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Highlights from the Second Life Destination Guide 6/19/2015

Xiola Linden


The Second Life Destination Guide is back with a handful of places of interest for you to explore and enjoy. We get tons of great submissions each week, so selecting a few to bring directly to you in this highlights blog is no small feat any time of the year, but with Second Life’s 12th Birthday coming up around the corner — there’s even more great stuff on the horizon. If you’re planning an SL12B celebration and want it featured in the Destination Guide, drop us a line at the Second Life Destination Guide suggestion form or email us at editor@lindenlab.com.

Now — on to this week’s treats.


Official SL12B Music Festival

Celebrate Second Life's twelfth birthday with a two-day concert event. Hear live performances from some of SL's top musicians June 26-27 in this special concert event.

Visit in Second Life



Flux Sur Mer

Flux Sur Mer is French countryside embracing the old charms and the slow rhythms of country life. Surrounded by small quaint shops, flea markets, old cottages and even ‘vide grenier’. She sits on the shores of a deep estuary where the river meets the ocean, surrounded by opulence of trees and nature.

Visit in Second Life



Crestwick Island

Crestwick Island is a small working class town situated in the middle of a beautiful bay. The streets are lined with a cafe, art gallery, businesses and shops. Downtown is surrounded by parks, marsh land and other surprises including a giant hill that supports an abandoned scientific research center which overlooks the town.

Visit in Second Life



Lost Letters @ Dandelion Daydreams Factory

Long ago in an ancient Lib_ary …Your quest begins at the landing, where a man gives you a scroll ...The scroll reads: "… a ma_ caught a mou_ _ _ and _tories got mi_ed up due missin_ letters _nd _ _ _ _ _ !" And once again the makers of the Dandelion Daydreams Factory ask you: "Are you brave enough?"

Visit in Second Life



Canterbury Tales Virtual Pilgrimage

The Canterbury Tales Virtual Pilgrimage is a non-profit educational build of Literature Alive! Residents can learn about the life and times of Geoffrey Chaucer while "doing" the pilgrimage. Treasure chests with free prizes await for those that want to challenge themselves with CT trivia!

Visit in Second Life



Albert Hall

Visit this homage to the real Albert Hall in the heart of London. Here you'll find occasional exhibitions from guest artists from around Second Life!

Visit in Second Life



The Boys of Summer

The Boys of Summer is a full sim fashion fair featuring exclusive releases from some of the grids hottest brands! Each participating brand will bring at least one new, exclusive item - all designed for the men of SL. Event ends June 30.

Visit in Second Life



LTD - The Event

LTD - The Event is now open through June 24. This bi-monthly home and garden event is dedicated to the top-quality designers of Second Life who "Love to Decorate"! More at lovetodecoratesl.com.

Visit in Second Life

Don’t forget our Official Second Life Flickr page is a great spot to share your pictorial memoirs of your adventures— so please do!


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