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Second Life Destinations: The Outer Garden

Linden Lab


This week we are being whisked away to The Outer Garden, a resplendent winter garden that appears to be frozen in time.

Creator Bisou Dexler, a professional photographer from Japan, says that “Second Life is the one and only place where I can visualize and share the fantastic drawings overflowing from my brain and feel the beauty born from it.” (Check out their Flickr group for inspiration!)

The Outer Garden’s design, like countless other things, was influenced by the profound emotional impact that COVID had on all of our lives. Bisou, in a moment that is relatable to many, was struck by constant grief in the news and headlines. Bisou describes one particularly striking story: “A documentary was broadcast in which a young man, who was unable to go inside the hospital to see his mother, climbed up to the window of the mother's room on the second floor to look at her. I have never felt love and prayer so heartily, and that's when I found hope in my Second Life build…”

The Outer Garden feels like a sacred place conducive to experiencing the full spectrum of human emotions. It welcomes those who wish for a temporary escape as well as those seeking a cathartic reckoning. Bisou tells us that “my inspirations come from the beautiful creations made by my partner aki69, conversations with SL friends, and my emotions, which respond to happiness and sadness in my real life. Being able to express my imagination in Second Life, which is difficult to do in the real world, has had a profound healing effect on me!”

Everybody feels and expresses things in different ways. The virtual world of Second Life can be a great place to process emotions in a safe space. Bisou says “beauty comforts people, so does sharing sadness. I was healed by creating gardens in order to express myself in this virtual world. I hope my gardens also become a place to alleviate the visitors' sorrow.” 

Visit The Outer Garden today to experience your own unique interpretation of this surreal daydream.

Video Production Credits:
Draxtor Despres



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