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The Miracle that is Second Life

Darkness Anubis

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Reading the forums both here and at SLU I realize just how tunnel visioned we all can get when we talk about our Second Lives. We focus on whatever the hot topic or annoyance factor of the moment is. So I thought in this thread we could for just a brief moment step back from all that and appreciate the wild, waky and wonderful things that fill our Second Lives and when taken as a whole make this a very special and miraculous place. So please add your own wonder moment to the thread.

When I first came to SL in 2004 it was after hearing about it in a skill house in TSO. I had been playing TSO for about a year with a family member who at that time had some very special needs.

She had been in a horrible car accident. Rear ended on black ice, pushed off an embankment and the car rolled 7 times. Her injuries were beyond description in terms of internal injuries, broken bones, and massive head injuries. Well the firs tmiralce happened and she woke from the coma and had not lost ALL her mental faculties. After a time she was well enough to go home and was at about 35% of her pre accident mental ability level. At that point it was find something to take her mind off the pain or drug her into oblivion. She found online gaming in TSO.

When I heard about SL she wasnt online. So I made an account and started exploring. I realised that the it was a totally amazing place. You could make your own world. So I went premium within a few days and bought land. Then I brought her here.

Over the next few years I taught her to build. Understand that with her memory issues it was very m uch a deal of what she knew one day might be gone the next. Day after day, over and over reteaching. Eventually it stuck she remembered. Then she needed to learn to make textures for her build so I began teaching her photoshop. Same deal day after day reteaching for years.

During these years other family members joined us and started learning. In the end there were over 70 of us here spanning 2 countries. It became a great way to be together and be creative.

And the original family member I brought here? As of three years ago she had recovered 95% of her pre accident mental capacity. The doctors very much credit the constant challenge of the SL creative process to getting her that far when she really wasnt expected to recover any at all.

SL has had 2 big miracles for me and my family. THe first being it brought us all together in a way that just was not possible in Real Life. The Second was the almost impossible recovery of our family member.


Your turn now. What knocks your socks off about this place?

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It isn't just the big miracles like my family's that matter. It is all the small day to day ones all of us have encountered. That moment of awe when we flew around a corner and found our first really amazing build. Heck finding the perfect pair of shoes you have always wanted.

Everyone has their moment or we wouldn't all still be here. So come on folks share and lets bring some light to these forums and appreciate what we have for a little bit. :)

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Thank you for sharing that experience, Darkness - wonderful and heartwarming. :)

When I first joined SL, not having any idea about building or even that everything in SL had been built by other residents, just about everything was amazing.  One memory was when I was invited to see the new house a male friend of mine had just purchased.  We met at our SL jobs and were in the "more than friends/less than dating" phase.  We had begun SL within weeks of each other and were enjoying exploring this new world together.  His RL job was in the computer tech industry so he caught on to things faster than I did.

So I'm being given a tour of his house and we end up back in the living room.  He invites me to sit down on the sofa.  This was in 2007 and I had only seen pose balls for any type of seating, thus I was very surprised to see both our avatars moving when we sat down; mine with arms crossed, looking bored and his stretching his arms up.  I'm staring at the screen thinking...how can our avatars be moving when - ZAP! the poses changed - to a kissing animation!!!!  I about jumped out of my chair RL and typed in chat..."How did we do that????"  I was doubly dumbfounded when our avatars flipped into another position all on their own - or so I thought.  My first experience with an animations engine - or whatever the correct term is. ;)



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Thank you for that wonderful story. I have very limited experience in online gaming/worlds/MMOGREs or whatever they are: this is my one and only. But I have to say it's easy for me to see how the constant play of real personalities and massive potential for creation that this place provides could be a tonic for any mind. It certainly has been for mine.

Really. Thank you.

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This is the text from a notecard I got from White Tiger Help Island some time ago:


**********"A TRUE STORY"********

I was new.

Technically not good with computers, and a little bored. I was wearing my short skirt, bling chest rings, covered of course, but blinging far and wide through my freebie leather jacket. It seemed that was the thing to do in Second Life.

Second Life to me appeared to be lacking in depth and communication and I saw males running around wearing unmentionable attachments.

(I had clearly been to the wrong places).

“There must be some sensible people here somewhere” I thought. “Maybe there are some nice people at a yachting club”.

I searched and found Nantucket Yacht Club and teleported onto a jetty.

There was a man.

No silly attachments, no fancy skin, no chat up lines.

And very oddly…....no talking at all!

I said hello, but he did not answer.

Now, when you are new in Second Life, you don’t understand about chat lag, AFK, invisible avatars……so I believed this person was truly ignoring me.

I said “hello” again. Still no answer.

Off I walked and viewed the boats. Up one jetty, down the next. Then I arrived back where the man was. I said “hello” again.

Still no reply.

Determined, I asked “Do you have a yacht here?”


I walked away pretty much in disgust really at being ignored several times. Then……as I was leaving……I saw very faintly on my screen……..


Maybe he does not speak English I thought.

Then the next word from him…...…..


This was odd. Not what I was used to. But clearly this man (who I assumed did not speak good English) was asking if I wanted to sail in his boat!

I accepted, and not yet having done anything very interesting in Second Life, was quite excited. I was on my best behaviour and followed the man as he walked along the jetties to his yacht.

The sailing was just amazing! (Although in silence!!).

I had not experienced anything like it! I asked him if I could take photographs. He said “Yes”.

The sea, the land, the turns, the commands, a skipper on a small yacht, sailing it just for me. I was so flattered. After a long time out to sea, we returned to the jetty.

The man stood up and walked away, without a word, - to the clubhouse.

Well, as I like to talk, I really couldn’t accept this. I followed and walked to him and asked “What language do you speak?”

No reply.

It was puzzling.

There were others in the clubhouse. Ravishal and Izabella. Rav (who I had never met before) sent me an IM.

“Have you read his profile?”

I was new in Second Life, why would I think doing of that?

So I did.


That was the moment that changed my Second Life.


The mans name was Djduerer Zou.

– He described himself in his profile…….

✲ Friendly, kind, tall, bedridden, sailor.

✲Can barely type.

✲ Difficulty seeing too.

✲ It gets worse in the afternoon SLT time.   ✲ Slow.   ✲ I use gestures to speak.   ✲ In my life I am terminally ill (soon dead) with progressive brain disease,  OPCA  also known  as MSA. 

✲ No regrets, lived passionately.

✲ SL is my life.


((**OPCA = Olivopontocerebellar atrophy. MSA = Multiple System Atrophy - also known as Shy Drager. **)).   I could'nt imagine to have ever read such a thing in Second Life. I could'nt imagine to have met someone like this in Second Life.

The reality of the situation made my mind a whirl.

I had been sailing with a man who was living the last days of his Real Life here, in Second Life,  living the Real Life that he had known. As a sailor.

My computer was a blur. There was something different here, I understood that.

Djduerer managed to type - -


“I think he is asking you to dance” wrote Ravishal in an IM.

After the short dance I walked outside and stood my avatar looking out to sea.


I logged off Second Life with a hollow feeling inside but at the same time - a spark - a feeling that there was real life here in these avatars.

After this day I returned two times to see Djduerer, and both times he took me sailing. I dropped the bling chest rings and lengthened my skirt!

I talked to him, not expecting a reply.

I remember once as we were sailing saying to him -

“You must have had a wonderful Real Life at sea”.

His answer made me happy and sad at the same time…..

”Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” he said.

Then a couple of weeks later I heard from someone, that Djduerer  had passed away.

Three years or more later, when I am helping New Residents in Second Life, this experience is never far from my mind.

I see so many things in Second Life - some less than polite. But some wonderful things too.

But at no time has anything in Second Life ever taught me so much as the day I met Djduerer Zou and discovered who was really behind the avatar.

I see these young avatars ‘doing their thing’ and cannot help but wonder if they have given one moments thought to the other real person they are communicating with.

Maybe they just don't know about the community in Second Life.

Now, almost every person I meet, I understand very clearly not to take it for granted that who I am talking to is represented in any way by the visual effect they are giving.

People come to Second Life for many different reasons and for every word they type there is a real person creating those words.

I have used my experience of meeting Djduerer to explain to others who are new here about Second Life and to help them to have an open mind.

I doubt my presence in Second Life meant much to Djduerer. If I kept him company for a few sailings, that makes me happy, however Djduerer’s presence in Second Life meant so much to me.

He taught me the most important lesson I have learned here.


Since that time, I have spoken to Djduerer Zou's Real Life wife, who is still a resident. I would like to tell you what she told me about the time that she and Djduerer spent together here.

She said that when he was ill,  and Real Life a great trial to them both, they would come to Second Life together and live in the same way as they had always lived their real lives.

Dancing, exploring, sailing. She told me that at the end of Djduerer's life, Second Life in a way gave them back the real lives they had lost.

Of course, she really believes in the power of Second Life and what it can achieve for some people.

We all meet moments of sadness in Second Life, but hopefully also many, many moments of fun, development, laughter and happiness.

But let us never forget....think about how we relate to people......we never know who they are.


This story is distributed with the full permission of the Real Life wife of  Djduerer Zou.

Treacle Darlandes.

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Theresa Tennyson wrote:

"This is the text from a notecard I got from White Tiger Help Island some time ago:

**********"A TRUE STORY"********

Then a couple of weeks later I heard from someone, that Djduerer  had passed away.

This story is distributed with the full permission of the Real Life wife of  Djduerer Zou.

Treacle Darlandes."


Wow just wow. I need a break after reading that. So moving.

Thank you for posting.


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It is easy to get caught up in the BS and drama of SL. But yeah, I always try to remember that whoever I am talking to in SL could be someone who doesn't have anything more than SL.

For me, my computer cannot run SL worth a crap and things are getting worse with my computer on the fritz and SL getting more advanced so most of my time inworld is spent chatting with friends.

The fascinating thing for me is it gives one the ability to talk with people in either text OR voice chat no matter where on the planet they are. I have a good friend a few hundred miles away in Kansas city and another one thousands of miles away in Ireland. Oh and one in New york and another couple in England.

You could argue that messengers and skype have done that for years but in SL, you can share some fun times (adult related or not).


But yes, all the BS and lag etc aside, SL has got to be a God-send for those who have very little chance to enjoy RL due to illness or disability. One just has to be willing to submerse themselves in the fantasy.

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I'm sitting here with tears streaming down my face after reading your post and I cannot tell you how much it touched my heart. I had a very good friend in SL, we talked everyday, and became like sisters. She had a lot of medical problems and SL was her escape from the pain. And then one day, she wasn't there and I recieved a message from her on Skype saying she was in the hospital and was going to have a routine surgery...she never woke up...she left behind a daughter in RL and a husband in SL. SL has never been the same for me. I still have her on my friend's list and everyday I think about her and how much I miss her. So, I DO NOT take anyone I meet on SL for granted. I treasure everyone of my friends and make sure they know just how much I do care. Never forget that behind that avatar is a real, breathing human being who feels and hurts just like you do. Thank you, Theresa. 

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The stories so far on here are both moving and powerful and I thank you all for sharring. So let me see if I can share my moment with you.


I joined SL in November 2009 it was a way for me to escape my unhappy RL...I had been part of SL before that but it hadn't worked then but now here I was giving it another go...I got into some RP sims and eplored other places...I met a man on one sim enjoying the adult naughty side of SL and after a couple of weeks we found ourselves sharring our RL stories, both of us realising we were escaping for similar reasons...we spent all our spare time together in a world we created for us doing things we wanted to do while exploring ourselves and growing. We slowly fell deeply in love and admit now that had we met in a bar somewhere in RL we may well have passed each other by but here in SL we were learning about the other person in detail and enjoying the deep connection that we had. 11 months after we met he left his partner my own relationship had already broken down and a few weeks after he moved out I traveled half way across the world and went to see him. As part of our RP in SL and through exploring our RL to we both found that facets to our personalties that we never knew existed.


I won't bore you with all the details about our SL/RL D/s relationship but what I will say is this...A year after I went to see him he came to see me...today we are stronger as a couple than we have ever been yes we still live in different countries and use SL as our home communicate though voice email text messages and calls and yes we hope to be together in RL next year. SL has allowed us to make many wonderful friends in many countries and the one thing we always make sure we do is remember the real person behind the AV after all that was how we won each other hearts. These days SL is a very busy place...we have 2 SL daughters who we adore and love to bits...I have a busy photography business with my daughters as we have more time in SL than my partner and I'm training as a model in world while doing their photography. My partner in RL hasn't been very well but is on the mend and SL allows us to be close together when in RL it's impossible so once more we understand the power and source of comfort SL can be to anyone who uses it.


SL is a place where dreams can be made and lived and enjoyed its a place where you can make friendships that last a lifetime or it's a place that can be lonely it really does depend on what you put into it...for me I have a family I love a man who has rebuilt my life in and out of SL who I love and support...our AV's got married in July 2011 and one day we hope to do the same...SL brought me the love of my life...our AV's will always be a part of us...everyone says we are very lucky to have what we have and we count ourselves as such...in November we celebrate 3 years together and in SL terms that's already a lifetime together


Thank you SL for being there in good and bad times...just remember to get to know the people behind the AV's because they have feelings and their lives can really touch you


Thank you for reading

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A very moving story, glad you posted it, you have made even the red tops humble, welcome back to the forum, tell me what subjects interest you, I will try to come up with an out of the box theory for discussion here, do ideas on what happens to you after death interest you, I have one about that, not really touched on that yet, did put one post in SLU about DNA being a antenna, that being the door to that subject, but never started that one here, ty for the story and making all here feel as one.

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Bit off topic but some will remember, today is the day of the equinox, it will happen at 14:49, to check it is simple, you can use any thing standing on the ground that you know its height, the exact time that the earth crosses can be worked out by measuring the angle of the shadow it will match your latitude exactly, in the uk it happens in the day time. If you live on the equator then look down a deep well you will see all of the bottom.

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What an amazing set of stories to wake up to. TY all for sharing.

I agree SL is a fantastic way to connect with people form all over the world on a level that is astonishing. The Friendships we make here are real. So many couples I know have met here and evevntually married in Real Life and are still together.

I will begin the day waith another story from my family. I didn't post it yesterday since I wanted to ask her permission first. This lady was born with Cerebral Palsy and has never walked. She really hadn't played games on the computer before SL either. Early on in my time here I convinced her to try it. I will never forget the look on her face when she walked (in SL of course) for the first time in her life. She spent weeks walking, running, flying and dancing all over SL as she explored the grid. She even went skydiving (thanks Cubey) and snowboarding (not sure if that is there anymore it was linden made for the opening of the snow sims).

Keep the wonderful moments coming folks I think we are touching people :)

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I am new to Secondlife so I maybe don't have any grand stories to share. I owuld like to share one small thing that I have discovered for myself in the few days I have been here.

In real life I am painfully almost debilitatingly shy. In Second Life I am finding that I can talk to people without that almost panic moment. That is no small things for someone like me. :)

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What an incredibly moving story. I think a very lucky and humbling encounter for you.  Experiences like this have kept my faith in human nature in Second Life. There are far too many impatient folks who believe the world revolves around them, and them alone.  For this very poorly man to have shared his precious time with anyone else seems so selfless, and I can imagine he would encounter some quite rude people at times, who thought he must be a 'bot' just standing there.  However, there is nothing more uplifting than being able to share hobbies, interests, joys, with other people.

I am like Dillon, I play no MMORPGs, Second Life is really the only thing of this nature I have ever been involved with, and, although my enthusiasm for it was flagging until recently, something the OP said yesterday on another post, bucked me up again, and reminded me where I had put my 'oomph'. 

I count myself extremely fortunate about how my earliest days went in Second Life.  During that first fortnight I found it such a steep learning curve and I would have given it up had I not met some amazing people who unofficially lived by the rule 'pay it forward'.  A bunch of us brand newbies found ourselves dancing for Lindens at a sim called Boonootoo, where some lifelong friendships were forged. As we started to spread our wings, with the help of some old-timers who popped into Boonootoo and my Home point of Korea3, and who shared their favourite places with us, our world of Second Life started to open up before us, and no two days have been the same.

I've kept a personal diary since about my third weed into Second Life. I only wish I had thought to do this from Day One.  Reading back through it, and looking at the photos makes me laugh so much.  And laughter is, as they say, the best medicine.

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The first 'miracle' was very simple - seeing virtual swans swimming in virtual water. Later when I went to the place in SL that sells the swans, I was again excited by seeing all the different creatures roaming around. I was also amused and gratified by the way the seller has a drop box where you can place your swans to be updated (it works!). 

There are so many things I love about second life. These days, when I sometimes feel that I'm running around a giant hamster wheel in RL, I come here to get a bit of peace and to work at building my own landscape (with swans), and to explore a little more.

There are so many wonderful creative, talented and generous people in SL. Thank you for reminding me.

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Maryanne Solo wrote:

Theresa Tennyson wrote:

"This is the text from a notecard I got from White Tiger Help Island some time ago:

**********"A TRUE STORY"********

Then a couple of weeks later I heard from someone, that Djduerer  had passed away.

This story is distributed with the full permission of the Real Life wife of  Djduerer Zou.

Treacle Darlandes."


Wow just wow. I need a break after reading that. So moving.

Thank you for posting.


I had that same reaction.   There are likely many more Djduerers in SL than we realize, some interacting amongst us that we have no idea what trials the RL person behind the avatar is experiencing.

After reading Theresa's post, I thought of my dear friend Evelynn.  We initially met close to 20 years ago on IRC where we spoke online almost daily within a role play channel.  Over time we began phone chatting and she became one of my very best friends, although we never met in person.  We each came to SL not knowing the other was here until I was enthusiastically telling Evelynn about SL during a phone call. She laughed, said she was already here, and invited me to see her SL home which, not having seen many houses in SL at the time, looked like a mansion.  I was in awe of clocks that actually worked and all kinds of other cool gadgets.

We rarely saw each other in SL due to differing interests; however we talked on the phone at least once a week.  Evelynn had multiple major health problems dating back to our IRC days, but few people online knew that, which was how she wanted it.  I was impressed with how upbeat she always was, online and during our phone calls, knowing how very ill she was.  Over the last few years Evelynn's health deteriorated quickly until she was essentially bedridden, but she continued enjoying SL as a DJ, mall manager, and merchant. 

Valentine's Day, 2011, I received an Angel Bear in SL from Evelynn with a note that said, "You are my Angel in Life, I'll be your's later on."  I called to thank her for the gift and said something to the effect that she wouldn't be my angel for a long time yet.  She was silent.  That summer during one of our phone chats she said she had decided to "kill Evelynn" (her main avatar).  Stunned, I asked why.  She replied that she had quit DJing but still got a lot of IMs from people asking questions.  I advised her to not delete the avatar, that later on she might regret that, and to just use one of her alts for SL or make a new one if she didn't want anyone to know she was online.  She persisted in saying the best thing was to just delete the avatar.  There had been no new health setback of which I was aware and Evelynn was still her outgoing, bubbly self on the phone but, looking back, I believe Evelynn had probably not shared some info with me, not wanting me to worry.

We continued to talk on the phone regularly then, last November, a call came from Evelynn that went to my answering machine while I was out of the house.  It was the first time in over 20 years that she sounded tired and "down."  She said she wasn't doing too well and would call back that evening to "fill me in."  I never heard from her again.  I now kick myself that I didn't call her back but she slept a lot and I didn't want to disturb her, her RL situation made it tricky to call her sometimes, plus she ALWAYS called back when she said she would. 

A week went by without hearing from her.  I became more worried by the day, debating whether I should try to call but always got a "feeling" it was best not to.  One day I woke up literally in tears with Evelynn very heavy on my mind.  I had worn myself out crying by the afternoon and finally took a nap.  When I awoke, there was message on my answering machine from her husband telling me Evelynn had passed away.

That was almost a year ago now.  It still doesn't seem real.  My main point is that I am 99.99% sure I was the only person among her SL friends/acquaintances that had any idea she was ill. 

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Heart Brimmer wrote:

I'm sitting here with tears streaming down my face after reading your post and I cannot tell you how much it touched my heart. I had a very good friend in SL, we talked everyday, and became like sisters. She had a lot of medical problems and SL was her escape from the pain. And then one day, she wasn't there and I recieved a message from her on Skype saying she was in the hospital and was going to have a routine surgery...she never woke up...she left behind a daughter in RL and a husband in SL. SL has never been the same for me. I still have her on my friend's list and everyday I think about her and how much I miss her. So, I DO NOT take anyone I meet on SL for granted. I treasure everyone of my friends and make sure they know just how much I do care. Never forget that behind that avatar is a real, breathing human being who feels and hurts just like you do. Thank you, Theresa. 

I'm so sorry for your loss Heart and I can truly relate.  I, too, still have Evelynn on my friend's list, even though she deleted the avatar.  I found out that if a person is either on one's friend's list or their calling card is still in our inventory (one of the other or both), we can still see the profile when others can't.  I have a profile pick in memory of my friend, which will always be there.



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