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Is 'No Fly' the dumbest restriction ever?

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And no, you don't need to answer the question. I was flying around looking for some waterfront land in a fairly well populated place. Had property lines and land owners on in View so I could see what's what. I was flying, so I was trying to stick to the roads and public spaces, stopping now and then to cam out and look for unoccupied parcels.

Saw a little slice that didn't come up colored in view and did not have any buildings. Could have been available but there was no way to tell from where I was, so I flew over it and like an idiot landed before I looked at 'About Land'. It was of course owned and not for sale (I'd looked at two other parcels that were similarly unoccupied but WERE for sale at waterfront prices). Seeing I was on someone's private property I wanted to scoot.

Could I fly away? NO. Flying not allowed! I could have tp'd home but I wasn't through looking. So I walked off the island and Jacques Cousteau'd it through the harbor till I got to some roads, and then along those for a while until I could fly again.

If there is a good reason for prohibiting flying, now's your chance to tell me what it is. I sort of understand it in sims where shops are around the LP and most visitors are more interested in what's going on elsewhere in the sim, but even then it's a waste of time: once people catch on they just run through the mall to get to the good stuff anyway. So why?

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I know a maze sim, the maze is made of bushes and it has invisible prims walls to avoid people jumping straight to the center, the area is no-fly for an obvious reason.


And in most combat sims, flying is not allowed for a good reason.

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You never know why someone set their land to "no fly".  It sometimes is not obvious but it also is obvious sometimes too (at least for me it is).  My first thought by the way you described the land, is that the person has a sky box and has the no fly set to try to help insure some level of privacy.  My plot of mainland has no buildings visible at ground level yet I have two sky platforms and one "photo booth" on the property so someone would think the land is barren.  I don't have "no fly" set, but I suppose I could if I chose and you'd question why I did that if happened by looking around like you did when you stumbled across this plot.

I don't question why people do what they do anymore............I've learned that people have their reasons (no matter how well founded the reason might be).

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Saw a little slice that didn't come up colored in view and
did not have any buildings
. Could have been available but there was no way to tell from where I was, so I flew over it and like an idiot landed before I looked at 'About Land'. It was of course owned and not for sale (I'd looked at two other parcels that were similarly unoccupied but WERE for sale at waterfront prices). Seeing I was on someone's private property I wanted to scoot.

Could I fly away? NO. Flying not allowed!

If there is a good reason for prohibiting flying, now's your chance to tell me what it is.

Probably the owner of the parcel has a house in the sky and doesn't want people to fly up there.


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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Could I fly away? NO.
Flying not allowed!
I could have tp'd home but I wasn't through looking.
So I walked off the island and Jacques Cousteau'd it through the harbor till I got to some roads, and then along those for a while until I could fly again.



No, I don't see the need for "no fly" areas on private parcels.  However, your viewer offers so many alternatives to quickly move your avatar from one coordinate to another, and within the same sim if you choose.

Here are a few I can think of:

From the command line (chat window) enter any of these commands:

- tp2cam (self defining)

- gtp xyz (tp to different location on same sim)

- gth z (tp to an altitude) 

or these options:

- select a location on your map and double click

- tp to last location in your telport history window

- set tp to double click, and click on the location you are camming


I am sure there are other options, but it is not so hard to to remove yourself from a "no fly" area.  What troubles me is when an orb gives me 10 seconds to get off their lawn.  


ETA Ry0 offered an excellent and very valid 'reason.'


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i think 'No Fly' is a pretty dumb restriction it's not too difficult in any viewer to override it i know Firestorm has a keyboard shortcut in the LL viewer i think you just need to enable the god mode menu or which ever menu it is that the options only work for Lindens i'm sure other viewers have their own fly overried options in addition to the LL viewer one

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On private residential land its all about privacy. Some people object to ban lines so if you have a skybox its a way to assure some privacy without using ban lines. It could also be used on land with a building platform for the same reason.

No fly is the same as ban lines and security systems.  People either hate them and think they should be banned from SL,or are ok with them. The first group tends to be people that think think they should be able to go wherever they want without any restrictions.  The second group generally feels that if they pay for land they should have control over who can access it, or at least respects the right of a landowner to control access, even if they leave their own land open.

No fly is used in stores or malls for the same reason Walmart makes you go through a maze to get to what you want in the hopes you will see something you want and buy it.

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It makes no sense to that "no fly" would be used to insure privacy of skyboxes.  I cannot remember the exact height at which "no fly" ends, but it's two or three hundred meters, and nearly all skyboxes are higher than that.  If a skybox is low enough to be affected, it is low enough for people on adjacent sims to cam into, unless it is over a private island with no neighbors.  

As far as malls being "no fly," I have not encountered that, but, if I do, I will leave for a mall that is more shopper-friendly.

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Hi, there are places where no fly makes sense:

You have a nice build sim and want people to walk around the path encounter new things and enjoy your builds in a more realistic way. Hidden romantic spots, locations that look stunning when you walk around and they appear infront of you. All that is ruined with fly around.

We had 5 sims build like a RL area around a lake, the sponsors had put us boats and taxis (that´s how they make money) to have people ride them and learn about the area and the boat-tours. First it was all no-fly until more and more people got annoyed and we had to change this to fly-zone.

After a while the sponsors pulled out their money because no one used the boats/taxis because fly around was so much faster and easier. Now it´s only one sim left with fly allowed and everyone jets around above shops, sightseeing places and private homes.

No-fly, ban-lines everything has its use even visitors might not see the reasons or don´t value it.


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Thank you all for the interesting answers. I hadn't even considered RP sims (and I include combat sims in that category) where of course it would make perfect sense in many cases. I'm pretty sure this place wasn't; it was just residential/commercial with no discernable theme. I also hadn't considered the privacy issue some of you mentioned: setting no-fly would be a good way to keep a skybox private. It's possible there was some massive skybuild there; I was only flying at about second or third story height so I wouldn't know about that.

Thanks again for the responses.


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On the one hand, I do understand why some people restrict flying. But could there be an alternate way to deal with it?

Let's say we are designing an RPG where some races can fly but others can't. Is there a way to restrict flight for certain people?


Let's say we've got a maze where we want to restrict flight but we want to offer an escape if someone truly becomes trapped. Is there a way to give people a flying device that allows limited flight within an otherwise, no flight zone?

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LonesomeRancher wrote:

A extra minute or two of your time is worth disrespecting a Sims owners wishes?



?. I admit the title of his thread was written to indicate my irritation of the moment. If you had bothered to read the OP, let alone all the informative answers, you'd have seen where I was going. Disprespect? I named no names. I didn't even come close to pointing out where the sim was, even.

Disprespect this.

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No, you didn't name any names and you didn't indicate where this place was.  But you did imply that anyone who places no fly on their land is guilty of "the dumbest restriction ever".  It irritatated you (at least at that moment, though from your initial post, it appears that it has irritated you in the past (and will continue to irritate you in the future).  That's all fine and dandy.......there are more than just a few restrictions and conditions that owners place on their property that irritate me.  But I don't call them out with

Is 'No Fly' the dumbest restriction ever?

titled threads.  That is disrespectful to anyone who uses no fly for what ever reason they choose.  You just told the entire forum that (according to you) they are dumb.....which is next to telling the forum that those people are stupid.  That is disrespectful...........in most people's books anyway.

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Only the title made that statement. I went on to explain why I said that and to ask a question (which got answered) and I responded to those answers. But if I was disrespectful, so be it. Sometimes I am.

I was actually thinking of changing the title to something like "Why Do People Use No Fly?", which is where I where I went once I got started talking. Since I've been called on it now (twice), I'll leave it as it is.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

And no, you don't need to answer the question. I was flying around looking for some waterfront land in a fairly well populated place. Had property lines and land owners on in View so I could see what's what. I was flying, so I was trying to stick to the roads and public spaces, stopping now and then to cam out and look for unoccupied parcels.

Saw a little slice that didn't come up colored in view and did not have any buildings. Could have been available but there was no way to tell from where I was, so I flew over it and like an idiot landed before I looked at 'About Land'. It was of course owned and not for sale (I'd looked at two other parcels that were similarly unoccupied but WERE for sale at waterfront prices). Seeing I was on someone's private property I wanted to scoot.

Could I fly away? NO. Flying not allowed! I could have tp'd home but I wasn't through looking. So I walked off the island and Jacques Cousteau'd it through the harbor till I got to some roads, and then along those for a while until I could fly again.

If there is a good reason for prohibiting flying, now's your chance to tell me what it is. I sort of understand it in sims where shops are around the LP and most visitors are more interested in what's going on elsewhere in the sim, but even then it's a waste of time: once people catch on they just run through the mall to get to the good stuff anyway. So why?

I would think for realism - even in non-RP environments, like say just on someone's property. I used to do this, because I was on a whole lot and designed my property such that I wanted everything to look "actual factual" no matter where I was sitting and viewing it from. If I was sitting out on my beach and someone came up, it would look ridiculous for them to come up flying. I didn't spend close to a week meticulously choosing, purchasing, and placing birds, trees, and the associated sound effects for those, making sure they were time of day and location aware, plus realistic waves and water sounds based on whether the water was still or moving, so that the experience could be blown by a flying candy bar in a top hat! I would expect said candy bar to simply walk out of view of course.

Everything proper and in its order, see? Candy bars cannot wave and fly at the same time. Everyone knows this.

I admit now that this was a hinderance to people who may need to move through my property when I was not there of course. So I usually tried to turn flying back on before logging out.

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Since you only get rooted if you land, its kinda not worth worrying about.

On a private sim - maybe there's a specific reason, and if you TP there you're kinda subject to the rules of the place.

On mainland - you can just keep on flying through - until you decide to land. Can be a minor annoyance when one lands and then finds out its no-fly. But this is pretty minor and pretty uncommon compared to the benefits one who owns the land can get from changing the settings for a particular effect.

This isn't like banlines that effect anyone coming anywhere near to spot - you have to make the choice to land first, before this one hits you.



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Yes, that's how I got stuck to begin with: flew over to look at an empty and possibly available piece of waterfront/island and landed. Turned out the whole sim was no-fly and there didn't seem to be any reason for it to me. Mainland, no particular theme, no notecards upon entry, Linden road running through it, just regular stuff. Seemed silly at the time but having read responses here I've heard other suggestions.

Might very well have been done to create a more real-worldish environment. I'll go back when I get some spare time and noodle around; now I'm curious.


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It may not be dumb, but it is a waste of time. Every viewer can overcome it.


Either you make your sim/parcel interesting enough so that people stay and look at what you want them to, or you accept that they're going to fly past it, regardless of the setting.

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