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Is spying legal?

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Hey guys, I was wondering if it would be considered harassment or so to for instance place a listening device at a persons home? I've found one at my place a few times, but not really sure what to do about it other than removing it.

I know if it's blatant stalking it's reportable, but what about someone just spying on you discreetly with listening devices, online trackers and other possible gadgets there might be? I'm not sure if it could be called harassment exactly, but it can be fairly invasive no less :o

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How you know it's a listening device?

If it's really a listening device, there will be a harmless object name and a no mod script inside so you will not know what it really is. You can just guess.

To prevent this you need to block object entry and no rez or rez only for group and activate that chat and voice are only heared on the parcel. If you care beeing cammed - switch off avatar visibility too.


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Since the OP has received all the answers, I thought I'd chip in with a comment on a small dialog that occured in the thread.

In answer to the OP's question "Is spying legal?", Serena correctly answered, "No it's not", 16 replied to Serena with, "Yes it is", which is the wrong answer, and Serena accepted the correction.

Serena's first reply was correct, 16 misunderstood the reply and erroneously corrected Serena, whereupon Serena accepted the erroneous correction but still understood the correct answer.

Life's weird, init? :)

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remotely listening to chat without consent or displaying signs that is being done. These even goes for your own. Like remotely listening to chat in you store so you know who is there. You have to up sign stating that chat is being monitored.

Dropping a chat spy device on someone elses land or attaching to them is against TOS and is a bannable offense. Even if you have this persons permission it is still not legal because you the permission of anyone that person is talking to as well.

IF you can prove someone dropped any kind of spying device on your parcel AR the crap out of them.

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Aleeic Eichel wrote:

Hey guys, I was wondering if it would be considered harassment or so to for instance place a listening device at a persons home? I've found one at my place a few times, but not really sure what to do about it other than removing it.

I know if it's blatant stalking it's reportable, but what about someone just spying on you discreetly with listening devices, online trackers and other possible gadgets there might be? I'm not sure if it could be called harassment exactly, but it can be fairly invasive no less

First off, I'll say that I find it irksome and creepy that someone would place such a device surreptitiously in someone's home.

What still seems to be an issue that I wish Linden Lab would clarify once and for all is the difference between "public" and "private" communications.  Are things that are stated in OPEN  or  GROUP CHAT  "public" up for grabs or are they subject to the same disclosure rules that I think there are no questions about when it comes to things that are shared in PRIVATE MESSAGING.


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Quite irksome indeed, but this subject is always going to be a greyzone and matter of immediate situational judgement I imagine.

Let it be known I have been at many places in my time, and not once have I seen a place actually announcing that they were logging anything. Yet I know of multiple "gadget" stores that specializes in this kind of thing and they've been up and running for years.. Makes you think that people are actually using these contraptions fairly often, and therefore that LL perhaps doesn't really care so much about it.  Could of course be that there's just so many offenders that they can't keep up as well. 

In any case that's just my contemplations on the general subject, for what it's worth.

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The Linden Lab Official: Residents Privacy Rights seems quite unequivocal on the subject, Perrie; whether it's public chat, IMs, or group chat, if you've not got the consent of all parties involved, you're not supposed to share it inworld or in these forums.    They say, in terms, you can post it anywhere else you like -- SLU, Facebook, the New York Times -- but not here or in-world.   

I'm not sure how vigorously that's enforced but them's the rules.

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OK first of all you got prove it ,, 2 if he posting the chat ?  So no it not harassment how you even know if it was turn on and running ? You don't less you seen the chat so I really don't think LL will do anything about it why because you had build turn on or it wouldn't had getting drop in the first place ,, is spying legal yes  less you get seen doing it ,, its a big gray zone

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I rather wondered how the OP knew it was a chat spy rather than anything else, but certainly, if he's got sufficient evidence that it is a chat spy, and if LL take it seriously enough to trouble themselves to do it (and obviously I don't know if either of those it the case), then it would easy enough for LL to examine the suspicous object and see what it was and if it was running.   You and I can't read no-mod scripts, but LL certainly can.

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I ageed with you ,, but the ? is even if LL seen that it was running will they do anything after all if he not posting them anywhere with in LL reach ,, I think highly not because he/ her  not doing anything with the chat log. there for they nothing to be done to who ever droping it

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Phil Deakins wrote:

Since the OP has received all the answers, I thought I'd chip in with a comment on a small dialog that occured in the thread.

In answer to the OP's question "Is spying legal?", Serena correctly answered, "No it's not", 16 replied to Serena with, "Yes it is", which is the wrong answer, and Serena accepted the correction.

Serena's first reply was correct, 16 misunderstood the reply and erroneously corrected Serena, whereupon Serena accepted the erroneous correction but still understood the correct answer.

Life's weird, init?

Aleeic ask: is spying legal? someone is putting listening device on my land

Innula said to Aleeic: if they didnt get your permission then is certainly worth reporting

Serena say to Innula: no is not

i say to Serena: yes it is

then Serena ask me: how do i know is listening to chat maybe it isnt?

so i tell Serena that Aleeic said it was a listen device. and i wonder if is not listening to chat then what else

then Irene start laughing

then Nova ask Aleeic: how you know is a listen device? and anyways you can do stuff about it like with your land controls. stuff that Serena had also said as well before

and then Aleeic say thanks i now knows more than i did before and i see what i can do about it

then Phil said he have no idea what we are chatting about and then he say this is what he thinks we was saying

and then i said something about what Phil said. like now

Irene maybe going to start laughing again. dunno actual. just maybe (:


hope that makes things more clear for everyone who is reading this

if not i can explain again if you like. just say ok

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Yeah, never underestimate people's ability to make stupid mistakes like that.

If you've not yet returned the item, you (or a sim estate manager, certainly) should be able to disable to scripts it contains and then, if you AR the thing then LL can, if they choose, certainly check on what the scripts actually do.

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Innula Zenovka wrote:

I rather wondered how the OP knew it was a chat spy rather than anything else

Hopefully the script would be called something like "I am a chat spy script" , it would be full perm, in an object that was set for sale so that it could be taken and inspected. :)

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the spy device are funny.

It is illegal to spy on people in real ife, or something like that....some stuff abotu wiretapping laws and so on is wierd and has odd exclusions and so on. But, you have to get cought.

If you are an informant and reviece part of a huge intellegence budget, AND you are part of a corporate entity....well, that organization has privacy laws and can destroy any documents needed to help you operate and they don't get cought. Ironically, you can then launder the tips via "hunches" or other things.....heck, you can even place "evidence" and get away with it....who says you employer even woud know that....i mean, the company employing you to find out about a person via watching your public interactions and so on basically could then squeel and attack the company who hires them. So, they both have an understanding about results and how bad the target is wanted dealt with and if it all seems OK....well, it can get nasty.

But, we have NSA, CIA, satalites and the good people to look out for these fiends and would not allow it to happen. Thus, it doesn't....ever! The budget is used for cupcakes and candy canes for all to enjoy at these places....they are just addicted to sugar a bit to much! Right? Honey, sugar and so on....that why they fear getting trapped in honey pots...little tiny ones to small for thier big clumbsy fingers to protect themselves from....then they wont be able to pick their ears. If they don't pick thier ears, they will get filled with wax and be unable to hear! So, they basically are unable to complete thier work at some times...but the muffins are always in the lobby, so it's all good and they get away with a certain amount...especially if they try to destroy the suspected honey pots....even if they have no honey, don't resemble a pot or otherwise...it just depends how bad they want to keep on going. Maybe they want to get cought though? Maybe they feel it was worth it, becuase....people shouldn't make those pots so even if a honey pot is not one it can be an example to other honey pots to not exist or hide! This is important stuff, right?

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dunno if you got neighbours but sometimes creepy stalkers will put their spy stuff on your land if is set to 0 return. the weirdo puts on your land and not on the land of the person they actual spying on bc they dont want that person to find it


like others said already

if you live in a neighbourhood then best to put your land on some kinda object return time. if you got friends that you want to let build on then make a group and set the land to the group. dont have to deed it. just set to group. then your friends stuff doesnt get returned. just stuff of people not in your group

if make a group then best to make a alt account as well for yourself. always has to be at least two avatar accounts in a group. so best if they both yours so that if the others leave the group then the group not get deleted. which happens if is not 2 avatars in the group

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