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Kenbro Utu wrote:

Lest I come off sounding like I agree with the Linden's silence, I do not.  The lack of communication frustrates me also.  I just don't believe it is possible for them to "participate" in the forums.  Torley posts mutliple times on the feeds daily (whether or not you agree with/like the feeds) and he can get away with it because he is liked by most and not controversial.  Rod tried to particpate in the feeds and was very shortly inundated with remarks off topic to what he was trying to discuss.  It just did not work, the kids will not play nice.  They wouldn't play nice here either.  Nonetheless, there could easily be more official communications from the lab, heck, there could be any.... (hears a pin drop).  But at the same time I am glad that at least we hear something from Rod occasionally echoing from the hallway.  

of course itd be possible for any of them to participate in this forum .. they could participate & be involved & revel in the free-for-all .. if they wanted to .. its just that they dont have to .. so they dont ..  theyre unaccountable .. they can do as they please .. & if you dont like it too bad

this could change .. but the sheeple have no nads .. too sheep braind .. too indoctrinated w/ the dom/sub mindset .. which SL is replete w/ btw .. so perhaps it should come as no surprise .. yet .. id like to think that the users/residents could take things in2 our own hands & wrest our world from the clutches of these unresponsible corporate demigods .. not a chance tho .. so long as the likes of the suckups in this forum brow beat any wouldbe dissenters in2 status quo submission .. or attempt to ..

so quit apologizing for the parasistes .. saying it isnt possible for them to participate .. rationalizing their aloof disdain .. you demonstrate the very type of slavish apologetic rationalization of your own oppression that makes me sick



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and after a bit,
and asked, 

Actually I do have a question for folks here. Assuming SL improved performance enormously, from region crossings to lag to render times. (big assumption I know but roll with me here) What would you do to insure new users "stuck"?

Right now after performance our biggest issue is not getting new signups or even people to experience SL for a bit, its turning them into long term users.

Any thoughts on what you would do? We have some ideas but before pulling the trigger I would be curious what folks thoughts are here. The more varied the better.

well there you have it dont you ?? improve performance enormously .. make sim crossings seamless .. eliminate lag .. increase render times ... & new users would stick ... duh

as is .. all but a very few of us experience the poor performance & say 'screw this' .. what do you expect ?!?!



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Kenbro Utu wrote:

Sorry, but I don't consider anything you have to say worth reading...

then why did you respond?

when i witness ppl goin2 all the trubble of informing me about how they dont read what i post .. i just take it as evidence that you must hang on my every word :catlol:



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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

On the 17th of august I created a thread about the big bang


 at the same time I put the exact copy of it on SLU

I wanted to see the difference between the 2, the replies here were more science based, wheres the replies in SLU were mostly very childish, seems to alter the perceived notion of how the universe is made is some thing people don't like, the replies in SLU have put me off for life as to ever commenting there again, I was taking a months break, mainly to see if I could do it, for that month I had the choice to log every day, but only logged into national papers that I comment in, I am a bit of a star in other places, here I am seen as a fool, but that's OK.


I can't see the appeal of SLU as it has far more bullies than here, I would say that the bullies here are older than those in SLU, I found the same culture of corruption with the owners having special friends that can say any thing, the CEO has really gone down in my estimation, I am beginning to think he is very young, he comments there and not here, could mean he is scared to comment here and finds the kids at SLU more to his level, SLU seemed top be full of people that just want to make silly comments no matter the subject, but when my self imposed exile was up I came here, I can't go near SLU as I really do see it as a kids site.


What do you think of the two, the fact that SLU is more popular shows SL is filling with kids,

some of you may not agree with me, but read the comments of both threads, it does stand out a mile.

Yes well I don't like the SLU forums much let alone use the forums due to the fact that some Moderators favor certain people in Second Life.

Remember the Red Zone issue with the spyware, well they didn't mind all the outcry about Red Zone, however as soon as CDS, which is created by a guy named Skills **** in SL was posted about his system doing the exact same thing about red zone, and some other facts about how he was on the Emerald team with the Emerald incident and Datamining, as well as the people who worked on emerald who even designed CopyBot clients posts were removed, and I know at least a couple were temporary banned/unbanned.

Not only this but some people like this guy has or had picks in his SL profile having accessed, and been to restricted linden lands called (Linden World) and supposedly has linden friends, and not only this one dude I know bout some others too have Linden Friends and like to brag about it.

Lets not even talk about the false DMCA reports on YouTube to try to silence us about the system and how easy it was to get around.

Generally it isn't like I care about a forum ban anyways, I just change my IP 10000's of times come right back tell the moderators to choke on it, because on the internets there is no real rules about posting enjoy your ban. See the way I believe you try to silence facts, help griefers, or retaliate first, then I will do it back and I will bring a few friends it will only be worse on yourself, no need to brag but some moderators on some gaming forums I know of learned the hard way and I had to give them a box of tissues after over 2 weeks of constant forum griefing. And believe me when I say they deserved it because they were helping griefers who harassed me & some other people for over 3 months after paying the company over $300 USD in cash for a 6 month subscription + Other content and ended up leaving in 2 months because of it, and this moderator helped the griefers.

My point is simply that on SLU I see far more active troll accounts than I do here which is why I really don't use their forums or anything much at all.Also as you can see SLU has a lot of memes posted in like lots of threads too.

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JeanneAnne wrote:

well there you have it dont you ?? improve performance enormously .. make sim crossings seamless .. eliminate lag .. increase render times ... & new users
stick ... duh

as is .. all but a very few of us experience the poor performance & say 'screw this' .. what do you expect ?!?!



I think his point was that performance, sim crossings and lag were already on the list of things to address (he'd talked about that at SLCC 2011, of course), and he was asking what else they should be looking at.   

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Innula Zenovka wrote:

JeanneAnne wrote:

well there you have it dont you ?? improve performance enormously .. make sim crossings seamless .. eliminate lag .. increase render times ... & new users
stick ... duh

as is .. all but a very few of us experience the poor performance & say 'screw this' .. what do you expect ?!?!



I think his point was that performance, sim crossings and lag were already on the list of things to address (he'd talked about that at SLCC 2011, of course), and he was asking what else they should be looking at.   

maybe so Innula .. i wouldnt be surprised .. thing is tho that those problems cant be effectively resolved w/out fundamental restructuring of the grid architecture .. they arent easy fixes .. perhaps impossible w/ the current grid approach .. for instance i contend that graphics cant get much better til heat issues in pcs are addressed .. thats client side tho .. i think that mebbe the whole concept of the sim needs to be rethot .. 1 sim 1 server .. thats never goin2 allow mass gatherings .. is always goin2 make boundary crossings problematic .. the SL grid was wonderful technology .. for 2003 .. 2day its limitations may be fatal .. i think we need some young ppls thinking .. & innovation .. just my thots



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Imnotgoing Sideways wrote:

I post on 4 SL centric forums.  Here, SLU, SCMKII, and gV.  I have found over time the more I act like an idiot the more I'm treated like one.  Taking that into consideration, I mostly survive all 4 by being cautious and generally maintain a civil discourse while still maintaining my stance in spite of controversy. (

SLU has the advantage of not having our Linden overlords watching out words.  I percieve it as no more or less clique'd than here or any other forum.  But, it is a place where people are allowed to voice more openly the topics and opinions they prefer without worrying about being so SL-centric. (

The fatal flaw I saw in your experiment is that you were testing people.  As you admit here, your intent was to challenge peoples' willingness to debate an extremely contentious topic.  What you got was the result of people who don't like being tested, even if only subcounciously.  In addition, you persisted in button pushing as you found them to the point of pitting people against each other. (=_=)

To me, SLU is simply yet another SL forum.  I have friends there just as I have friends here, and inworld, and on the other forums.  At the same time, I don't expect to get along with everyone nor do I expect to sway their opinions to my way of thinking.  For those, I tune out.  I'm in no need of blocking or muting people.  I'm fully capable of exercizing the ability to maturely look past immaturity while maintaining my own personal degree of immaturity.  =^-^=

Long story short: Don't start none, won't be none. (


I have only read the first 5 posts, and this^^ is the perfect response.  This^^ is why I enjoy you so much. 


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Do yourself a favor - dpn't assume anything about me in the future.

I dream.

I do not - however - mistake those dreams for reality nor do I present these dreams as if they would actually happen.

And so you're aware, if any present software or game development company got hold of Second Life, what many have actually enjoyed of it will end rather quickly. Take it from someone who has been here for a few years and has watched far less ambitious projects be destroyed by corporate buyouts.

You think things cannot be any worse than they are?

They can always be worse - that's reality.

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Solar Legion wrote:

Do yourself a favor - dpn't assume anything about me in the future.

I dream.

I do not - however - mistake those dreams for reality nor do I present these dreams as if they would actually happen.

And so you're aware, if any present software or game development company got hold of Second Life, what many have actually enjoyed of it will 
rather quickly. Take it from someone who has been here for a few years and has watched far less ambitious projects be destroyed by corporate buyouts.

You think things cannot be any worse than they are?

They can 
be worse - that's reality.

why is it doing myself a favor not to assume anything about you? all i know about you comes from this forum .. im not impressed by your posts .. if you have more substance to contribute then do so ..

why dream if you dont think your dreams could ever actually happen?

how do you know that some other company wouldnt improve SL? why do you assume that a buyout would destroy .. rather than improve .. SL? i dont think i will take it from you .. i think ill repudiate your pessimism rather

yeah things can always get worse .. they can get better tho too ..

keep your reality .. it sucks



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JeanneAnne wrote:

Charolotte Caxton wrote:

He is not commited to Second Life, he hates it here and it is apparent by his posts and actions. When do we get a new leader?

we dont need a new "leader" !!!

we need to take SL over & run it as a non-profit user owned cooperative

this dom/sub mindset must be so deeply ingrained in the heads of people .. or are they sheep? .. that they cant even think beyond it




This is hilarious. As you so frequently point out virtual land is server space not land and if you don't pay your rent for your server space it gets shut down and the land goes poof.  Even if this were not the case, forcing a company to turn over their major asset through intimidation and blackmail or ruining them this way is illegal.  You are not an employee and LL provides a service that is strictly optional and not a life necessity.  If you don't like it you can leave as no one is forcing you to be here.  You have no basis for any sort of justification of this.

Why do you never put your money and effort where your mouth is and start such a Utopia since the software is available for free?  I'll tell you why.  You would have nothing to contribute to such a thing.  You have no skills  You would have to rely on other people putting time and money into it just so you can be entertained for free.

Even if such a thing was possible and SL became some communist utopia, you would still  be ranting against and insulting the people who do contribute time effort and money who do provide all the things you have for free, just as you do now in SL.

I have nothing against people enjoying SL without spending money or learning skills to use to contribute to the community as long as they are not hypocritical enough to turn around and bite the hand that feeds them at every opportunity like you do under the guise of some lala dream that all people have to do is think your way and all the problems would be solved.





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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

JeanneAnne wrote:

Charolotte Caxton wrote:

He is not commited to Second Life, he hates it here and it is apparent by his posts and actions. When do we get a new leader?

we dont need a new "leader" !!!

we need to take SL over & run it as a non-profit user owned cooperative

this dom/sub mindset must be so deeply ingrained in the heads of people .. or are they sheep? .. that they cant even think beyond it




This is hilarious. As you so frequently point out virtual land is server space not land and if you don't pay your rent for your server space it gets shut down and the land goes poof.  Even if this were not the case, forcing a company to turn over their major asset through intimidation and blackmail or ruining them this way is illegal.  You are not an employee and LL provides a service that is strictly optional and not a life necessity.  If you don't like it you can leave as no one is forcing you to be here.  You have no basis for any sort of justification of this.

Why do you never put your money and effort where your mouth is and start such a Utopia since the software is available for free?  I'll tell you why.  You would have nothing to contribute to such a thing.  You have no skills  You would have to rely on other people putting time and money into it just so you can be entertained for free.

Even if such a thing was possible and SL became some communist utopia, you would still  be ranting against and insulting the people who do contribute time effort and money who do provide all the things you have for free, just as you do now in SL.

I have nothing against people enjoying SL without spending money or learning skills to use to contribute to the community as long as they are not hypocritical enough to turn around and bite the hand that feeds them at every opportunity like you do under the guise of some lala dream that all people have to do is think your way and all the problems would be solved.





Can I have your babies...this is what I tried to suggest  5 or so pages back, ineffectually, but I'm not good at this stuff. You do it way better. This person continues to **bleep** me off no end as she has no concept of community, or even endeavour. She invests nothing, and expects everything. She asks us to stop doing all the things we do to make SL what she wants it to be, and expects to continue to enjoy it for free. Hugggs to you, Amethyst.

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The OS software is free so people can make their own sims on their PC, they can even connect to others, they are not any good for boats, I made 30 sims of joined sea only to find out boats don't work, lol, was I upset, I made trees islands the lot, looks great, but boats do crazy things and sim crossing lol, well it never happens, but it is ok to build static things in them


But what is amazing me about this thread is where it is going, some history.

Many weeks ago I saw that the CEO had made a comment on SLU, so I joined and watched it for a few weeks, didn't say much just observed, this forum I knew but that one I did not, I tried to role play the CEO in a sense I had to find logic as to why I would post there and not here, was very hard to work out, so I thought if I post one of my theory's in both forums at the same time and try to stay away from commenting on them then I might get a clear idea as to the fundamental differences, this I did, well failed when I got drunk one night, lol, I posted a reply in this forum but only because I was fed up with the official line being sported, any one can copy and paste another idea, anyway that apart, apart from that one weakness I did manage to not interfere with the result, and that is what is posted at the start in this thread, you have a tech view and 58 replies from SLU and over a 100 from here.

So why would the CEO comment in a forum that is as tech as plastic duck, when here you have tech bursting out at the seams.

I can only think of 2 reasons.

1 he is very young and feels at home with the young.

2. He didn't comment in SLU and that that comment is a fake.

I would go with 2 because if I was the chairman I would have sent security in his office to remove him and ban him from the building, unless he had backing from the board to divulge such info to the public in a place that is hostile to the company then that is ok as it would be part of a strategy that the board had approved, if not and was on his own back then he would feel the heat of hell within seconds of making the post.

Tweeting is ok, promoting the company, great, but divulging a major weakness like that would upset shareholder security and give all competitors a wide smile.


So I think he never made a comment there so there is no not to get upset about him not making one here, he was right to let the comment stand, for to challenge it would to admit some trueness, to ignore would say it is worthless, the owner of SLU was behind it I think, there is a gang of very anti linden people there, love sl but hate the lindens, this was an attempt to discredit the CEO he stood his ground and said nothing so get a pat on the back and not the sack.


Now a person here complained that I never replied in the slu post, there was one person in that slu thread that was almost convinced in it's truth, they read both I think and could see all arguments like the microwave background radiation could be explained, simple, that is the temp of cold plasma, they got upset that I did not defend my theory so now think that I constructed a complex idea that was fake to test people, let me explain


It is true that it was a minor test,  anyone can see that once they know the same words are in two diff places, but the theory is real, yes a very real one and I believe to be the true one, I won't alter it or defend it, any truth stands on its own and needs no one to defend it, a untruth just means the quest goes on, a truth is the end of that quest.


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Funny, someone suggesting I contribute more "substance" whom has an account which could be barely a year or two old, who espouses ideals and dreams as if they were facts and who espouses a view of a reality which simply does not exist ....

I've been here a heck of a lot longer, I've watched this program grow. I've contributed in the forum system since before this oh so lovely variation (note the sarcasm) was coded and on top of that, I have quite a bit of experience when it comes togames/software being bought out by other companies.

I actually pay attention to the real world.

You won't be taing anythiong - you own no corporation, you do not have the funds sufficient to make Linden Lab an offer nor would they ever do as you 'dream' they would. It's that simple.

Yep - reality sucks. Welcome to the real world - you don't have the option of taking it or not, you live in it.

The reality is this: No corporation is going to have the same leniency or tolerance for what goes on in Second Life or for the crap the users pull - least of all users like you. This is, quite simply, fact.

A game maker gets hold of SL? It becomes nothing more than a true game.

Microsoft, Adobe, or any other standard software company gets hold of it? Say bye-bye to free accounts, say bye bye to ban appeals, say bye bye to any semblance of due process ...

Oh - and say bye bye to being able to have the software without an actual liscence.having been purchased smewhere.

If you do not like how Linden Lab operates, go and make your own product. It's that simple. There is only so much the users can change.

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Boudicca I am going to try and explain my perspective on SLU, why I am there far more than here and why I THINK some of the folks there are the way they are.

First off I am one of the oldbie people. My main avatar goes back to early June 2004. In my 8 years in SL I have seen some pretty extreme changes to just about everything. Some good, some not so good, and some just flat handled badly by the Lindens.

When I started SL was a very different place. It was small 100 sims or so. The Lindens used to bribe us with gifts to get more than 1000 of us to log in at once so they could stress test the systems LOL. The upshot is many of got to know each other well. We knew who the movers and shakers were and many of them knew us. This includes some of the Lindens (though few are left from that time). We were a tight knit group of people all figuring out how to build the world we and the Lindens both dreamed of. Among this group was an astonishing array of programmers and graphic artists. It wasn't unusual to see something one of us figured out put directly into to the code of SL by the Lindens or added to the knowledge base to help others. We felt we had a stake in SL and it benefited all of us to share our knowledge and work actively to make SL a better place.

Then the population of SL exploded. Not entirely a bad thing that it did but it did make it a far less personal experience than it had been. We oldbies were still there and still working in the background to make SL a better place for everyone. We just were not as visible as we had been. Over time some dropped away and other newer folks joined the crew. The important thing was passion and working to make things better. We are a passionate bunch on the whole.

Many of us who have really been around a long time have seen many changes put into SL that although necessary (usually) were done in a way that really inflamed, angered and injured the business of many many residents. That is where much of the distrust and frustration with the Lindens came from. You can only be kicked so many times before you bite back. So yes there are people on SLU that are very jaded and negative, they have been kicked too many times. The thing to remember though is if they didn't still care about SL they wouldn't still be posting on a forum dedicated to it. Add in the fact that these are the same passionate dedicated people who worked so hard to make SL great and you end up with the weird mix of folks on SLU.

If one stays with the directly SL related subfora at SLU you will find a fantastic bunch of very kind, generous and helpful people. For the most part you will find what I had when I first joined SL back in 2004. People helping each other to make things great. If you dive into the non SL related subfora you find a very passionate and opinionated bunch of folks who's views might or might non connect with yours. Many are expert at debating and enjoy it. If you cannot meet their level of debate they have no use for you and that is when the nastiness steps in.

For me personally I went there because many of the folks I had known for years went there when the old LL forums where shut down. I really didn't understand the new forums they had then and really found it too confusing to bother learning. They have fixed many of the issues I had with them since then so I do occasionally read here again now. But on SLU I don't bother with the NON SL related subfora for the most part. I am not interested in that. I am interested in content creation and general SL issues.

I cannot presume to KNOW why Rodvic posts there but I do have my own opinion on it. It simply boils down to there is nowhere else he will find so many of the top people who helped make SL what it is in one place. He wants to leverage the talent LL has relied on in the past. SLU is where he can connect with them. That is just this one man's opinion though so take it with a grain of salt.

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

I have nothing against people enjoying SL without spending money or learning skills to use to contribute to the community...




i dont believe you .. i think that you resent very much anyone who points out how ridiculous it is to pay for something you can have for free .. i think that your bitter tone very much makes your resentment & annoyance plain .. i also think that its good for you to hav2 see the truth told in plain terms so that you can work all that resentment outuv your system .. maybe itll make you come to your senses about how seriously youve been taking a mere game .. maybe the fog will lift & youll see clearly how a corporation has been shamelessly exploiting you w/ your own collusion



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Solar Legion wrote:

Funny, someone suggesting I contribute more "substance" whom has an account which could be barely a year or two old, who espouses ideals and dreams as if they were facts and who espouses a view of a reality which simply does not exist ....

I've been here a heck of a lot longer, I've watched this program grow. I've contributed in the forum system 
since before this oh so lovely variation (note the sarcasm) was coded
and on top of that, I have quite a bit of experience when it comes togames/software being bought out by other companies.

yeah .. & i think thats the problem .. all you oldbies are so bought in2 how things are & have always been that you cant think beyond your programming .. you pride yourselves on how rational you are .. how in touch w/ the real world you are .. as if reality is your personal possession which no1 else can share .. from my perspective tho .. all i see are hysterical attempts to rationalize your having spent real money on cartoons you coulduv had for free .. i think that your egos demand that you attempt this rationalization cuz if it ever dawned on you how badly youve been duped by a greedy corporation youd be embarrassed .. so keep propping up the status quo til it collapse out from under you for all i care .. personally i think the whole thing is silly :cattongue:



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