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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Cinnamon Mistwood last won the day on February 14 2023

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  1. Since I can legally hunt either in SL without hunting tags, both are fair game. /me nocks an arrow I could also just hike and go sightseeing without any preferences on the wildlife I see. /me loads film in her camera and pulls out her binoculars. Answer: Depends on the day
  2. I am hoping, for the sake of everyone's expensive inventories, that the new TOS just requires BOM modesty coverage. That way people can change the colors or styles. BOM can only be removed by the wearer (unlike mesh clothing.) If a child avatar is seen in the wild, no one can derender clothes making them naked. "Cannot be removed" is taken care of. LL does need to clarify minimum coverage of those panels. Soon. If a child avatar is out in the wild and their clothing is derendered to make them naked, it was because they broke the TOS and hadn't put on the BOM layer coverage. The responsibility is still on the adult playing the child, but with BOM they can change the modesty layer color or style. Most importantly, they also get to continue using everything they bought and collected over the years. Unless... Are their child avatar bodies that don't allow BOM layers? All the extra discussion on what is "sexualized" or what we each think a "child" or "adult" look like is pointless. The only ones whose opinions matter are the ones looking at the ARs. They can't be defined. As soon as someone tries to define it, someone else will find a way around it. If you think someone is breaking TOS, AR them and let it go.
  3. I'm not inworld to look at the process, but yes. You can replace links and delete links in the outfit folder. Someone will stop by and tell you how.
  4. Maybe for temporary use, LL could release new senra skins for their mesh bodies that comply with the TOS. Then release 2 more body sizes to represent toddler and child type bodies with skins that have undies. The adult senra bodies they have now can be used for 13-17. They just need a skin with modesty coverage. They gave every other creater a couple months to make all new stuff, so they should be able to make stuff that fast, as well. Right? If child avatars use their current heads, they will still look like themselves until "real creators" get a chance to catch up to the surprise change to the TOS. (/me ducks and runs watching the skies for a lightning bolt knowing that some Linden or Mole created that Senra head and released it as acceptable.) It won't replace all the clothes people bought for their current child bodies, but it would be temporary and fulfill the requirements of the new TOS long enough for the real creators to catch up with new skins so you can get back to your wardrobe as soon as possible. If LL makes a modesty skin for a Senra can it be put on other bodies? That might help with the transition, too.
  5. You can draw anything you like. /me pats the chair beside her inviting you to sit right beside Einstein's ghost.
  6. Geez! You're like the king of catching these fleeting moments. I didn't actually see any of it because I never rezzed beyond a cute orange cloud.
  7. Nice pic! However, there is no gatekeeping science. Everyone can go and learn any time they want. No prerequisites needed. I do find the arrogance of how people state their beliefs to be a bit grating, though. Questions like these are not settled science. Also, I can see why the host would be wary of a discussion on consciousness. I would be, too. Yay SL and discussions!
  8. Those questions are initial responses in the moment in my own head. I have a very active internal dialog. The worst thing I could do is put them in writing. I can't really police my thoughts. I can try to delay the instant reaction until I have had time to think about whatever set me off. On the very rare occasion that I jump in to a pile-on, I say that I am doing it and then state why. I don't want to be a part of one of those without a good reason and certainly never to get back at someone or "put them in their place." At the end of the day, I want to feel good about what I have written and how I treated others. I hope I added something positive, gave someone a smile, or at the very least, gave them an alternative way to see something. Don't respond to the negative is the best advice. The next is - Don't feel like you have to defend yourself or your views. State them and move on.
  9. Peeve: technology hates me. It doesn't make sense and is rarely user friendly. I'm pretty sure my 15 year old TV jumped to its death.
  10. Peeve: being naturally clumsy can be expensive. I ran into a table in my bedroom this morning sending my TV toppling forward smashing the screen into the corner of the table. Yup, huge starburst crack and broken TV. *cries* I like having a TV, so down the mountain I drove in the rain to get a replacement. The new TV is "smarter" than the old TV, but apparently I am not. Scan this code, sign into all your streaming services, give us access to your bank, that is not the right code, scan this little square, look in your email for another code, no not that email, this other one we know you have and never told us about, now do the hokey pokey, that wasn't your right foot and you fell over. Start the dance again. Dang it.
  11. Only because you asked: Your face looks adult. Your body looks like you put bewbs on a 12 year old. I would not report you, but I wouldn't interact with you. If you were naked, I would leave to protect myself.
  12. I'll admit that I got bored on page 3 and skipped to the end to comment. Here is how I respond to difficult (for me) situations. It's a whole internal process and dialog. Someone says something that produces an emotional response W(hat)TF is wrong with that person? *breath* What response were they expecting? *hmmf* Is this bait or manipulation? *Eyebrow lift* W(here)TF did this even come from?(yes, again. I say this a lot) *type out a response, read it back, think better, backspace delete it* Decision time. Do I respond to the poster? Do I respond the the person I feel they're attacking unfairly? Do I take a moment to think about why people say such hateful things in such negative ways? Do I not respond at all? Was the attack/hateful words fair? *get a nice hot cup of coffee* How can I say what I want to say to make sure a majority of people will understand what I want to get across? Sometimes I close the thread at this point. This is an especially important step if my emotions are still running high. Sometimes I respond. It's not always perfect, but I try to put thought into a response instead of reacting instantly. Only I am responsible for what I type out and click submit on to send out publicly. People say mean things all the time, but no one makes me respond or even defend myself. If I choose to, I will. That power is mine and I do my best not to fall into blaming others for how I feel and what I say. Someone might spark an emotional response, but how I react is mine to own and mine to deal with. I've been posting here for 14 years. I think my post count is in the 3000s. Pretty low considering my time here. I am not a super prolific poster. That may be because of my choice to not respond more often than giving in and attacking back.
  13. Height by itself isn't a determining factor. So, go on with your bad self and enjoy your SL.
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