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Everything posted by JVart

  1. I visited Commune Utopia and no one was there.
  2. I tried using Australian and got fans of Gor shudder ... or Star Wars groups which I'm not into! I did give a coule of artists groups but no sims or areas yet.
  3. thanz everyone for helpful replies i will go do the clean reinstall and and hopefully NOT have to switch danish to english ... now if it had been german french or latin or greek ... or even chinese or japanese ... no it had to be danish AND NOT A PASTRY!
  4. Amethyst I tried a search using owrds liek sydney and australia and have had no luck so far or gotten groups with no common interest
  5. One of my major newbie problems is time zone difference. I go to what looks like an interesting place and there's no one there. I live East Coast Australia its 4:15 pm as I type this on a Saturday. This makes the times i can log on are usually late afternoon or evening in my time zone i hav eto limit how long and whne i log in cos of issues with intereference to a wifi modem and limits on data and power usage it seems most of th epeople i want to connect with live in time zones like west or east coast usa i'm not interested in hanging out in clubs i like chat about books or art or talk about technique i design abstracts textures derived on fractals or svgs but i cnat find any chat zone sor tutorials on thiese topics that have classes or people present when i can log in? any other aussies or non USA based SLers having or had similar problems? how did you solve them?
  6. this morning I logged inot Sl and after tried to teleport to Great baggage got a message saying I needed to upload the latest viewer version to access that region. so I did and wierdness commenced. The new version was Swedish all the tabs and menus and commands etc in swedish well it was either swedish or norwegian anywya i went to a newbie help area and someone recommended i UNinstal the viewer now I have NO SL viewer and need a SECURE LINK to download from! oh and I'm worried i got my BASIC account hacked cos shortly thereafter i got a message form my ISP that I needed to top up my account but that may hopefully NOT be related? So why was the update in SWEDISH and How should I reload to avoid and form where to avoid this occurring again?
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