCrazy, leonBowler, AmieKaestner:

Nobody under the age of 40 - 45 should even feel attracted the virtual worlds or spending extended amounts of time sitting at a computer in the first place. Once you had your initial period in SL, OSG or any other VW you should find a purpose, a reason to be there, else you end up as the useless hangers you are. And no, I don't think being a DJ or knowing everything about building or having expensive clothes makes you special and your SL somehow valuable.

Particularly CaptainCrazy, you seem to be kinda an insecure bragger. And your attitude towards others stinks. Not responding to the thread that you started yourself and attacking othesr for not using voice, what's that all about? Stupid trolling with no purpose. You're the coward here, not the people trying to set you straight. It's all your problem and yours alone. So cut the crap.

I have to say it yet again, the same sermon I'm tellling people since years: YOU ARE BORED BECAUSE YOU ARE BORING!

Wanna leave? Please go, pleeez!!! And don't let the door hit ya.


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Your age doesn't matter, in my opinion. RL or SL. If Second Life entertains you, stay and be entertained. If it doesn't, find something else that does.

As much as I love SL and fall into it completely (I am what they call an Immersionist) it is after all only here for as long as I have my computer running. I can walk away from it if I have to. I can walk away from Real Life too, but I can't come back from that trip.

If SL doesn't give you what you want any more don't blame SL and don't expect it to change. Don't blame yourself either. It's a big world. Live.

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I have found myself wishing for the SL of 2007-2009 most of this year.  I'm not "young" so that's not the reason in my case.  Maybe it's my perception, but imo there have been more major "features" introduced into SL this past year than in all my prior years in SL combined.  Generally a major feature, such as voice, would be introduced, used, debugged, and enough time given for the SL populace to get used to the new feature before introducing another new one.

This  year it's been one thing after another - DD, pathfinding, mesh, breaking V1-based TPVs that many residents enjoyed, with server-side baking on the horizon.  I realize I'll likely take a lot of heat for my opinion and get the "technology moves on" comments but, for those of us who loved the social aspects of SL, we were just as happy without them.  I have talked to several friends re: my current SL "ennui."  One friend who has been here a bit longer than I expressed the same feelings; another who just began SL in early 2012 said he wished he had been in SL in the earlier years.

I have continued participating in SL in various aspects but the "spark" I felt years ago is definitely not there.  It is not a matter of "having done everything in SL" because I know that, even having been here almost 6 years, there is still much to see and do.  Maybe this happens every so often.  I took about 6 months off SL last year and came back refreshed.  Might be time to do so again.

This is nothing more than my own reflections.

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Porky Gorky wrote:

CaptainCrazy wrote:

Do any of you older users get the same problem of just not feeling that buzz anymore?  

I've been here since 2004 and I feel like my era ended about 2008. Since then the only thing that has inspired me to keep logging in is business. If there was not still money to be earned here I would have been gone years ago along with 95% of my friends list. 

For those people heavily invested personally in SL, it can have the same effect as a drug. That first hit is always the best and every hit after is just a failed attempt to recreate that first time. In SL that first year, or first group of friends is generally the best, and once it is gone we find ourselves longing to recreate the experience and feelings we had "back in the day". 

That's what I was trying to relay....thanks Porky...yes, that's how I'm feeling as well.

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Coby Foden wrote:

CaptainCrazy wrote:



How it looked way back in time:  Mostly I kept my draw distance at 60 meters, sometimes even less as my computer could not handle more.  The water looked something like lifeless solid bluish surface, no reflections at all.  Beyond 60 meters all were behind thick fog. (I was always wondering what will there be hidden in that fog).  Well, the fog made even one sim appear to be very big.  Often my fps was from ten to fifteen. In crowded places my computer really suffered, often SL was like a slide show.  Oh, and the avatar looked like it had suffered some serious accident. Total crap it was. I was really ashamed how I looked then.

Those are my memories from the "good old times". :smileywink:

That's pretty much how I still see SL and you know what - regardless of all the above, I still enjoyed SL way back when.  And no, it's not due to my PC that I feel like this.  This is why I think that technology in and of itself won't retain new users - it was the sense of community I felt back then, regardless how much I could, or couldn't see.  As Porky said, most of the people with whom I began SL have either left or moved on to other worlds.  There are a handful of people still in SL - but, like me, they pretty much stay in their SL homes and often don't log in for weeks or months.

I am blessed with some new friends who I am enjoying getting to know and most of my time in SL now is just to say hello to them.  Some people enjoy the bells & whistles, others enjoy the people.

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