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Viewer 2.5 with Web Profiles Has Arrived

Q Linden


Today we launched Viewer 2.5, now out of Beta. The most significant update is a new, web-based profile system, which allows profiles to be viewed and edited both on the web and in the Viewer. For example, here's mine. Please note this is just a starting point for the web-based profiles; we’ll be doing a lot of work to refine the usability and make them richer over time.

In response to your feedback from the early beta versions of Viewer 2.5, we've added some privacy settings that will allow you to control just how public your profile is. Once you’ve logged in, click on “Privacy Settings” in the upper right corner of your profile. Group settings set in the Viewer will be overridden by these group privacy settings.

  • "Everyone" means that the information is available to the whole Internet and can be picked up by search engines.
  • "Second Life" means that the information is available to all Second Life Residents who are logged into the website or inworld. This is the default for all existing Residents using Viewer 2.5.
  • "Friends" means that only your Second Life friends can see the information on the web and inworld.

This is why we have a beta process--to address concerns and improve your user experience. We will continue to iterate as we get more feedback. Thank you for all your help and comments. Please attend the Viewer 2 User Group meetings if you would like to share your thoughts and feedback directly with me and the Snowstorm team.

Viewer 2.5 also has some other new features. The one I like best is that you can now have your Favorite landmarks also appear on the login screen, so that you can log directly into your favorite locations. Torley made a video about this, so check it out! We've also improved some texturing performance and fixed another batch of bugs. Watching the internal data, we've already seen a noticeable improvement in stability and performance--on par with Viewer 1.23.

Download Viewer 2.5, try it out, and keep the feedback coming! And, if you Twitter, please use the hashtag #slviewer2.

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I don't see the point of the web profile. It seems completely useless


The point is, you can be searched on the web, not just inside SL. For networking, it's a huge plus.

I would like to think there's more to it than that, such as having functionality via the profile to contact people inworld. Networking can be achieved fine within SL.


Very limited networking, yes. As SL strives to be "web 3.0", more than inworld networking will be required. Thinking ahead is what separates Philip's vision from the rest. I truly hope someday the masses will see the big picture. It's not about today, it's about the future.

If it's always all about the future, then the future never ever gets here, because the future is always...in the future.

This may come as a complete shock to some, but it's possible to plan for the future while still maintaining stability today.  Let's not act like a user friendly UI is somehow not attainable because LL is planning for the future.  That's patently rididculous.

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Another thought occurs. You can also "reply" to the email that said you received an offline message. That won't open an IM window with the person, but if you make a compelling enough message, they'll be sure to respond, which will result in opening an IM.

"I'm sorry, I'm having a little trouble finding you in search. Could you please IM me the next time you're online, so I can send you a replacement?"

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  • Lindens


Thanks to everyone who has commented on this post and alerted us to some of the bugs and usability issues that you're having with the web profiles. Our team is aware of them and we are working hard to address them quickly.

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@ Winter

The true name should be the one stated in the offlines (as far as I know), so that shouldn't be a problem.

Answering through offlines first is also a good idea, even though that would require both of us being in the same time zone most of the time.

I will just change my test alts settings to each of the given privacy option and then see what's possible or not. I'm not sure if it changes instantly so I'd better check the results tomorrow.

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Thanks to everyone who has commented on this post and alerted us to some of the bugs and usability issues that you're having with the web profiles. Our team is aware of them and we are working hard to address them quickly.

Can one ask the question why bugs and usability issues, about which you are aware, were not addressed BEFORE releasing 2.5?

With respect to usability issues, these should be identified and addressed by the User Experience Design Team BEFORE developers even start writing code.

And bugs should be identified and resolved before your Quality Team approve a Beta for production release.

As a point of information, who heads up your User Experience and Quality Teams? And how many people are assigned to each?

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Chri** on a f&$ing crutch!

Now you have ruined profiles?

WTF?????   Don't any of the Lindens acutally get into SL anymore?

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When I tried 2.5 Beta, I actually thought I would like it (minus the Facebook linking, etc).  Once I actually downloaded it and tried to use it on a normal basis.... I ended up quickly switching back to 2.4.

Issue #1 :  I lag like crazy in 2.5.  After just purchasing a brand new HP Envy laptop, I've been able to walk around normally in 2.4 with graphics at Ultra AND shadows enabled without a single issue.  However, in 2.5, not only do I lag everywhere, but if I turn shadows on for a while to do photos... it tends to overheat my laptop and even force a shut down.  Fail.

Issue #2 : I did like the new profiles... for a while.  Then they just because a nuisance for me.  Its nice that they still (albeit half-assed) show up in sidebar, however I wish we could keep ALL of the profile in the sidebar, but give the option to pop it out into a web browser.  Seems as tho the first "2nd Life" page is "web only", however the "Picks" section is still readily available.  Strange to me.  Plus it pops up over my playing screen, I keep having to minimize it because it covers everything and doesn't stay out of the way... but I think thats just me.  LOL

Issue #3 : I read in a previous comment that others are having this issue too.... I go to open someones profile and MINE pops up.  This bug needs to be fixed, its just flat out annoying.

Issue #4 : I like the check box to make your profile NOT shown on the web AT ALL but stil shown in Second Life to either everyone, friends, etc.... however, I'm not sure if this Facebook widget thing still works or not or how they plan on implementing it from getting "Liked" even if someone else lets their information known.  Plus it seems as tho the settings don't stick?  I've clicked "Save" but I'm extremely weary on profiles even being shown on the internet.  I know that before they still were on SL.com's search, but nothing was linked to other websites such as Facebook.  Its nice they gave us the option to not have it searched, but honestly... JUST GET RID OF IT!!

I won't be upgrading from 2.4 unless some things are either fixed or just taken out completely because it was nothing but an annoyance for me.  :\

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1)  Default setting is Javascript and Cookies enabled, leaving users wide open to the Facebook and Twitter snoopware on the web based profiles.

2)  Media, Music and Voice default to on, leaving you wide open to having your IP address snagged by the IP snoopers out there.

3)  I hoped to use this long enough to change my profile privacy settings, but am getting some sort of Web Kit fail error and my Profile won't open.   How do I change those settings outside this viewer, please?

I'm getting really tired of having to fight so hard to maintain a shred of privacy and am losing interest.   If that's the desired effect, I guess you win.


If you changed the default setting of cookies from enabled to disabled, profiles won't work. Lovely, huh? Go to your profile in your browser to update it there. http://my.secondlife.com/casey.pelous

Thanks, Adam!   hahaha, wouldn't you know they'd set it up to bork Search if they couldn't snoop me.   Great.   Ah, well, Search didnt' work worth a damn, anyway.  Let's see ....now I have to effectively shut off Useless Search, Media, Music, Voice, Cookies, and my external browser if I don't want half the planet in my data shorts.   GAWWWWD!   The featurez on this viewer is so AWESOME dooood!  Wewt!

And, unchecking "Show My Profile On Web" then clicking Save results in an assurance that "settings saved" but guess what!    Muahahahahaaaaaa!    It's permanently checked.  Suckered again, Casey!

Wait .....I think I hear a Linden in my base killin' my doodz ........brb .......

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This so-called update is not nearly as good as the old version.  When I log in, I get sent to someplace other than my house - and get a note that says I might want to find a new home location...?!  And it won't let me TP to my own house!

Notes that I added to profiles are all gone.  Viewing a profile brings a pop-up window that blocks the viewer.  And there are no options.

This may be caused by the fact that I'm using a Mac, not a PC, but I would like to go back to the old viewer - I've lost months of notes and work.

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Issue #4 : I like the check box to make your profile NOT shown on the web AT ALL but stil shown in Second Life to either everyone, friends, etc.... however, I'm not sure if this Facebook widget thing still works or not or how they plan on implementing it from getting "Liked" even if someone else lets their information known.  Plus it seems as tho the settings don't stick?  I've clicked "Save" but I'm extremely weary on profiles even being shown on the internet.  I know that before they still were on SL.com's search, but nothing was linked to other websites such as Facebook.  Its nice they gave us the option to not have it searched, but honestly... JUST GET RID OF IT!!

Oh, no worries.   That Facebook Like button is working just fine, trying to send all sorts of your personal data home to Mark Zuckerberg and crew every time you load a profile -- even if you're not a Facebook member -- unless you've taken some serious steps to kick its teeth in.

Here's what it does and how it does it:  http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1717563

And IM me inworld if you want a notecard on 10 steps to take to secure your personal data in SL.

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And just as a future note to the Lindens:

If they're going to implement ideas for the "offline/web-based" Second Lifers, give us an email address so we can send messages while we are offline to those who are online, and vice-versa.  Forget Facebook.  Forget Twitter.  In a few years, those sites will be like Myspace anyways .... non-existant.

... or hey, maybe a way to access our inventory while offline.

... or maybe even an easier way to use Marketplace without the "box".

I wish they had some kind of HUGE survey for actual users to give more feedback and maybe even scouts to find out what we want, instead of this pointless dribble they keep changing/adding.

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  I've bounced about and tried the profile thing in crowds and it seems to load pretty fast for me. As far as being to big, I'd say when I do take the time to look at a profile, in this new format or the old, I can't say I had my attention that much in world, being focused on what I was intending to look at anyway---the profile.

Two weeks ago I would have had a tizzy if I was forced to use LL viewer, but for some crazy reason I just said to myself.."self...just give it a go, and see"

sorry to say, but I'm sorta getting to like it.


I really hope it's not too late for me.

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Yes, my partner does not have a RL Facebook profile, however after accidentally doing the 2.5 upgrade, I showed him how to "untick" the "being searched on the web" option... but I think we're both weary of it actually working or not.   But I'm pretty sure if someone still "likes" the profile, it'll still show up SOMEwhere, but I can't be sure.  I tried to "like" it last night and I kept getting a blank web screen for Facebook.

Theres quite a few of us who do NOT want to be searched or linked to the real world and I wish LL would understand that.

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I kept cookies OFF because I don't like them being added without my permission. Now I see I'll be forced to keep them on to see any profiles. *sigh*

While I do think this will be an improvement over the tiny windows currently being used, and if they give us greater editing rights to the layout like one can with web pages, could open up a great deal of creativity. I hope they can figure a way around the cookie requirement though...

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I'll half agree Kentar... its a SLIGHT improvement over the tiny windows.

One step forward: Letting us finally "blow up" photos and see them bigger and profiles easier to read/bigger in size....

Two steps back:  Screwing up Pick order/Groups on top (um why?) and then linking it to the outside world.

If this is a step towards something better, I hope they start running.

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Why, why, WHY are we forced to use the web-based profile view?  I hate it!  It takes over the whole screen!  Ever since I started using the beta version, I rarely even look at profiles anymore because I hate the way they are viewed.  I am one of the few people who actually LIKE the sidebar!  It keeps stuff OFF my viewing screen and neatly tucked away at the side. Can we PLEASE have the option to keep my profile and other people's profiles in the sidebar? 

SOOO frustrated with this! 

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I think that the worst thing about this is, that there are so many people out there, who til today had no clue this was coming...and because LL has no sense, the web profiles are set by default to show, which means that many people are having their SL shared across the web...without them knowing. I told a huge chunk of people today...and will continue to do so...but dammit..its not my job!!

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Uhm, in viewer 1.xx you could open as many profiles as you wished to. I could have a full 1080p screen full of minimized profiles.

So.. what you're saying is that LL did a great job of removing this functionality in viewer 2.xx and "reimplement" it in their website? Oh yeah, really great work.............

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"In response to your feedback from the early beta versions of Viewer 2.5,  we've added some privacy settings that will allow you to control just  how public your profile is.

What? Wasn't this always part of the plan? Are you insane? This is my privacy I pay you for! I keep SL in SL. Period. No other options. Do you know what Facebook has done to peoples' lives?

You have a wealth of intelligent, educated, articulate adults in this platform who can help you. But if you out us to our bosses IRL? We are not children. Your market is not 18 - 25 males.

And now I will have to enable cookies to see profiles? Again, are you insane? Don't you realize this is our major social contact info? Oh you do and you choose to exploit that with data mining?


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Danny dwyer...From what I have heard, you are not alone in these thoughts and feelings you have expressed in this comment.

Oh, I only have viewer 1.23 on my main computer, but I have viewer 2.4 on a linux pc i hardly use, and as it is not on line, would not have updated even if it was set to update.and to be honest, i have not even looked to check that setting !

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Setting it to default to download deserve plenty of shouting to the lab.

Its like being kicked in the head then told you could have ducked after your head is mushed flat.

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