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Drama Why does no one want to talk about their problems?

Chaeli Eyre

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Knowl Paine wrote:


70% of the people on this Planet do not have access to a toilet. The same 70% do not have clean water to drink. One half of the World's population lives in the dark, without electricity. Hundreds of thousands of children on the continent of Africa, do not have enough food to eat.

Now,... tell me about your problems.



tier is too high !!! WAAAA ... :womansad:



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Maryanne Solo wrote:

*spits coffee..

Britney Spears o.0? Upskirt 0.o? Piercing


I don't even watch television let alone know about Britneys new piercing lol.

O.M.G. !!!

is a group in SL you can join to fix things in your head like properly.. the Britney fan club. the title you get over your head is: Leave Britney Alone

i join and wear it for a while. h8terz all of you. like all all. not just some all. all all. is truueee.

nobody loves Britney except me in all of SL and the like 8 people in the group. even the founder seems to have run away. denial is not good you know !!!

am actual in denial myself now bc i end up leave the group bc of all the h8t3. e ver ree wheeere !!1!!

i talk to my SL pyscho about it. he is pretty good and very reliable bc he is a free paid-up member of the Fake Doctors Association of SL. like he has a Dr over his head and everything. he listen to me and he express all kinds of really fake concerns about that. he is really good. like awesome even (:

jejejjeje (:

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Well that must be Dr Phil~th no? ^^ He specialises in SL dramas apparently.

Dr Who tried to join SL but he didn't like the name "DrWho.resident"

I read about it in an SL magazine and LL said:

"Your name will be DrWho.resident is that ok?" and he said

"Cor blimey guvna No!" So LL said

"ahhh Dr No! yes?"

DrWho> "No not No yes you are correct"

LL> "erm..     ?"

DrWho> "ummm forget it ok" 

Talk about drama! :matte-motes-mad:

ps: I'm sorry I dont know any of her music at all. You are 16 so that's how come you know about her I suppose :)

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>Drama Why does no one want to talk about their problems?

Because most people realize that others are here in SL to relax and have fun, and that does not happen when they sit and listen to other peoples sad, depressing issues that wreck their good moods. Many will call talking about problems "drama" and point the finger at you for talking about such things, but that is only so they don't have to personally admit that they'd rather not have to think or deal with the emotions related to whatever problem is being talked about. It's a very selfish attitude, but I can only find fault with the part about calling it drama as a deflection, instead of just being honest and saying "look, i'm here for ya, but this is getting too deep and really bumming me out.. can we talk about something else?". I cannot and won't ever fault someone for wanting to preserve their mood or stress-free air when in SL, so long as they don't do it at someone elses expense. (expense.. not failed expectation). So many people are like that.. they'd rather wedge or stymie a good relationship or friendship simply because they don't have the backbone to admit something that might make them look like they're less than a superman or wonderwoman. There are also others who do not take into consideration that what they're wanting to confide or heap on someone else requires a listener who is far beyond the casual, entertainment-based typical resident here in SL. Nobody wants to be a depressed, unpaid psychologist when they came to party.

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Not sure if that is a real question or not. But my response would be this: Avoid over sharing with strangers or sharing too quickly. Get a feel for who they are, and you will have some idea how they might react to various things, including sharing your problems if that's what you are looking for in Second Life. (Or what you need to do at a given time.) 

Seems sensible not to go past polite exchanges with others without knowing them well first.


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I wouldnt share private matters with casual friends  but real ones, in RL or SL can confide in me talk to me about anything and i love to know I can too.

Calling that drama is insulting because to me it shows trust and is part of a real friendship.

People who just want to see me smile all the time I dont want to have around me, its too superficial and i am not a robot or an actress.

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

JeanneAnne wrote:

denying the love of drama is just another form of being dramatic


Coming from a self professed drama lover I can understand why you say that.  You can't conceive of anything else.  But that's ok.  You world your imagination after all.  My world my imagination has better things to do.


if you had anything better to do you wouldnt hang out in this forum so much .. thats what i think !!



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blame all those old talk shows like..Oprah and sally jesse and rosie and jerry springer and all those friends of theirs that wrote all those books that everyone bought into on how you must talk about you problems or they will fester up..

PositiveAttentionPhobiaIsm Disorder is the lack of suffering from anything but getting the chance to reep the attention rewards of those that do..


or i could be totally wrong and it's just simply

attention whore.jpg



I'm kidding..i'm just in a goofy mood thismorning hehehe

people just like to talk and some like to talk about drama and some like to talk about sex and some like to talk about lots of things..

i'm sure it just depends on their mood..now if they are like this all the time and depressing and drama loading for ebil uses..

then maybe refer to the top  hehehehe





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yes I thought people do thrive on drama, I agree Jeanne people lie. And someone else said its a low blow to America. Kind of ironic that Second life was started in America and the Linden Lab headquarters is in california, last I checked. Kind of an oxymoron don't you think? And I'm not a drama queen and no I don't like to gossip. But I am an intellectual and like to know what is going on in people's heads. :catwink: So sue me, if I like movies and " drama". Any actors and actresses here by the way? Tell me how much you would get out of life with out drama. I bet you would be rather poor.:matte-motes-silly: :catwink:

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I agree with that too, that people have different things they like to talk about. And mood does have an impact, like if they're a woman and have pms. That can really sometimes effect a person and make them not want to listen to constructive criticism. Some have so much ego that they can't take any, I won't mention names but I do know a few. But that may be my next topic... How do you take criticism like  for instance the products you make...:matte-motes-bashful-cute-2::catwink::manwink:

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I live in a place where its the sex trafficking capital of the world, daddy tried to rape me, and a fat old pervert jumped in my bed without permission... but its not about me here. But I could go on, though that's not what I started the thread for. :matte-motes-grin: Hope you have a wonderful day too.

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I find that the people who protest against drama are typically the ones who shove theirs on other people. TYPICALLY, not "always". We all have drama. I prefer to not talk about my own, since it's always RL "drama". and I come on Second Life to have just that: a second life.

My second life is mostly drama-free, however I find that I hear about other peoples drama... which is whatever. As long as you're just venting it and not trying to get me involved in it, I honestly don't care. If you ask for my opinion, and I give it (in my all-too-blunt way), and you don't take it and then try to come at me with more drama because you didn't listen, I tend to ignore you or "lol" or "aww" wherever applicable. If all you have is drama to shove on me, I tend to make myself invisible to you. Sorry. I'm preventing drama by pretending that I'm not online, versus telling you off. If we've become friends, I expect there to be drama as we are human (I think?) and life happens... so I genuinely do care, I try not to offer unwanted advice, and I try to just listen.

Whatever the case is, I don't think we "abhor" drama so much as we abhor drama from people we just met/people we haven't established as friends. After all, drama is pretty much just unwanted information about someone's issues.

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Those with businesses here can't because they get greifed or banned, you will find them getting angry the most because they know they can't speak about the things they notice, twice people have tried to buy me out, 10,000 lindens the first time and 1000 usd the second time, i have been told i will be destroyed 3 times and it will never been worth what i have been offered, both offers included me giving all copyright and never scripting again.


oh and once believe it or not a contract was put on me as the old owner of blackhearts (rob) told me.

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Chaeli Eyre wrote:

Drama, what is its definition and why to people abhor it so much? In Hollywood people love it, they get paid millions of dollars to make movies, and people watch them. There are countless magazines with "what happened with Bradd Pit and Angelina". But we are not allowed to talk about what's going on in our own lives. My question is why? And what if someone joins a group and is new to SL and doesn't know what drama means, should they be beaten and banned for their ignorance? Seems to me that's more dramatic. And how can you tell if you will be called dramatic if you do not know what another persons definition of it is? And before someone sends the SL police after me for posting this is it so bad to have discussions like this to empower people's self esteem and give them knowledge. I mean if people didn't talk about their "drama" to their therapists they would be out of a job. And psychologists would not get their paycheck, and people would be worse off with out their ant-depressants wouldn't they?

I avoid people with that in their profile, along with "mess with me or my friends and you got trouble" (usually in the same paragraph)  They just look stupid...  I also dont even talk to someone with a warped disclaimer in their either. Hell that reads darma right there..

I will say I do have some experience here that an EX of mine after I broke up with him pu tthat in his profile, you see when I confronted him for lieing to me about something he deflected it onto me..thus stating I had to much drama....





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You always come across as a know it all and are very passive agressive in replies to many posters. LOL this is your sl but omgawd please you are so high up on your pixel throne you crack me up.

To Jeanne: posts like yours sense mixed with humor are very refreshing than the "few" that think they own the forums and attack the OP right off. :)

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