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Dillon Levenque wrote:


Czari Zenovka wrote:

Going to a club alone is perfectly normal here; in fact in my experience that IS the norm in most venues. There is no requirement to speak to anyone (unless  you're spoken to; common courtesy would suggest a reply).
You've explained you're a guy, so you won't have to deal with all the IM hitting solo females encounter.


(Emphasis mine) LOL.  I was about to post that since he's a guy, all he has to do is appear at a club of his music choice, stand for about 5 minutes, or less, and be hit on by a female.  My male friends say this happens a lot.  When I was partnered, with our names in each other's "partner slot" on the profile *and* wearing tags that identified us as partners, women would still come up and "proposition" him right in front of me...heh.



Okay, that gave me a laugh. I stand corrected; I was just going on comments I've heard from females both inworld and on the Forum. I've never heard a male complain about that but then I guess that's to be expected ;-). I'm a t-girl so for me it's not much of a problem—I think I pretty much just confuse everybody.

LOL...yeah...guys tend to brag about being hit on. ;)


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Well, if you just stand in one place and watch prims dry, SL can be pretty boring, but SL is a big place and if nothing else catches your interest, you can random teleport (which is a fun pastime of mine, lol) or do a destination search for places to see.

But there is also ALOT you can do or be a part of than a lot of people realize. Here are just a few I can think of off the top of my head. (some of these were already suggested, but will list anyway. And if nothing else, you could always brain storm and figure out something new that no one else is doing.

DJ (live DJ, "Auto DJ" (just spinning tunes from your playlist to others), professional live DJ)

Live artist (For music, stream your open mic sessions)

Landowner (buy land and rent out)

Content Creator (make furniture, buildings, vehicles, pets, toys, scripts, clothes, full perm mesh and or sculpted objects, create and sell custom textures, and much more)

Become an Event manager (not just for clubs, but for charity events and a myriad of other events held in SL)

Become a club owner (Benefit is you can hire staff (DJ's, live music) that plays the genre you like

Run a modeling agency (yes there are those in SL that get paid to model creators clothing as well as "Agencies" that do runway shows as well)

Join a group that involves a common interest you share. (there are groups you can join that are just groups people IM in based on just common interests (like radio or TV show groups, music groups, hobby groups)

Run or be an employee for a Virtual magazine (there are many virtual magazines in second live that cover everything in SL and even RL topics)

Join a Motorcycle MC (lots are just role-play motorcycle groups, but some are groups consisting of people that just like bikes in SL or RL, create them in SL as well as ride em RL and or SL)

Go to any Info Hub and watch the madness (or join it)

Make your own SL video tutorials and post 'em on You Tube

Become a Second Life Mentor and help newbies find things to do

Get involved in Machinima (Making movies, recording your SL adventures, do it professionally in SL (there are SL "shows" that you can watch with an SL TV)

Get into the adult scene and create your own adult content, run a strip club, sex club, BDSM dungeon.. etc.




Create your own group and get more than one mind together to try and figure out what to do in Second Life :matte-motes-evil-invert:


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Ceka Cianci wrote:

Parhelion Palou wrote:

According to your argument, real life is a game too. The rewards and punishments are somewhat greater.


well ya it's a game..

see? \o/

Thank you so much for posting that, Ceka!  I LOVED that game.  A friend of mine had it and I sooo wanted it as well, but I was given Monopoly for Christmas that year. (Still have that set - keep waiting for it to become a collectible...lol.)  As a child, I thought Monopoly was boring but Life had the cool spinning thing and such. :)


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Valen Serpente wrote:

JeanneAnne wrote:

how do you random teleport Valen?



I just open ye 'ol map, move it around a bit and click any old place. :smileysurprised:

Which is the story I got on what happened to my partner once when he went down from our skyhome to land level to pay the rent and a naked lady dropped out of the sky, landing on him, and said, "Hey Baby!"

A similar thing happened some months later in a Halloween maze, but this time a fully-clothed lady fell out of the air, said "Hey Baby" then rezzed a yacht (I'm not kidding) in the maze that trapped everyone in the maze from going any farther.  We did the "rez a box, sit on it, edit and pull through walls" trick until it wasn't fun any longer.

See how much there is to do in SL???


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Valen Serpente wrote:

JeanneAnne wrote:

how do you random teleport Valen?



I just open ye 'ol map, move it around a bit and click any old place. :smileysurprised:

Oh, just reread this again and thought you said to open the map and click on where green dots are...sorry about that.

Caveat to this for the OP, if you see two green dots overlapping on the map, I wouldn't recommend teleporting there. ;)


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Valen Serpente wrote:

JeanneAnne wrote:

how do you random teleport Valen?



I just open ye 'ol map, move it around a bit and click any old place. :smileysurprised:

oh ok .. i thot mebbe ther was a way to set it on random & just end up anyplace .. thanks!



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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Valen Serpente wrote:

JeanneAnne wrote:

how do you random teleport Valen?



I just open ye 'ol map, move it around a bit and click any old place. :smileysurprised:

Oh, just reread this again and thought you said to open the map and click on where green dots are...sorry about that.

Caveat to this for the OP, if you see two green dots overlapping on the map, I wouldn't recommend teleporting there.


If you really want to live risky, log out, randomly type in a Region name for your log in and see where you land.

You can find a list of Region names here:  http://gridsurvey.com/


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well, it seems you got your heart broken and you are not in a good mood to enjoy everything around you, the thing that you found attractive was this girl talking to you, and now that she is gone everything can not be as attractive as talking to her...

a first thing to point out is that your feelings are making everything look unattractive, even other 3D worlds, is not that the 3D worlds are boring, is that you are hurt, and everything seems so gray now. once you heal your feelings everything will be more attractive and less boring, but how to heal them? one, by accepting the fact that her interests may be somewhere else, sounds more hurting but bare with me, you need also accept the fact that althought she may been very fun, pretty, interesting, she is not the only girl in the world that has those attributes, you may find other girls who are different and can give you that level of attraction or even more, you just have to keep knowing people, smilng, saying hi, and when you find another special person the world will be less boring and more fun, meanwhile, try to not be so harsh in comparing how things were when you were with her and how things are now, its an unfair comparison, instead, try to find joy on the things you have now, the present, because it will always be more dreadful in comparison, and you will always be in a low mood. have as much fun as you can, it doesnt matter if its minimum, you will be fading out the experience with her and things are gonna be more and more fun, and while you do that, someone else may come and become your new love.

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I don't understand this word - 'boring' - and actually feel that having nothing to do is very underrated.  Second Life isn't about goals and competitions and tasks (certainly not for me - that's all for real life). Second Life for me is about being entertained, inspired, looking at pretty places, sailing, flying, painting everything pink and purple, and being able to stalk without having a court injunction against me (half-joke :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: ). I might pop into a rock club for ten minutes or half an hour, or I might sit on a wall and watch driverless vehicles meander by me on a Linden highway. I might meet up with my partner for a chat, dance or photography session.  One thing I will never be is bored.

Why must there be a point to everything?  I don't even think Second Life is advertised or promoted as 'a game' anywhere.  You want games, **bleep** off to Blizzard's website and play WoW or something.


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i agree about the boring bit

like when someone IMs me and goes: hi! im bored

when i get these. i go oh! ok oh! well.  and not much engage with them after that. i cant be bothered really being someone elses way out of their own boring

if someones says: hi! watcha doing? wanna come and see/do stuff on this thing i made/found?

then i say; sure ok most times. like they made an effort so i will as well

if no ones calls then is ok. and i do what you do. if i cant think of anything i would like to do then i just sit on a wall and watch the world go by. is amazing what goes past in SL when you do that

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Last night when I logged in all my fiends were either preoccupied or not on.

After moping around my (not finished) skybox for a little bit I found myself walking in circles in it.  Not good I thought to myself.

So I decided time to go explore.  I had an awesome time.  Saw some great things and learned some fascinating Second Life History.  Like for instance, did you know that in the early days of SL the Residents used to pay a 'prim tax?' 

I had such a good time that once I get myself organized I plan on starting a thread about my adventure last night.

All you have to do is take a little bit of time and look.  There is always something to do in SL.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Last night when I logged in all my fiends were either preoccupied or not on.

After moping around my (not finished) skybox for a little bit I found myself walking in circles in it.  Not good I thought to myself.

So I decided time to go explore.  I had an awesome time.  Saw some great things and learned some fascinating Second Life History.  Like for instance, did you know that in the early days of SL the Residents used to pay a 'prim tax?' 

I had such a good time that once I get myself organized I plan on starting a thread about my adventure last night.

All you have to do is take a little bit of time and look.  There is always something to do in SL.

i was bored the other day so i went to this elven sim .. it was very pretty but was deserted .. so i went exploring around & found these places where i could pose for fotographs .. so i took a pic of myself looking sad .. then crying .. then looking really sad .. & then i jumped in the water where there was this crockagator thingie .. i went to the bottom so i "flew" up to the surface & hovered there like i was treading water .. then i lined up the cam angles so that it looked like the Crockagator was after me w/ its mouth open .. then i 'sat' on the gater & took a pic of it eating me !!

i titled this series of pics "Goodbye Cruel SL" & posted em on FB .. 2 fb friends IMed me asking me if i was ok .. was i depressed or something? was i really leaving SL? i told em im fine .. that it was SPOZED to be funny ... ~sheesh~

well .. @ least i wasnt bored for a few minutes ...



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One of my favorites used to be this one SIM that had this giant Blender/Food Processor thingy.

I loved taking new friends to it.

You'd sit on the pose ball and find yourself being lowered into the blender as the blades spun around.

The visuals did get a little gory and I know sounds weird, but it was funny as hell when you got spit out of the blender onto a giant food cart.

Maybe you had to be there to see it.

I'm not sure if that SIM exists any more.  Will have to see if I can find it again.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

One of my favorites used to be this one SIM that had this giant Blender/Food Processor thingy.

I loved taking new friends to it.

You'd sit on the pose ball and find yourself being lowered into the blender as the blades spun around.

The visuals did get a little gory and I know sounds weird, but it was funny as hell when you got spit out of the blender onto a giant food cart.

Maybe you had to be there to see it.

I'm not sure if that SIM exists any more.  Will have to see if I can find it again.

Haha !! yeah .. @ halloween theres things like that .. a refrigerator that will eat you .. & Seymore the ppl eating plant .. pretty gory !! but all in fun ;)



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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Everytime I come across an interesting discussion, I see a post by you and I have to bypass it because of your insistence in typing like an imbecile. You do the community a disservice by trying to be cool. Type normal, it is ok.

i dont care if you read my posts or not Charolotte .. my self-expression doesnt need your approval :catvery-happy:



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