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How high up do you own the sky?

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we had one growing up.and they are a blast..me and my little brother are realyl good on them..although  when you fly off in a flip and land wrong it can really hurt LOL

but they are a blast.and with all the animations in second life nowdays..banline jumping may become a pastime  if it catches on..

remember where you heard it first  :P hehehe

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

we had one growing up.and they are a blast..me and my little brother are realyl good on them..although  when you fly off in a flip and land wrong it can really hurt LOL

but they are a blast.and with all the animations in second life nowdays..banline jumping may become a pastime  if it catches on..

remember where you heard it first 


I certainly shall hehe :matte-motes-big-grin-evil:

Another I want to try is naked volleyball - but in SL only. 

And still that trampoline over the road is beckoning me.  (Or is it the local hospital?!)

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Kennylex Luckless wrote:


What do the rest of you think, securitu orbs, good or grief?

I understand the use of security orbs when the place owner is logged in and wants to have some privacy.

What I don't understand is:

• they leave the orb on even when logging off.

  What does it matter if somebody passes through if not logged in anyway?

• 10 second warning times.  That's impossibly short time to go away in a vehicle, like sail boat.


There are plenty of interesting navigable narrow water ways in many mainland regions.  Some are blocked by ban lines.  I wonder why?  I have even encountered empty parcels surrounded by ban lines.  Maybe the owner has got their inner satisfaction of power fulfilled "I have paid for this, don't even think that you could freely pass through here. Bug off."?

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I'm sorry if it's inconventient for you or makes your flying around the grid difficult.......well not really, but I'm trying to be polite here.  I see the problem with them......but that does not negate my desire to be left alone when I want to be left alone.

This sentence reminded me of the thread on how to save mainland - ie. there is currently a glut of abandoned land on practically any mainland sim I've been on lately; thus there should be plenty of empty airspace at the moment.


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Kennylex Luckless wrote:


ISo to answer my own question about orbs so do I think they shall be classed sa grief if they follow user and not is stationary protecting a smaller area.

Oooooo...that reminds me of some items that were discussed on this debate several years ago:

There are some more creative measures than just banlines or orbs - one woman posted that she had a swarm of bees.  When someone entered the specified area (and I believe received a warning, although not certain about that), a swarm of bees surrounded the person until they left the area.  This person said "It was hilarious to watch someone haul a** with a swarm of bees on their tail."  It would be worth it to find who sells the bees for the comedy factor.

Shortly after reading this post, I happened to see a "security shark" for sale on the MP, which included a video.  This ingenious security device also followed the intruder, making chomping noises and, iirc, played the theme from "Jaws."

These days I have no need for an orb as I live on pretty much deserted mainland 4000m high, but back in the day (2007ish), the highest one could place a skybox was - oldbies help me out here? - was it less than 1,000m?  I used to bring up the profile of anyone who was in a 20m radius or so of my sky home.  I was amazed to see one person whose groups consisted of "Voyeur" groups.  I'm not kidding!   This individual was in at least 6 of them.  I opened one of the groups to see how it was described - something along the lines of "Join others who enjoy watching others and learn new techniques to do so" although not worded quite as, shall we say, delicately. ;)  Ahhh, good times!

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

here is a post i made over at SLU about banlines and the joy they can bring to those that  know this little trick hehehe

From SLU

"i remember discovering that if you went up to the top of them and got ontop of
..it was like a trampoline..


me and some of my friends used to look for them and bounce on them..it was something to do when we were bored hehehe




A friend and I did that once!!  It was entertaining although, out of respect for the landowner I wouldn't do it if they were in the home.  Although I am pro-landowners' rights, I personally dislike banlines since they, at least in the past, were a visual blight, especially in lovely neighborhoods.  Now the viewer/s have the option to turn banliness off, which I do, but then one can be strolling along (or flying at low altitude - as in flying sans vehicle to get from point A to point B on a sim) and smack into the invisible banline.  Which is why I prefer orbs if I'm going to use security.

I have to agree, though, using them as trampolines was fun ;)


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Kennylex Luckless wrote:

What do the rest of you think, securitu orbs, good or grief?


Can't stand the ten second orbs. I mean, really? Haven't they ever flown?

With lag, it's possible to lag through someone's property without ever intending to. Also, ban lines don't reach that high, so if flying around in a vehicle it often isn't possible to see where people don't want others to be. 

A sixty second warning is plenty (short enough). Anything else is just assuming people are way more interested in what they're doing in that skybox than others actually are.


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I'd be quite happy if banlines showed on the minimap. Red overlay maybe?

Security orbs... I can see where people want them. I can also see why people hate them. I use vehicles at times, and ran into plenty of instant-eject orbs on mainland. The big, big problem with orbs? There is NO way to reliably detect them via script. There's banline HUDs, but there are no such HUDs for orbs.

IMO, orbs should have a sensible time set to allow people to get off the property, _especially_ if they're using vehicles.

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These days I have no need for an orb as I live on pretty much deserted mainland 4000m high, but back in the day (2007ish), the highest one could place a skybox was - oldbies help me out here? - was it less than 1,000m? 



768 meters.  :)

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

here is a post i made over at SLU about banlines and the joy they can bring to those that  know this little trick hehehe

From SLU

"i remember discovering that if you went up to the top of them and got ontop of
..it was like a trampoline..


me and some of my friends used to look for them and bounce on them..it was something to do when we were bored hehehe




A friend and I did that once!!  It was entertaining although, out of respect for the landowner I wouldn't do it if they were in the home.  Although I am pro-landowners' rights, I personally dislike banlines since they, at least in the past, were a visual blight, especially in lovely neighborhoods.  Now the viewer/s have the option to turn banliness of, which I do, but then one can be strolling along (or flying at low altitude - as in flying sans vehicle to get from point A to point B on a sime) and smack into the invisible banline.  Which is why I prefer orbs if I'm going to use security.

I have to agree, though, using them as trampolines was fun


ya you kind of have to do it while they are away..when they come home and see you it's kind of like..

Hey you kids!! Get Off My LAWN!!


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  • 1 month later...

Security orbs are DEFINITELY griefing. All you have to do is set up ban lines if you don't want somebody on your land. I don't see what you'd need to protect it from in the first place because it's not like people can steel anything or damage it.


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jman70 wrote:

Security orbs are DEFINITELY griefing. All you have to do is set up ban lines if you don't want somebody on your land. I don't see what you'd need to protect it from in the first place because it's not like people can steel anything or damage it.


I live up in the sky.  People are free to pass through my land on the ground or above my home.  By using an Orb I have minimized my impact on people traveling through Mainland while protecting my privacy.  If I set up Ban Lines it effects everyone from ground level to outer space.  I simply prefer not to come home to strangers in my house. 


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jman70 wrote:

I don't see what you'd need to protect it from in the first place...


They need to protect it from people who believe they have a self-proclaimed indisputable entitlement to use something that someone else is paying for.


In actuality, land in SL is like a website.  It resides on server space that the owner is renting.  I may create a website that I want people to see, and even advertise it to get traffic, but there may be links to other pages that are more sensitive and require a password to get to that part of the site.  A security orb is a password to a secure page that resides on a public site.  It is no different than what people encounter many times a day on the 2-D web.  

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I have a shop 3500FT up,of course it is open to the public., above that a private change room for our customers.

below the shop we have full sim size race track (at about 2500FT),we have orbs there cos it is private.

Below that at about 2000ft, we have a private video room, orbs protect that.

Below that we have private dance floor with a large tv, orbs protect that

On the island we have our house, orbs protect that.

When you arrive at our shop, you are very welcome, but if you should decide to poke around in private places where you should not be then unfortunately you will be ejected.

I have a homestead and for a long time i rented space on other sims for my shop because we really value our privacy without prying eyes.

Eventually we decided to move our shop to our island and set it up as we did, best of both worlds, our shop as well as our privacy

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bc you got a private island and your shop (public) is at the top then can remove all the sec orbs and still keep really private if you want

at say 3200m (below your shop) put in a giant 256x256x1 megaprim and make 100% transparent so can still see the sky from below. put a script in it that on collision_start will teleport home whatever avatar hits it. dont need any timers or sensors to do that way. so can help be a little bit less laggy

can put more than one in at dif levels if you wants to have diff areas

can make a whitelist as well. like put the names of your friends in a notecard. if they use a teleporter and go thru the megaprim then on collision can check against the whitelist. if not on the list then kill and send home

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