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Rock Out at the SL12B Official Music Fest!

Come enjoy great live music as some of Second Life’s best performers hit the virtual stage at the Ixtlan Stage (built by well-known Second Life creator Cube Republic) as part of the Second Life 12th Birthday celebrations.

Last month, we had a blast at an inworld showcase to audition performers at the Lavender Field. It was great to not only see the talent, but also the incredible support this community has for one another. Thank you to Brique Topaz - who heads up and operates the Lavender Field - home of the wonderful Feed a Smile initiative - who let us take over the field with hours of music. Selecting the final artists for this Official SL12B Music Fest was near impossible - a task made all the more difficult by the sheer volume of talented and exciting acts we saw. Thank you to everyone who came out to audition and those who just came to show their support. After much deliberation, we reached our final list of artists and are pleased that each and every one of them was able to come play the big show!

Over two days, we’ll feature an amazing line-up of those artists, across many genres of music, and we hope you will come join us. It’s all the fun of a music festival without the over exposure to the sun, the grueling sludge through the mud, or the long haul and long lines of those questionable public bathrooms. It’s a bring your own refreshments and get ready to dance your pixels off kind of event - check out who's playing, then grab your ride to the festival below.

Many thanks to Doctor Gascoigne and his team of volunteers for helping finalize the details with all our performers!

Friday June 26th, 2015

11 - 11:30 AM

Alazarin Mondrian

11:30 - 12 PM

The Pink Vampire

12 - 12:30 PM

Tamra Hayden

12:30 - 1 PM


1 - 1:30 PM

Amforte Clarity

1:30 - 2 PM

Isabella Rumsford

2 - 2:30 PM

Tempio Breil

2:30 - 3 PM

Phoenix J


Saturday June 27th, 2015

8-8:30 PM

Mavenn Resident

8:30 - 9 PM


9 - 9:30 PM

Collin Martin

9:30 - 10 PM

Taunter Goodnight

10 - 10:30 PM

Donn DeVore

10:30 - 11 PM

Zak Claxton

11 - 11:30 PM


11:30 - Midnight

Ren Enberg & Quai Franklin



Official SL12B Music Festival

Celebrate Second Life's twelfth birthday with a two-day concert event. Hear live performances from some of SL's top musicians June 26-27 in this special concert event.

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