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Free Advertising in Profiles

Medhue Simoni

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LL seems a bit touchy today, so I will keep this 1 within the guidelines. lol


If any merchants didn't already know this, we have a social network that works thru our profiles. You can post messages, just like Facebook, Twitter or Google+. The messages will show up on the HOME page of each of your friends or subscribers. Instead of using group notices, which I've never liked, I always just post things on our social network. If your friends LOVE your post enough times, then the message gets seen by all SL users in the TRENDING section. This can reach many more people than any group notice. If you take a photo with your inworld camera and post it to your profile, it will also contain a link to that spot, directing customers directly to that product.

The only problem is that not every1 knows about or uses the SL social network. If more merchants used the social network, than more shoppers would use it. Plus, shoppers can FOLLOW you to see all your posting in their HOME section without friending you, for those that like to keep their friends list clean. To me, this system is awesome and does way more for SL than it could for a social networks like FB, cause most SL users are advertising something, unlike your FB friends.

SO...... let's spread the word about SL Profiles and get more shoppers and merchants to use the system to inturn help every1. Here is a look at my profile: https://my.secondlife.com/medhue.simoni

Oh, and don't forget to spread the LOVE.

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I personally know about the SL profiles but like most of my fellow SL resident friends, its not a well used or known social network.  I think I have gone to my own profile maybe 10 times in my entire life. 

I suspect the vast majority of the SL population does not use it even if they did know its there for the same reason that most ppl do not use a new Social Networking site or continue to go to old networking sites like myspace.  Unless it reaches or maintains a critical mass of users/usage, no one wants to talk to an empty room.

As for the the SL forums and their unfair TOS policy about Merchants of products not having a place to post new products on the SL Forums....  the example was "why can Land Barons promote their available land for rent or purchase when us content creators cannot".

Although LL's SL Forums are hugely unfair with the major excpetion they allow for Land Barons to promote their business (i.e. they have an entire main Forum section allocated for them to promote their rental and sales), this unfair SL Forums policy reach much further into unfair than just the land barons being able to advertise / promote their business operations.  The SL Forums openly allows and promotes:


  • Art Galleries / and Photo Studios can promote their events and as a result they promote their art / photos sales
  • Music & Clubs can promote special events as as such promote their clubs and traffic
  • Residents can promote photos where special interests can be promoted in the photos
  • Special Events can be promoted
  • RP Environments can promote their sims and operations
  • Entertainment / special themed sims can promote their operaions (golf, fishing, footballs, etc.)

So why has LL decided to take away the Merchant / Creator's ability to promote new products?  Prior to the SL Forums - the old SL forums had a forum section specially created for merchants to post a NEW creation that entered XSTREET.  This was very popular by Merchants and Customers.  Then they took it away.

Anyway... its just another example how LL treats SL Merchants as 2nd class residents (all the way up to the Rodvik level as we all noticed a month ago when Rodivk and the Commerce Team did not address any of the concerns we brought up with Rodvik in this forum).



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What LL should do to address this unfair practice is for them to create a new FORUM under the COMMERCE forum section that re-introduces the "Post your new product on MP".  The restriction is that the merchant's new product must be one that has only been on the MP for less that 24 hours.  i.e. A Merchant can only post a new product pretty much at the same time that he/she creates and makes available the new listing on MP.

Customers loved this idea in the old forums because they got to see all the new products entering the XSTREET.

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I think most people don't use the social network profiles because of 2 reasons. 1 - They don't know it is there. 2 - They use pheonix and it's not embedded. People love to show others what they've been doing in SL, or pics with their boyfriend or to show off a new awesome clothing store they found. They do those things in the Picks section of their Profile all the time. I really just think it is a matter of getting more users on the newest viewers and every1 promoting the social network more. All LL's photo contest should come directly from our profiles and never from some other service like Flicker.

As for the unfair Advertising. I have to agree with you that LL must just really dislike the whole of the merchant class. Sure, you can listen to their words, but actions always show their true opinions. LL doesn't fix user generated content bugs, which most are half a decade old now. They released mesh with no clothing deformer, and now are implementing it at a snails pace, if they ever implement it at all. Of course, we get screwed majorly in the forums. Merchants stores are not in the Destination Guide in the SL viewer. It's totally like we don't exist in SL anymore. Compare this to SL's hay day. We, the merchants, were all any1 saw. SL was all about the merchants. Again, and LL wonders why SL is in decline. It should be obvious, but LL let's their own opinions get in the way of doing profitable business.

My major problem with today's incident with a forum post, is that I can't really know for sure if what I'm posting is within the guidelines, as the explaination is too vague. When you take into account what is currently posted in that forum section, it is not obvious that advertising is not allowed. In LL's own guidelines, they make it obvious that there could be sections that permit it, and they give examples. If their intent is to only allow advertising for places, then they should state that clearly in the guidelines, not dance around stating it, and doing whatever they choose. Of course they can do whatever they want, but this doesn't mean that we, as customers, will respect them for their actions, nor want to help them build their world.

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The majority of my friends list had left SL by 2008 so I am not sure how useful this will be to me as I already have groups set up for business customers.

Unless.......well I am a bit shy to ask..........but, do you want to be my friend Medhue? I can tell you all about what I am up to on my profile feed and we can like, hang out and get coffee..... maybe it will blossom into something more or at the very least we can be like, BFF's.

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Porky Gorky wrote:

The majority of my friends list had left SL by 2008 so I am not sure how useful this will be to me as I already have groups set up for business customers.

Unless.......well I am a bit shy to ask..........but, do you want to be my friend Medhue? I can tell you all about what I am up to on my profile feed and we can like, hang out and get coffee..... maybe it will blossom into something more or at the very least we can be like, BFF's.

I've met all kinds of people in our little social network, and most of the 1's that post things all the time give me much LOVE. When new things get announced by SL, I often run into my profile friends at those events. 1 time, when Wilderness opened, I went there and was running around. I climbed to the top of this hill with a nice view of the sims, and totally caught Caitlin Tobias crouched down taking a weewee in the grass. I was a werewolf and scared the crap out of her. lol


She was taking this picture when I popped into the scene.

Then, she realized who I was, and I realized who she was, and this moment happened. She is quick with the camera.


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I agree. When the social profiles came out I was a little bit excited and saw it as a great way to advertise just like you. However even talking to all my friends about it and trying to convince them how great it was ended up being a total failure so I gave up. The main reason for it being so unpopular is the fact that the majority of users are still so anti-V3 and anti-web profiles and still have their heads buried so deep up Phoenix's behind that it just will not become popular any time soon. You will have better luck using Twitter, Facebook and G+ to advertise your business than you will using the SL feeds. Honestly it is a real shame that Firestorm being as popular as it is still uses the old profiles, sure they dump the web profile on the web tab but who looks at that?

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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

I personally know about the SL profiles but like most of my fellow SL resident friends, its not a well used or known social network.  I think I have gone to my own profile maybe 10 times in my entire life. 

I suspect the vast majority of the SL population does not use it even if they did know its there for the same reason that most ppl do not use a new Social Networking site or continue to go to old networking sites like myspace.  Unless it reaches or maintains a critical mass of users/usage, no one wants to talk to an empty room.

As for the the SL forums and their unfair TOS policy about Merchants of products not having a place to post new products on the SL Forums....  the example was "why can Land Barons promote their available land for rent or purchase when us content creators cannot".

Although LL's SL Forums are hugely unfair with the major excpetion they allow for Land Barons to promote their business (i.e. they have an entire main Forum section allocated for them to promote their rental and sales), this unfair SL Forums policy reach much further into unfair than just the land barons being able to advertise / promote their business operations.  The SL Forums openly allows and promotes:

  • Art Galleries / and Photo Studios can promote their events and as a result they promote their art / photos sales
  • Music & Clubs can promote special events as as such promote their clubs and traffic
  • Residents can promote photos where special interests can be promoted in the photos
  • Special Events can be promoted
  • RP Environments can promote their sims and operations
  • Entertainment / special themed sims can promote their operaions (golf, fishing, footballs, etc.)

So why has LL decided to take away the Merchant / Creator's ability to promote new products?  Prior to the SL Forums - the old SL forums had a forum section specially created for merchants to post a NEW creation that entered XSTREET.  This was very popular by Merchants and Customers.  Then they took it away.

Anyway... its just another example how LL treats SL Merchants as 2nd class residents (all the way up to the Rodvik level as we all noticed a month ago when Rodivk and the Commerce Team did not address any of the concerns we brought up with Rodvik in this forum).







That would be cool, I would love a section I could look up the latest new stuff instead having to weed through all of the old stuff.

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I started to use my profile to post new products away back, not long after the social network option was released.

But in march my webprofile suddenly stopped working. As a result my profile is not visible anymore for customers, friends or anyone who is interested to check me. I've send in tickets, filed a jira (https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4537), and learned that I'm not a only one with a broken profile. But LL doesn't seem to care at all.


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Yeah, nice idea. And yes...I am an avid user of the feed - usually leaving no chance go for a nice pic. However, the charm of the feeds and who I choose to follow is: they are residents like me, exploring places and products and sharing those. If there is something I - personally - do NOT like (and it is happening) : commercial posts.
I will immediately stop following those and/or ignore their messages, just like I do with facebook.

It may be okay to others, but for me it will work the other way around.


Yes, Medhue I took a pic of us. Not to promote your product by the way, but just because the scenery was nice, the occasion was there and I thought your avi looked cool with my pose. NOT at all commercial, it never crossed my mind.

I, for one, would be sad if commercials took over the feed. It would make me use it less instead of more.

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I think it'd be nice if more people became aware of the feeds.  It is a bit of a closed circuit.  I've found out about a lot of interesting places and products thanks to my fellow feed denizens.

Medhu?  I'm glad you realized who Cait is and she realized who you are.  What I can't figure out is the need for taking a pic of  Cait taking a wee.   As a bystander, I'm amused by both pics.  More posting please (both of you).

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...... The main reason for it being so unpopular is the fact that the majority of users are still so anti-V3 and anti-web profiles and still have their heads buried so deep up Phoenix's behind that it just will not become popular any time soon.........

It has nothing first of all to do with being so Anti V3.  That has more to do with Linden Lab having their heads up their butts about simple features we asked and asked and asked and asked for.  Like being able to resize the damn camera controls.  What the hell is so hard about LL doing that?  We could list a lot of other features that actually LL is in a better position to implement but has since the days of the Viewer That Shall Not Be Named  refused to implement.

It's not that we hate one as much as the other makes our daily living in Second Life so much simpler and pleasant.


George Orellana wrote:

 The main reason for it being so unpopular is the fact that the majority of users are .....anti-web profiles

You best believe I'm anti Web Profile in it's current implementation.  It still does not allow me to set the level of privacy that I may desire.  Personally for me, I want "what happens in SL stays in SL," and despite the settings, there have been innumerable posts concerning how they don't always do what you think they are doing. 

Maybe you should get your head out of somewhere and join us in insisting that the Lab enables us to secure our privacy better.  THEN I'll start using the Web Profiles.

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Caitlin Tobias wrote:

Yeah, nice idea. And yes...I am an avid user of the feed - usually leaving no chance go for a nice pic. However, the charm of the feeds and who I choose to follow is: they are residents like me, exploring places and products and sharing those. If there is something I - personally - do NOT like (and it is happening) : commercial posts.

I will immediately stop following those and/or ignore their messages, just like I do with facebook.


It may be okay to others, but for me it will work the other way around.


Yes, Medhue I took a pic of us. Not to promote your product by the way, but just because the scenery was nice, the occasion was there and I thought your avi looked cool with my pose. NOT at all commercial, it never crossed my mind.

I, for one, would be sad if commercials took over the feed. It would make me use it less instead of more.




Oh, I totally respect your views. I like the profiles for both the social and the commercial aspects. The best part is that we have that choice to use it however we want. Maybe if more people used the social network, then LL would invest more into it and put in a strictly commercial section. 1 of my favourite parts of the social networks is people like yourself, who post some of the most interesting and stunning pictures of their SL lives. I'm not just looking for customers. The only reason I even knew your name was because of all the great photos that you take. It's kind of hard not to notice.

I'm not a traveller, so I like to see all the images from different places around SL. My thing is creating, teaching and helping other people create in SL. What better way to promote all of that but in the network.

I do not understand how others using the network to advertising affects your experience in it. You just said that you unsub, or unfollow. The only part that would affect you would be the TRENDING. Plus, IMHO, whether we are promoting products, places, or any other thing in SL, it's all promotions and advertising for SL the world.

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Madeliefste Oh wrote:

I started to use my profile to post new products away back, not long after the social network option was released.

But in march my webprofile suddenly stopped working. As a result my profile is not visible anymore for customers, friends or anyone who is interested to check me. I've send in tickets, filed a jira (
), and learned that I'm not a only one with a broken profile. But LL doesn't seem to care at all.


I do remember you mentioning this before. I does make me sad that it seems like LL neglects everything, no matter what we do to try and help them. LL almost seems like a bunch of irratic kids that can't be bothered enough to fix anything. It's like all they want to do is work on the next new shiny thing, and don't care that their last project has major bugs. We can always hope for LL to change their reputation.

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I once told my wife that I loved her but not in a Linden Lab kind of way. She replied: "that's romantic of you". I don't think she was serious about the romance but at least she understood the sentiment.

LL's abuse of love, community, resident and friends can cause hives.

While I like many of you (not in a Facebook sort of way), I prefer forums to hives.

In my world relationships with a company are always primarily about money and product and quality of service and friends are things that happen unplanned and unintentionally and I've a limited storage capacity for loved ones and close friends.

This probably has nothing to do with the topic at hand, except for not having a product forum any longer because there's no money in it.

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Dartagan Shepherd wrote:


This probably has nothing to do with the topic at hand, except for not having a product forum any longer because there's no money in it.

That is strictly a preception. The facts are that it benefits the merchants. What benefits us, benefits the consumers. What benefits the consumers, benefits both the land barons and LL. So, the reality is that every1 benefits in some way. Some people just can't see that.

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Sorry about that Medhue, in being too cute with a reply, I meant that there's no money in it for LL. As it is both marketplace and in-world ads are oversold (and over-billed in the marketplace).

Absolutely agree that a getting a new product forum back again would be a great benefit to everyone.

Then again SLX knew more about err ... showing the love than LL.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

...... The main reason for it being so unpopular is the fact that the majority of users are still so anti-V3 and anti-web profiles and still have their heads buried so deep up Phoenix's behind that it just will not become popular any time soon.........

It has nothing first of all to do with being so Anti V3.  That has more to do with Linden Lab having their heads up their butts about simple features we asked and asked and asked and asked for.  Like being able to resize the damn camera controls.  What the hell is so hard about LL doing that?  We could list a lot of other features that actually LL is in a better position to implement but has since the days of the Viewer That Shall Not Be Named  refused to implement.

It's not that we hate one as much as the other makes our daily living in Second Life so much simpler and pleasant.


George Orellana wrote:

 The main reason for it being so unpopular is the fact that the majority of users are .....anti-web profiles

You best believe I'm anti Web Profile in it's current implementation.  It still does not allow me to set the level of privacy that I may desire.  Personally for me, I want "what happens in SL stays in SL," and despite the settings, there have been innumerable posts concerning how they don't always do what you think they are doing. 

Maybe you should get your head out of somewhere and join us in insisting that the Lab enables us to secure our privacy better.  THEN I'll start using the Web Profiles.

Well spoken.  1 user agrees.

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Feeds are good and fast way of showing what you have to show to the whole SL world, or at least ones who follow you. What I don't like is that every time I open my Home page and scroll down to the More button, there are posts of maybe 5 people top, each of them posting something every 30-60 minutes.  I don't want to unfollow them because they post good stuff! But thats because my friends don't post there and I follow only few people.

For a while I was pretty active there but then it started to be time consuming and big distraction so on top of all things I have planned to do that day I would see few interesting places I want to visit or stuff to buy. 

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Tamara Artis wrote:

Feeds are good and fast way of showing what you have to show to the whole SL world, or at least ones who follow you. What I don't like is that every time I open my Home page and scroll down to the More button, there are posts of maybe 5 people top, each of them posting something every 30-60 minutes.  I don't want to unfollow them because they post good stuff! But thats because my friends don't post there and I follow only few people.

For a while I was pretty active there but then it started to be time consuming and big distraction so on top of all things I have planned to do that day I would see few interesting places I want to visit or stuff to buy. 

And you found yourself the perfect cat :P

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The reason most ppl in SL do not use the social feed is because they have no idea what it is.  Most do not know about the forums, what the dashboard is, how to look up transactions, grid status, etc., etc., etc.  Whose fault is that?  LL should look in the mirror for that.  They continue to use Twitter and Facebook to try to dissimenate information when most of the ppl in SL DO NOT want their SL and RL to mix which will and does happen on those two sites.  Not because they want them to mix, but because the sites use technology that can weed out and link different "user names" when it is the same person using both names.  Whats bad, LL has a perfectly good way of communicatng with residents built into their own system, aka forums and SL social media.  All they need to do is actually make it easy for resident to find out, and learn how to access and use those tools.

A new business group has started in SL that is working on addressing these issues (and more) with LL.  Some of our members have the ear of LL.  If you would be interesed in joing our group and attending one of our meetings, contact me inworld.


namssab1nad Piers

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