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An alt's life

Mandji Koba

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I am an alt. Some may recognize me or not. Who cares, I am legal. And my main is unhappy. She drinks too much, smokes too much. She's dicovered loneliness after years of spendid couple and friends relationships. Wait, no drama queen here, just wondering: how long has it been too long? How do you know it's about time to end a SL life? Please share if you can because I am at loss. Really don't know what to do. Delete button is so tempting sometimes.

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Mandji Koba wrote:

I am an alt. Some may recognize me or not. Who cares, I am legal. And my main is unhappy. She drinks too much, smokes too much. She's dicovered loneliness after years of spendid couple and friends relationships. Wait, no drama queen here, just wondering: how long has it been too long? How do you know it's about time to end a SL life? Please share if you can because I am at loss. Really don't know what to do. Delete button is so tempting sometimes.


Cancel the main account, and promote the alt to main. It is the right thing to do, and know it in your heart.

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Well, if she's a First Name/Last name account, never get rid of her ....those names are like gold. :)   Send her to rehab, enroll her in a 12-step program, sign-her up for a make-over, give her a breath mint and in a few months she'll feel new and you'll enjoy playing her again. Sometimes an account needs to be parked for awhile but if you delete you'll probably be sorry at some point. All that inventory, all that history, all those memories.  Just my opinion. :)

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Keep the main, the main would be good in role play, take your main as it is and find a role play where you can express that, you sound as if toxia would suit you, you never know you could find people worst and start to develop the main to more a char you want, I have become very fond of some of mine and think others stink, so it normal don't worry.

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Having no idea why your main's SL turned sour, I offer these thoughts

If any of the reasons lfe went bad for your main were her own fault, running away by switching to an alt will not solve them in the long run as the human operators are the same.  You are bound to repeat the same mistakes unless you have learned from them, and if you have you can be as happy driving the main account as driving the alt.

If the reasons were the fault of others, why are you letting some low life that hurt you run you out of your avatar?  Move on, enjoy life, make new friends.  It will require the same effort regardless of which account you use to do this.  By doing it in the alt your allowing the 'bad' guys to win.  By doing it in your main, you will be triumphing over them.  Living happy and well with no regrets is the best revenge on people that hurt you.

In either case committing virtual suicide by deleting the account is the same as doing it in RL.  It is a irrevocable long term solution to a short term problem.  Everyone that I know that deleted an account simply because of bad experiences eventually regretted it.  With time bad memories fade and wounds heal. 


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Do whatever you feel is best so long as you're not letting any one, group or vacuous horde hold sway over your SL.

Two name avatars are precious. If she's led a good & decent virtual life, put her into hibernation for as long as you need to.

Many genuine & gifted individuals are subject to the unrelenting machinations & fabrications of the herd mentality and that is SL's loss for evermore.

LL obviously foresaw a wirtual vorld would attract a certain percentage of individuals who are incapable of any form of positive contribution and therefore created alt-ability. Certainly the morose abuse these too but alts can also be used for respite.

Hopefully your alts don't all have the same last name as mine do lol. If that is the case and you are possibly sick of basement dwellers, you'll just have to mute & ignore the griefers.

It's easy :matte-motes-bashful-cute:  :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:






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I would never ever delete my main (this is not my main, it isn't even my main alt (can you even have a main alt?!).

I cannot speak for you, think for you, know for sure what is going on in your head, but please consider how much of yourself, your real personality, your 'essence' you allowed to be in your main avatar.  Don't you identify with your main?  Won't you feel a little bereft if you delete your main and use your alt as your main?

For me, it is still strange to be writing on the forums with my alt.  I would not say I am a well-known person, and I am not ashamed of anything I have done, but in any version I choose to be, I am always me.  I have, in the past, had occasions where I have wanted to trash my main (I think most people do from time to time), but I know that I would have lived to regret it.  She has matured like a fine wine (or a mouldy cheese maybe :matte-motes-wink-tongue:) and to have trashed her and started a new life under using one of my alts as my new main would have been a failure for me.

That is not to say that it isn't nice to give the main a bit of a holiday, even if that holiday turns into months or years.

And it is almost sacriligious to sacrifice an avatar who had a last name. 

Delete button is so tempting sometimes, as you say, but really, I think, in your heart of hearts, you know you don't want to trash your main, so let her rest in peace for a while, or even forever.  You don't have to make the decision of execution today.

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Having no idea why your main's SL turned sour, I offer these thoughts

If any of the reasons lfe went bad for your main were her own fault, running away by switching to an alt will not solve them in the long run as the human operators are the same.  You are bound to repeat the same mistakes unless you have learned from them, and if you have you can be as happy driving the main account as driving the alt.

If the reasons were the fault of others, why are you letting some low life that hurt you run you out of your avatar?  Move on, enjoy life, make new friends.  It will require the same effort regardless of which account you use to do this.  By doing it in the alt your allowing the 'bad' guys to win.  By doing it in your main, you will be triumphing over them.  Living happy and well with no regrets is the best revenge on people that hurt you.

In either case committing virtual suicide by deleting the account is the same as doing it in RL.  It is a irrevocable long term solution to a short term problem.  Everyone that I know that deleted an account simply because of bad experiences eventually regretted it.  With time bad memories fade and wounds heal. 


This is very good advice. I abandonded an old account but never deleted. And while I will probably never do more than log in to dig through heaps of inventory for something long lost, the option is always there. 

But I've had freinds who have deleted their accounts, usually because of some momentary hurt or a bad experience, and all of them now regret it.

And is it just me, but I'd pay (such as a premium feature) for the ability to link a couple of accounts together under one primary account with the ability to 'share' inventory and even friend people at the primary account level (while accepting limitations like only one account being logged in at a time).  


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i am on 3rd account now. so am kinda like my own grandchild. is kinda how i think about it


i not regret that i done it. was just time do something else RL for a time. like about 1 year between gran and mum. and nearly 2 years between me and mum


like Amethyst said tho. if you unhappy on your old then dont think you going to be happy on your new. maybe best go play on another world for a time. maybe


one thing you can try is to pack before you go. pack like you going on holiday. i know some people done that way. like they went thru their inventory and box up all their stuff

one lady i tell to do that way. she end up not going and she is happy again now

what happened was when she was going thru all her stuff she found all kinds of things that she forgot about. lots of things she got when she was newbie as well. . and each thing she find she remembered where she got and who she get off and it made her happy to remember all the good things that came back in her head. so she end up keep her account

she also moved to another land and made another home for herself. she say might as well bc she already packed

she got a whole new life now and not much run with her old crowd anymore. wasnt so much them she said. was more her. like she felt she had to live up to the person that she had created in that scene and was hard for her to keep being something that wasnt really her. not really anyways

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We all know pain. I have no advise on what to do, although as everyone said, I wouldn't rush into killing off your main. You can find me inworld if you'd like... on you, your main, your alt's alt, your neighbor's main's cousin, whatever lol. We can gather up a group of girls and sit around and bash men and their women who aren't as amazing as we are. Not productive I know.. but still therapeutic sometimes =)

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16 wrote:

....pack before you go. pack like you going on holiday. i know some people done that way. like they went thru their inventory and box up all their stuff........

she also moved to another land and made another home for herself. she say might as well bc she already packed

she got a whole new life now and not much run with her old crowd anymore. wasnt so much them she said. was more her. like she felt she had to live up to the person that she had created in that scene and was hard for her to keep being something that wasnt really her. not really anyways

Sorrry for the extreme snipping but those parts really stood out when I read.  I would take this persons advice if I were the op.

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Sparrow Michigan wrote:

Well, if she's a First Name/Last name account, never get rid of her ....those names are like gold.
  Send her to rehab, enroll her in a 12-step program, sign-her up for a make-over, give her a breath mint and in a few months she'll feel new and you'll enjoy playing her again. Sometimes an account needs to be parked for awhile but if you delete you'll probably be sorry at some point. All that inventory, all that history, all those memories.  Just my opinion.

This. ^^  After my partnership of three years ended I felt similarly to what you describe...except for thinking of deleting my main - that will never happen.  I absolutely agree to just "park" the main for a time and see how you feel in 3 months, 6 months, etc.

In my case my partner and I began SL within the same month/year and exlored SL with that wide-eyed wonder of new residents.  We traversed the grid and participated in so many various activities that, after he was gone from my SL, almost every place I went reminded me of him.  I decided to have my main totally devoted to my SL business and related activities, ie. taking classes, etc. and dusted off an alt for when I felt up to venturing into the social world again, which took awhile.  I buried myself in work on my main but bit by bit went out dancing with my alt which helped ease me back into socializing again.  As odd as it sounds, going someplace my former partner and I had gone with an alt was not as painful as going with my main.

That lasted for about a year.  The alt is now back in a deep sleep and only awakened when I need to test out a new item I've made, make sure it is being delivered properly by the MP, etc.

Hang in there...and don't delete the main!!! ;)


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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Having no idea why your main's SL turned sour, I offer these thoughts

If any of the reasons lfe went bad for your main were her own fault, running away by switching to an alt will not solve them in the long run as the human operators are the same.  You are bound to repeat the same mistakes unless you have learned from them, and if you have you can be as happy driving the main account as driving the alt.

This reminds me of something that a friend of mine from way back when I first began SL had in her picks:

SL is about how big of a jerk (modified from her word to be PG) one can be before they have to alt up.

I'm not at all suggesting this is the case with the OP, but I think those of us who have spent any time in SL, or really any online chat/social medium, know of at least one person to whom this applies.  Years ago on IRC one person within the rp group of which I was a part would regularly tick off most of the group then vanish for quite awhile, in later years even floating the "died in RL" scenario (which I find incredibly cruel), then show back up as an alt and when the alt was "accepted" within the group reveal who he really was.  Rinse, repeat.


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Skye Arbizu wrote:

Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Having no idea why your main's SL turned sour, I offer these thoughts

If any of the reasons lfe went bad for your main were her own fault, running away by switching to an alt will not solve them in the long run as the human operators are the same.  You are bound to repeat the same mistakes unless you have learned from them, and if you have you can be as happy driving the main account as driving the alt.

If the reasons were the fault of others, why are you letting some low life that hurt you run you out of your avatar?  Move on, enjoy life, make new friends.  It will require the same effort regardless of which account you use to do this.  By doing it in the alt your allowing the 'bad' guys to win.  By doing it in your main, you will be triumphing over them.  Living happy and well with no regrets is the best revenge on people that hurt you.

In either case committing virtual suicide by deleting the account is the same as doing it in RL.  It is a irrevocable long term solution to a short term problem.  Everyone that I know that deleted an account simply because of bad experiences eventually regretted it.  With time bad memories fade and wounds heal. 


And is it just me, but I'd pay (such as a premium feature) for the ability to link a couple of accounts together under one primary account with the ability to 'share' inventory and even friend people at the primary account level (while accepting limitations like only one account being logged in at a time).  


I would LOVE that ability!!  The two MMORPGs that I used to play both had that capability.  The older of the two games didn't add it until about 3-4 years into the game's existence and it was an immediate hit with the players, which is why I suspect the second game had that capability from the outset.


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Dear Mandji,

There comes a time in every avatars life.....

Wait never mind. Just keep the old account, send her to SL exile land and try to have fun with the new account. I will say this though, if your old account became lonely then do everything opposite with your new account or it will also become lonely if you do the same things. Maybe try a different lifestyle, hang out at different venues, join an RP sim or something like that.

Never delete accounts though, they come in handy later. Just make sure that it is not a premium account before sending her to exile.

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Actually, you could try this.

Log in with both of them and see which one you have an affinity with.   My guess is you will realise why it's a bad idea to delete your main... (or not)

sister alts.jpg

I'm the redhead normally, but I'm logged in here on the forums as the blonde.  Never feels quite right being Echo, when I'm "really" just an echo of Marigold.

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LOL, yes thought it was you, I can see no reason for you to change other than that red top, LOL, what's it like being a mortal.


Lucinda always said you were OK, and the only one to show lucinda empathy, like you did me in that thread on instructions that was removed, I knew who you were the second you responded to that, LOL.

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

LOL, yes thought it was you, I can see no reason for you to change other than that red top, LOL, what's it like being a mortal.


Lucinda always said you were OK, and the only one to show lucinda empathy, like you did me in that thread on instructions that was removed, I knew who you were the second you responded to that, LOL.

I do not know about being mortal - I still don't have a reflection when I look into a mirror :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:

it really does not mean a thing, the red top thing. So far, I am finding that people will accept my advice/answer as much (or as little) as they did when I was logged in as a red top.

You always manage to make a thread that leads to a lot of people taking part; I don't think that is a bad thing.  To get people talking, even if it does go off topic, at least it brightens up the forums, that can get dull sometimes.

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I deleted my alt, not my main, back in 2008 because my RP partner requested it & I miss that alt to this day. I think most people pretty much regret deleting an alt. Plus altho back in 2008 I didn't know there'd be a switch to the dreaded Resident last name, I agree, it's almost sacrilegious to delete an original two name avi. Just keep your main, maybe it just needs a good rest and play SL with your alt. Although I also agree with Mandji, could be at some point you feel the same way about your alt. We tend to do the same things and make the same decisions or mistakes in whatever situation we're in after awhile. Might want to give that some thought too.

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