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problem time zone differences ideas?


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One of my major   newbie problems is time zone difference.


I go to what looks like an interesting place and there's no one there.


I live East Coast Australia its 4:15 pm as I type this on a Saturday.


This makes the times i can log on are usually late afternoon or evening in my time zone  


i hav eto limit how long and whne i log in cos of issues with intereference to a wifi modem and limits on data and power usage


it seems most of th epeople i want to connect with live in time zones like west or east coast usa 


i'm not interested in hanging out in clubs 


i like chat about books or art or talk about technique 


i design abstracts textures derived on fractals or svgs but i cnat find any chat zone sor tutorials on thiese topics that have classes or people present when i can log in?


any other aussies or non USA based SLers  having or had  similar problems?


how did you solve them?

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Hi JVart and welcome to SL. 

My advice would be to look for Aussie groups and join as many as you can find.  THis will connect you to people in your time zone.  You can then network with people in these groups to find other people that share similar interests or that may be able to teach you what you need to learn. . It may not happen over night but you'll find people.  There is a large Aussie community in SL and also people that live on the western pacific rim region who are potential friends too.

You can even start your own group and ask others who are around at this time and who share your interests to join.  You could use it to organize classes.  Someone could be found to teach.  Even people that don't live in your time zone may do that if there is enough interest.  Check places with classes and send a note to whoever is in charge, they may be able to organize something if they see enough demand.

BTW, I live on the east coast of the US.  I just happen to be a night owl.  There are others like me around too, so don't rule everyone from the States out. 

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Jvart, same kind of problem here. I'm on Central European Time and prety much during my daytime most Sims are empty. The really nice events start late my evening. You do have an advantage over me tho. There are way more Aussies in SL than people in the central part of Europe. 

I'm sure there are some Aussies sims and clubs out there. Search option can help you finding those! Good luck!

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My time is SLT+9, and I know exactly how you feel. I am a photographer in SL and often is really hard to meet with clients. Some of them login at my night time, like 4am and I have a choice; either stay awake really long or ask them to do same... Don't give up and don't change your login times just so you could meet people. Try art groups, visit galleries and just search for anything that might interest you. Eventually you will find people that are online same time as you are, it is hard but possible, we all did it;)

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Oh how did you come to think there aren't many people with central european timezone? :)

(Ok, I know there are more americans, but I regularly meet people from Europe here)

To the opener: Don't change your online times. You will meet people who have the same online times as you have and there are always sims with people on them, no matter what time it is.

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even on the east coast of N America its hard for me to fit in time wise ..

im still @ work when the euros party ... & its late & im tired when the Cali ppl are partying

the technology can transcend distance but not time

ill be REALLY impressed when we can all be together @ the same TIME in SL !!


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Hi JVart, I just did a quick search and found two groups you may not have tried,

OZ Art

Founder : Blake Matthews

Maturity : G General 

A large range of Aussie Art. Our Collection is updated weekly.

and also

DownUnder Designers

Founder : Art Mann

Maturity : G General

Aussie Builders and Artists, maybe somewhere there can give you some more places to go and people to meet.

Good luck

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi JVart:

I live on the East Coast USA but one of my closest SL friends lives in Australia like you.  The way we do it is we connect when its late at night for him/early in the morning for me and then when its early in the morning for him/late at night for me.  Neither of us have to come in too early or stay up too late, and then we are still able to get a good amount of hours in to interact with each other.   The time difference from EST and Australian time is only 16 hours, so what you can do is have your American friend come in at 6 PM EST when its only 10 AM Australian time and you can still have plenty of time with each other without either of you have to stay up too late or get up too early.

Another thing my Australian friend and I have done is to send offline messages to each other while we're offline.  I understand thats less interaction, but that may work too. 

I hope this helps.  Good luck :)))

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JVart wrote:

I tried using Australian and got fans of Gor shudder ...  



You might be surprised by what you find in Gor, some of the most esthetically pleasing and beautiful sims in SL are in Gor. I know a few who spend most of their free time and an awful amount of money creating sims that are very realistic and authenticity medieval. That's not even starting on the fashion and other items that have been created to make it as authentic and beautiful as possible. 

Most of the people who own sims pay full tier for a sim that stands empty most of the time yet they still derive a lot of joy from their work in creating. There are something like 350 Gor sims so you can begin to appreciate the amount of creative beauty you are tossing away. Give it a try, you can go anywhere as an observer you dont have to participate and most sim owners would be more than happy to share with you. Gorean SLers are people to :)

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I have the same problem.   I'm in Europe and find great places, playing the kind of smooth, sophisticated jazz I like but there's no-one there but me.   Is there a GMT group, or groups for the more mature residents, who like to talk and listen, maybe slow dance to smooth jazz and recommend clubs and places to visit?   Maybe lists of sites, places and clubs on a regular GMY circuit.

If not, we could start one - maybe, if there's enough interest.

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Gor isnt supposed to be "authenticity medieval" .. its outerspace science fiction .. there are space ships & hi tech medicine & lighting .. & there are satellites & rifles & all kindsuv modern & hyper-modern stuff on Gor .. its just that the insectoid Priest Kings like to keep the humans fiting w/ swords & crossbows & stuff so that they themselves arent threatened .. is why it may seem "medieval" .. if you bring a rifle to Gor you may get zapped by a satellite from space if the Priest Kings find out you have it .. or you may get away w/ it if theyre not paying attention


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Perhaps Jean, I take your point. However mainstream Gor SL is pretty much medieval in nature, and design, in fact a lot of the builds are interchangeable with other medieval themes. The point is, The OP was commenting on Artistic content and sim design falls into that category by its very nature. Like I said I found the sims beautiful and authentic, such as the books describe everyday life in Gor.

My point is go look and see the beautiful sims for yourself and perhaps appreciate the wonder that is SL sim design. It really is an artform all its own.

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Leia36 wrote:

Perhaps Jean, I take your point. However mainstream Gor SL is pretty much medieval in nature, and design, in fact a lot of the builds are interchangeable with other medieval themes. The point is, The OP was commenting on Artistic content and sim design falls into that category by its very nature. Like I said I found the sims beautiful and authentic, such as the books describe everyday life in Gor.

My point is go look and see the beautiful sims for yourself and perhaps appreciate the wonder that is SL sim design. It really is an artform all its own.

yeah .. i agree .. last week or 2 weeks ago i was searching for "Viking" themed sims & mostuv those that came up were actually Gorean .. John Norman themed his books on Earth historical periods & cultures .. mostly he based Gor on ancient Rome but also on Gaul & Persia & Norse times & cultures .. in each book Tarl Cabot .. i think his name is .. has 2 fite in some historically themed setting or another .. w/ mostly ancient weapons .. but there is a very high tech undercurrent to everything too .. in one book hes inside the Priest Kings hive & its totally high tech in there .. so in terms of SL sims tho .. yeah .. Gorean & medieval have a lot in common ;)



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Hi JV,

I'm in Europe, but working shifts (around the clock), so i play SL at all times of the day/night, depending my work schedule. In my experience, there are many people all over the world playing at night time for what ever reasons.

How to find the busy places? The tip of VR is really great: "exploring by opening the world map and looking for lots of green dots". And you can also find busy places via Search -> Places, and then type "Australia" or "Pacific" or anything related to your time zone. It will list the places with most visitors (on the day before) on top. And since a lot of people search that way, those places remain busy day after day at any time.

When you find a place which is busy and fun at the times you're on-line, you can just make a landmark there (World menu -> Create Landmark Here), so you can find it back later. The landmark will automatically appear in your inventory in the folder "Landmarks". You can create a subfolder in this folder and drag all the landmarks of the places which were fun in your timezone to that folder.

Another idea is, to update your profile with the times you play and that you like to join a group or become friends with people who play around the same times. Many people check out your profile before they even talk to you and it gives them a nice opening to approach you (winkwink).

Good luck! And let us know how the story continues, ok?!

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