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Ailya Babii

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Everything posted by Ailya Babii

  1. Thank you again, madam Martian! You always give me a boost!
  2. I finally got a skin ready in such a way that i think it's finished: I also did the body part: I think it's the nicest one i made so far and i'm really happy with the result. I like it so much, i'm thinking about doing the whole thing to get it ready for sale on the MP.
  3. Was asked to make a darker child skin. First attempt comes out like this: Just a start though. Will try different mouths and need to work on the eyes and other things.
  4. Dear madam Martian, Thank you very much for your feedback! I didn't put any more work on the skin, was busy RL and also a bit demotivated, not just by the lack of response from the OP, but as well cause i was a while without internet and therefore got involved in other things. Anyway... I will probably take you up on your offer, ones i got the skin ready for sale. I'm just not sure yet if i should have a shop in-world or only on the marketplace, since i'm not playing so much anymore suddenly (comes in waves seems like). Can i contact you later on it? Big hug, Ailya...
  5. Hi Hunni, I finally got my internet fixed today, so i can continue with the skin, make it better (i still need to work a lot on the eyes and other things), test it in-world, make pictures, post them online, get your feedback, make changes, etc... But since i seem more enthousiastic about it than you are, i better await your response and - if still needed - directions on how to continue. Anyone else interested in either one of the posted results? Let me know, and i will send you the skin. Love, Ailya...
  6. Came home and i'm online suddenly! Don't know if it will last, so i quickly tried the new skin in-world and made a picture: It's just the first attempt, so i will need to adjust a few things here and there. But let me know if this is more what you had in mind, ok?
  7. Hi Hunni, Sorry for not coming online anymore, but my internet connection is down at home, so i couldn't come online at the forum or in-world. I have been working further on the skin though and it really looks so cute, but i cannot check it in-world or make a picture to post here. I started all over with another base-template and i managed to make those lolly-pop lips. I'm just dying to check it out in-world, sooo frustrating that i can't! An engineer will come to my home on Monday, so i hope my internet will be fixed then. I'm at work now and just wanted to quickly let you know why i'm not on the forum. As soon as i have internet back, i will check the new skin in-world, make a picture and post it on the forum.
  8. Hi Hunni, Next thing i will focus on, is the "doll gloss" lips which you said you like. It took me a while to study on it (lol, i was first looking at the complete wrong picture - the 5th face in the 1st picture, instead of the 5th picture itself), but i think i'm getting the idea now. I'm sure there will be a lot of failed attempt first, but at some point something nice will come out... I hope... Also, after reviewing my work so far, i think you might want a more "porcelain" face, more "angel-like"? But i'm not sure? Please feel free to comment on what i made, ok?! Otherwise i don't know where i'm going. And without your feedback, it starts to look like what i like myself, i can't help it. :smileytongue: If you feel uncomfortable to "criticize" my pictures on the forum, just drop me a notecard in-world. I don't see it as if you don't like what i make, just different people have different taste and ideas. And maybe you can add a picture (just drag it into the notecard) of how you look in SL (hair color and style for example), so i can keep that in mind when i continue. BTW: I'm actually thinking of starting all over, cause i think i fell in love already with that little girl i made. I want to start with another base-template, to get a more angel-like face, but i'm still researcing possibilities. Of course, if you like it already how it is now, that's ok too. Just let me know, ok?
  9. Ok Hunni, next attempt: No big changes since last one, just made everything a bit better. Tried to improve the eye-liner, brow position, freckles and blush and added shades (under the mouth to make it more pouty and around the eyes for example) and lights (around the mouth, nose and eyes) etc. Also the body is done now. It's not very detailed, but has the features of a child body, instead of adult. So you could wear the skin as well without the mesh body part attached. I could add some freckles to the body if you like? I'm not sure at the moment, if i'm going in the right direction and/or how to continue? Will you let me know which details you like and what you would like to see otherwise (and how)? Although the coming days i'm working and in the weekend i have guests (the kids of my brother, so that doesn't mean i can't play :smileywink:). But if you give your feedback, i will play around with it the coming days, and then hopefully post the next result after the weekend or so.
  10. Thank you very much, Lis! I'm sitting here completely flabbergasted from your warm words! For me it's also how you describe, i really love doing skins for people this way. When i started SL years ago and had no clue about how to make skins, i was always dreaming about someone creating a skin for me exactly how i want, cause i couldn't find anything like it. I don't have a business with the skins i make, cause i'm just not at all commercial and know nothing about marketing etc. But a while ago, when i just started to learn about making skins, i made a line of ebony skins for someone and decided to put them for sale on the marketplace for a small price, cause i found that there is not much variety for people who don't want to look like a 20-30 year old caucasian. But tbh that part of SL is my least favorite! Naming the skins, making a nice picture of each one, put the skin in a box and name the box the same as the skin, put the pictures on the boxes, then upload to the marketplace, make a description with each skin, place the pictures with each skin, add related items to each skin, come up with good search words, etc, etc. So i have loads of beautiful skins still laying in my inventory, without they will probably ever be touched again. Kind of sad now i think of it, but i still enjoy making new ones so much. And now, with your encouraging words, i will certainly think about putting more skins online in the future. Thank you so very much! I will many times go back to read it again, cause it just makes me feel really good! A big warm hug for you, straight from my heart!!
  11. Next try: Still no finished product, but want to show the process, so you can give comments or tips. Will you let me know again what you think of it so far?
  12. Next attempt: Less blush, more freckles and another mouth. But it's not finished yet, i'm still trying different lips etc. Just to see what it looks like so far (as it's hard to tell from the flat texture): NOTE: Since i fixed the eye-lashes, the eye-liner comes out more. I will see if i can get that more natural.
  13. Ailya Babii wrote: I wasn't able to upload the picture, but i will try it with my laptop. YEAH, it worked! Uploaded the picture with my laptop. Really hope you like it (so far)! Wish i could play SL with my laptop, then the upload problem would be solved. Anyway... I will await your feedback and adjust the skin accordingly...
  14. I wasn't able to upload the picture, but i will try it with my laptop. I did check the picture from your last post and all those lips are really cute. Will work on my lip skills. From that same picture, which skin tone do you like most? The one i'm making is really pale, but i can make it more dark/tanned if you would like that. And the freckles from those pictures, any you like? And last: The eye make-up is too heavy on all those pictures, yes? EDIT: Never mind my question about the skin tone, i missed your earlier remark about it.
  15. Hi Hunni, I was able to upload the head template as a temporary file, so i could make a picture of my first attempt. Will try to upload it here: I already noticed i forgot the eye-lashes (will fix that) and i'm still working on the mouth (to make it more pouty), but further i need your feedback before i can go on. For example: Would you like the skin more/less pale? More/less freckles? Do you like the eyebrows (i've got alternatives)? Any other details you would like to add/adjust/remove? I'm really curious about your reply!
  16. CuteHunniTeddy wrote: I have yepp, the Pink Fuel Elly is the closet I've come to a skin I like but it is an adult skin and I am a child avi, so it doesn't really make sense, to pay 900L for an adult skin. I do however like their Dolly Lip Lip options makeup layer but they don't sell it seperately and Al Vulo is slightly over my price range. Hi Hunni, Unfortunately i wasn't able yet to solve the problem with my PC, cause i was working and didn't have much time to look into it further. And my friend is also not able to upload the skin templates for me. But i saw your answer (natural freckles) and i checked the skins from Pink Fuel, and i think you will like the skin i'm making for you. So in case i won't be able to fix the upload problem, i will find a way to get the textures in-world and create the skin for you anyway. The only thing i'm not sure about is the lips. You said you like the Dolly Lip make-up, but i didn't find it in their store. Or do you mean, that lip style in general is called Dolly lips? I will need to play around a bit to make the lips "pouty" like that, but i'm off the next two days, so i will have time. And i also have a question: When you say the problem with the Pink Fuel skin is that it's an adult skin. You mean the make-up, yes? Cause the body will be hidden by the mesh body, if i understood correctly?
  17. CuteHunniTeddy wrote: I've still had no luck, I went to Glam Affair but they didn't have a demo and I'm very picky with my freckles. Forgot to ask: How do you like the freckles: as natural as possible, or more "cartoon" style?
  18. Hi Hunni, I'm currently not online in SL, but saw your message in my mail. First of all (before i forget), i don't want any money for anything. I just like to create things and skins is one of my favorite things to make. What would make me really happy is, if i could make a skin that you love and love to wear. Last night i have checked the marketplace for the toddleedoo avatar and started working on a skin. I think it looks really cute already, but i'm not able to check it out, cause i have some problem with my PC since a couple of days. Therefore i'm not able to upload pictures (get error message: "server is experiencing unexpected difficulties"), so i cannot test the skin templates i made so far. I know the problem is with my PC and not with SL, cause (also since a couple of days) websites load really slow and sometimes i get an error message about a long-running script. I'm already busy all day trying to find the problem and fix it, but without luck so far. At the same time i'm waiting for reply from a friend, asked him if he can upload the pictures and send them to me in-world. As soon as i made it work, ánd have a presentable skin ready, i will wear it, make a picture and post it here online.
  19. Hi Hunni, If you like, i can try to make a cute skin for you with freckles, plus a seperate tattoo layer with only freckles (if you want to wear another skin than the one i made). Would be helpful if you know an example of a skin which you like (which doesn't have the freckles), then i can try to make it in the same style (with freckles). I will also check the "toddleedoo mesh avatar", to get an idea. Or, if you already found something you like, please let us know, ok?
  20. Ailya Babii wrote: Nikilei wrote I may end up having to buy another homestead to do all this in; I hope not but I now realize that these islands are not that large. I am also a realist so if having to give up on some ideas, I will be able to do that when necessary. I really don't think that will be necessary. You have a huge amount of space (512mx256m=131000m2), but what you see a lot in SL, is that people build things much bigger than they really are in RL. When you are on mainland with neighbors that build that way, then you háve to build in the same size, otherwise everything on your land looks tiny compared to them. But since you have Homesteads (which is completely private space), you can build everything on a much smaller scale, without that it lóóks small, or even is. Also, when you build in a way that vistors can't overview the whole area at ones, it gives the feeling of a much larger space to explore. Also you can think of setting it up so that visitors (who don't belong to your community) are not able to fly on your land, so they have to walk through the land and scenes you've set-up, instead of quickly flying over it and have an overview at ones. Anyway... The only reason i can think of why you would need more land, is because of the amount of prims you have and the things you want (horses etc) and also renters need to be assigned a certain amount of prims each, so they can rez things on your/their land. On a full SIM you get 15000 prims and on a Homestead 3750. But since you already have 2 Homesteads (is 7500 prims) and these days we have sculpties and mesh technology (which lowers the prim count of one horse for example, from maybe more than 100 to probably less than 10 prims), i think we should be able to manage. Also, my speciallity happens to be low-prim building (ain't you lucky, lol), as i was never able to afford a big plot of land (thus not many prims) and always had to find ways to work around that. You might want to start with thinking about how many renters you would want on both Homesteads in total and how many prims you would assign to each. Then you know how many prims you'll have left to work with, and we can start investigating what the (expected to be) big prim-consuming items add up to. OMG, Nikilei!! I just checked out Shallot and it is a full SIM!! I could not access Ysmay, so i think you have different settings on both SIMs. But i can explain more about that when we meet. The good news is, you have more than 18000 prims (if Ysmay is a homestead, 30000 prims if it is also a full SIM - which i don't think) to play with, wow! I'm sure you don't have to worry about getting more land. There is also a lot you can do with "out of SIM"-space placed objects (like mountains, reefs, etc) and backgrounds, to make the area appear and "feel" to be bigger. BTW: I'm in-world now, but if i'm not when you get on-line, just send me an IM, then i will receive an email notification and will join you.
  21. Perrie Juran wrote: Really, at best I think 'spying' is kind of dumb and at worst really is actually kind of creepy.. This, in my opinion, is the best comment so far on this topic! That's kinda what i meant, when i said: "And also i realised, that even without me knowing that someone is capable of spying on me, they still wouldn't hold any power over me, since they would not be able to do anything with the information they gathered, as that would reveal them as the insecure pathetic loser which they are. What ever they find out about me, can never be worse than that! Or in short: If you don't betray / cheat on / lie to people yourself, then why worry about them spying on you?!" But i also see Freya's point on my last remark (although a bit over-expressed, lol same as with the bomb threat): "Equivilence is: Only criminals should be concerned about warrant-less wire-tapping, cellphone surveillance, TSA bodyscanners and confiscation of electronics at customs."
  22. Nikilei wrote: I would rather go slow and make sure I know what I really want instead of rushing through and then decide later that I wish I had done something differently. I completely agree! Nikilei wrote: The spelling is Shallott and the homestead is Ysmay. I think i might have tried the wrong location, will try it again. Nikilei wrote: I really am looking forward to also using music, nature sounds, activities like the horses [and so I need a stable for renters to be able to get a horse], swimming, riding on the backs of whales, meditation, relaxation, and also nice things for couples; to make it as much a sensory enriching experience for potential renters. I love your ideas! They are a lot like mine, when i'm dreaming of having my own private island. Nikilei wrote: I would almost rather keep the number or renters down so I can offer more space for activities and environment. Just an idea: Maybe you could keep the whole ground-area as a community space? And then put up private "homes" in the sky for the renters. For example in hollow spheres, so you can make it look like a complete private space (each surrounded by it's own sky) in the theme of your SIM. Nikilei wrote: I may end up having to buy another homestead to do all this in; I hope not but I now realize that these islands are not that large. I am also a realist so if having to give up on some ideas, I will be able to do that when necessary. I really don't think that will be necessary. You have a huge amount of space (512mx256m=131000m2), but what you see a lot in SL, is that people build things much bigger than they really are in RL. When you are on mainland with neighbors that build that way, then you háve to build in the same size, otherwise everything on your land looks tiny compared to them. But since you have Homesteads (which is completely private space), you can build everything on a much smaller scale, without that it lóóks small, or even is. Also, when you build in a way that vistors can't overview the whole area at ones, it gives the feeling of a much larger space to explore. Also you can think of setting it up so that visitors (who don't belong to your community) are not able to fly on your land, so they have to walk through the land and scenes you've set-up, instead of quickly flying over it and have an overview at ones. Anyway... The only reason i can think of why you would need more land, is because of the amount of prims you have and the things you want (horses etc) and also renters need to be assigned a certain amount of prims each, so they can rez things on your/their land. On a full SIM you get 15000 prims and on a Homestead 3750. But since you already have 2 Homesteads (is 7500 prims) and these days we have sculpties and mesh technology (which lowers the prim count of one horse for example, from maybe more than 100 to probably less than 10 prims), i think we should be able to manage. Also, my speciallity happens to be low-prim building (ain't you lucky, lol), as i was never able to afford a big plot of land (thus not many prims) and always had to find ways to work around that. You might want to start with thinking about how many renters you would want on both Homesteads in total and how many prims you would assign to each. Then you know how many prims you'll have left to work with, and we can start investigating what the (expected to be) big prim-consuming items add up to. Nikilei wrote: I also want to figure out how to get to you the items I have already purchased to help with the build. I'm sure there must be a way. I can also get things along the way that we will need. AND: ps. It does make sense to use the real talking; I would need you to show me how to set it up. AND: ps. Yes, I would love to see your work. How can I locate it? Let's find a time that we can meet in-world, so we can start to discuss some details and show eachother some stuff (i show you mine, if you show me yours). Unfortunately i'm working coming weekend, but today i'm off and could go on-line at any time (for about the next 12-14 or so hours). Hope to see you soon! Love, Ailya...
  23. Hahahaah, me too! When i still had a dog, he would look up really funny when i laughed out loud by myself. First with a face of "ok, let's play!", then - when realising it wasn't for him - looking around to check who else is there, and then coming to the conclusion that i'm just weird and not worth his attention, putting his head back down with a heavy sigh. And to: "Ok so seems noone else wants to continue?? huh..." You pretty much covered most of them already! :smileywink:
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