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How picky are you about market things?

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Often times I like to build my own things. Most of what i have is just for props and decor anyways.

Sometimes I buy things if it would be too much a pain in the butt to make, say like an adult bed.Sometimes if you had to pay yourself for making the item, it would cost far more than what vendors ask.

So like most shoppers, I set out to find the best quality at the best price. I am easy to please really.

Of the things I buy - 5 of them I will be estatic about, 4 of them be like, "Well, it is OK for what i paid" and maybe one will be like, "What is THIS piece of crap?" Sadly, sometimes when I pay good money for things from a reputable company here in SL it will be the very thing that i soon learn is junk.

I myself am a builder. Not the best but I do know my way around a prim and texture. So, I can scrutinize others' builds a little tighter.

But yeah of the 5 "estatic" buys, most likely there were all inexpensive. Sometimes I hand over a boobie for something of perfection like N-Core shoes. Becomes a bit hard to enjoy until the bitterness of the cost wears off.

RL I tend to be that way also - I can be happy with something that looks good and works well as intended without the need for bells and whistles.

So how do you often feel when buying something off the market? I mean cases where it is delivered, not talking about failures.

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If I buy anything expensive, I usually insist on seeing it in-world first so I can scrutinize it. There are very, VERY few builders that I'd consider worth a lot of cash. And then there's the wealth of flat-out stolen content. Textures, sounds, trademarks etc.pp. I try to stay away from. I'm not all-knowing though and therefore have failed at that a few times.

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While I have just recently learned my way around a prim and a texture (made a picture for my wall! My first build ever! Hehe) I have learned that there is a lot of overpriced garbage out there, from both reputable and relatively unknown companies.Thankfully there has been a demo for some of it (like shoes/clothing/etc), but I've paid dearly for things because there wasn't one. Now, don't get me wrong, I read reviews. I love reading the reviews because if there's ANY mention of needing to know how to edit something beyond a tug here and a pull there, I don't buy it. I can't even get prim feet/shoes/etc. to match my skin, and I paid a lot for this one brand which requires that ability. Sadly, I wasn't aware.

All that said, I am now a lot more picky than I used to be. I've learned which companies to use, which to leave behind, and I definitely ask my friends about their recommenations. If I am unsure, I just don't buy it. It's just that simple. And by having that mindset, I usually find that a little later I find the PERFECT item. Patience is key. :D

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I am super picky. Half of the things I buy wind up in the trash lol. I look for inworld demos before plunking down money on more expensive items, but they aren't always available. I don't however leave a bad review for every item that isn't quite what I was expecting. I save my low stars for things that aren't what was advertised, or have some issue that the creator won't bother getting back to me to fix.


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I make most everything I need. I just don't have time to make everything though so i will buy clothes, shoes and accessories other than building supplies  on the MP.  Some things I won't buy at all on MP  and if they have a shop inworld and I have the time to go, I'll buy it inworld to save the creator the MP commission.  I'm very picky about quality.  I also don't mind paying well for it, as I've made all that stuff myself and know how much work it is.  Even so, I won't pay an inflated price just for a designer name. 

Most of the time I'm satisfied with my purchase since I tend to be loyal to certain creators that I know do quality work at a fair price.  If I'm not already familiar with the creator, I may buy something from them if it looks good, and will go check it out in world if I can.  But if I don't like the quaiity it will be the last thing I buy.

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I've been reading a lot about samples here on the forums, and people wanting them, but I wonder if people mean clothing that isn't mesh or sclupts. I don't offer samples for non-object items, and rarely anymore for mesh, simply because mesh is fairly standardised sizings and soon the deformer will be available, and you either love mesh or or hate it. 

SL is no different than real life. If an item is bad, it should be brought to the designers attention. I've heard horror stories about designers being rude, but if you're not happy, don't settle. Demand customer satisfaction. Send them a notecard with your concerns. If you don't get an answer back, leave a review. If that doesn't snap them out of it, don't buy from them again.

I've honestly not seen any texture clothing samples, only hair, shoes and skins and some meshes. Who is a designer who offers these texture only samples? I'd really like to know because in my 3 years making clothes I've not seen this anywhere (but I don't get out much). LOL

The best way for me to check out a designer or creator is to visit their store. Lot to be said by how they manage a store. I've not bought what appears nice items based on a poorly designed or managed store. If a designer has a group, a blog, is active in fashion community, buyers shouldn't have any problems if they're not happy after purchase. There's a lot of stores on MP that are not cohesive, which is a warning. Or no inworld store. I won't buy if there's no inworld store. That's my policy for myself. If their profile is only about their party life, lovers or worse, I won't buy from them.  Again, my policy. It's ok to share our SL's, we all do, but somewhere there has to be store policies and group info or anything that says this person is approachable as a merchant.

Or, if they sell strip polls and gowns, there might be a disconnect with this persons own vision, or if their store design isn't branded, it might indicate someone either new or not aware of how to market and sell items effectively. All of these things are ways to know if you should buy. There is the random dark horse, but I've been disappointed with that "it" item when I went back for more of those "its" and they're out of business or only had one "it!"

All of this said, I'm also still a random buyer. I've pulled the trigger without doing any investigation and been just as happy as if I had. There's no solid way to tell on Market Place but if people want to dig a little deeper, check for an inworld store, check for their policys on their profiles, and look at their entire store, not just one item, but all of them, and see if it's cohesive and has the earmark for a serious merchant. 

Market Place will only show you the older items or top selling, be sure to use the drop down menu to see the "newest," items. Someone who isn't producing anything new isn't likely going to be putting customer service at the top of their priorities. Also check to see if they have a blog or if their items are blogged. Look to see when they last uploaded an item, find out how old that XYZ really is... old things look old fast in SL. I went to a well known store recently and they were still showcasing a pair of jeans and I sweater I bought in 2009. That's a problem.

Over my 3 years, I've sent many notecards. I can honestly say that the responses have been pretty positive and helpful. I can count 2 times that wasn't the case and I never returned or bought from them again. I've had designers and creators go over and above helping me.

Wishing you all well and happy shopping, but don't ever settle for junk, and always give the designer/creator a chance to make it right before you blast them with a bad review. But back to the OP: Be picky. But time is money so if it was a few Lindens, then pffft, just won't buy from them, but if it's a serious problem and serious LL, drop that notecard and expect an answer!

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Shoes and hair are the most often found demos. I've bought both without trying first, sometimes that works out, sometimes not lol.

I do not leave bad reviews every time I'm not in love with a purchase, simply because I know I am extremely picky. I can see dozens of glowing reviews left for them, so I know it's just my personal taste. If it's truly awful, I'll have a say lol.

When I do find that perfect buy, I comb their store. There are a couple of creators I keep my eye on for new items.. and are never disappointed. Most though, are hit and miss.

I don't mind buying from places that don't have in world stores either =) Even after going to check the items in world, I usually go back and buy on the market, so that I'm able to review it. I wish we could leave public feedback on things bought in world too, because when I find things I love, I want to share them. Likewise, things I hate, I want to steer people away from. That middle ground, I guess they can make up their own minds on ^.^

Mesh, I refuse to buy without a demo. Even with standard sizing most things I have to change my shape so much for, it doesn't even look like me anymore. (I'm still leery of mesh at all, and am only a recent wearer of any)


ETA~ I have never had a bad experience contacting a creator about any problems. All have been very nice, and very helpful. The only times it's been anything other than pleasant, are when they don't bother to respond at all. Instant bad review from me.. well, after giving them a few days or a week, plenty of time imo to respond.

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I don't buy a lot of stuff, mostly builder tools or supplies.  I am picky but I do have the expectation that I will buy a bunch of stuff and not use most of it. I can't really tell the quality until I try it. That's okay, I understand most creators are not professionals; this is a hobby for them, and my expectations are in line with that. And the stuff is usually dirt cheap -- I am not going to get hysterical over something that cost me the price of a latte or less.

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I guess it's my shy nature but I'd never leave a bad review or contact the creator over small purchases. I just figure the ones I like will keep getting my business and the ones I don't well..wont.

I've left good reviews in very rare occasions where the customer service or item was exceptional and I wanted others to know.

All creators I've seen necessary to contact have been very helpful and approachable.

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Admittedly, I don't buy much. Probably more landscaping items and animations than anything else, but occasionally clothing, too, and some sculpted and mesh building components. My experience, then, isn't necessarily representative, but I've discovered one powerful predictor of my satisfaction with a purchase:

If it's no-mod, it goes in the trash, and sooner rather than later.

I honestly don't know wtf is wrong with creators who insist on selling no-mod crap--and pretty much without exception, if it's no-mod, it's crap. So now it's only very rarely that I'll be duped by them.

The flip side of this is why I'm usually not that dissatisfied. Because I seldom make the mistake of buying anything no-mod, I end up with a lot of modifiable stuff that can often be re-purposed, even if it was inadequate in its original design.

(For example, I've never been satisfied by anybody else's vehicle scripting, and very much doubt I ever shall be. Once in a great while, I encounter a mod-perm vehicle; I'll pay a lot for any of those that are reasonably plausible builds--and wouldn't accept as a freebie any vehicle I can't modify, which is the vast majority of what's for sale.)

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I'm not a huge shopper, but having been here awhile and getting to know the stores that sell the type of merchandise I like, I tend to stick with handful of merchants whose clothing/builds/etc. I like.  However, I have obviously not traversed the entirety of SL and some of my favorite merchants are no longer in SL and new merchants regularly appear.  This is where I find hunts valuable.  I no longer do entire hunts, but if one is in a "theme" that appeals to me...I look down the list of merchants and if I find one who sells the "genre" of items I generally purchase, then I go get the hunt gift.  I find this, as well as free gifts some merchants offer or lucky chair items, a good indicator of the quality the purchased merchandise will be and often discover a new store I love!

I'm with you, Qie, on no mod.  I don't get it either, especially in clothing (a MUST) or furnishings.  Is a designer so enamored of their build that they don't want the customer resizing it to better fit their need or perhaps retexturing?

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Like most others in this thread, I don't shop very much.  I make almost everything I need, so the only things I have to buy are animations (which I don't make) or occasional specialty components or textures that I'm going to put into something for a client.  I look for those in a few favorite spots, and I buy full perm. Like Pam, I don't sweat over price as long as the quality is good.  If I buy something from a new source and find that the quality doesn't measure up, I don't waste time complaining.  I just don't go back or recommend the place to anyone else.

When I'm selling things, I expect clients and customers to be picky.  I follow three patterns:

1. Items that are custom made for a client are sold with full perms.  If the client needs to modify a script, rescale the item, or retexture a surface, it's his/her business.  I'll make custom modifications (sometimes free and sometimes for a fee, depending on how complicated they are).  I stand by my work and will always fix anything that doesn't do what I designed it to do and the client paid me for.

2. Clothing is sold copy/mod/no-trans.  Someone who buys a dress from me ought to be able to make a backup copy, rehem it, and even change its color and texture if she wants to.  I just don't want her giving away a zillion copies so nobody else buys it.

3. Scripted items other than the custom-built ones are almost always no-mod, because modifying a scripted item often mucks up the way it's meant to work, and I don't want to get sucked into making a lot of trouble calls to fix things that someone else broke.  Besides, the script is usually the tricky part, and I'd rather not give away the store.  Depending on the item, I'll make a scripted object with either copy perms or trans perms.

None of these rules is immutable, but they're close.  I want to give clients and customers enough freedom to change things that aren't exactly right for them.  And if something doesn't work as advertized, I'll repair, refund, or replace it.


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Unlike many in this thread, I -DO- shop a -LOT- in SL.

Faye Feldragonne wrote:

I've been reading a lot about samples here on the forums, and people wanting them, but I wonder if people mean clothing that isn't mesh or sclupts. I don't offer samples for non-object items, and rarely anymore for mesh, simply because mesh is fairly standardised sizings and soon the deformer will be available, and you either love mesh or or hate it. 

If it doesn't havce a demo, I won't buy it. If you've used a templated item - and somebody else demo'd that item, then -MAYBE- I will buy yours IF i've already got theirs and like your retexture.

Otherwise only a fool buys a mesh or scupty item without seeing a demo of the mesh or sculpty, or a rezzed inworld copy of the sculpty.

The deformer is going to make this -MORE- important not less. Because you will need to test how well it can deform. Its not the magic thing some people think it will be. I've worked with these kinds of tools in 3D art before - more often than not they ruin the model they're used for by making triangle pop out in places there were not enough vertices.

With mesh sizes regardless, you need that demo to see if the modeler actually did use those standard sizes, or if they failed to line something up right somewhere else, or if they rigged it well for your AO. If for example, when I sit or crouch it turned into a spikey monster... I know they didn't put enough vertices along a fold where that happened. This happens with the bottom of skirts often enough.


I mostly avoid no-mod. But I've bought a good amount of it in vehicles and mesh clothing.

Furniture I'll avoid if no mod. Just a nightmare otherwise. Over time the no-mod furniture I've goofed and bought has always ended up getting replaced.

LIkewise with plants and trees. Especially trees - which I love to resize up and down for variety on my land.

I've got meeroos, and of course those are no-mod, no-copy. But the nature of that kind of product just shows that there are exceptions to every rule.

I'm also very picky about what I buy. It has to fit my sense of style. I have to be able to visualize on myself or in my home. Another reason for demos. My AV doesn't look like yours. I'm pretty confident in saying that... and my sense of fashion likely isn't the same as yours. That demo will tell me if there's still some place we can meet where your design taste will match with my look.



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I generally only leave reviews if something is really good, really bad or if I feel the advertisement needs some extra info.

For instance I bought a very cool swing but it used almost 30 prims and almost 20 of those prims were not important to the item so I wanted to let future buyers know the swing is really great but if they don't want to use all the prims they could bring it back to 10.

Something I would like to read when considering buying it.

Just the other day I bought a 11 prim steamtrain, it looks great, all mesh... I rez it and it turns out to have a 111 land impact!
I don't care how many prims people use to make something, to me it is all about land impact.

And selling something as 11 prims and not mentioning that it has 111 LI, is very rude.

So I left a negative comment... but the seller just relisted the item!

So there goes our power to leave negative comments and warn people...

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Jo Yardley wrote:

So I left a negative comment... but the seller just relisted the item!

That is supposed to be grounds to have the seller banned from Marketplace. You can safely assume, however, that nothing will actually happen if you flag the item with a complaint.

I find Marketplace completely unusable for many reasons--where almost all those reasons are due to inept and downright sleazy sellers, and lack of enforcement to reign-in their sleaze. I have much better luck buying in-world, even if I sometimes resort to Marketplace for search.

Speaking of sleaze, there are a surprising number of Marketplace sellers that list in-world locations that don't exist. That's an absolute sure-fire way to earn a permanent place on my personal blacklist:

Dear seller: Do not waste my time just because you're too scatter-brained to keep your listings updated. For that, you don't get a second chance with me.

It's no secret that I despise Marketplace, but that said, it has the monopoly on places to leave reviews, positive or negative. That's unfortunate, given that it is in every other way an abomination.

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Unlike many in this thread, I -DO- shop a -LOT- in SL.

Faye Feldragonne wrote:

I've been reading a lot about samples here on the forums, and people wanting them, but I wonder if people mean clothing that isn't mesh or sclupts. I don't offer samples for non-object items, and rarely anymore for mesh, simply because mesh is fairly standardised sizings and soon the deformer will be available, and you either love mesh or or hate it. 

If it doesn't havce a demo, I won't buy it. If you've used a templated item - and somebody else demo'd that item, then -MAYBE- I will buy yours IF i've already got theirs and like your retexture.

Otherwise only a fool buys a mesh or scupty item without seeing a demo of the mesh or sculpty, or a rezzed inworld copy of the sculpty.

The deformer is going to make this -MORE- important not less. Because you will need to test how well it can deform. Its not the magic thing some people think it will be. I've worked with these kinds of tools in 3D art before - more often than not they ruin the model they're used for by making triangle pop out in places there were not enough vertices.

With mesh sizes regardless, you need that demo to see if the modeler actually did use those standard sizes, or if they failed to line something up right somewhere else, or if they rigged it well for your AO. If for example, when I sit or crouch it turned into a spikey monster... I know they didn't put enough vertices along a fold where that happened. This happens with the bottom of skirts often enough.


I mostly avoid no-mod. But I've bought a good amount of it in vehicles and mesh clothing.

Furniture I'll avoid if no mod. Just a nightmare otherwise. Over time the no-mod furniture I've goofed and bought has always ended up getting replaced.

LIkewise with plants and trees. Especially trees - which I love to resize up and down for variety on my land.

I've got meeroos, and of course those are no-mod, no-copy. But the nature of that kind of product just shows that there are exceptions to every rule.

I'm also very picky about what I buy. It has to fit my sense of style. I have to be able to visualize on myself or in my home. Another reason for demos. My AV doesn't look like yours. I'm pretty confident in saying that... and my sense of fashion likely isn't the same as yours. That demo will tell me if there's still some place we can meet where your design taste will match with my look.



The question asked was who are designers that "demo" layered clothing? NOT objects or sclupts. I've never seen demo items that are not attachments.

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Faye Feldragonne wrote:

Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Unlike many in this thread, I -DO- shop a -LOT- in SL.

Faye Feldragonne wrote:

I've been reading a lot about samples here on the forums, and people wanting them, but I wonder if people mean clothing that isn't mesh or sclupts. I don't offer samples for non-object items, and rarely anymore for mesh, simply because mesh is fairly standardised sizings and soon the deformer will be available, and you either love mesh or or hate it. 

If it doesn't havce a demo, I won't buy it. If you've used a templated item - and somebody else demo'd that item, then -MAYBE- I will buy yours IF i've already got theirs and like your retexture.

Otherwise only a fool buys a mesh or scupty item without seeing a demo of the mesh or sculpty, or a rezzed inworld copy of the sculpty.


The question asked was who are designers that "demo" layered clothing? NOT objects or sclupts. I've never seen demo items that are not attachments.


Same answer applies to both. And the fuller details I gave give my context for that answer.

Demos of non-attached sculpties are pretty much a norm. Go to any furniture store, and chances are the furniture is rezzed somewhere. That's a demo.

I always assume someone might make a choice based on my words - so try to be informative with both context and analogy so a reader can increase their mindfulness. You mentioned sculpts, and non-object items, and worn items. All get the same answer: all need demos. Frankly texture clothing should have a demo too to see seams - but I don't buy that kind of clothing anymore, and hope to stop selling my own in a month or two once I have free time to tackle some basic mesh replacements. 


What Jo points out about Land Impact lying - this has become -NORMAL- conduct among vehicle mesh makers. If the prim cost there is under 30, and the item looks really detailed - buyer beware. Go look at a demo and report the lying if true. Some Vehicle makers do tell the truth, and some have land impacts under 30 on high detail vehicles. But there are many who are flat at using deceptive practices now.

Some even boast of it as a feature. They report the number of prims they made physical, and then you find out it has a land impact of over 100, sometimes over 200 - so good luck rezzing that on a small plot of land... The feature here is a new way to make vehicles work - by having the number of physical prims under the limit, a high prim vehicle can still work like a low one. But its land impact becomes unlimited... save for by the poor user trying to rez it on their own land...


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Qie Niangao wrote:

Jo Yardley wrote:

So I left a negative comment... but the seller just relisted the item!

That is
to be grounds to have the seller banned from Marketplace. You can safely assume, however, that nothing will actually happen if you flag the item with a complaint.


In Xstreet days, you got the death penalty for relisting. Now, who knows?  

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I would be very suspicious of cars or anything with super hi LI. This is the kind of thing you can expect from things just downloaded straight from the internet without bothering to optimize.  If ppl are going to rip from the internet, they should at least try to bring the LI down, but I guess that is too much work.

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When I do end up purchasing garbage, IF I bother to review it, I will at least say what needs improved. Usually if I don't like something, I tend to figure it is probably just cause it was not what *I* expected. That and people who sell junk are impossible to get ahold of anyways. Good products and good service go hand in hand, kind of like junky stuff and bad service.

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Well...I admit I'm a shopaholic...especially hair, clothes, shoes, etc. As far as house, landscaping and all that, the husband and I are pretty set.

I will rarely buy something if I can't try it on first. That is one of the best things about mesh...now we get clothing demos. In the past, with some texture/prim clothes some things really sucked.

You learn over time to be more picky about the things you buy in SL.

I think the dumbest thing I bought...a froozin' helicopter. I can't even drive the damn thing. Last time I tried, I crashed in my neighbors house o.O

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if costs about more than 50L then i not buy off marketplace

i like to try before i buy. if is no demo then i dont buy. i like to try everything i can first. can spend hours window shopping that way. skin, hair, anims, attachments, huds even, and now mesh clothes

have limited budget tho so not able to impulse buy. wish i could tho. i would buy everything in some shops if i could (:

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I'm extremely picky, about anything I buy in world or on the market.
Having an unusual avatar shape has made me spend my lindens extremely carefully.
More over, there's just a lot of garbage items on the market. I refuse to reward lazy no-effort content creators, especially if they're just trying to cash in on a fad by making a horrible knock-off creation.
I'll build it n' texture it my self before handing money over to builders like that. =D

I know it might seem a little childish to let things like politics decide my purchases, but honestly.. The more a crappy-minded business grows, the more businesses adopt that crappy mindset =D

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