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There is no free land in SL.  Any landowner is required to pay tiers on a monthly basis.  If you occupy their land and use their prims they will charge you enough to cover the number of prims you use and the amount of space you occupy.  

There are some skyboxes and apartments that rent for as little as 50L a week. Look in classifieds under property rentals to find any that may be available right now. You don't get much for that, just a tiny place with a few prims you can use yourself and if you are lucky a few pieces of very basic furniture.  If you can't afford that, then you can't afford a place to live. 

If you really want a nice home, just forgo something small in RL and use the money you'd spend on it in SL to buy Lindens.  They really are quite cheap.  Brown bagging your lunch once or twice a week rather than buying it  will allow you to live very comfortably.

The good news is that you don't have to have a home to enjoy SL.  Many people who have been in SL a long time don't.  They just find a quiet public place to log in and out and use sandboxes when they need to rez things. 

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I am looking for a place to live...


That's not to be discouraging, but to understand what you really want from this place.

You can set "home" to many locations without owning any land. You can also build -- albeit temporarily -- in any number of sandboxes. The former you can use as a sort of "permanent address" and the latter works for rezzing-out a build, perhaps for some semi-private socializing (or whatever you might want from a build).

When you want to combine these--to have a "place to call your own" with content that stays where you put it--that's when you need to pay something for the privilege.

Depending what other land features are worth to you, you may be able to sell things, host your own public events, list the location in search, control who can gain access, etc.

What if anything you'd need to pay really depends on what you expect of "a place to live."

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Randall Ahren wrote:

zaylene wrote:

I am looking for a place to live, for people who can't afford a high price ( free place or costs a little for me) I don't mind if there are other people, because money does not grow on trees.


Actually, money does grow on trees in SL.

if you're less than 30 days old, and someone's been good enough to feed the tree with money first :)

Money trees survive only because sim owners and/or other residents put money in them that they can then pay out to other residents.

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Randall Ahren wrote:

zaylene wrote:

I am looking for a place to live, for people who can't afford a high price ( free place or costs a little for me) I don't mind if there are other people, because money does not grow on trees.


Actually, money does grow on trees in SL.

Are those still around?  Ah, money trees...I remember being new in SL and going from tree to tree.  Unfortunately I kept arriving at denuded trees...I *think* I got 1L once before I "graduated" to camping. ;)

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zaylene wrote:

I am looking for a place to live, for people who can't afford a high price ( free place or costs a little for me) I don't mind if there are other people, because money does not grow on trees.



Become a squatter. There is loads of really nice land out there that is owned but has rez rights enabled and the owners rarely show up. All of my plots are stores and building sites so I have no nice place to take pictures of buildings when complete. For many years now I have been using other peoples land to do this, without asking their permission. It can take weeks or months of searching to find just the right spot. I rez the build, rez the landscaping take my pictures then tidy everything up and leave.

It is quite exciting too, the buzz of being caught at any moment. I have been caught twice doing this over the years. The first time the woman was very annoyed and returned all my objects immediately and banned me, I assume she AR'ed me too but nothing ever came of it. The second time the owner found it hilarious and really liked the build I was photographing, so I let them have a copy for free and it was all groovy.

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haven't been for ages but am pretty sure that a newbie can still get a 1 time payment of 10L from Virtual Ability money tree. which is pretty good of them to do that (:

last time i was there a new lady get. then she put 2L in the donation box for the island. i thought that was really thoughtful of her. to give a little bit of the little bit of help she get (:

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How entertaining to think you get excited about getting caught using others sims builds for which they are not intended. Use SL on your dime. People like you that feel so entitled to use or borrow others stuff because they are not on or whatever reason you make in your head to justify what you do leads me to believe this is how your RL morales are. I don't care to hear how it's pixels, and all that because those pixels costs US real money. There are many FREE places that allow you to set home and rez and open boxes. If you want to place your own house pay like the rest of us non freeloaders do.

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LOL are you talking about the owner of the sim? Not sure was hard to understand your post. If you are referring to the sim owner they have every right to be there for any reason they choose. If you are referring to other squatters, seems like it's a game to who is the alpha squatter is.

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Oh, no money doesn't grow on trees and these posts of people wanting free this, give me part of your land to rez, I can't afford make me think of you the person is behind the avatar. Sorry to sound harsh but I don't understand how this train of thought works, you get and or buy what you can afford, if you can't afford much you can still enjoy SL. Lots of places to set home, rez and open boxes where people are generous enough to allow you to. If the sim has a certain theme, it makes sense not to allow rezzing even with atuo return, putting a lot into a sim for it to look like a sandbox doesn't sound pretty.

Any landowners that aren't rental companies think I am wrong in thought, would love to hear your opinion and also to see if your sim is open for people to use as a home base, rez boxes and so forth.

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Malanya wrote:


Any landowners that aren't rental companies think I am wrong in thought, would love to hear your opinion and also to see if your sim is open for people to use as a home base, rez boxes and so forth.

Governor Linden is the biggest landowner that allows freebie players on their lands to use as a home base.

is about 3,200 sims worth made available for this. rezzing allowed on about 3% of that. so 100 sims worth about of rez plates

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Malanya wrote:

Any landowners that aren't rental companies think I am wrong in thought, would love to hear your opinion and also to see if your sim is open for people to use as a home base, rez boxes and so forth.


I know a lot of landowners that actually don't care, they just don't necessarily make it public news. I know of a lot of shop owners and people who rent plots from others who aren't always using their sims and welcome others to come and enjoy, rez or make a "login spot" for themselves. As long as those who enjoy clean up after themselves, aren't a nuisance to others who might be there too and generally behave. That seems to be the concensus among the people I do know.

I was one of those people when I owned land. I had two sims at one time. One I used primarily for myself and friends to enjoy and build on. I had quite a few friends who basically squatted. But I let them. The other sim had my store and was a public sim. Plenty of people set this as their home, or I should say used it as their home to login/logoff. I didn't much mind. I had an area people were free to rez. I had an autoreturn and/or no rez on for specific parcels on the sim. I also had other parcels without autoreturn and build was on. As long as everyone who used my land remembered that they were a guest and should act accordingly, I had no issues. In the period of 2005 until early 2012 I had a total of four griefers, and a few minor issues I wouldn't qualify as griefing. I know, definitely not common, but that was just my experience. I do happen to attribute the lack of problems to the fact that my land wasn't seen as taboo to the ones using it. The rules, so to speak since they were pretty few and common sense, were right there for anyone to read. There was no novelty to using my land for their "bad" purposes when I was open and welcoming to all, I guess. I had plenty of room and prims. I definitely wasn't using all of it, so I saw no reason not to share. I was already paying for  it and seemed a waste to not use it all.

Of course anyone is free to do whatever they want to do with their own land. I wouldn't suggest people should do as I do. Just sharing my ways and how plenty of others I have come across over the years do things too. If I still had a sim, especially multiple, it would be the same way. The day I can open another sim, it will be another public use sim identical to what I already had. I quite liked it. Was also a great way to chat people up randomly.

The place I login now is above a friend's property. I sometimes build there too, when I do go inworld to build. I don't take up space or a lot of prims. Any prims I put out, I clean up. I leave nothing out. I mess with absolutely no one. This friend is one of the people that started out as a newbie sort of squatting on my land here and there in 2009. So I guess it comes full circle sometimes.

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Exactly, so there are many places for people to use that was set for that use. That should make people realize that they are not entitled to do whatever they wish on someone's sim that is owned by another Resident. I, like everyone else works damn hard for my money and it's MY business how I choose to allow my land I pay for to be used and no one has the right to question that, respect should follow you into your SL.

Thanks for the information, interesting fact, I knew there were zones available for people to use but I didn't know the actual numbers. Thanks for sharing that info :)

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That is wonderful that sim owners do that, and if they feel that doing so does not interfere with their vision of their sim, kudos to them and i truly mean it. I hope one day you will also be able to get back to doing what you enjoyed, that's quite a gracious thing to do. Within the past 3 years (this is my 2nd av) Owning 5 sims mainly for rentals I gave many people what I could even losing profit out of the kindness of my heart. I did what I could and it is a great feeling. Due to RL issues my sl bf closed down 3 sims. I still have 2 and turned them into public areas, still thinking about what to do with the other as it has been our home sim for a year and a half. I don't mean to come across cold hearted. In the years of doing rentals I have met people of all personalities, needs and dreams, however i have also had my fair share of knowing people that scammed any way they could to get something for nothing.

I just have a problem when people EXPECT others to pay for their SL experience. As Amethyst said, and a very good point best i ever heard it put: brown bag lunch a few days, cut back on some smaller things in RL to name a few, can't remember the exact quotes. Many people feel that users that pay for their own things HAVE to share everything because A. the person doesn not want to spend a dime in SL or B. because they can't afford to have more "luxurious" things for a lack of a better word. Those are the people I have a problem with. If I can help someone, I always will, but not someone who feels they are entitled to others things, virtual or not my real money paid for what I have.

Your posts always have a positive point no matter what. Thank you :)

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16 wrote:

haven't been for ages but am pretty sure that a newbie can still get a 1 time payment of 10L from Virtual Ability money tree. which is pretty good of them to do that (:

last time i was there a new lady get. then she put 2L in the donation box for the island. i thought that was really thoughtful of her. to give a little bit of the little bit of help she get (:

That's great to know Virtual Ability has that payment for new residents.  Now that I think about it, NCI had something similar - it wasn't a money tree but a box or something where new residents could get a little money/day for up to 30 days.

Years ago my former partner and I went dancing a lot.  We found this small, friendly country dance place that held a best in <some kind of country look> each week.  There was a handful of regulars who went to the club but the only other guy there, besides my partner, was the DJ who was not eligible for the contest so, by default, my partner won for the men each week.  It got so when that night came around each week one of us would say, "Time to go over and get your paycheck." lol

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