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  1. When I take off clothing/bits/whatever, and the Reborn body leaves those parts alpha'd out, necessitating attaching the HUD to correct it. And it happens so often!
  2. I want to understand the basics. Does the new addition of PBR of mean that anything made before this with old texturing ways will not be seen correctly.. I'm talking like jewelry textures, colors on houses.. walls, floors, furniture.. ?? (anything made before gltf/PBR) As a jewelry designer I would like to know if every piece of jewelry I made over the past 20 years is now going to look like nothing.. untextured or white chains and gems?? Like remember when SL first started if you couldn't see a texture it was white with BIG letters saying MISSING TEXTURE even on our clothing. I also hear a lot of how much harder this will be on graphics and computers. Will there be an option to turn off that lighting for people who can not handle the new way so the can run on regular and still be able to be in SL??? If not SL will surely lose a lot of people. :( I don't know why they would cut their own throat.
  3. Make the best avatar you can using only things in your inventory. Nothing new. Bonus points if you use old mesh or system clothing. Post any results here.
  4. Salutation Everyone, I am a member of a real life online school which happens to have a virtual campus hosted on Second Life in our own private sims. One thing the school has been wanting to do is have a uniform created for the school, however there does not appear to be anything on marketplace or inworld that fits what we are looking for. Due to this, I am looking into creating mesh clothing for the school, however I have no idea where to begin with this. I have looked on the forums and most of the posts about this seem to be outdated. From what I understand, the programs Blender and Marvelous Designer are the go to programs for this, however when I looked on youtube for tutorials, they tutorials are very out of date and don't seem to be applicable to current times, with many of the original youtube video creators no longer using Second Life? Are there any Second Life Inworld or Online Classes which go through clothing creation that is current, up to date and good? Would also like for there to be a way to ask questions if I am stuck on doing something with clothing creation. For example, I attempted to make a basic Tau Robe, however the sides of it become so tight fitting around the body it looks like a compression body suit instead of the shape I am wanting, etc.
  5. I am finding more and more that designers are just making clothing for the new Lara X. I personally do not like this new softer look and several friends agree. Not to say that I do not switch back and forth because I have mistakenly bought Lara X. Designers! Please can you please continue to make the Maitreya (old style) as I have heard it called as well as the Petite? I honestly do not understand why you stopped when it's still an obvious money maker. I hope you all hear my plea. Also it's confusing Call the older style Maitreya and Maitreya Petite. The New style LaraX and LaraX Petite. That's not hard either. Thanks to those who listen.
  6. None of the previous Ebodys were as ubiquitous as Maitreya nor as well supported by creators. They probably weren't leaving behind literally thousands of Ls in clothing either.
  7. What I did notice when looking through her store on Roblox was that the quality, as in detailing, is not at all as good as her items in SL. Perhaps it's just less work and she won't need a team to provide help. Less people sharing the fruits of her labor? That's true, it's something to consider. It probably takes less time to create those items, especially since they are not rigging clothing for several different body types on ROBLOX.
  8. i just bought the phunk 10th doctor and once i put it on there are bits missing like there are wholes in the clothes.
  9. I have recently noticed that Linden labs are now charging 10Ls to add an image to clothing saved in our inventories. This used to be free with the photo only being available to add as an image to show the clothing in in that folder. These are the folders reached by clicking ctrl+o. This is a sneaky thing to do. I understand we get charged for normal images of places we visit taken using the camera, but why have these images now become a revenue stream for Linden? I would welcome one of the Lindens to explain this change. Corbyn
  10. Or the lazy. Most of the clothing I bought, i chucked the versions that don't fit maitreya. Would have to have my entire clothing inventory re-delivered to get the Rebourne versions. I like the rebourne body, the hips are good.
  11. "Prisqua Newall has a pleasant voice and pays attention to detail. Her vlogs are original and interesting with ones comparing SL to other avatar social networks, others tackling controversies, and even vlogs suggesting changes. She takes on misconceptions and does some truth-telling on making money in SL. There is a lot of variety with vlogs about all sorts of topics." Read more on the blog
  12. Don't worry about it. Most people imitate when they start, emulate later, then innovate on their own. What's important is that you just keep building, drawing, painting, playing etc and you will get better. Consider that many creators in SL are in fact NOT coming up with their own designs, from homes to furniture to clothing - but actually just COPYING from real world plans, products, etc. Develop a mental library - fill your mind with architecture, plans, etc educate yourself on different styles, or the styles you like, model it like you already have, and let the natural process of experience happen. Follow 'professionals' work on ArtSTation or other whose work you admire. It will make you cry sometimes at how good they are, but it will also keep your own perspective in check - then one day you will find yourself looking at such works and "I can do that!" Consider a workflow that is more modular - that is, seek out tutorials on making buildings for games or virtual spaces which might give you more flexibility and reuse for builds (using the same pieces). The feeling will probably never go away - as with every new build you make, and with experience, one can feel "I can do better". Creation is a process, a journey, and not an end, and never will be. Your current build or 'quality' is just a snapshot of who you are today, just finish the project, and move on to the next - applying more details or insight you have learned. Yes, I am realizing that myself now, as I've progressed... The next step is adding more details than before, all the details that may have been missed from inexperience, or not having the 'eye' quite yet. And that part IS a lot of work! Especially if I've worked with 'optimized' works for most of my early experience, and NOT adding details as a rule - but modern stuff allows more tris, etc. It's a bit more of a challenge to have detailed and multi-parts and getting them into SL with LODS and such, so I've been stalling (at least in SL) with that sort of thing.. but it's something I'd like to change too soon (should I be sticking around)
  13. No it's not. You can tell TMP and Legacy apart because they don't have the same trademark shape to them, you can tell they are made by two different teams. I still use TMP on my alt, you can't even shape it the same as you would on a legacy body. You can't wear the same clothing either. If I can tell that it's a maitreya and it looks like a maitreya, that's a maitreya product.
  14. The LaraX is not the same body. It is a completely new body, a new sculpt, and a new rig. The only area that is basically the same as the 5.3 body is the hands and feet. Everything else is different. The differences may not be readily apparent on first inspection, but the longer you use the body and the more 5.3 clothing you try to use with the X the more you realize just how different the X is from the 5.3 The above really isn't on topic though, so to get back on topic, while I don't discriminate against those who wear system bodies, I also have trouble not focusing on those areas of the system head/body that I find very awkward and misshaped no matter how well the shape and/or skin was made that the person is using with their system body. It's one of those once you see it you can't unsee it situations; however, it's the personality of the person behind the screen that makes them sexy, IMO, not the pixels on the screen. It's just nice not to have the pixels be a distraction when all I really want to do is focus on the person. So, I can understand why some land/business owners might restrict admittance based on mesh body parts, I still think it's discriminatory to do so. I will also agree with some of the statements saying that wearing mesh body parts do not guarantee a good looking avatar. Honestly, I'd rather look at a system avatar than some of these mesh bodies that are so distorted they couldn't possibly exist in the physical world. If your feet, ankles, and knees couldn't possibly support the weight of your backside without breaking there might be a problem.
  15. "Hello, Second Life Mobile Beta now available for Premium & Premium Plus users. Let's check it out!" Watch the video on YouTube
  16. Yes, these are all in a sense different cases than what we're discussing (a club that, so far as I know, doesn't really have an aesthetic or conceptual theme), but they represent possible exceptions. They're also different because they are about representation, rather than the means by which one "represents" (system vs. mesh). I have mixed feelings about these things. A few years back, I actually used 20s Berlin as an example of a place where restrictions made some sense, and Jo Yardley popped up in the thread (as she will occasionally here) to correct my suggestion that there was an actual ban on non-proportional, non-human, and non-1920s avatars there. Given the ease with which one can block or hide other avatars, I'm not sure I see this as a major issue myself, and I DO tend to judge landowners and club owners who try to impose these sorts of restrictions. It's seldom to do with my concerns about "bigotry" in the RL sense (I don't think that banning furries is the same thing as banning POC) and more about just being welcoming and community-minded. And that applies, maybe even more so, to visitors to these places. I wouldn't go to 1920s Berlin wearing 2020s clothing because it would be discourteous to do so. (Fortunately, I have a really extensive collection of 20s clothing!) And I wouldn't go to a furry sim that requested (or even demanded) furries only without at least donning my Neko outfit (which I know, yeah, not really "furry" but it's the closest I have). It gets less clear in some cases. A place that banned representations of POC? Well, screw that: I'd go as a black woman out of principle. The case of gender-exclusive places is trickier, especially as we're always talking about representation rather RL identity. I think it would depend on why a ban or restriction was in place. A He-Man Woman Hater's Club, I'd happily crash. But should there be places that are women only? I get the point of "safe spaces" for women, in RL, but in SL? I'm iffy. And Boystown, which apparently is men only -- I actually don't understand and really DO find that a bit offensive. Are the men afraid that women are going to be competing with them? Or does the appearance of a woman just spoil the scene? (In RL, when I was in my 20s, I would occasionally go dancing with gfs at a local gay male club. It was ideal in many ways: nice music, dance, and no one trying to pick you up or grope you on the dance floor. And the men there were lovely: they were welcoming and thought we were kind of a hoot.)
  17. I haven't seen sex, but I've seen highly questionable photos in both M and G [the ones in G get reported promptly], in M it's harder for me to define when I should report. Like for example I sa a photo of a woman sitting nude, that seemed okay enough to fall under artistic, but the another of two women topless, one grabbing the other's bust, that seemed highly more sexual to me, but I had no idea if I should report that or not. Part of the issue for me is the wording on the ToS; " Moderate: non-explicit content that is generally suitable for users over the age of eighteen (18). It may contain some violence, strong language and mildly sexual content so long as it does not promote adult content. To be specific, any content that displays nudity for an artistic or commercial purpose might be considered as Moderate. As soon as the content has the purpose of provoking or promoting sexual excitation, it must be considered whether Adult or Adult+. " Where does Artistic end and provoking or promoting sexual excitation beginning and end. Obviously my tastes are probably going to vary from another person, and theirs's from that other person over there, it seems really subjective, so how to judge what is what? I wasn't really trying mash together M and G, so if I implied that I apologize that was not my intent. My thoughts were this; G; SFW, something you would wear to a preschool or a meeting with your boss level. M; more relaxed, most clothing average clothing you would find in SL would fall under this, except maybe the practically string bikinis and little tiny strips that some how pas for a bra [talking the literal strips where it's just wide enough to cover the nipple. A; Artistic nudity and extremely reveling clothing [the kind that might as well not leave anything to the imagination. A+ Hardcore stuff, all sex, and sexually themed posts go here. Since we have this extra rating on Primfeed, this seem to me like a good way to divide it. ETA; The main reason I still have M on, is because their are many stores and people who post things under M that have no nudity or sexual stuff that enjoy, but would otherwise miss if I went strictly G. Yes, agreed here I've seen a lot in General that doesn't belong that, but I'm glad the Moderation team is on it, hopefully as it goes on this becomes less of a problem.
  18. Hola amigos! Hace tiempo entré en Second Life y ahora querría volver a entrar. Estoy perdidito, pues entre que hay muchas cosas nuevas y las anteriores se me han olvidado B-( , me gustaría que me recomendarais alguna guía o tutorial en español, así como indicaciones para ir hasta la sede española en Second Life. En mi anterior "vida", tenía algunas cosas personalizadas, como la apariencia y alguna camiseta diseñada por mí. Se ha debido de perder todo. Saludos
  19. Looks like it's a mesh bom clothing part. Disable it under body>mesh bom clothing parts. Those are only needed if you are wearing bom clothing and want it to look a bit better.
  20. I used to go to a urban role play region. I liked it but then they started insisting mesh avatars clothing or no admittance. I must have pissed them off at some point, because I am banned now. However, there is hardly anyone there anymore from map scans and the owner, original one is no longer part of it. anyhow. Never understood a role play region requiring mesh avatars, but I have been to some where your outfit must meet the themes. I do not think it is snobbery though that requires sex regions to require mesh bodies. I sometimes go to venues that say formal required. But I have never been ejected. The" LOLOL" probably was the reason, you could have said. "Oh sorry I do not have a mesh body, give me a moment and I will tp out.... " But when you specifically are rude... : )
  21. I just tried the reborn body in sl again. I rememeber trying it when it first came out for an alt and since then forgot about all that birthday cake in the back. I didn't end up buying it for that reason because im more into clothing in sl than pixel sex.
  22. Stupidly, they did not add a chat command to reset the alpha slices, which is the thing I need the hud for half the time. Does that part work without media? The Legacy body has the slowest alpha updates I have seen when remove a piece of clothing with autohide.
  23. They are not the same people, not even the same body. I still have TMP and I can assure you that they are extremely different things. What happened was is that they use to work for TMP but hated what TMP was doing and had a falling out, so they left and created their own body. TMP was losing money, especially to them. Then they brought out TMP and TMP creators quit second life. TMP is far more tedious and sucks. You couldn't even create for it without using their system. You had to use their specific mall to buy clothing, and you had to give them a large cut and only creators they love and approve of could get in. That body was atrocious.
  24. It's slowly declining ever since X's release. It's likely it will remain on this first spot forever, because if the gLTF 2.0 part of LL update comes out sometime next year and creators will swap to making some mesh bodies/heads this way it'll mean a whole other generation of mesh bodies, and those will start with 0 as well. But if for some reason it won't happen, then with 5.3's decline and current Reborn/X trends, it might eventually drop to the 2nd/3rd spot, but not within next few years. #1 | Maitreya - Lara | 148550 | 27.2% | +3 | -110 (15.7) | -293 (20.9) | -651 (21.7) | -1597 (17.7) | -3272 (18.1) But yeah, it's similar situation to Catwa Catya. It's not used much anymore, BB shows it with ~450 daily users, but it just sits on the Lucia's list with a very very slow decline (-300-something within last 180d). Edit: Maitreya 5.3 is still most used, of course, but it's just the matter of time now. No new clothing releases will slowly, but surely push people to swap, either to the free X update, or to something else entirely.
  25. (Warning: This will be very long. Take my words with a grain of salt. Parts of this post are based on personal experience and not on precise, verifiable data. It's all alleged. ) This is a fair point about SL's ROI, but don't overestimate the ROI that Blueberry will get on ROBLOX. As someone who has created fairly successful clothing on ROBLOX before, the ROI is not as good as one would expect it to be, based on the amount of players and the general "hype" that ROBLOX seems to have as a growing platform from an outside perspective. However... Four important things to consider: 1) SL vs. ROBLOX: Different target demographics with different spending habits The customer base on ROBLOX is composed of mostly children and some young teenagers. They rely on their parents to afford any ROBLOX purchases - less "disposable income" available to them at the drop of a hat. But more impulse purchases, most likely, since children are not the best at regulating that. But they can't shop to their heart's content. They need a parent's permission to spend. Due to having less cash, they often seek cheaper items to buy as many as they can. The customer base in SL is composed of adults with (sometimes plenty of) disposable income and their own credit cards. They can spend as much as they want of their own money without having to beg anyone else for permission. Less impulse purchases, most likely, but they are able to afford more expensive things, and are, on average, financially capable of shopping more often than children. 2) Prices: Lower revenue per item, and no fatpacks on ROBLOX Blueberry's single-color clothing items in SL are also, on average, much more expensive than they are on ROBLOX. This means that their ROBLOX business model will have to rely on selling a larger quantity of items in order to match the revenue they had as a creator in SL. Well... good luck with that. 55 Robux (Roblox's currency) = 0,19 USD per color L$ 250 = 0,98 USD per color It's also worth noting that fatpacks DO NOT EXIST on ROBLOX. That concept is completely unheard of there, and they are impossible to create on that platform, due to some of its technical limitations. Only single colors are possible. So Blueberry lost that source of revenue on ROBLOX. 3) Competition & Risk: "Abandoning" a market that they dominate for an unfamiliar one Blueberry is a very professional company with lots of experience. In SL, the quality of their items really stood out when compared to other creators. The same can't be said about their ROBLOX creations, in my opinion. If one compares their items to the other similar items available in the ROBLOX catalog, one will quickly see that they do not stand out or offer anything very special. And they charge the same price as every other creator on that platform. Can you tell which one of these is a Blueberry creation if I censor the names? Cmon, just take a guess... Their items just get buried in an endless sea of very similar content, that costs the same as theirs. Why would a customer buy from Blueberry on ROBLOX, instead of buying something from any other creator that is equally as good? Sorry if this is too harsh, but it's a thought that I just can't ignore. Blueberry stands out in SL. They do not stand out on ROBLOX. Another thing to consider is that vast amounts of ROBLOX user-generated content (UGC), such as these clothes, are produced by kids and teens. They do not have any bills to pay, so they don't care about making a significant ROI, they just care about having some extra virtual money to play with, which results in lots of items being sold for low prices. They also have way too much free time, something that adults do not have. Do not underestimate the knowledge and artistic abilities of these kids. Some of them do amazing work and are very tech savvy. Due to ROBLOX's well-known status as a financially successful gaming platform, several brands that are much bigger than Blueberry also have their eyes on the platform, and have produced/are producing content for it. Can they really compete well when one considers all of that? 4) Cashing out: Harder and more expensive on ROBLOX The minimum value of L$ that one can sell is currently L$650 (2,50 USD). It's possible to sell your L$ at any point, no questions asked, as soon as you meet that very low minimum requirement. Pretty much anyone can earn that much on this platform as a creator - even as a small creator. The exchange rates vary according to supply and demand, making it fair for the person selling their L$. It's wonderful. The minimum value of Robux (ROBLOX's currency) that one can sell is 30,000 Robux (105 USD), and according to this webpage: https://en.help.roblox.com/hc/en-us/articles/13061189551124-Developer-Exchange-Help-and-Information-Page#:~:text=If you (a user of,("Cash Out"). this seems to be a fixed value that does not change according to supply and demand. A flat rate. If a creator makes anything under 30,000 Robux, they are apparently unable to cash out. (Not 100% sure, but that's genuinely how it seems to be) and each payout has to be approved by them individually. This means that, to cash out on ROBLOX and get some real money, Blueberry would have to sell at least 546 of those single color shirts I showed earlier. Is that achievable? Maybe. For most ROBLOX creators it isn't. Conclusion: As a ROBLOX player and creator in the past, my well-informed prediction is that Blueberry will eventually regret their decision to shift their focus to ROBLOX. I genuinely do not believe they will have as much success as they expect to have on that platform. This was likely a carefully planned decision, not something done on a whim, by any means. But still... I like Blueberry and wish them well. They provided residents with so many great products throughout the years - definitely some of the best in terms of female clothes. But I personally believe this was a bad move. We'll see how it goes. Of course, they might prove me wrong, and in that case, fair enough. But I'll be very surprised if that happens.
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