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Will They Bring Back Second Life Last Names?

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Teagan Tobias wrote:

so i just pick up on the space thingy. bc i couldn't see why not either until i learn about the database

if put a space in firstname then the second part is still not your LastName

you still be: Jane Doe LastNames.ID (which points to Resident). not Doe.


Yes, you would still be Jane Doe LastName but as I understand it LL is working at eliminating the last name Resident. Not real sure about that but I think I remember reading that. So if they do get rid of Resident as the last name then even better, if not then “Jane Dow Resident”. You sigh up with a space in your name and no one will be able to tell the difference between “Teagan Tobias” and “Teagan Tobias”. That would need to be checked for during sign up, but that is what computers are for and they are very good at it, all part of the program.

I think what linden are doing is attriting the appearance of the word "Resident" from the inworld. like hiding it. it never appears anywhere in the V3 viewer UI. where it do appear still is on old V1 codebase viewers and scripts

linden have retired their V1. like you cant dl it anymore. Phoenix V1 also been retired. can still use them just cant get them official anymore. at some time soonish linden going to break the V1s completely. serverside avatar baking going to be the trigger for the start of the breaking seems like

V1 looking UI style viewers like Cool VL not going to break bc they V3 code compliant underneath

so that will only leave scripts left to start hiding the word "Resident". I think oneday soonish (after the breaking) scripts going to start not getting "Resident" given to them. will be something else. maybe a space. maybe a empty string

once that happens then is no Residents anymore. just old accounts with 2 names. new accounts with 1 name

is a timing attrition thing am pretty sure. get rid of the V1 usage first by wait them out. wait us out actual while we take our time moving to V3 code compliant viewers


so when thats all done. then can do the single space thing in the firstname exactly like you say

is all about appearance from our pov. perception. bc we not really give any hoots for how is actual stored in the database or how the server works. we only care about what we can see on our screens and what others can see on theirs about us

when is no Resident returned or displayed then the script prints/displays 1 name with a space as 2 names exactly as you imagine it should. which is right. it should work that way

we just have to wait it out I think

if I was to lead a campaign about the return of the option to have a Lastname. then I attack on the "Resident" angle. like campaign to have it removed as early as possible from being displayed inworld by a script. like now today

get that done then getting the space in the firstname is lots easier to obtain from linden


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No I don't think they will bring it back for the conceivable future. Maybe because it was part of resident sponsored welcome sims, which they (LL) also seemed determined to get rid of. 

Or maybe it is as simple as liquidating the last name creation department (if there was one.)


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I changed my display name to "Chronometria Resident", because as far as the world is concerned, thats my name and its better than having no surname at all.


Every time i see an advert for a landbaron, or a store, it usually has some surname being showed off.


We are second class citizens, paid less in stipend, without an identity and treated as untrustworthy noobs because of it.


I hate that and i hate the fact that i was led to believe that it would be changed and then it wasnt, even as some accounts were being created that had functional surnames, proving that the system was still in place. I feel lied to.

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Chronometria wrote:

 even as some accounts were being created that had functional surnames, proving that the system was still in place.

the 3rd party sites continued to do that until their contracts with linden ran out

linden never added any new lastnames to the system while that was happening. could only pick from what was already available

as each contract expired then linden turned them off

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If it was not for display names, Some of us would be bound to are First Names. It's impossiable to change your first name. One reason I refuse to give up my 5 years in SL to make a new account. So for me Display Name is a god send now people can call me differently sense I prefer to not be called by my Username anymore.

There are some people who are no longer happy with the choosen name and can not change it without making a new account.

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If Display Names was a Dumb Move in LL then I have them to thank them for putting it in Second Life. Beacuse once you pick a first SL name, You are bond to it for life. So I am no longer forced to stick to my user name as "my" name. 


My Current user name is a past name I choosed which was back in 2007, We did not have display names back then. But After all the years I been through, I had changed myself by a huge margen but I knew that in the end I was going to live with the user name for my entire life in SL.

I like the name but I wish we had the freedom to change it but we can't which is why Display Names was born. Like Jessica Lyon from Phoenix Firestorm Viewer Said in the Office Hour, "You can't force a cat to do something It dose not want to do", So its best just let Display Names stay as I prefer that over my user name in the long run.

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FurryWolf Rayna wrote:

If Display Names was a Dumb Move in LL then I have them to thank them for putting it in Second Life. Beacuse once you pick a first SL name, You are bond to it for life. So I am no longer forced to stick to my user name as "my" name. 

And I repeat...I can't see your display name so I would be calling you by your user name if I saw you in SL, to which you mentioned you don't want to be stuck.

I'm just glad I joined SL when there were last names. :)

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Well I agree that I was gland to have a last name I have currently too. If it was not for a friend of mines back when I joined SL on  09/17/2007 (5 years 4 months; 1953 days), I would of not heard about SL and I would of missed out on last name choosen, If I heard about SL when LL started to make changes to how last names are now. So I have him to thank, Anyways. Not much to say really, hehe.

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I would love it if they brought back last names. I really don't know why they got rid of them in the first place tbh. To me they were a staple of the second life experience. You got to choose a first and last name like you have in real life. It kept it fun because most people came up with unique and creative ones from the last names they could choose. Now we have a bunch of Jenny5643's because "Jenny" was already taken. Before you could've used the same first name but picked a different last name. It really kept things unique and interesting when meeting new people but now it's just a username rather than an actual avatar name. I really hate the Resident last names and it's one thing I really cannot fathom why they would replace last names for.

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Chronometria wrote:

I changed my display name to "Chronometria Resident", because as far as the world is concerned, thats my name and its better than having no surname at all.

i rather be a number. like no lastname at all. then whenever i want i can change my label over my head to whatever i like. display wise

am more like RL in that way. like i not walk round in RL with a nametag on my head. i always hate when have to go to a RL seminar/confernece and have to wear the Hi my name is badge

i don't actual have any names or groups turned on in my viewer. don't care enough really to want to know what is some strangers name when i am go places SL or RL. if they stop and want to chat then can see their name in the chat anyways. or if  i am feeling nosey then just hover them with my mouse


if linden change back to must have a last name (like first and last name)  then i will choose Resident for my permanent last name. just bc i am contrary person i think (:


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Thank you for that piece of information. When I joined, you got to choose your first name but had to pick from a list of last names. I didn't even know that wasn't an option anymore. I assumed that a "Resident" was a premium member and that people who had last names were free members. Good to know...sad that they don't allow you to do that anymore. At least the display name function is available.

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  • 3 weeks later...

When I joined SL i had a hard time finding a nice name. I created one but cancelled it after a few days and made this one here.

I saw people with last names and I wanted one too. So best thing I could do was register "AbbyFraser" as user name and set my display name to "Abby Fraser".

Atleast it looks like a last name but I still see "Resident" behind my name sometimes.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Egon Rothschild wrote:

i really have! been on private sims with the same old crowd. only recently have i ventured to the outside world LOL.


You definitely need to get out more. Two plus years? My goodness. But on the subject of first and last names, you did an excellent job choosing yours. I'm of a generation that will always have kind thoughts for an Egon, and the last name is rich in real history. Shame you couldn't add a 'von' in there.

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Boy  you really have been living under a rock and not getting out much.  Last names disappear in 2010.

If anyone cares..I did a little research on this. I checked all the rez dates for my friends..comparing the ones that have true last names and the ones that are "Residents". I have a friend with a true last name with a date of November 10, 2010 and a friend with a "Resident" last name in December 13, 2010. So apparently some time end of November/Early December, LL got rid of all their last names.

That's for anyone who really cares....if you don't, I apologize for wasting your time. :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:


PS..sorry..was REALLY bored at work one day....

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Tex Monday wrote:

Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Boy  you really have been living under a rock and not getting out much.  Last names disappear in 2010.

If anyone cares..I did a little research on this. I checked all the rez dates for my friends..comparing the ones that have true last names and the ones that are "Residents". I have a friend with a true last name with a date of November 10, 2010 and a friend with a "Resident" last name in December 13, 2010. So apparently some time end of November/Early December, LL got rid of all their last names.

That's for anyone who really cares....if you don't, I apologize for wasting your time. :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:


PS..sorry..was REALLY bored at work one day....

It was on or about Nov 19, 2010 that last names were removed from the Second Life new account registration page.  Dwell On It (pops).

However, it was still possible if you signed up through one of the Non Profit's portals (Primarily Educational Institutions) that for several months you could still get a last name. 

It appears from SL Name Watch (pops), that this finally ended on April 17, 2011.  I have a friend with a birth date of March 29, 2011.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

It was on or about Nov 19, 2010 that last names were removed from the Second Life new account registration page. 

However, it was still possible if you signed up through one of the Non Profit's portals (Primarily Educational Institutions) that for several months you could still get a last name. 

It appears from
that this finally ended on April 17, 2011.  I have a friend with a birth date of March 29, 2011.


*takes my hard work...rips it up into pieces and throws it in the air*

Well...that was a waste of time....:matte-motes-sunglasses-3:

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